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Reader is an orphan on the streets and even though her life is at rock bottom she quite enjoys it. One day wh... More

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Season 2


69 3 0

The doors open and reader is quick to run hearing present mic in the background telling everyone there is no time to waste jumping up she coats her fist into lighting smashing into the the robot. She runs seeing multiple robots approach her she spins her body clockwise creating a tornado that lifts the robots off the ground once it disappears the robots flatten on to the ground. "That should be around 50 points" she wipes her face "times running out though I need more points" she mutters

Thinking of an Idea she runs towards some robots waving her arms frantically to get their attention "over here" she yells leading them to another group of robots she does this 2 more times until they all face her she smiles "you villains are smoked" she conjures a storm cloud above the robots and lighting strikes them all. She watches them fall but thinks 'wow I've always wanted to say that' she thinks happy

From the cameras the pros watching can't help but be astonished "I knew it" nezu mutters "I knew she had more power than what she was letting on" he rubs his paw on his chin looking at her "this girl was quite the find"

"Mwah" recovery girl finally finishes "thank you" reader says cringing all though her us really strong it does has some setbacks like random burns "you're welcome sweet heart make sure not to over use your quirk as much" recovery girl states and reader numbly nods "and you" she fearcily glares at all might "who do you think you are huh that kid broke all his limbs because of you" she hits him with her cane "oww" "and some father you are you should be saying that to her not me" she hits him again

Reader ignores them and turns towards the green haired boy covered in bandeges 'he looks like a mummy but a cute one' reader thinks she then feels a hand on her shoulder "thats young midoriya" he tells her "after tomorrow I want you guys to get to know each other" he says smiling as reader continues to look at him "you guys have a lot in common" reader reply "sure why not"


"You young reader are invited to attend the number one hero school UA" all might in the video says "now go beyond plus ultra" he exclaimed as the video cuts off "mr all might thank you" she rushes to hug him and he gladly returns it "of course but you should be thanking yourself it was your poweress that did it" he says and reader smiles at him "we want a hug too" present mic and midnight gush reader immediately grants there wishes as hugs them as well.

"Childish" she hears from over aizawa "oh come shota you don't want a hug from this face" midnight and present mic showcase reader face to him as sprakels surrounded them "to bright" eraserhead mutters. "Also aizawa is gonna be your homeroom teacher so you'll see him a lot more" nezu states climbing up for reader to hold him "but you'll also have all might come in once and awhile but reader you must know you can't let anyone know he's your father for now" he pats her face and readers face scratches up from contact "ok"

"Alright everyone well see you later" all might says getting in the car with reader as she waves goodbye "see you guys"
"See you reader" midnight sniffs while present mic full blown cries "you'll see her tomorrow relax" eraserhead mutters besides them reader smiles at them as the car drives away.

The next day reader gets ready in her uniform "I wonder why the skirts so short" she mumbles grabbing her bag she slings it on her back. "You ready" all might asked she nod about to turn around until she hears a noise turning around the gasp eyes sparkling. It was all might in his super or what reader likes to call it "woah" she exclaimed "I never seen you in this form up close" "pretty cool right" all might flexes "it's more than cool it's amazing" she says mouth agaped

Of course if you put a people pleaser and someone who's ego is already boosted out the roof your gonna get a show. Driving up to the front of the school all might tells reader he'll be going in through the back. In the hall were filled with students with quirks interesting and quite odd. Walking up to the door the height of it reminded reader of all might. Pushing it open heads turn towards her. "Oh hello" she waves

Standing in front of her was a blue haired dude who was so uptight during the exam. The dude recovery girl said broke all of his bones and a girl with brown hair and the pinkest face cheeks she's seen. "Hello my name is tenya iida from somei academy" tenya introduces his self "oh nice to meet you" she's says sweatdroping not knowing what somei was. "I'm Ochaco Uraraka your the girl that got first place in the entrance exam right" she says and that grabs everyone attention

Reader shrugs "well I didn't really get first place I tied with someone" she scratched her neck embarrassed midorya can't help but observe her she was on the same level as his childhood friend someone who he thought was the strongest. Noticing his staring reader asked him "and your name is?" She asked and embarrassed by getting caught staring he rushed his name "I'm dek- I'm mean midorya i mean-" "if your here to make friends you can leave already"

A familiar voice breaks out behind them making the turn around. It was aizawa but in a sleep bag? "it took you guys 8 seconds to quiet down" he stands up somehow in the sleeping bag "it took you guys eight seconds to be quiet time has a limit and you kids are rational enough" he unzips the sleeping bag revealing him in his hero costume "I'm your homeroom shota aizawa" he pulls out gym clothes and gestures them to reader "get changed and meet me outside" he announces

Hey I'm on schedule like I said.
If you see any errors or misspelled words tell me and I'll fix it
👋🏽 see ya

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