Mystic Dark Veil

By helen__maze

24.5K 1K 25

In a world of magic, intrigue, and unexpected twists, follow the captivating journey of the Death Queen. Afte... More

Travel into novel
Situation around me
Orginal Story
The traitor
Scumbag Prince
The servants
In the Shadows of Deception
Betrayal's Resurgence
Found the traitor
Whispers of Deception: Unveiling Shadows at the Auction
"The Enigmatic Auction: Treasures, Potions, and the Trade of Souls"
Controlling the Untamable
Lusav- Bond
Empowered Helen Trains Lusav
Foxin's Secret Business
Black magic and evil beast
Helen's mall in novel
Brake's interest in mall
Palace invitation?
father ~daughter
Jannat being spied
Fearless Lady Defeats Assassins
The Deadly Game.
The curse
Unraveling Helen's Unexpected Smile
A Clash of Affections
Deception Unveiled
Duke Proposes Annulment
Reason for annulment
Helen and Clivat -Friends
Helen's doubts
Enter Magic Forest
Etlanta Family ;New Foxins
Star gazing - warning from duke
Renovation and sudden attack
Helen's first hunt
Captivating killing beauty
I will find you
Worst Enemy
A spy at the border
An abandoned weapon shop
old lady's daughter !
Unknown language and magicians
Ruperson magicians ?
First revenge on pervert
Revenge on 'The Baker'
A disguise in dress
The carriage man's story
Plans with Howard
Mr. Samson
Meeting Jeffery
I didn't feel like slicing thumbs.
Back to Helen from Jennifer
The last meal
Helen returns to Lusav
Punishing the arrogant maid
A contract formed
A new world before me
Magic Books: Dangerous Desires
A growing loyalty or obsession?
A future Ally or threat?
A fragrant tea party
Congratulate the mistress?
Family downfall!
Marquesses Selgae!
A peaceful ride with him.
Synced heartbeats
A stir of emotions
A family dinner or a memory of mother?
Palace Infiltration
Enchanting garden encounter
Jannat is back
Training spot

Lusav's true identity

118 9 0
By helen__maze

I've always possessed an innate ability to discern people's genuine sentiments, and I never sensed any malevolence from Lilly. It was this intuition that prompted me to grant her the opportunity to speak. After all, if I desired, I could extinguish her existence within mere seconds. Yet, she seized the chance to express her justification with finesse, a subtle smile playing on her lips as she met my gaze.

"My lady," she began, her voice measured and composed, "I was aware that you were not just a  fragile noble daughter fixated solely on the crown prince. I recognized in you a depth of talent, a valley of secrets. I stand before you not as an enemy but as one who acknowledges the depth of your character."

Impatient with pleasantries, I issued a direct order. "Skip the flattering and come to the main  matter. Disclose your true identity and reveal the purpose behind your covert presence, disguised as a mere maid." Confronted by my penetrating crimson gaze, Lilly understood that flattery would not veil the truth.

This exchange unfolded like a chapter in a gripping novel, where tension crackled between characters, and the weight of unspoken truths hung heavily in the air. Lilly, compelled to unravel the mysteries surrounding her, took a measured breath, preparing to reveal the layers of secrecy that shrouded her presence. 

"My lady, I was the sole daughter of a noble house, and my family once reveled in wealth. We were esteemed as the most loyal patrons of our sole masters, the great magician family."

Upon hearing the mention of the magician family, memories of Granny's tales resurfaced—the tragic narrative of the once noble and virtuous White Magician family, the Rupersons, unjustly eradicated by others on fabricated charges.

"The Ruperson family," I murmured, recalling the taboo surrounding that name, a legacy lost to false accusations.

Curiosity piqued, I turned to Lilly. "Are you here in search of the Ruperson family?"

Lilly's eyes widened, a hint of surprise flashing across her face. "My lady, you're acquainted with the family's history? Uttering that name is deemed taboo."

I nodded, signaling for her to elaborate on her true mission.

Acknowledging my unspoken inquiry, Lilly continued, "My lady, as the heir of a lineage that faithfully served the Ruperson family, I am here to locate the lost scion of the Rupersons. Rest assured, I harbor no ill intentions. I understand that disclosing this information places not only me but everyone I am connected to in jeopardy. However, I am confident that you who is the master of my master,  the sole heir of the Ruperson family, Master Lusav, would never bring harm to your loyal servant."

It wasn't challenging to piece together Lusav's true lineage, especially after learning the distinctive features of the Ruperson family—blonde hair and sapphire eyes.

"So, you're suggesting that my Lusav is the heir of the falsely accused Ruperson family, and your purpose here is to reunite him with his rightful heritage?" I mused, contemplating how someone I had impulsively acquired had become entangled in a narrative of injustice and separation due to malevolent dark magicians.

Lilly maintained her usual composure as she responded, "My lady, while my initial intention was indeed to bring Mr. Lusav back to our fold, I've reconsidered. Observing how content he is in your company, the only times he genuinely smiles are when you're mentioned or upon hearing about your return."

Seeking clarification, I inquired, "So, you've decided not to disclose his family's true history to him?"

"No, my lady. I am committed to being your loyal maid and serving you. I trust that you will prove to be an exemplary master to Sir Lusav, revealing the truth in due course," Lilly assured.

"Very well. You may leave for now, and ensure no one enters the chamber," I instructed, dismissing Lilly. Left alone, I grappled with the weight of the revelation, contemplating the best course of action in light of Lusav's hidden past.

If Lusav were to discover the unjust treatment that befell his family, he'd find himself powerless to rectify the wrongs done to his lineage. Similarly, I lacked the strength to provide the necessary support. Lilly, my devoted confidante, would keep this secret until I deemed it appropriate to reveal the truth to Lusav. Before considering such revelations, I decided to delve into the mysterious book acquired from the bookstore. My primary goal was to empower Lusav, ensuring he possessed the strength needed to seek justice for his fallen family. Exposing his roots prematurely might render him emotionally vulnerable and weak.

The downfall of the Ruperson family wasn't solely orchestrated by local nobility; even the royal family played a part. To reclaim Lusav's rightful position, both he and I needed sufficient power to contend with the formidable influence of the royal family. The leisurely life I once aspired to seemed distant now; the pursuit of justice demanded my attention. It was time to get to work.

As my train of thought continued, a knock on the door interrupted me, accompanied by a deep, masculine voice. "My lady, perhaps it's time for you to prepare for the party." Lusav had already returned.

"Yes, yes, I will, my Lusav. Tell the maids to come in and assist me with dressing up," I sighed.

The doors swung open, and the maids hurried in, each holding a box of new jewelry.

Curious, I inquired, "What are these? And who provided these new jewels?"

Lilly responded, "My lady, these are gifts from the Duke. He had to attend a council meeting and instructed you to enjoy the party, returning with a smile. He emphasized that you should never bow your head, as he is always there behind you, offering support."

Duke Mackil, my father, indeed a remarkable individual. His words never failed to bring a smile to my usually stoic face. The reminder of his unwavering support filled me with the warmth of a father's love.

The maids adorned me in a flowing purple gown, adorned with golden embroidery, modest yet elegant. Golden ornaments accentuated my silver hair, creating a striking ensemble. Though the process of dressing was tiring, I couldn't help but fall in love with the reflection in the mirror. My once bloodshot eyes now resembled sparkling rubies, a testament to the gratitude I felt for the life I now lived.

"Are you ready, my lady?" a voice called from the door, and there stood Lusav, donned in a light blue suit befitting his role as my butler. He extended his arms, ready to escort me. The once scrawny boy, marked with scars and fragility, now boasted hands larger than mine and exuded a sense of reliability.

"You've grown taller," I remarked, assessing our heights.

He was already a few centimeters taller than me.

Lusav smiled and whispered in my ear, "My lady, I'll grow tall enough so that one day you can raise your hand and say to each of your enemies, 'Here is my guardian.'"

Lusav no longer looked like a child with lifeless eyes but a young man in the making.

"I'll wait for the day when my guardian will be the Lucifer whom I bought," I smirked.

At the back of my mind, I had already contemplated assisting Lusav in reclaiming his rightful position as a noble and shedding his slave status. Perhaps it was only a matter of time before I bestowed upon Lusav a title, officially separating him from his past and his past owner.

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