✨Interrogation Time✨

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Third POV

"I am Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," Dumbledore introduced himself, "And you are Eliana, correct?" Dumbledore asked.

Eliana nodded, "I am Eliana Madrigal, the oldest of the recent generation in my family."

Dumbledore opens his mouth to speak, when Snape interrupts, "Let's cut to the chase,"

"Why were you in the forbidden forest?" Snape asked, Eliana opens her mouth to speak but Snape kept going, "Who do you work for? Were you trying to sneak in? Are you a spy for Voldemort? Are you even a witch at all?!"

Eliana shakes her head, "No! I wasn't trying to break in I swear!"

Snape narrowed his eyes, "Than explain to us, how you conveniently found yourself on the grounds of Hogwarts."

Eliana signs, "You would think I'm crazy."

Dumbledore speaks up, "Try us."

Eliana takes a deep breath, before spilling everything at once, "Okay, so I was just at home, listening to music, when suddenly our family dog ran away, I chased him into a cave, where I got lost but ended up finding a an abandoned city when I explored deeper, but thankfully I found Snowy, our family dog's name by the way, in the deeper parts of the city, and there I found a glowy light, and then it stared to suck me and Snowy towards it, then I blacked out, I can't remember anything after that, except when I woke up in the bed you put me on and you what happened next." Eliana takes a deep exhale after all that talking.

"So! Any questions?"

They all just stared at her, not knowing what to say.

"A few, actually..." McGonagall says.

"Like for one, how were you able to grow so many roots and trees in a matter of seconds, AND without a wand? Even with magic, you would need to master a certain charm to make roots grow THAT fast." Professor Sprout asked, with a gleam of interest in her eyes.

Although hesitant to tell them, Eliana spilled the beans.

"It is my gift." Eliana replies.

That just made the teachers even more confused.

"Gift? Where exactly did you get this 'gift'." Snape accusingly asked.

Eliana shrugged, "No one exactly knows, all I've ever seen is that, on 5th birthday of each family member, we are given a gift, and a door to our own room that is a reflection of our gifts."

Dumbledore opens his mouth to speak, but then the sound of a throat clearing brings their attention to the entrance of Dumbledore's office.

"I hope yer don't mynd, I came to give back yer copanyon miss." Hagrid spoke with his peculiar english.

There Hagrid stood with...

"Snowy!" Eliana yelled, getting up from her seat and running towards her fluffy companion.

Snowy, who also seemed to be aged down, also runs towards her.

The pair meet in the middle, hugging the life out of each other.

Snowy kept licking Eliana's face, making her giggle.

While Eliana and Snowy were busy codling each other, Hagrid walked over up Dumbledore's desk.

"Anything more you need Professor?" Hagrid asked.

Dumbledore nodded, "Can you escort Miss Eliana to the cafeteria? We need to have a meeting to discuss what to do with Miss Eliana."

Madam Pomfrey spoke up, "Oh and ask the elves to prepare a cup of hot chocolate, poor things going to need it after being in the Forbidden Forrest for so long, she must still be freezing."

Hagrid nodded before turning around and walking over to where Eliana and Snowy are.

Learing the sound of heavy footsteps coming towards her, Eliana slowly turned around, only to gawk at the giant-like man staring down at her.

'He's a lot taller than I thought.' Eliana thought.

Hagrid smiled down at Eliana, "Hey there, the name's Rubeus Hagrid, nice to meet ya." Hagrid held a hand out to Eliana.

Eliana cautiously put her hand in his giant one, stood up and shook his hand.

"Eliana Madrigal," she introduced herself before gesturing to her fluffy companion, "And this is Snowy." Snowy barked in response.

"Well I be'er take ya to the cafeteria, even after all that sleepin', yer still freezing cold, Madam Pomfrey said we best give ya a pippin' cup of hot coco to heat you back up." Hagrid speaks with his broken English.

Eliana nodded.

Hagrid put a hand on her back to lead her out of Dumbledore's office.

Once the door closed, Snape immediately turned to Dumbledore, "How can you let a trespasser just wander around the halls!?" Snape yells.

McGonagall gazed at Snape with a tired look, "You heard the girl, Snape, she doesn't even know what Hogwarts even is."

"And how do you know she was telling the truth? How do you know this isn't one of You-Know-Who's plots?!" Snape yelled back.

Dumbledore stood up, catching all of the teacher's attention, "There is no saying that she is a danger to any of us, nor is there any saying that she is, we will just have to leave up to faith."

"Faith? FAITH?!" Snape yelled.

Dumbledore held up his hand in a 'calm down' gesture, "Yes Severus, faith."

"But we will have to keep a close eye on her, clearly, she has had proper training with her 'gift', though she may look harmless, she has proven to us just how powerful she is, therefore, I am enrolling her into Hogwarts." Dumbledore announced, shocking the teachers.

They all made statements of worry and protest, suggesting they inform the Ministry of Magic

But Albus held up his hand to shut them up, "I know this may be asking a lot, but if we hand Miss Eliana to Ministry of Magic? What do you think they will do to her?"

They stayed quiet.

"That's right, unspeakable horrible things," Dumbledore walked over to the window, gazing at the night sky, "That is why, to prevent that from happening, we are going to have to keep this between us, is that understood?"

They all nodded.

"Good, you may leave." Albus dismissed them.

All the teachers walked out of his office.

Except McGonagall.

McGonagall walked up to Dumbledore, "Albus, is this really a good idea, letting an unknown girl, with unknown magic, into the school?"

Dumbledore sighed, "No, not exactly, I believe bringing Miss Eliana will bring some bad things to Hogwarts," He turned to face McGonagall, "But also good things, Miss Eliana may be a reliable ally to us," Albus faced the window again, "and Harry."

McGonagall sighed, "But what if she's not."

Albus chuckles, "Like I said Professor McGonagall," He faced McGonagall once again, "Have faith." Then he walked back to his desk.


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