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By Ironwood13

361 20 5

Various!HarryPotter x Madrigal!OC What if Isabela had the chance to restart her life in a different world... ... More

๐ŸŒปEliana Madrigal๐ŸŒป
New and Old Familia!
โœจA Mysterious Portalโœจ
โœจInterrogation Timeโœจ
๐Ÿช„๐Ÿ’ŽFirst Year at Hogwarts๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿช„
๐Ÿช„๐Ÿ’ŽAll Aboard Hogwarts Express!๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿช„
๐Ÿช„๐Ÿ’ŽThe Sorting Hat๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿช„
๐Ÿช„๐Ÿ’ŽFirst Classes๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿช„

โœจWhere Am I?โœจ

36 3 0
By Ironwood13

Eliana's POV

Everything was black...

I couldn't feel a thing...

But I could here voices...

I could hear them clearly.

"She's not injured headmaster, just unconscious." A old female voice said.

"How do think she got in? Before Harry Potter's first year at that too." Another old female voice said.

"M-Maybe s-someo-one who wo-works for You-K-Know-Who sent he-her." A stuttering male voice said.

"We cannot assume things immediately, we will question her when she's well enough to speak." An old but wise male voice said.

With lots of struggle, I managed to open my eyes.

I close them again when sunlight hits my eyes.

"Well, she seems to be waking up." A cold male voice said.

I groaned covering my eyes, "Por qué me siguen pasando este tipo de cosas?" I said in Spanish.

Opening my eyes again, I see around 10 adults standing at the foot of my bed.

(A/N: I'll be putting picture because I'm sh*t at describing people)

An old man with long silver hair, a long beard, grey robes. (A/N: Also did anyone know that the actor for Dumbledore changed in 3rd movie? The actor Dumbledore in the 1st and 2nd movie passed because of Pneumonia)

(First Actor)

(Second Actor)

An old woman that looks like a nurse and nun. (A/N: No hate to Madam Pomfrey tho, she's a cool woman)

An old stern-looking woman with her hair in a tight bun and green robes.

A pale man with a purple turban on his head with matching purple robes.

Another pale dark-looking man with black hair and black robes.

A short old man with green robes. (A/N: I'm sure you all probably noticed the change of casting for Professor Flitwick)

(First Actor)

(Second Actor)

Another old woman but with spiky grey hair which was cut short, and formal looking black robes.

A kind-looking old woman, she was a little short and chubby with short, grey, wavy hair, a patched and battered hat with matching robes.

A giant man, with wild – long tangles of bushy black hair and beard that hid most of his face, with a brown coat.

And finally, an old scary-looking man, with wrinkles on his face that proved that he was almost always angry, he seemed to be hunched and wore dirty looking robes.

The woman that wore the nurse uniform walked over to me.

"How are you feeling dear?" She asked.

I opened my mouth, trying to speak, but it came out as wheezing, and I ended up coughing.

The nurse immediately poured some water into the glass and handed it to me, "Drink slowly so you don't choke."

I grabbed the water and drank it all.

After finishing it, I sighed in relief, feeling the coldness of the water on my dry throat.

I looked back up at her, "Thank You..."

She smiled warmly, "You're welcome."

Suddenly, the dark-looking man stepped forward and pointed a stick at me, making everyone alert and look at him in shock.

I flinch back.

The kind-looking chubby old lady, grabbed dark oily-haired man's arm.

"Severus! Put your wand away! Your frightening the poor girl!" She scolded.

Dark oily-haired man looked down at her with an unfazed face, "This girl is an intruder and might be a danger to Hogwarts, I'm simply trying to defend the school," He turned his face back to me, "State you're reasons of trespassing one of the most secured facilities in the wizarding world, and tell us how you managed to not get caught." He said with a glare and dark voice.

I was terrified, no one has ever threatened me before, so with a last chance to defend myself, I grew some vines and made them trip them.

They yelled in surprise, now on the floor with vines attached to their legs tightly.

I took that chance and jumped of the bed, running to the large doors at the end of the hall, and opening it to see an endless hallway.

"Get back here intruder!"

I immediately shut the door and grew some vines and trees to block it.

The door began to be pounded on, "Open the door this instant!"

Backing away from the door slowly to make sure it would stay shut.

Sighing in relief when the pounding stopped, but my relief was short lived when I heard the stern old lady say, "Bombarda Maxima!"

As soon as I heard that I ran like my life deepened on it.

A second later, I heard an explosion.

That made me run even faster than ever before.

Third Person POV

Eliana ran through the endless hallways of this unfamiliar place, desperately searching for a way out and hoping to find Snowy as well.

Eliana was yelling for Snowy while running, "Snowy! Bark if you can hear me!"

Hearing no barks makes her anxiety grow by the second.

"Get back here intruder!" A scary old voice yelled out to her.

Eliana looks back to the angry and scary-looking old man not to far from her.

She spots a stair case and decides to climb down it, only to be shaken out of her boots when the star case moves.

Eliana holds on to the railing for dear life as the stair case moves itself to a different floor.

Once it stops, she immediately climbs down to the platform with another passage.

There are door in these hallways, so she tries to open each door, but so far, none are opened.

Her last hope is the door on the end of the hallway.

Thankfully it was opened, and she immediately went inside and shut the door, growing some vines to keep it shut.

Eliana breaths heavily, putting a hand on her beating heart, looking around the room, which noticed is a vintage looking bathroom.

Backing away from the door until she reaches the wall behind her.

Sliding down the wall until she sits on the floor, Eliana brings her knees to her and puts her head on them.

"What is happening to me? Where am I?" Eliana whispers to herself, tears coming to her eyes.

"I wanna go home..."

Suddenly, a voice interrupted the quietness of the bathroom.

"Now why is a young girl like you crying in a restricted area of Hogwarts?"

Eliana jolts up, looking around the bathroom for the source of the voice.

"Who's there!?" Eliana whisper yells.

"I'm up here you know." The voice echo's from above her.

Eliana looks up, facing a floating man that is semi-transparent.

"Your-Your a-" He cuts her off.

"Ghost? Goodness me child, are you even a witch?" He asked.

Eliana was confused, "A witch? I'm not a wit-wait, did you say child?"

The ghost was confused but nodded.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" The ghost points at sink with a mirror.

Slowly Eliana walks over to the mirror and gasped when she sees her reflection.

She looked younger, her face smaller, her hair was shorter, and she just now noticed how short she was, "I'M 11 YEARS OLD AGAIN!!??" You yelled.

The ghost winced at your yelling, "Please lower down your voice."

Suddenly, someone yelled.

"Bombarda Maxima!"

Terrified, Eliana grew roots around her to protect herself.

(A/N: Kind of like Groot's root orb in the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie where he died😢)

The sound of an explosion filled the room and footsteps surrounded the root orb.

Professor Sprout carefully put a hand on the roots, "Amazing..."

Snape snapped his gaze to Sprout, "How is a root ball grown by the intruder amazing!"

"These are Shepherd's tree roots, the thickest and possibly strongest roots in the muggle world." Professor Sprout says in amazement, her eyes sparkling.

Snape shook his head at her, "This is not the time to get exited! There is an intruder that could possible by working for You-Know-Who!" He said while raising his wand, ready to disintegrate the roots.

McGonagall steps in, "But we can't know unless we ask her, let's not terrify her even more and take care of this matter peacefully." She says putting a hand on Snape's wand.

"And how do you suggest we doo that without "terrifying" her even more?" Snape snapped.

"I shall interview her myself." Dumbledore says.

"Albus," McGonagall says with a worried look, "What if she is a follower of You-Know-Who? And then she'll attack you when you're off guard-" Dumbledore holds up a hand to stop her from talking.

"I will be the judge of that." Dumbledore says in a authoritative voice, making all the professors hesitantly nod.

Dumbledore nods to Professor Sprout, giving her the clear to cut the ball of roots,

Professor Sprout took out her wand and says, "Deletrius!"

The ball of roots disintegrates before their eyes until it fully disappears to reveal a scared Eliana on the floor, hugging her knees to her chest and hiding her head in her arms.

Dumbledore kneels down, "Do not be afraid child," Dumbledore said in a soft voice, making Eliana remove her head from her arms to stare up at Dumbledore, "We will not harm you unless you harm us."

Eliana frowned, "But didn't I already harm you with my vines?"

Dumbledore chuckled, "It will take more than that to harm us," then a thought came to Dumbledore's mind, "May I ask your name?"

Eliana hesitated.

Snape spoke up, "Be sure not to lie to us, we WILL know."

Both McGonagall and Sprout elbows Snape in the ribs, causing him to grunt.

"Eliana, My name is Eliana."

Dumbledore smiles lightly, "It is a pleasure to meet you Eliana, but let us save our introduction in my office."

In Dumbledore's Office

Dumbledore and teachers(minus Filch and Madam Pomfrey) watch in slight amusement(except Snape ofc) as Eliana runs around the office, eyes sparkling while staring at all the moving pictures and nicknacks.

"How are they moving in there?" Eliana asked herself while staring at one of the headmaster portraits.

He waved at her and Eliana waved back.

"Well aren't you a curious one?" A scratchy old voice said from above her.

Startled she looked up to see a witch hat with its folds to form a face.

The sorting hat looked amused while staring at Eliana's shocked face.

"HAHA! Did I startle you?" The hat asked.

Eliana nodded, "Yea, I mean- Casita can move on its own but it never talks."

Snape cleared his throat, making Eliana turn to the teachers.

Dumbledore stepped forward and walked over to Eliana, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Now then, do you mind taking a seat?" As he said that, a chair suddenly floated towards Eliana and set itself in front her, but facing the teachers.

Startled and a little scared, she hesitated, but a little encouraged push from Dumbledore made her sit down.

Stared at the teachers with a nervous look.

Dumbledore sat back down on the chair behind his desk.

"Let us start this interrogation."


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