Niaomi: The Journey

By Nikkisha16

5.1K 235 268

"When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it." ... More

Important A/N
P | Prophecies
1 | Crawling
2 | Wobbling
3.1 | Falling
3.2 | Falling
4 | Rising
I | Destiny (Part One)
5 | Crouching
6 | Standing
7.1 | Stepping
7.2 | Stepping
8 | Tripping
9 | Stumbling
10 | Reeling
I | Alalëa (Volume N)
12.1 | Traipsing
12.2 | Traipsing
13.1 | Walking
13.2 | Walking
14 | Striding

11 | Pacing

159 7 11
By Nikkisha16

A/N: So, I've decided there's gonna be an interlude every five chapters! That means there will be two more: one after chapter fifteen, and one right before the epilogue. Whatever you guys wanna know about most will be the subject of the next interlude...assuming that it's not massive spoilers that I obviously can't just hand out. Be sure to comment what YOU wanna know, and be sure to celebrate because we are past the halfway mark, yay! This is where things heat up. :D

Oh, and sorry for the cliffhanger in advance. *insert evil laugh* >:)


At first, Nicholas had been relieved that the dragons had stopped their ridiculously combative water fight. He was even more thrilled when Luminous began flapping about near the sails, countering the wind and making the ship come to a stop. The rocking lessened enough for his stomach to stop trying to climb up his throat and escape his body, allowing the young man to glance up at the piercing whistle and see his brother frantically waving. "A ship's approaching!"

The news made his newly settled stomach drop, and the brief relief was soon overcome by consternation. On slightly shaky legs, he followed the twins aft to peer out at sea and see the fast-approaching silhouette on the horizon. "Well," he muttered to himself, "that can't be good."

"Something's wrong with Luminous," Renata said, her gaze returning to the crow's nest were Nathan was conversing with the white dragon. "No, wait...Silveran's's got something to do with Nia."

Nick's heart clenched in fear at his beau's words, and he hurriedly raced to the main mast and began climbing. Seems I've finally found my sea legs, he thought to himself wryly as he finally reached his siblings. Niaomi was lying sprawled at the bottom of the basket, the Dragon's Kiss on her forehead glowing brightly. There was barely enough room for him to shimmy inside, but he managed to do so, propping his sister up.

" - didn't do anything!" Nate was arguing, running a hand through his curls in a characteristic sign of agitation. "It was a vision, quite obviously. ...what do you mean it didn't 'feel' like a vision?...well, how could I have even - ...oh, now you're just being ridiculous!"

Luminous's growl seemed to vibrate through the ship, and Nicholas decided now was the time to cut in. "Hate to break up the party, but we've got a possible enemy ship heading straight towards us, we're dead in the water, and Nia's out of it. So there's no time to squabble; right now, she's fine. We have other problems to deal with."

My Rider always comes first, the she-dragon protested, pining him in place with one large ivory iris.

"She's not hurt, just unconscious. By the way her mark is glowing, I'm guessing she's having a vision like Nate said - "

"Thank you!"

He glared at his brother. "And besides, if you don't stop hovering about, we'll no doubt soon be boarded. Nia can stay up here where she's safe, and I'll look after her, alright?" While she didn't answer, Luminous did descend to the deck with a thud. Sighing in relief, he turned to the other man and told him, "You need to head back down and help the others. I'll provide as much assistance as I can from up here."

"What we need is to get the ship moving again. Can you ask Emere if he can hover like Luminous did, but in the opposite direction to propel the ship forwards?"

"Sure thing, but I'm not sure we'll pick up the speed we need in time."

Nathan grinned. "That's why we're planning a preemptive strike."

He scurried back down to the deck before Nick could ask what he meant. Landing with a light thud, he hurried towards the twins, who were already with their dragons. Ren, seeing him approach, informed him of their current plan. "The dragons have to take off; the ship needs to be as light as possible in order for us to pick up enough speed to lose our pursuers."

"Are we sure that they're actually pursuing us?" Nate questioned.

"I looked through Silveran's eyes, and they're sailing under the king's banner."

"There's no helping it, then." He removed his sklinabragh chain, ignoring the shocked gasps his action brought. "We need to slow them down enough for Du Seithrs Lögr to regain its speed."

So we ride into battle as one? Opheila asked, her voice tinged with excitement.

"That's right." The Rider moved forward to retrieve his saddle as the twins followed suit before turning around to face his dragon and speak with him privately. Shall we fight together, partner-of-my-heart-and-mind?

Toparien's eyes lit up so brightly that it made him realize just how dim they'd been before. We shall.

The rumble of affection in his voice coupled with the relief he felt caused Nathan to smile widely. Even if he could not reveal his relationship with the Black Hand, that did not mean he had to lose his relationship with his dragon. Cinching the straps, he mounted Toparien with an eagerness they both shared as their minds mingled once again. In that moment, the young man felt more whole than he'd ever felt in his life...including with Liress.

Shoving the thought aside before the other could take note of it, he let out a joyful whoop as the fire dragon launched them into the air, which Toparien echoed with a roar. Opheila and Silveran were right behind and then in front of them. Another mind touched his to ask, What's the plan?

Nate looked over at Rosaminda and answered her while speaking to all of them, Since we took off our chains, we can launch a magical counterstrike.

There's only one problem with that, Renata said. Enemy magicians. The ship is sure to have some on board, and without eliminating them first, it'd be too dangerous to launch an assault and receive a counter-attack.

What if we just breathe fire? Toparien asked, angling his wings to take them higher so that they circled far above the ship, though he could still distinguish the two-legs from the floating-wood-vessel they scurried along. Then the enemy would face the same dilemma.

Toparien, you're a genius! the sister-of-his-partner's-mate exclaimed. We can spell your flames so that they do more damage and attack without having to worry about retaliation!

Of course he's a genius, his Rider said in the tone that was scoffing yet joking. Why do you think he chose me?

Warmth filled his heart-of-hearts, and he let that warmth flow through their bond, forgetting that the others could feel it as well. How sweet, Opheila snickered.

Growling, he snapped at her tail, but she was already far ahead of him. Nathan scratched him between his horns, causing his ire to fade some as Silveran pointed out, What if the magicians decide to try and eliminate you three?

Then we can combine our strength to keep our mental shields strong, his sister answered. Toparien's previous annoyance with the wind dragon disappeared entirely as her eye caught his and snicked shut in a wink. The now familiar fire flickered not in his stomach but rather in his chest, but he made sure that these feelings would not be shared through the bond. It would only give Opheila another reason to mock him.

Her Rider spoke up next. You got a spell for us yet, Ren?

Done. Silveran's-wise-partner rattled off the words that would give magic to the fire he brothe. We'll swoop down and attack in turns. Who wants to give it the first go?

We do! Nate said, as Toparien had known he would. It pleased him to know that despite the recent distance, he still knew his Rider. He also knew that Ren was rolling her blade-sharp-gray-eyes as he stopped circling the ship and prepared to swoop down.

Flying above the sea was different than flying above the land. There were no bursts of rising-warm-air to help carry him, so he relied more on flapping than he was used to. But Toparien was built large, as were his magnificent wings, and he could easily keep aloft for the time it would take to slow down the enemies who were almost upon the witch's-wood-vessel, despite the efforts of his brother and now Luminous.

Tilting his wings, he let himself begin to glide down the path that would bring them over the mast-that-pointed-outwards and along the rest of the ship's length. As they came closer, he started to make out the panicked screams of the men aboard as they realized the gigantic orange beast was heading straight for them. He waited until they'd passed over Du Seithrs Lögr and inhaled deeply, feeling the flames that kindled within him rise up his throat to be unleashed in a fiery blaze of orange-red glory.

As anticipated, the fire did not touch the wood until his Rider uttered the spell Renata had concocted. It managed to break through as they passed over the mast, setting the top of it aflame before the shield was strengthened.

They're already beginning to put the fire out, Nathan sighed in disappointment until Toparien reminded him of the others. Indeed, as he was circling around for another pass, Opheila and Rose were beginning their first. The pink-tinged fire bursting from the she-dragon's maw cut through the shield at the very end, sending a two-leg diving over the side for safety as the rudder he'd been operating burst into flames. Ha ha! It's working! Our plan is working!

The other Rider and dragon made it through unharmed, and Ren told them all in amusement, I happened to catch the name of the ship before Silveran burned it off: the Dragon Wing.

Toparien could hear his Rider's laughter over the wind as he prepared to strike once more. The irony is much appreciated.

As they approached the poorly named vessel again, which was now beginning to be outdistanced by Du Seithrs Lögr, he decided to aim for the side of the ship still burning from the silver dragon's attack as the oars were deployed. Something behind the mast-that-pointed-outwards begin turning, and his sharp amber eyes caught sight of a strange looking contraption that reminded him somewhat of the weapons the Riders had to use to bring down prey.

He was about to point it out to his Rider when Nate caught sight of it himself. That's a ballista! Toparien, bank right, now!

Though he did not understand the danger in the word or contraption, the fear in the young man's voice was all the dragon needed to follow his order. But as he banked sharply to avoid the Dragon Wing entirely, something shot forth from the ballista and pierced his left wing.

Toparien roared in pain.

Nathan screamed with him.

The two began to spiralling down toward the deep waters below.

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