Eclipse - Act 4 - Cycle's End

By Cosmic_Fictions

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25 years after Salem's death, the World of Remnant is healing. With a new Leadership known as the Legion guid... More

Chapter 1 - St. Fall Day
Chapter 2 - Living Normal Lives
Chapter 3 - The Coliseum
Chapter 4 - Just a Sleepover
Chapter 5 - Athena
Chapter 6 - The Night Terror
Chapter 7 - The Cell
Chapter 8 - The Valerian Gladiator
Chapter 9 - The Last Maiden
Chapter 10 - Twisted By Madness
Chapter 11 - The Train
Chapter 13 - The Coming Storm
Chapter 14 - Judgement Day
Chapter 15 - Sinister Deeds
Chapter 16 - The Cost
Chapter 17 - Round 2
Chapter 18 - Return to the Atlesian Wildlands
Chapter 19 - Trouble Incoming
Chapter 20 - Fugitives
Chapter 21 - Memories of Home

Chapter 12 - The Last Branwen

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By Cosmic_Fictions


"Now then, let's see if the Last Branwen is still in there!" Cardin laughed, blasting towards Yang and punching her in the face. She grunted in pain, her head whipping backwards and smacking against the floor. She groaned, then rolled out of the way as Cardin stamped at the ground where her head just was. His heavy metal boot cracked the stone, then he raised his fists like a boxer, throwing multiple punches her way. She dodged them and pushed one fist aside, landing a punch against his face.

"What did you just call me?" Yang yelled over the roaring rainfall, only for Cardin to blast up into the air and come crashing down with great speed, the impact creating an enormous shockwave, throwing her backwards. She tumbled across the floor, water dripping from her blonde hair as she stared back at him.

"Stop hiding from the truth, Yang! I know what you are, you're just like me." Cardin laughed, walking through the rain, his cloak blowing in the wind behind him, his long orange hair soaked and darkened from rainwater. Yang backed up, keeping her one arm raised as her foe attacked once again.

"We tried to find your team, Cardin! Blake tried! Why the hell are you doing this?" Yang yelled.

"All you had to do was give us that address, but now it has to get... exciting." He laughed, suddenly launching forward, using the thrusters in his new suit of power armour to cross the distance between them in seconds. He grabbed Yang by the throat and slammed her against the ground with significant force, then tossing her into the air. As she fell towards the ground, he swung his body around and kicked her in the back.

She crashed off a rock, yelling in pain and grabbing her spine from the sudden pain. She was feeling her age now more than ever, but as she got up, she could hear her scroll beeping. And the distant roar of her arm's thrusters were growing louder and louder. Cardin charged towards her and jumped with his fist pulled back. Suddenly her arm crashed through a rock, shattering it, then rotating through the air, instantly latched onto her stump.

She spun around and suddenly smashed her metal fist into Cardin's jaw; the impact creating a shockwave as it launched him away from her. He crashed across the floor, then looked ahead, smirking as the rain pattered across his face and hair. "Yes... that's better. SHOW ME WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF, YANG!" Cardin roared, his metal arm opening and dropping the Executioner that was carried within.

He spun it through his fingers and rushed towards her, swinging it towards her face, but she ducked under and punched him twice in the gut, then jumped to punch him square in the face. "So clearly all that talk about settling things with Jaune peacefully was all a lie!" Yang yelled, firing multiple shells from Ember Celica at Cardin. He lifted his arm, blocking the incoming shells with ease, then deflected the last one as he stared her down. "I knew you and the Deacon were bullshitting. I'm not gonna let either of you hurt him."

"So confident. I never could tell if that was a weakness of yours or a strength." He chuckled, suddenly channelling lightning dust into the head of his mace, jumping into the air with his thrusters, keeping him hovering above her. "YOU WEREN'T IN THERE YANG! YOU DIDN'T SEE WHAT HE DID TO US! WHAT HE LET TYRIAN DO!" Cardin howled before he came crashing down with a massive electrical explosion. The eruption launched Yang back, shards of electrified rubble thrown towards her, slicing across her golden aura.

"IT WASN'T HIM!" Yang yelled back. His anger only grew though, and he swung around and smashed his mace into her chest, the shocking blast smashing her up against a wall. Suddenly Cardin closed the distance between them with his thrusters, smashing the handle of his mace up against Yang's throat, lifting her off the ground.

"Tell that to my nightmares." He snarled, smashing his head into her face and throwing her against the floor. Yang scrambled across the slippery floor as Cardin brought the Executioner down with dominant force. Yang shot herself away from him, wiping the rainwater from her eyes. "You insult me holding back like this! Show me who you are, Yang!" Cardin yelled, smashing his fist into the ground and tossing a boulder towards her.

She raised her fists, taking the impact. Then he appeared through the dust and slammed his mace into the floor beside her as she dodged, using fire dust to create an explosion. Yang shot herself towards him, punching him three times in the side, then stamping on the back of his leg. As he dropped, she roundhouse kicked him in the face, knocking him to the floor. He laughed, rolling backwards, then viciously swinging his mace back and forth at her, then bringing it down towards her head.

She gasped and raised her hands, catching the huge mace, the impact forcing her onto one knee. "C'mon... lemme see those blue flames, Branwen." He tempted with a grin.

"Don't. Call me that!" She yelled.

"Then make me stop saying it! COME ON, YANG!" He roared, smashing the mace across Yang's face, making her roll across the floor. She raised her head and her eyes flushed orange for a moment, her hair pulsing with embers, evaporating the water off her body. "What's this?" He gasped with intrigue, until Yang uppercutted him once more, sending him crashing through a Palm Tree. She panted, letting the rage pass, just as Taiyang taught her, using it as a weapon, not being consumed by it. "That's all? You were finally showing me something!"

"You don't wanna see me that pissed, Cardin. Trust me." She warned.

"Oh but I do, Yang! I really do. I've heard the stories." He chuckled, catching Yang's fist as she blasted towards him, catching her by the throat and holding her against the floor.

"You... have?" Yang strained.

"Oh, yeah... Ol' Uncle Jack, what your mommy and uncle did to Ruby's mom? That freak Valravn? What you and Ruby did to the people who cherish you most? What you and your wife did to each other? Such a wonderful tale of betrayal." He mocked, grinning at her. She gritted her teeth and suddenly fired Ember Celica into his shoulder, releasing the grip from her throat and kicking him in the chest with both feet.

The sudden strike knocked him back, then she thrusted forward, swiftly volleying three punches against his gut, then two in the face, before firing a missile into the floor between them and jumping away at the last second. Cardin grunted as the blast knocked him away, and he smirked. "That's more like it! Show me your rage!" He yelled, and Yang launched herself towards him, only for him to suddenly smash the Executioner across her chin, sending her flying upwards into the air.

Cardin activated his suit's thrusters, pursuing her as she smashed against the rock formations to their right. She swiftly moved her head to the side just as Cardin buried the Executioner into the rocks where her head just was. He punched her suddenly in the face and spun around with the mace, smashing her through the ancient rock formations constructed over thousands of years of erosion.

Yang bounced across the flats of sandstone, spitting out bits of rock that sat in her mouth, looking ahead to see Cardin landing, leaving scorch marks on the ground. He rolled his mechanical shoulder as he walked towards her. "Sorry about the Menagerie Décor." He mocked, only for Yang to forgive him by launching a boulder right into his face, stunning him for a few moments. As he stumbled, Yang jumped and smashed her knee into the side of his face, which slammed him up against the wall.

Punch after punch was thrown across his face, from right to left, then she punched him square in the face so hard that it stunned him again. She grabbed onto his huge bulky arm and threw him over her shoulder, against the ground. He grunted, then Yang punched him in the chest with her metal fist with substantial force. He coughed, but suddenly blasted away from her, sliding across the ground, then punching his fist into the ground, laughing. "If you're not fighting dirty, then you're not truly fighting." Cardin chuckled, stylishly spinning his mace through his fingers.

Yang punched her fists together as she stared Cardin down, noticing the faint flicker of Hardlight Shielding around his body. "Tyrian worked you over good, huh?" Yang commented.

He scowled at her. Suddenly, his missile launcher folded from behind his shoulder and fired at her. The missiles shrieked as they flew towards her, but she jumped ahead, rolling across the floor as they exploded behind her. Cardin extended the chain his mace was attached to and swung it over his head, and launched it towards Yang, the spiked ball colliding against her cheek. Then he wrapped the cable around her arms.

Bound, he pulled her towards him, staring right at her with a scowl. "Even now, you still lack patience." He chuckled.

"You're one to talk!" Yang retorted, only for Cardin to smash his head into hers with significant force, then swinging her around and tossing her against the wall. Yang grunted, pressing her hand against her stomach in pain, looking ahead to see Cardin sprinting towards her. Cardin swung his fist towards her face, but Yang ducked, hearing his steel knuckles scraping against the stone above her, casting golden sparks across her back. She swiftly punched Cardin in the crotch, hunching him forward, allowing her to nail him in the face with a right hook.

As he staggered back, she showed how patient she really could be, landing hit after hit on his body, aiming at where his armour was weakest, in the sides and firing Ember Celica at the same time to damage those shields his armour gave him. Then she jumped and punched him in the head with her cybernetic fist, so hard that knocked him onto one knee. Cardin growled like a vicious beast, and he turned to glare at her, swinging his mace upwards with flames erupting out from inside of the head of his weapon.

It narrowly missed Yang, but he slammed it downwards, creating an explosion which pushed Yang back against the wall. She grunted as she bounced off the stone and tried to flee from him to get to a vantage point. But Cardin rushed her, smashing his shoulder into her, making her yelp from the sudden jolt of pain. His metal grasp closed around her throat, teeth gritted, and Yang grabbed onto his arm to get herself free, but Cardin swung her around, and with both hands he slammed her against the floor, so hard that cracks spread out from her back.

He held her there, glaring down at her. "I'm disappointed, Yang, to see such a great Huntress turned into this. Peace has weakened you... made you soft and predictable." He hissed, then he punched her extremely hard in the temple, and everything went black for her. Cardin stared at her unconscious body, shaking his head as he tightened his grip on his mace. "Oh, I don't think so, you're not clocking out just yet." He said, sending lightning dust coursing across the mace, and he pressed it against her chest.

Yang shrieked from the sudden electrical shock, jolting her awake once more. She coughed, clambering back to her feet. "We're not done here until I see those red eyes. C'mon Branwen! GET UP!" He bellowed, stepping away from her, Executioner in hand, whilst Yang wiped the blood from her nose and reactivated her aura.


She couldn't hear her wife battling against Cardin, not over this storm, but she had faith that she would be okay. She defeated Adam last time. She could beat Cardin, even if he had the element of surprise with that mace. She turned her attention to the Deacon, listening to Eryka who was trembling with confusion, whispering repeatedly.

She heard doors opening upstairs, and she gasped. "MOM?" Harley called out.

"Stay upstairs, honey!" Blake called out, but it was too late. All her children came rushing downstairs, but Taiyang got in the way, shielding them as he stared at the Deacon.

"Deacon... what the hell is this?" Taiyang questioned with anger in his voice.

"Stay out of this, Mr Xiao Long. Take the children upstairs like your daughter-in-law says." The Deacon commanded, not breaking his stare from Blake.

"Kids, go upstairs." Taiyang said, and the kids nervously went back upstairs. "Where's my daughter?"

"Currently fending off Cardin." Blake answered. His eyes widened, but she held out her hand. "I've got this, Tai... please just stay with the kids. And keep an eye out for Neo... she's in here."

"Neo?" He gasped, his mind immediately went to Ruby, afraid for her safety as well now. He stared at the Deacon, who remained motionless as he stared at Blake. He exhaled, then did as Blake suggested, walking back up the stairs. She scanned the house, searching for Neo's aura.

She was clever, clearly using her semblance to hide her aura somehow. Her illusions were more impressive than ever.

"I take it Neo is on my computer, then?" Blake asked. "I know she's not in Ava's room, no aura in there. Plus, Ava didn't even seem to notice the psychopath that was apparently in there."

The Deacon sighed. "I apologise for that. I had hoped we wouldn't have had to threaten you."

"You think I care about your hopes and dreams right now? You threatened my children and attacked my wife." Blake hissed, standing like she was ready to fight, to which she heard Eryka muttering more and more as she panicked.

"No... no, no, no... it wasn't supposed to be like this." Eryka muttered to herself.

"Really?" Blake scoffed. "Seemed like you all came armed to the teeth, expecting a fight."

"Did you really expect Yang to let this remain peaceful? She always was a hothead. I see things haven't changed." The Deacon chuckled, Blake turned to him, clenching her fists. "Don't be stupid, Blake. I know you're skilled, but you know you can't beat me. Gambol Shroud isn't in here. I checked before I got your attention." The Deacon explained.

It angered her, because she knew he was right.

"Besides, I don't wish to fight you. I want you to understand." He stated.

"Understand? How can I possibly understand? You want to hurt my friend, destroy a family, for something that wasn't his fault." Blake explained, then she shook her head. "No. I know what this is."

"Do you?" The Deacon asked her, walking around the living room as he stared at her, and she remained motionless, all bar her ears which moved in the direction of him walking.

"Tyrian Callows is dead, and you can't get your revenge on him. Now you're just looking for someone else to be mad at, looking for someone else to blame." Blake explained, but the Deacon shook his head.

"I really thought you'd understand, after Adam." He said.

"That was different." Blake stated.

"How?" The Deacon asked her.

"I stopped Yang from killing him. She wanted to do it that night, but I stopped her. Not to save him, but because vengeance wouldn't cure the loss of Sun." She explained, staring at the Deacon.

Is that him?

I don't see his tail but... Ruby said that when she saw Sun and the others in that cell, his tail had been cut off...

... if this is Sun... then I don't even recognise him anymore.

"So don't you dare compare this to Adam, because this is nothing like that." Blake explained.

"You don't get it, Blake. The things he has done..."

"IT. WASN'T. JAUNE!" Blake shouted with anger in her voice.

"Ask him that." The Deacon calmly responded, to which she went silent. "I heard he remembers everything he did, and that part of him enjoyed the power he had. That this Thaddeus you all think was solely responsible was not as black and white as you think."

"Where did you hear this?" Blake questioned.

"Dutch's old notes. He was smart not to have anything on his whereabouts, but I found some recordings and files he had on Jaune's condition. A lot of it tied to the Dark Magic used to bring him back, and trying to deduce if there's counters to some of his... side effects." The Deacon explained. "And in one of them, Jaune confessed he remembered all of it. Meaning that when he lured us away? Made us trust him? That was Jaune Arc. Not Thaddeus Rex. And I heard about how this Thaddeus was once one of Ozma's reincarnations, the one that he couldn't redeem. And I know how the variants worked, like with Oscar."

"Deacon..." Blake whispered.

"The host and Ozma merge and become someone new. It doesn't just possess them. They combine, which means that he was aware of it all, and did nothing to stop it. How can you convince me now that Jaune is completely innocent of his crimes?" The Deacon explained.

"We don't fully understand how that Dark Magic worked, not even Salem did. Dutch has been trying to understand it to destroy that damned horn for twenty-five years. Using Salem's old research notes into the Arcanum to find a way. We haven't even scratched the surface, so how do we know Thaddeus wasn't just altering Jaune without him even knowing it? All I know... is that I know Jaune Arc, and so do you. Do you really think that Jaune Arc would do those things in his right mind?" Blake questioned.

He stared at her quietly.

"Would he?"

"No." He admitted.

"Then how can you go after him now that he is cured?" Blake questioned.

"Is he though?" The Deacon asked. "You heard me. He still has side effects. His eyes turning purple. The rage of that monster in him?"

"That's a stretch... I might not have been there when Pyrrha killed Thaddeus, but I believe what she told me. That monster is dead, and the Brothers brought Jaune back for a second chance." The Deacon stood there and clenched his metal fist.

"And what of my friends? Of your friends? The ones who died in agony? Screaming? Begging for mercy? Did they get a second chance?" He asked her.

Blake lowered her head in grief. "I..."

"Life isn't fair, Blake. Believe me, I have tried to fight back these dreams of bringing Jaune to justice. I wanted to believe all these stories about Thaddeus Rex. But it's difficult to believe after what I saw, after what we went through. But it has been twenty-five years... and I can't. I can't hide from it anymore... no matter how hard I try, it's always there." The Deacon explained, his voice breaking behind his voice disguiser.

"And that's worth sacrificing all the good you've done?" Blake asked, lightly shaking her head.

He stared at her quietly, then answered. "To avenge my friends? The brothers I failed to save? The massacre I was the sole survivor of?" He walked towards her, glaring down at Blake. "I would sacrifice... anything... to avenge them."

"And what happens afterwards? After you get your justice?" Blake asked him.

"I'll face the music. My purpose would be fulfilled by that point. I will accept whatever punishment deemed necessary." The Deacon admitted.

"I can tell you're lying to yourself, convincing yourself that you're a necessary evil. But you're not... you're not just hiding behind a mask, but you're hiding from yourself." Blake stated.

"Well, I've already burned my bridge with you. I'll burn them all if it means I will no longer see their faces staring at me as I sleep." The Deacon stated.

Neo suddenly emerged, walking down the stairs, brandishing her scroll, which had the address downloaded onto it. He sighed, then nodded at her, turning back to Blake. "I'm sorry, Blake. I wish this didn't have to go this way, I really do. But if I must face the music for my actions, so must he."

He walked away with Neo, leaving Blake motionless in her damaged home, rainwater falling through the hole in the ceiling. Blake could hear Eryka standing in the doorway, looking back at her with great guilt. "I'm so sorry..."

"I don't ever want to see you ever again, Eryka." Blake coldly snarled, her fist clenched. Eryka's eyes widened, tears welling in them. She turned, then the flames in her eyes extinguished as she walked away, and the storms stopped. Blake scrambled swiftly and tried to raise Jaune or Pyrrha on her scroll.

But with the Cross Continental Transmit Service down for maintenance, there was no way to get through to either of them. She gritted her teeth, groaning with frustration, and throwing her scroll across the room, pressing her hands against her head. Then her eyes widened... "Yang..." she gasped. She rushed back to her scroll, which landed on the sofa, and she swiftly called Ilia.

"Blake?" she answered rather quickly, which surprised her.

"Ilia! We've been attacked!" Blake warned.

"Huh? I'm on my way!"

"Don't worry about me or the kids. I'm fine. But Cardin attacked Yang. They're fighting somewhere! Please find her!"


Both Yang and Cardin blasted towards each other, slamming her fist into his open hand and her catching his mace in her metal hand. They both forced each other back, Yang gritting her teeth, but Cardin blasted up into the air, and kicked Yang in the chest, sending her crashing back down to the ground. He yelled with fury, firing a swarm of missiles from his turret towards her, all exploding upon impact.

Yang groaned, her yellow aura flickering, but not breaking just yet. Cardin slammed down in front of her, smashing his mace across her cheek, sending Yang tumbling aside. She rolled over, then firing a missile directly into his chest. It exploded and pushed him backwards, then she sprinted towards him. He kept firing more rockets at her, but she jumped off the rising chunks of rock which exploded around her, gaining height. Then she spun through the air and smashed her fist into the ground, creating a tremendous explosion of her own.

Cardin flipped backwards through the air, then used his thrusters to steady himself, extending the chain of his mace once more and swinging it towards her. It wrapped around her arm, but she raised her metal arm with her teeth gritted together. Then, with all her might, she yanked him downwards, smashing him against the floor. He grunted with a savage growl, getting up, only for Yang to slam both fists down atop his head, then punching him up the face once again. She then relentlessly punched and fired Ember Celica against his chest, spilling empty shell casings everywhere.

He snarled, then jumped, kicking at her face and blasting the thruster as well, burning her cheek as he flew backwards. He then channelled Ice Dust into the head of his mace and smashed it into the ground, sprouting enormous spikes of ice from the point of impact. "Come on Yang!" He taunted. "Is this the Huntress who bested Adam Taurus?" He questioned.

She panted as she stood her ground, then she rushed towards him once again, but this time who flew against her, wrapping his arms around her waist, taking off into the air, laughing wildly. She pulled her arms free, and with one hand she gripped onto his shoulder, and with her metal fist, she punched him again and again in the face. As they descended towards the ground, he grabbed onto her hand and tossed her towards the ground.

She slammed across the street of Menagerie, her long blonde hair blowing past the side of her head, leaving a long trail in her wake, staring ahead as Cardin landed. "You haven't impressed me yet!" He yelled, launching the mace towards her face, but she raised her arms, catching the spiked ball the chain was connected to. He suddenly launched upwards into the air, spinning through the air as he swung the huge mace downwards towards her.

The mace smashed into the ground with explosive force, throwing Yang backwards. Yang turned to see people opening their doors in shock, seeing what the cause of the disturbance was. "EVERYBODY STAY INSIDE!" Yang yelled, being knocked backwards by another missile from Cardin's shoulder turret. He walked across the street, dragging the Executioner across the mud, lightning crackling in the sky as he stared at her.

"GET UP YANG!" He yelled, his voice echoing.

"Leave her alone!" A civilian yelled from her door. He stopped and glared at her, pointing his mace at her.

"Stay in your home." He warned, turning back to Yang, only to see she was gone. Yang suddenly appeared behind him and punched him in the back of the head, then hooked her arm around his throat and pulled him backwards as he yelled. He writhed around, swinging his mace around like a mindless beast, constantly trying to grapple onto her. He finally caught onto her hair and tossed Yang ahead of him, but as she bounced off the ground, her body covered in mud, she loaded another missile into Ember Celica, firing it towards him.

He swung his mace against it, sending it screeching off into the sky behind him, exploding. "Clever! But it'll take more than that to beat me." He snarled. Yang blasted towards him, punching him repeatedly, but Cardin yelled as he charged up the mace with electricity, and slammed it against her metal arm repeatedly. The damage done by the White Fang Lieutenant worsened, causing sparks to erupt from the arm, turning it stiff and inoperable.

Cardin grabbed Yang by the back of her head, tightly yanking her blonde hair down, holding the Executioner above his head. "I always heard about how you were one of the greatest huntresses to ever live. Imagine my disappointment when I see what's become of you, Yang?" He snarled. "We didn't have to bother with doing this when the C.C.T was down... even if you had tried to stop us... you never could have come close. And Jaune? I promise you this: he is going to pay for what he did, seven times over, for every single friend I lost because of him."

Yang's eyes flushed red, and her hair ignited, burning his hand, and she suddenly swung her fist right into the side of his face. The punch was so powerful that the shockwave made his whole face ripple, and he stumbled away from her, his Hardlight Dust shield breaking from the force of that punch. Eyes glowing red and hair smoking from rain evaporating upon contact, Yang roared, panting like a wild beast, glaring at Cardin. Her veins pressed against her skin as she stared him down, fists tightly clenched and muscles bulging as she stared him down.

He walked calmly, laughing softly and pointing his mace at her, massaging his jaw. "There she is..." He chuckled, spitting blood from his mouth as he stared at her. "There's the Last Branwen..." He said, only making her even more furious. There was a crowd now, all wanting to help Yang, but afraid of the Gladiator in the centre of the street. He pointed at her as he spoke. "Consider this fight a draw... see ya soon, Yang." He promised with a smirk. His helmet activated, plates of metal clambered from his collar and closed around his head, his golden visors shining brightly.

Revealing, he purposely deactivated his helmet, all not to damage it because it was new.

His thrusters erupted, and he flew off into the sky, following the Deacon's Airship, vanishing into the fading storm clouds, with Eryka following them. Yang watched as they fled. Then she collapsed to her knee, flaming hair extinguishing and red eyes turning lilac once more. She coughed up some blood, wheezing as she held her chest in pain.

"Yang!" Ilia called out, rushing over to her side. "Are you okay?"

"Blake... the Deacon was in there with her... same as Neo and Eryka..." Yang stammered.

"She's okay. So are the kids and your dad. C'mon, lemme get you back inside. Everyone please head back inside, we'll take care of this." Ilia promised.

"Is she okay?" Another Faunus asked with worry.

But Yang just gave everyone a weak thumbs up. "Nothing I... couldn't handle..." she assured.

Ilia helped Yang up the wooden steps to the house, and Blake rushed outside, hugging Yang tightly, and checking her for injuries. "I'm fine..."

"They got the address, Yang..." Blake revealed, and Yang's eyes widened.

"Shit... we need to warn them..." Yang said.

"C.C.T is down... I tried. I can't get through." Blake said to her. Yang looked at Blake and she could see that Blake had the same idea she did. "Ilia, can you make sure things are okay here? We need to go warn Jaune and Pyrrha. Hopefully, we can beat the Deacon there." Blake said.

"You got it. Anything happens, I'll call you. When the C.C.T is back up, of course." She shrugged.

"You're leaving?" Ava gasped suddenly with worry in her eyes, Harley and Celese beside her with worried eyes as well. The two parents approached their kids, Yang weakly crouching down in front of them.

"Jaune needs our help, honey. Those people who came here... they're after him. And we need to be there to help them." Yang explained.

"But..." Celese sniffled, but Blake smiled, bringing her family in for a warm hug.

"I'm sorry, kids... I wish we could stay... but these people have left us no other choice." Blake explained. Yang looked up at her father and he nodded at her.

"Don't worry. We're gonna have so much fun, aren't we?" He asked the kids, ruffling Harley's hair. "I'll make sure the house and anything else that was damaged are patched up, too." He promised.

"You'll monitor Adam?" Blake asked Ilia.

"Like a hawk. He's not going anywhere." Ilia promised. Blake stood up and wrapped her arms around her best friend. And after saying their goodbyes, Blake and Yang departed and got aboard their personal airship. Yang winced as she sat down.

"You sure you don't need to be looked at?" Blake asked her.

"Eh, I survived getting my throat slit. My aura can patch this up." Yang assured.

"Good point." Blake chuckled, then the two of them took off together, leaving Menagerie to hopefully beat the Deacon's Airship there.

As they left, Adam sat in his cell, watching as the Airship left, hearing the battle which just went down.

And he smirked.

"So it begins..."

The Deacon

The Airship he was in was fast, much faster than the one Blake and Yang had, but he could notice on their radar that they were still following them. Eryka was inside now, as was Cardin.

Eryka was rocking back and forth, feeling worse and worse about all of this, just wishing she had refused the Deacon ages ago. Whereas Neo was just sat on one crate of dust, staring at a photograph of Ruby with hatred in her pink and brown eyes.

Whilst they sat, the Deacon was staring at the map, with the coordinates of their home address punched in.

At long last...

... he could deliver his justice.

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