Dear Diary:Season 1

By SAHM_Arts

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Love, loss. Healing and heartbreak. Might and magic. Heroes and villains. These are the challenges faced by T... More

Dear Diary: Introduction
Episode 1:Shattered and Broken
Episode 2:Smoke and Mirrors
Episode 3:Nightmares Come To Life In The Sweetest Of Dreams
Episode 4:Cast My Shadow
Episode 5:Heroes, Villains and Vampaines
Episode 6:A Story To Tell
Episode 7:Deeper
Episode 8:Chess Pieces On A Checkers Board
Episode 9:Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway
Episode 10:Failure To Escape
Episode 11:Blood Showers and Cold Tears
Episode 12:Breathe Baby, Breathe
Episode 14:I Wanna Know What Love Is
Season Finale Episode 15:Restored

Episode 13:Warm Embrace

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By SAHM_Arts

Episode 13
Warm air fills the house as the wood in the fireplace crackles in the flaming amber that
sways like a contemporary dancer flowing to the music of it's own, Clive lays on the
couch bu then he stirs in his sleep as a sign of waking up and when he slowly opens his
eyes and he sees a familiar head seated on the floor facing down in striped PJs,
"You finally awake", says the person who doesn't seem to lose concentration on
whatever he's doing,
"Hey, where are the others?", Clive asks in his tired half husky, half deep voice while
rubbing his eyes,
"They out hunting, I'd also follow but, I'm all, dripped", Trevor says in a low chuckle raising
his hand with pipes on his wrist hooked up to the crimson drip that was next to him still
not losing focus on what he's doing,
"You look better already", Clive says,
"I feel better, thanks for asking", Trevor replies looking up at his laying friend on the
couch returning a smile to him,
"I'm glad, look I'm sorry for running off the way I did it's just that...",
"It's okay, Clive, I understand how you felt hearing about, her", Trevor says the word and
looks disappointed,
"Don't worry about it, I needed some air anyway, the name I cared less about but when I
heard that she was my mom's sister and seeing her picture in that portrait it dawned to
me that ....", he pauses,
"Your aunt?, I didn't wanna believe it either, that she could be the one who killed your
mom?, it's cold", Trevor continues seeing that his friend cant really say the word,
"I have no aunt, no aunt of mine is evil enough to kill my mother and go as far as
kidnapping the person I lo....", he stops himself from finishing his statement causing the
younger boy to get up from the floor to sit on the couch and while Clive gets in a sitting
position he groans in pain revealing bandages wrapped around his torso,
"Clive, you can say the word, I don't mind 'cause when Nocturna was trying to convince
me to join her side, she said that you guys are getting close to me 'cause you want
something I have, in my head I kept telling myself, you care about me too much to hurt
me, I know that sounds silly, it's what I wanted to believe so she couldn't brainwash me
into thinking the worst and I kept reminding myself that you'll save me when...when he
raped me repeatedly, I told myself everything will be alright, I grew numb, I even thought
of giving up after my attempt at escape, then you and Deck showed up...", he says
blushing a little in embarrassment but then he feels a hand lift his chin and he looks into
those eyes he's been longing to look at since he's been kidnapped , the touch he's longed
to feel,
"Hey, that's not silly 'cause it's true, I not only care about you too much but I love you too
much to hurt you, I know it may be soon and crazy to hear that it's just...I don't wanna
lose you the way I did, and I didn't find you by chance, my heart guided me along with the
amulet, it led us to you 'cause you had the sane faith as I did and look now, I'm here with
you...and that's all that matters", he concludes with a smile,
"Thanks, my superman", Trevor says causing Clive to start flexing his muscles, "Oh yeah?, Really?, Superman?", he sarcastically says flexing causing Trevor to laugh
harder at his comedic act but then he groans in pain and holds his bandage in between
"Stop it, you gonna hurt yourself", Trevor says chuckling a bit while attending to Clive's
paining area removing Clive's warm hand, placing his cold ones on his warm one to
where it was placed and then they pause when their faces are close to each other then
the colour returns to their eyes, magenta and they get closer and closer, Clove slowly
placing his hand on Trevor's cheek, pulling him closer and then their lips collide and an
outburst of spark fly but suddenly Trevor gets a flashback of Roland's rough kisses on
him in the musky, vervaine filled room that he quickly pulls back in a gasp,
"What's wrong?, If I did something wrong I'm sor ...", Clive tries to apologize,
"It's okay Clive, it's just, let me make us some food", Trevor says standing up,
"That wont be necessary, mom called, we gotta be at home, she says someone wants to
see us", says a voice by the door as Kat and Roger walk in,
"Who is it?", Trevor asks,
"I don't know but we'll meet the others there, I had to come get you myself, think you can
manage a run?",
"Deckatore, you know how much I've been waiting to hear that?, I'll get changed", he says
rushing to his room to get changed from the striped pajamas he had on and as he
disappears into the room,
"I think I should go with you guys, to protect him?",
"No, you need to rest, the vampaines overpowered your crazy ass, you almost got killed
by them, if it weren't for us, we would've found your dead body", Kay says slowly pushing
him down back into the sofa,
"Kat is right, you need to relax a bit, I'm going with him, I'm part of the four winds
remember", says Deckatore and they all laugh,
"I just cant stand being away from him, don't know why but I'm attached", Clive says in a
confused tone,
"We know the answer to that", says Roger but he gets a small nudge,
"Shut up", says his sister through gritted teeth,
"What?, I was gonna say those gems around both their necks",
"True that", says Deck,
"Of course you were", says Kat and they all laugh at her sarcasm.
Meanwhile Trevor stares at his half naked body only in his blue chinos and black
sneakers, running his hands on his skin, he chuckles at a few transformations he has
developed from the drip, the half visible washboard abdomen, his chest a little puffed up,
the defined V line, his small torso that goes down and spreads into his now developed
hips and buttocks but he was still small bodies so nothing was THAT defined to make
him look like a teenage boy in his puberty phase, those were the minor changes he had
developed thanks to the drips he's been getting, in a way, they helped him 'cause if
someone were to ask,
"How did you get to look so good", his best lie?,
"Gym", and as he examines himself he runs his hand tracing on the markings on his waist up, he'd have flashbacks of Roland's hands groping him roughly, bruising him, his
breathing intensifies but his thoughts are disturbed when he hears his brother calling,
"Yo Trev, hurry up!",
"Coming!", he replies and he quickly pulls on a T-shirt , throws on a goodies and wears a
jacket on over it, he checks himself out again in his chinos and sneakers and walks out
to the living room,
"I'm ready", he says and Deckatore gets up from his chair and they head out with Trevor
but Trevor stops to look back,
"I'll be fine", Clive says winking at him and Trevor smiles a bit and puts his hood on
before speeding off into the blowing white blizzard outside with his brother right behind
Along the way, they run swiftly along with the wind, leaving no footprints on the ground
and only two blurs speeding by ,
You okay there little bro?
'Yeah I
okay, a little tired but I
l be fine' he replies concentrating forward and as he blinks he
sees the face he dreads with his all, Roland, as he runs he shakes the image off his mind,
'Trevor, you sure you okay?' Deckatore asks again telepathically ,
fine Deck, why didn
we teleport?'' asks Trevor in frustration,
'Cause our grandma is the only human, so us popping up out of nowhere will dream her out
understandable' Trevor replies dodging a few frosted trees in his way but then he hears
something that sent chills down his spine, Nocturna's evil laugh and that threw him off
more that he loses balance and falls into the snow rolling down a hill 'Trevor!' Deckatore
screams in his head and heads to his brother's aid, he gets there to find Trevor trying to
stand up from the heavy fallen snow, Deckatore slides down the slope and lands next to
fine Deckatore, I
l be alright ' he cuts his elder brother off,
'Trevor it
no time for you to be stubborn, get on my back, you
l piggy back ride home' ,
But Decka...' before Trevor could finish he was now on his brother's back,
'Hang on' Deckatore says sternly and Trevor tightens his grip around his brothers neck and
legs around his waist and he speeds off onward to the direction they were headed.
"Well where are they?", asks Dickson,
"Yeah, they should've been here by now", complains Dan but their complaining in the
kitchen is interrupted by their brothers voice in their heads ,
We're here' and then they hear a knock at the door and Matilda stands up from the living
room leaving her cup of tea on the coffee table while her mother is seated still holding
hers but she glances at the tea her daughter has left but she plays it cool 'cause her
son-in-law was seated right there so her chance to check out the tea was foiled "Ah,
finally, did you go check if the store wasn't snowed in?",
"Yeah mom and I picked Trevor up as you asked",
"Okay, come on over here you two, I'd like you to meet somebody", Matilda says as she
leads her two sons toward the livingroom,
"I'd like you to meet Claire Hathaway, your grandmother and my mother", she introduces
them and the woman seated on the couch stands up, "Oh how lovely, I thought you were pulling my leg Matilda when you said you had
quadruplets, nice to meet the fourth of you darling", she says giving Deckatore a warm
hug as they laugh archer dry humour,
"Nice to meet you too grandma", he says hugging her awkwardly,
"And here he is, the last and youngest of my sons, Trevor", Matilda says with her hands
on his shoulders,
"Hi", he says in his husky, small voice and Claire immediately stops and paused and
looks at the young boy in shock as she slowly walks toward him, examining him,
"I must be dreaming...he looks exactly like you Matilda, his face, his body, well his eye
colour is his father's but they most certainly look like yours, it's like I'm looking at you
when you were a child", she admires lowering herself to a half kneel looking at Trevor in
the eye,
"Uh thanks I guess", Trevor says in a shy tone , blushing a little,
"Nice to meet you child", she says and pulls Trevor into a hug nearly choking him,
"Nice to meet you too, grand, Ma", he's able to utter trying to catch his breath,
"Well good job Matilda, five boys?, that's a lot",
"Well it takes a lot to raise these rascals", Matilda replies as they go back to take a seat
back on the couches,
"So, Claire, what brings you here?", asks Stephan so she gives him a quick glare,
"Well, all these years, I've been angry at you Matilda, for running off with a boy, all in the
name of love, so I tracked you down and here I am",
"But mom, why now?, I needed you all my life but you disowned me, you and the whole
family, and the only person I could turn to was Stephan, so....why?",
"I saw no use in holding a grudge, I judged your relationship before I knew how beautiful
it would blossom, look at the both of you now, five grown kids, a beautiful home, you
have it, and proved me wrong, Matilda, Stephan, I hope you forgive me and I'm sorry",
"No need to apologize, Claire, it's alright, we forgave you waaay before we had our kids",
says Stephan assuring her not to worry,
"Hey, you not too bad yourself, so tell me, how is it that you two still look the same as you
always did after all these years?",
"Well uhm..", Matilda starts nervously but is cut off by a loud crash they hear outside and
as they all rush to look out the window they see a vampaine throwing stuff all over,
"Oh no, boys!?", Matilda calls out and all five of them rush out the kitchen to their mother
but just as they open the door about to head out,
"I got this", says Claire in a serious tone stopping the boys and heading out herself,
"Wait! Mom, you cant handle that thi...", she's cut off,
"Don't worry honey", she replies with a smile and takes out what seems to be a large
leathery book, she flips through pages and says some words, next thing the snow on the
ground rose up to the vampaine's feet engulfing it's whole body leaving it frozen and then
with a snap of her fingers it explodes into tiny pieces of ice and then a blue wave blows
around at the surrounding people, erasing their memory of what had just happened.She
turns around and walks right back into the house calmly as if nothing had happened,
"Mother, what was that?", asks Matilda in shock along with the rest of the family looking
at her as she takes a seat and sips her tea, "Oh well, the truth was gonna come out sooner or later, I decided to become a witch",
"A witch, mom, a witch?", Matilda asks taking a seat along with everybody still in shock
"Yes, after you left I heard rumours of vampires that terrorized the village at night, so I
took the liberty of learning magic to defend myself and the family from falling prey to
these monsters, and now I'm a top class witch", she says with a smile,
"Wow, we also have something to tell you Claire",
"Stephan, it's too soon", complains Matilda,
"Well, she will find out eventually, Claire, I'm a vampire and so are the children, well the
older ones are dhampires and Trevor is a pure vampire, he was born human but got
turned by somebody",
"My, God ... Matilda?",
"It's true mom, that's why we haven't aged, I had to be turned 'cause Trevor was a difficult
pregnancy 'cause he was human and my immune system was able to handle the four
boys but couldn't handle a pure human so during his birth, Stephan bit me and as I
turned, Trevor was born",
"As much as I want to be angry with you, I'm actually proud, you were able to withstand
all this and you Stephan, you were able to love my daughter without harming her or being
tempted to devour her in one of your feeding sprees with your family, this proves that
love conquers all, can we hug before I leave 'cause I have a doctor's appointment later
this afternoon and I don't want to be late and get hit by the blizzard again", she says
standing up and they all gather into a warm embrace, and after a minute or two she
heads out but she looks back at Trevor,
you worry child, I
l protect you and the family' she tells him telepathically and he smiles at
her as age hails a cab, gets in and it drives off.
Nocturna paces up and down her throne room,
"You wont succeed in what you doing", a voice echoes,
"Claire, what are you doing here", Nocturna asks,
"That family is tighter than you know, along with the other families, now if you think you
can use me again, forget it",
"Claire we made a deal, I tell you where they are, you find out where the boy is hidden or
else I tell them your little magical secret", Nocturna warns in confidence,
"I already told them I'm a witch, and they aren't shocked about it 'cause they felt free to
open up to me about themselves, something I already knew so save yourself some
energy and give up, they have something stronger than you, and It's love, something you'll
never destroy",
"Guards!", Nocturna shouts and as they approach Claire , a force field around her deflects
them sending them flying across the room,
"Don't bother, I'll see myself out", Claire says as she turns to the door and steps out while
the large doors close slowly behind her while Nocturna screams in anger.
"Mom, I need to go, I'm not feeling well", says Trevor as he looks at Deck,
"Yeah mom, he has a tummy bug, drank the wrong kind of blood", Deckatore giggles
"Oh?, but I thought you'd stay for dinner", complained Matilda,
"Besides It's been a while since we ate together", says Stephan, "Dad, I don't think I can eat anytime soon, maybe next week I'll be better", assures Trevor
"Well I think I have a rem...",
"Bye mom", Deckatore says as they disappear cutting their mother off before could finish
her sentence, leaving the other three behind,
"I guess you three are hungry",
"We sure are", they all reply and they head to the kitchen.
"Thanks for the quick save back there bro",
"Anytime Trev, look I gotta go somewhere, I'll be back real quick alright?", Deckatore says
giving Trevor a peck on the forehead before rushing off leaving Trevor alone in his room
so he walks out to the kitchen to check if there was any food or a blood packet, he finds
one and immediately sinks his fangs into it but is disturbed by a strong,
"Ahem", behind him so he slowly turns to find his friend in a T-Shirt and boxers barefoot
"Too loud?", Trevor asks,
"You think?", Clive replies in a soft chuckle,
"Sorry, I was too thirsty",
"I see that, anyway how are your parents?", he asks grabbing an apple and heading to the
floor where he had a laptop up and a movie was playing with pizza on the side, and thick
blankets on the floor with a cushion,
"They're good, we met our grandmother for the first time, and she's a witch", says Trevor
taking a seat on another couch,
"Hey now that's not a nice thing to say about the elderly",
"Dude, she looks like she could be my mom's older sister and I mean it literally when I say
she's a witch, she froze and blew up a vampaine that was terrorizing the area with
"Wow, that's hardcore",
"Yup, now my family is officially weird as hell, what you watching?", Trevor finally asks,
"Oh just an action movie, I got pizza if you want some?",
"I'm down for pizza, where's Kat and Roger?", Trevor says taking off his sneakers and
jacket and hoodie,
"Kat is gone to work and Roger has an assignment to finish at a friends house, guess
what I got", Clive says pulling out a small plastic bag full of rolled up blunts,
"No way",
"Yes way, I know your brothers are gonna kill me but, I calculated that they wont be home
until six pm so...",
"Dude remember how much trouble we got into with that?, Oh man, good times",
"Yeah and you coughed your lungs out",
"No I didn't, a swallowed a fly",
"I doubt you can handle it though", Clive says lighting up the first blunt and taking a puff
"Oh really?, Give it to me and I'll show you", Trevor reaches out to snatch it but fails,
"Nah, you'll cough and die", Clive resists lifting it high so Trevor cant reach,
"Bruh, give it here", he tries again,
"No you cant handle it", Clive says again as they start laughing,
"Oh you think I cant take it?",
"I know you cant take it", "Oh yeah?",
"Oh yeah?", Trevor asks as he tickles Clive and Clive can hold his laugh I'm so he bursts in
laughter as they both tumble to the floor with Trevor on top of him and slowly their laugh
dies down and they stop and stare into each others eyes,
"You're beautiful when you smile", Clive says but Trevor gets off of him blushing hard,
"Shut up and lets watch this movie and eat this pizza, I'm starving", Trevor says still
blushing as he gets comfortable and Clive pulls him closer by the waist as they watch
the movie playing, an hour passes and the movie is over, Clive looks to see Trevor fast
asleep on his chest, he chuckles at the beauty he's looking at and the tiny little snore he
hears makes him smile so he switches the laptop off and positions himself proper laying
on his back with his hand to support the back of his hand so that Trevor can sleep on his
chest comfortably, he places his arm around the small boy and he also drifts to sleep
with a smile on his face as Trevor wraps his arms around Clive's torso and gets comfy
even more, meanwhile someone is watching, looking at them in pure anger so that
stranger moves away from the window and speeds off into the forest.

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