The Sexta and the Strawberry

By _SweetIntoxication

24K 1K 187

When 17 year old Ichigo Kurosaki is kicked out by his father, he is forced to find a place of his own. Feelin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

2K 102 23
By _SweetIntoxication

Ichigo's POV

I stood in front of the group of people and continued to shake while they all looked at me in confusion.

"Why is he shaking like that?" The tall slender man said as he lit the cigarette that was placed gently in the corner of his mouth.

"I don't know, but are we really that scaring looking?" The one with the green eyes asked as he looked at his slender like friend.

"Thats just Ichigo." Shinji said as he looked at me with a smile. "He's usually shaky and shy like that."

I looked at Shinji and motioned him over to me. He kept looking at me with this confused stare until I pulled him over completely. I looked at Shinji, kind of mad at what he said.

"Why did you make it sound like I shake all the time! Im not some sick person with a disease ya know."

"Well you do, you've done it for a while now. I was just pointimg out the obvious."

Shinji smiled and shrugged his shoulders with his hands leveled with his shoulders.

Damn that Shinji...always saying something stupid to embarrass me...sometimes I question why I'm even his friend.

Before I could go off and get lost in my thoughts, Grimmjow turned to look at me. He grinned and pointed to the kitchen table.

"Why don't you have a seat Ichi? Get to know these guys a little more will ya."

I don't know why he wanted me to get to know his friends so badly, but he's letting me live with him so I thought the least I could do was comply. I sat down at the table and instantly my eyes fell to the floor. I couldn't find it in me to look up at the peculiar group that sat im front of me. I felt palms begin to sweat and my hands begin to shake. I was so nervous and I didn't know what to do. I've always been bad in situations where I don't know anyone around. I tried to find it in me to look up and open my mouth to speak. But I did nothing but look down at the ground. I looked up hoping someone would come over with some wierd type of icebreaker stuff, but no one did. So I was stuck in the awkward situation I have gotten myself into. All of a sudden I felt a large hand fall gently on my shoulder. I looked up to see Grimmjows gentle blue eyes looking into mine. As a light red blush rushed arcoss my face I looked down so he wouldn't see.

"Nnorita, Uqliorria, as you may know by now, this is Ichigo. He's kinda shy if you couldn't tell already. Try and be easy on him. Alright?"

Grimmjow continued to speak and his friends continued to listen. I looked up at him again while his attention was no longer focused on me. All kinds of thoughts then started to go through my mind. Like how beautiful his eyes were. Or how his structure and build was just breathtaking. Drifting off, I didn't notice that one of his friends were speaking to me. He finally got my attention after calling my name several times.

"So you're the kid that'll be livin' with Grimmjow for the time being," Nnorita said as he glared at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Y-Yes thats m-me..."

"Well no need to be all shy around us, I hope to get to meet you again Kurosaki," Uqliorria said as he gave a slight wave.

"We'll be outta here now Grimm, it was nice to meet ya little buddy, even though we hardly exchanged any words with em."

Grimmjow looked up from the counter that he was cleaning and threw a grin at his group of friends.

"Alrighty then, seeya later," Grimmjow said as he waved to his friends as they walked out of the door.

I looked over at Grimmjow to see what he had been doing behind me, then all of a sudden I was swooped into the air and ended up on the counter that Grimmjow had finished cleaning. My face now dark red with this uncontrollable blush I tried to look away, but when I did the soft breaths he took only landed on my neck which seemed to make me shiver. His face was now close to mine and one of his hands were pressed closely on the counter, on each side of me. He looked at me with his eyes at level with mine. The beautiful blue cerlan eyes made my heart flutter and my stomach drop. I was terrified and surprised. I had not the slightest clue what he waa going to do next. The he spoke in a soft voice.

"You wanna bake a cake...Ichigo?"

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