Twins of Mammon (Helluva boss...

By GemStone418

15.2K 347 133

Twin Demons, half imps and half embodiment of the Sin Greed. Greedo and Avarice, twin son and daughter of Mam... More

Princess and Prince of Greed
Facts about the Twin pt 2
IMP (Pilot)
Loo Loo Land
Spring Broken
The Harvest Moon Festival
Truth Seekers
Queen Bee
Names for the Sins (Not a Chapter)
The Circus

Murder Family

787 28 9
By GemStone418


"I was a good person before it all went down. I was good my entire life." Mrs. Mayberry narrates as it takes place in a school house.

A bell on the roof rings. Mrs. Mayberry opens the classroom curtains, revealing two birds singing on a tree branch. Inside the classroom, Mrs. Mayberry writes "Good morning!" on the blackboard.

"Good morniiing!" Mrs. Mayberry said as she twirls around "I hope you all did your homework!"

Her students, smiling and dancing in their desk as a boy faces the wall with a dunce cap on

The class began the sing

♫ We love to do our homework, and we love our teacher, too! ♫

♫ Then, when I throw out these fun questions, you should know just what to do! ♫

♫ Okay! ♫

♫ Two plus six is… ♫

♫ Eight! ♫

♫ And good behavior's… ♫

♫ Great! ♫

♫ And now, it's that part of the class when we say the time of day and date! ♫

♫ It's nine in the morning… ♫

♫ On January 8th! ♫

♫ The sun is out smiling! ♫

♫ And it's your husband's birthday! ♫

The class continues as Mrs. Mayberry faces the blackboard. She drags her chalk in a line roughly as she had a freaked out look on her face

Immediately she turned to the class and yelled out "Oh my stars! Stop singing, children! Hush up, now!"

The class quieted down as Mayberry said "I forgot it's my husband's birthday! I didn't get him anything special!"

One female student said happily "Maybe if we call him, we could do a happy birthday surprise!"


In a bedroom, the sound of moaning and bed squeaking happen in the background. The computer screen was ringing, labeled "Wifey" on the screen. A sock was thrown on the computer followed by a a pair of ladies underwear.

Giggling and a woman saying a lot of inappropriate words as an unused condom was thrown at the screen, accepting the call

Mrs. Mayberry's face appeared on the screen. She smiled at first but then turned in anger when she saw her husband was cheating on her.

The children watched as they were concerned for their teacher

Her face went blank and in shadow as she stood up and headed to the door.

Before she could leave, one of her students grabbed her arm and said "Wait! Mrs. Mayberry! Remember what you taught us? Think before you act."

Without a word, she grabs her student by her neck then tosses her through the roof then walked out

Hearing the car starting, the kids scurry to the window and watches Mrs. Mayberry starts the car and drives through the white fence.

The kids then went back to the computer and watch the scene

"Okay-" the husband was sti have sex with the mysterious woman. He the notices Mrs. Mayberry, barging in the room "Oh, shit! Sweetie, what are you doing here?"

Mrs. Mayberry yelled "Shut up, Jarold!"

Gunshots were fired as the mysterious woman screams in the back

"You scream like a bitch!"

The students watched in horror as blood splattered in the screen

"Oh, god! What have you done? Sh-She had a family!"

"We could've had a family!"

More gunshots are heard and several children look away in disgust.

Mrs. Mayberry wipes away the blood from the screen and sees her students "Oh, dear God. What have I done...? In front of you all!"

She looked away, sobbing "I'm so sorry, my children! Don't forget to work on your times tables!"

Another gunshot is heard and the children faint on the floor one by one.

"....You do everything right. Play by all the rules and still get sent down here with all the Hitler's and Epstein's of the world. "


"After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage. So that's why I'm here to get my revenge." Said by A purple demon with bull like features, as she paced around in Blitz's office with a cigarette in her hand

Ava was with Blitz with a tray with two cups of coffee

Blitz said bluntly "I mean, was she hotter?"

She jumped a bit with a twitch in her eye from his response

"I'm just saying, I had a hard time understanding the unprompted melodrama you just spat at me, tits"

Mrs. Mayberry growls at him as she glows red and her hair flowing up like fire and hissing like a snake

"Anyway, I don't think you quite understand how we're operating down here." Blitz got out of his seat and faced her "See we take revenge out in the living and it sounds like the core cast of your sitcom of a death. Frankly are all probably down here in hell with you."

He then booped the middle part of her face

She then glared and said "not all of them that whore survived. Now they call her a hero. Between the talk shows and donation bullshit, she made so much goddamn cash. Getting shot was the best thing to happen to her."

She violently slams her fists on Blitz's desk, breaking it as she yelled at his face "SHE IS NOT A HERO!"

Blitz looked at her with fear as he said "yeah, okay, yeah my thoughts exactly" he rapidly pressed one of the buttons under his desk which was labeled "Deranged Client".

Before anything goes crazy, Ava looked at the tray before throwing it to the side then went to make something else on her desk, she made tea. She always has tea bags and hot water on her desk for some reason but still in handy.

As she finished she brought a cup to Mrs. Mayberry "here drink some, it can calm you down and not destroy my boss

She takes it and takes a sip, her red glow goes down as she sighs in relief "haaa, thank you I really need this"

Ava smiled in relief as Blitz mouthed her "thank you"

Meanwhile in the lodge, Moxie was holding a crossbow gun, shakily trying to aim at a picture of a normal family

His wife, Millie said to him as she was waiting "moxie stop shakin, you're gonna shoot our only hellhound" she points at Loona who was laying in the couch holding the picture.

Loona said sarcastic "wow, I feel so loved here."

Greedo, at his desk, taking care of the payments "try not to damage anything, Mox"

Millie then said "just take a deep breath" she inhaled some air "and let it out"

"But it's a family" Moxie protested "under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family"

"I mean if thats what the client wants" Millie shrugs

"Maybe like a shitty dad, or a mob family" he then said in a stereotypical Italian accent "it's understandable". He then talked in his normal voice "but to eradicate an entire innocent, seemingly in this instance upper class family bloodline."

Loona sat up and looked at the photo with pity.

Greedo rolled his eyes, he stood up and snatched the photo from her hands. He said as he showed Moxie the photo "Hey, you don't know, they're innocent."

He points at the boy "this kid probably sets pets on fire or sells them off". She then points at the girl "maybe this girl does cyber bullying online to students"

He points at the dad "and this guy" He then made a small glare "this guy definitely watches"

Millie then said "exactly, humans are full of secret nasties. It's why so many of them end up here"

Moxie turned to explain but his wife stopped him by grabbing his face and said "guilty and innocent aren't our business, Mox. Killing who we're paid to is our business, shoot the target" she kisses his cheek

He got ready to shoot then said "I just think, it's a bit excessive and we could be a bit more selective is all"

As he was about to shoot, Blitz's office was open suddenly as he said "guys I want you to meet-" moxie accidentally shot the air. It started hitting around then Avarice skillfully caught it before it hit Mrs. Mayberry "-our newest client."

The arrow hit the tank of eels, which collapse on the ground, making the eels start shocking, causing the whole lodge on fire. Blitz yelled "Dammit Moxie, I just bought those eels!"


Outside of the IMP building, the firefighters were able to put the fire out as one of them carry the eels away.

Blitz said to Mrs. Mayberry as she got in a taxi cab as he waves at her "bye and don't worry, we'll get that skank in less than 24 hours or your first kill is free" the cab drove off as Blitz smiled a bit nervous

Moxie then questioned "when did we start implementing that deal?"

Greedo facepalmmed his own face "fucking dammit"

Blitz grabbed his face and had an innocent look "when you set fire to my office in front of a CLIENT, you fucking dick shit!" he then looked pissed and shoved his face to Moxie

He was pissed and embarrassed in front of a client and the two royal Greeds

He then shoves moxie to the ground "now someone please tell me that fancy book is still intact!"

Loona was leaning against the wall as she was looking at her phone "Ava"

She pulled the book out and said "you always tell me to keep with me when we are working"

"And that's why you're my favorites Loonie and Avay you get a tweat now" he said to her in a baby tone and showed her a dog treat.

Loona cringes "ew stop"

Blitz tosses the treat up a bit then catches it with his tongue like a frog and eats it

Avarice giggled at him and said "you're so funny, Blitz"

"You're so gross" Loona opens the book as Millie draws the symbol to open the portal

Blitz said as he was flattered "oh stop it, I get enough of that from my therapist and thank you Ava. Now let's go lick some ass" he placed his hand on Moxies face roughly

"The expression is 'kick' some ass, blitz" Millie points it out

Blitz said "eh, mines better" Millie walks in

As the imps walked, Greedo said as he steps in "be sure everything in there is not destroyed"

Ava said as she saluted like a soldier "on it little brother"

He gave her a thumbs up and walked in the portal as it closed

The four looked at the house where their target was at. They then sneaked to a window, Blitz looked through and smirked "that's gotta be her, oh this is too easy. Moxie do you want this one"

Moxie looked at him and was happy "me?"

"Yeah, this one's simple enough for you to handle" blitz explained as moxie looks at the window and his face turned from happy to terrified when he saw the target "it's just a happy mother who just got out of the hospital"

The couple rubbed noises with eachother, as the woman holds a covered plate in her hands, moxie was still in shock

"Snooze, you lose Mox. Greedo take the lead" Blitz said as Greedo aims his rifle at the woman, who had a sweet face "And I got ya, lady" Greedo said

"Wait, are we actually killing a family?" Moxie said as he was nervous

"Don't be a puss, we're just killing a mother" Blitz said as Greedo still aims at the woman "we're ruining a family"

Moxie then said nervously "but, hold on, hold on, lets just think about it"

He ended messing up Greedo's aim but pushing it up and just shot the wall behind the woman

The family gasped from the sudden gun fire.

"What was that Ralphie?" the woman asked her husband

"I don't know, Martha, but whatever it is" he then reaches under the table and pulls out a rifle "they're gonna be tomorrow's night dinner" he grins evilly

Martha gently placed the plate down, reached for her rifle and drank some sort of shot before slamming the cup to the ground "alright kids, Guns out" she grins evilly

Their two children pulled their weapons out with the same evil smile

"Looks like we got some rabbits to catch, Youngins" Ralphie chuckles darkly


Moxie was breathing rapidly as Greedo silently yells at him "what the fuck was that Moxie"

He then let out a goatish breathing the falls in his knees as he tears up "I'm sorry, they just seem so wholesome and happy" he whines like a dog "I panicked

Blitz then said "except for Ava, who the fuck is innocent Moxie. From the moment of birth, you're already a parasite leeching off your Mama's tits" he then got to his face "get the fuck over yourself, you baby dick Prude"

A gunshot was fired behind Blitz, ending up getting shot in the arm.

He yelled "ahh! A new hole! Scatter!"

Tye demons flee and split up as another shot made another hole at the window. The two adults jumped up and caused after them

Moxie stayed in the bushes. Before he could run off, a small hand grabs his tail and pulls him.

Greedo hid behind a tree when the imps ran off. He was planning to take care of the woman himself but he knew he had to save Moxie.

He sighed and ran to where Moxie was taken to


At the docks, Millie runs away from Ralphie. He said as she dived in the lake "Where'd you go, little critter?! Y'all can't hide long from me!"

As he was on the dock, Millie peaks her head from the water with her knife in her mouth

From behind, Millie breaks through the dock with a grin on her face.

Ralphie swings a glass bottle and Millie runs behind him out of the way. She jumps up in the air, knife in both hands but Ralphie swings his bottle upwards, knocking Millie in the head.

She struggles to get up as she collapses onto the dock. Her eyes twitch.

Her eyes become droopy as Ralphie looms over her, smiling evilly down at her as the cloudy sky spirals red.


Inside the home

Groaning, Moxie opens his eyes slowly. As he looked around, he gasped as he was tied into a flesh stitched chair. He then looked over and saw the children, who were looking at him evilly

Moxie tries to defuse the situation and says nervously "Oh! Well, hello there, little ones. Aren't you cute?"

In a creepy tone, the two kids said together "It's nice to have a new critter to play with."

He looked at the children, weirdly until he glanced up in fear. The red light revealed many human heads on the wall, flesh was on the wall as decor. A picture frame, made out of bones with a face on it. A whole human flesh was nailed on the wall, engraved "Bless this mess"

Moxie then glanced at the table and saw a dead human body on a platter in front of him, an apple in the human's mouth. Organs are in a nearby bowl.

Greedo peaked through the window and saw what was inside.

Both Freddi and Moxie said together

"Ohhhhh... crumbs/ Ohhhhh Shit."

Greedo sighed quietly and said "looks like, those kids needs some clowning" he puts on his mask and smirked


Blitz ended up running into the woods as shots were fired behind him. Hearing the evil cackle and laughter from Martha.

He ran as fast as they could as they stopped to catch their breath. Blitz had to endure the pain and held his injured arm.

He jumped when he heard Martha "I know you're hurtin' little fella, I can make that pain go real quick, just let momma Martha put a bullet in your pretty little skull'.

He then ran and hid behind a tree and kept quiet. As Martha walked away from them, before blitz could be relieved, his phone rang. He panicked a bit then answered quietly "Stolas, this is a really bad time".

At the other end with Stolas, in a purple tent, he was in his tub, with many candles around it and constellations roaming around

"Mmm, when isn't it a bad time, Blitz"

Blitz said frustrated "what is it"

"I've been meaning to follow up in our last little conversation, regarding my grimoire"

A bubble floats up showing blitz of where he is before popping it as he said "what did you just call me"

"My book Blitz, the book I was given to do my job that I have allowed you to use to do yours"

At Blitz's end, he heard a click from a rifle. He docked as the shot was fired at the tree he was at, creating a hole. A shadow of Martha was seen through the whole as she said "I can hear you, Darlin' "

"Shit" blitz whispers

Back with Stolas, he continues "anywho, I have been thinking. You know I have been permitting you to access the mortal realm, less than legally for some time down" he then became a bit serious "but I do need it back to fulfill my duties. I was thinking what if we worked out some kind of exchange. Favors for favors" his fingers walked on the edge of the bathtub

With Blitzo's end

"Doesn't that it sound...Enticing~" stolas said as Blitz kept running and hid behind another tree.

"You gotta stop using your fancy ass rich people talk, okay. I'm trying to concentrate on not getting fucked in our A's" blitz said then a shot was fired at the tree he was at, but luckily missed him

"Then let me keep it simple"

At Stolas's end

"Once a month, on a full moon, you return the book to me. Followed by a night of passionate fornication " he slid down in his tub a bit as she held his phone close.

He then sat up "and you get to keep it all the rest of the time. Sound fair, my little imp" he said with a small tease

Back with Blitz

"Fine whatever" blitz yelled silently as he checks if Martha was around.

Stolas then said with excitement "oh blitz, I'm so excited, I cannot wait to feel your Slimy **** inside of my ****"

Blitz cringes as the Prince tells him all the things they will do.

Sudden Blitz's phone was smacked out of his hand and was pinned to the tree by the end of a rifle, which belongs to Martha "gotcha"

With a crazy look in her eyes, she said "So you're both little devil's, huh. Come to drag me and my kin to hell. Well, not today Satan" she presses the rifle roughly at Blitz "gonna send y'all back where ya came from" she grins evilly


Back with Moxie

Moxie struggles to get free from the ropes as his has were tied behind his back.

As he looked up, he saw a fire, shining from the window, he gasped "Millie!"

Both the kids watched him struggle with side evil grins

As Moxie tries to break the rope, the girl pulls out a hunting knife. Before she could strike, the red light was shut off and turned back on as green light

Moxie and the two kids were confused until a big green smoke appeared and the sound of money was heard, as they saw Greedo.

He grins and said nothing

The kids looked at him confused and froze as Moxie looked at him "Greedo? What are you doing"

Greedo pulled his mask down and winked at Moxie before placing it back on.

Moxie just watches, confused on what the prince of Greed would do.

Greedo then pulled his jester hat off and showed it was empty. He then reached inside and pulled out three human heads, which he somehow grabbed. With one hand he held the heads as the other placed his hat back on.

He then starts juggling the heads, normally. To be extreme, he pulled a chair close to him and stood on it with one foot as he juggled.

The kids watched then giggled as they ran to him to watch, the girl drops the knife and watched Greedo

Moxie was amazed that the kids ran to him "of course, they are kids after all. Thanks your majesty"

Greedo keeps juggling until he jumps down from the chair, and tosses the heads up.

The kids clapped as they watched the heads.

With a swift move, he pulled his hat off and let the heads land inside. He then placed his head back on and faced the kids.

"Now what's behind your ears" he said as he pretends to grab something from their ears

The kids giggled as they looked at him.

"Now tell me what's in my hands" Greedo said as he looked at them and had his closed hands in front of them

"A puppy"

"A bug"


"Human remains"

Greedo chuckled and said "Wrong. Sleep powder" he grins. He opens his hand, revealing the powder and blows it in their faces.

The kids then looked drowsy before collapsing on the floor, falling asleep.

Greedo stood up and wipes the powder off "that should keep them sleeping for a few hours" he said and went to Moxie

Moxie then said "thank you Your Majesty"

"You owe me one for messing up my shot" Greedo said as he unties him.

As the rope was loose, Moxie rubs his wrists. A gun was then thrown to him as he caught it "here" Moxie looked at the rifle then at Greedo

"Come on before the two die" Greedo said as he elbows the window, breaking it open.

Moxie nods as the two jump out of the window and start running towards the fire.


Blitz and Millie were tied to a wooden pole as Ralphie doused them with Gasoline. "I had that Fucking shot. Good damn it, Moxie"

Martha then said "Satan, we return your filthy creatures back to the pits of hell. May the root of evilly remain honored as we continue thy work"

She then throws the torch at them, letting the fire rise and grows around the two imps, as the woman watched

Millie and Blitz watched the fire around them but said nothing and were unharmed. What Martha didn't know that Imps are immune to fire from the human world

Blitz then spoke up "yeah that's not exactly how it works, lady. Sorry your fire doesn't really hurt us but I mean I could fake it if that'll get your dick hard" he grins at her

"Oh...shit" she said confused then rolled her eyes "well...I'll just shoot you and your smartass mouths" she grins as she pulled out her gun

"That would be effective" he made a derpy face at the end as Millie yelled at him "Blitz"

Martha aims her gun at the imps, Laughing evilly.

As Blitz and Millie embraced for their deaths, Martha yelped as a shot was fired. Her eye was shot out of her socket before she collapsed on the ground, with Moxie behind her with the rifle

"Moxie!" Millie said with glee as Blitz said bluntly "

"You're not getting your goddamn paycheck for this one moxie" blitzo said as Moxie unties him and Millie, but letting Blitz fall on the ground and Moxie embraces Millie in his arms

Ralphie stumbles backwards with fear, but ends up tripping over his now dead wife.

Before he could run off, Greedo came over him with an ax in his hand "So long partner" he swung the ax, decapitating Ralphie.

As he saw the head rolling away, he stretched a bit "call that a bonus." He said and went to his co-workers "you guys ok?"

"Oh yeah, thanks I'm fine" Moxie went over to his boss as he helped him up "I'm sorry, sir. I compromised your objective and put us in harm's way. It won't happen again, I promise"

"Apology accepted" blitz pulls him in for a hug then whispered to him "but if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I will fuck you and your wife"

Blitzo immediately pulled away and said in a cheery tone "alrighty job, well done, now let's get off"

He reaches in his coat to find his second phone since his other one got lost.

Greedo looked back to the house and sighed, knew what he had to do "actually I'll be right back, I have something to take care of"

Moxie looked over at him, confused.

"Ok fine, but hurry up" Blitz said then calls Loona to open the portal.

Greedo then teleports to the house, inside where the two kids were in.

He looked at the two unconscious children. He then said "I could leave them here, and let them die and be sent to hell but I don't want an ear full from Ava." He then looked at them as his gaze softened "And the kids can have a better life."

He grabs the kids by the back of their shirts before teleporting somewhere else.

In the green smoke, He then teleported to the front of the building. He looked up and muttered "this is the place.

Roughly, he drops the kids at the door as they are still out cold.

He then pulled off his hat and reached in for something "good thing I snatched these from Blitz. Fucking weirdo"

He pulled out plushies of Avarice and himself from his hat. He gave Ava to the girl and himself to the boy.

"Hope you both choose a better path or rot in hell like your parents."

He backs away from them and in a green smoke with money signs, he teleports away from the scene

It turns out Greedo left the kids in an orphanage, a bad one


With the portal open, The three waited patiently for Greedo until he teleported back to them

"There he is, have a wank-off session, Gree?" Blitz smirked at him

"The fuck? No" Greedo said

Blitz chuckled and said "sure" he then turned Moxie and said  "look, I don't care where you cum in the living world, just come to your job on time" he poked his chest then pulled his cheek "see you at the office" blitz runs in the portal

Millie walks to moxie "you doing ok, Sweetie?"

"Better now honey. I think I just needed a minute to process" Moxie said with a bit of exhaustion and relief

"You have a good heart, honey. Just a fuzzy head" Millie grabs his cheek gentle then gave him a kiss, making him smile

Before Moxie followed Millie to the portal, he heard sirens and sounds of a helicopter behind him.

As he watches, the helicopter shoots a missile at the house, blowing it up to pieces.

Moxie watched in horror as something was thrown at his head. It was the head of a teddy bear that one of the kids had.

Still frozen with fear, Greedo reaches and grabs him by the next then pulls him in the portal.

The gang ended up throwing a party for a complete mission, with Mrs. Mayberry joined the six.

They cheered for Moxie as he was traumatized from the scene, looking at the cake that said "We Did it :)".

Millie and Ava hugs Moxie as they cheers for him

Blitz said with his arm in a brace "well here's to another mission accomplished and Moxie finally learned not to fuck up"

Millie then explained "and killing people isn't that big a deal if they try to kill you back"

Mrs. Mayberry said "that's messed up but I paid for it"

They all laughed excepted moxie then Blitz said "yeah fuck that family"

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