Dear Diary:Season 1

By SAHM_Arts

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Love, loss. Healing and heartbreak. Might and magic. Heroes and villains. These are the challenges faced by T... More

Dear Diary: Introduction
Episode 1:Shattered and Broken
Episode 2:Smoke and Mirrors
Episode 3:Nightmares Come To Life In The Sweetest Of Dreams
Episode 4:Cast My Shadow
Episode 5:Heroes, Villains and Vampaines
Episode 6:A Story To Tell
Episode 7:Deeper
Episode 8:Chess Pieces On A Checkers Board
Episode 10:Failure To Escape
Episode 11:Blood Showers and Cold Tears
Episode 12:Breathe Baby, Breathe
Episode 13:Warm Embrace
Episode 14:I Wanna Know What Love Is
Season Finale Episode 15:Restored

Episode 9:Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

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By SAHM_Arts

Episode 9
Two weeks pass and there is nothing in the apartment to show there was anything going
on, the rooms were as cold as a morgue, or even worse, an arctic chamber, the furniture
was still and clean, the kitchen showed no sign of it being occupied by different aromas
of food with a hint of that satisfactory blood that could satisfy a vampire's thirst before
devouring it's prey by savouring at it's prey, Trevor's bedroom door was closed shut and
inside was a sleeping Trevor, laying there like a corpse ready to be taken to it's final
resting place, his skin was not his usual caramel colour, it was now a pale coffee colour
as the colour coffee with excessive milk would be, his hair had grown a bit into a medium
afro with a faded cut, the line on the side was still there as if he had come out fresh from
the barber, along with the grey streak going straight through, he looked peaceful, silent,
cold with his eyes closed as though they were locked by a gate keeper from the inside
not letting anyone in or out.
The alarm went off and his eyes slowly open revealing a dark indigo colour which in the
vampire world in certain covens showed a sign of coldness, anger, sadness, depression
and blood quenching every night, like a zombie he rose from his bed, taking a short
pause looking at the letter T that was mysteriously burnt onto his skin as though it was
burnt by a metal rod with the symbol on the front, he stopped looking at the marking on
his arm and checked his phone for texts or calls, he was expecting a certain call or text
but, nothing, only fifty text messages from Kat, pestering him to reply to her calls and
texts, asking if he's okay, the other texts were from Roland, apologizing for what he did to
him, giving off a soft sigh at the thought he makes his way to the bathroom as though he
was in a trance, not even the birds flying by his window caught his attention with their
singing by.
A few minutes pass and he walks out the bathroom to get dressed and off he went to
school.Walking down the street with his hood up, walking facing forward with only his
senses open for defence, people shuffling around the place as the smell of the juice that
is pumping in their veins fill the air causing Trevor's mouth to come as close as watering
but he kept suppressing his thirst until he got to the academic building, he took a small
pause and walked into the school suppressing his thirst even more 'cause it is said that
younger human's blood is tastier but he contains himself as the aroma of it was all over
the building, they looked like walking snacks as he felt his fangs threaten to poke out full
of venom, ready to pierce through soft skin, weakening his prey and devouring it, good
thing was that the family of that person disappears as though that person never existed,
their clothes vanish, pictures get altered to show only family members alive and not the
one who suffered the tragedy of their life being drained, drop for drop and ounce for
ounce until nothing is left but an empty shell with dry internal organs unrolled they fade
away, but Trevor tuned out that thought in his head as he made his way to his locker
putting his books in and taking the needed books for the day and when he closed the
locker, standing there was the girl in pig tails that had pink and purple highlights mixed in
the black hair,
"So, you decide to show?", she asks,
"Not now Kat", Trevor replies in a stern voice showing no emotion in his face, "Then when?, dude you've been ignoring my calls, my texts...what the hell and look at me
when I'm talking to you",
"Kat, I need some time alone and no I cant look at you, not now", he replies and as he
takes a step he sees the girl that haunted his thoughts, Tiyana holding hands with the
boy that always showed his face the moment he closes his eyes, their eyes met but
Trevor quickly looked down as Clive gave a small sigh and gave his girlfriend the
attention she's been begging for with all her none stop talking,
"Okay, what is going on? Why are the both of you giving nasty looks?", asks Kat in
"It's nothing I can handle", he replies and with that Kat forcefully takes Trevor by the chin
to look at his eyes but she quickly removes her hands the moment she touches his skin
"Don't tell me you on ice mode", she says putting on gloves immediately indicating how
cold his skin was,
"Kat I'm tired, I'm sick of all this mess and confusion",
"Trev, tell me what's going on 'cause I know how you get when in ice mode....",
"Kat I'll be fine, this is me, being me",
"But it's not....", before she could finish her sentence he was gone,
"", she finishes and in frustration she stomps her way to the kissing couple,
"Yo Clive, you gon stop drowning yourself in her hole of a mouth and tell me what's going
on between you and Trevor, they stop kissing to look at her,
"It's none of your business, baby girl", replies Tiyana,
"When it involves Trevor and Clive, it is my business but it sure is not your business, baby
girl", Kat mocks in the end and just as Tiyana is about to make an advance to attack Kat,
Clive stops her,
"Stop it, the both of you, look, Kat, ask your friend about this, not me", he says and holds
Tiyana by her hand and walks away to their class,
"What the hell is going on?", was all Kat could ask herself before rushing for class.It was
after school and the hallway was filled again and Trevor was the only pale boy in the
crowd, he was by his locker getting ready to leave until he felt a hand on his shoulder, it
was slightly warmer than he was so he turned around to see Tru with a big smile,
"Am I not getting a hug?", he asks and Trevor gives him what he asked but not in the
warmest of ways,
"So you're back?",
"I couldn't stay away from my babe now could I?, I have a gift for you at my place ...wait,
are you on ice mode?, what happened?", and in an instant what was once a smile faded
and as Clive walked by again with his and Trevor's eyes meeting,
"It was him right?",
"What?, no, Tru why ruin the moment....", Trevor got cut off the by Tru rushing toward
Clive, turning him around and his fists met with Clive's face causing him to drop to the
"What the hell, Tru?!", Clive yelled holding his eye on the ground,
"You, stay the hell away from Trevor", Tru says and standing up in anger Clive responds,
"Trevor and I haven't spoken in two weeks ...", and before he could finish, Trevor was
between them, "Stop!, Tru stop this", he tried to intervene between them,
"No babe he needs to...", Tru refused, feeling the power he suddenly felt over the
"Just shut up, I don't need you to fight my battles and you, Clive we need to talk", Trevor
was not backing down on his intervention but to his dismay, Clive cut him off,
"There's nothing to talk about, Trevor, you chose your path, now walk on it", Clive says
stomping off and out the premises,
"What is he talking about?", Tru asks,
"No, Tru just, no", Trevor stops the conversation and walks off answering a phone call
"Yeah ...I'll be there in a few minutes", he says on the phone,
"Kat, what's going on between those two?",
"Dude, I'm in the dark as you are now if you were there for Trevor, maybe this wouldn't
have happened, whatever it is, so you are the one at fault, now excuse me, I have a friend
to comfort", Kat says walking off as well and after a few minutes of the other students
watching Tiyana, and Roland appear behind him,
"Well well well, looks like we finally reached the point of no return", Tiyana says with a
"Looks like we got the fish we've been fishing for", says Roland with a smirk,
"Indeed, lets make this a bit more...intense", Tru says with a grin but little did they know
that someone was listening in on their victory talk.
Trevor gets to his apartment to see a tall skinny boy, looking like one of the boys one
would pass by the street cat calling girls that pass by looking like a gangster,
"Hey, you ready?",
"Do you have to ask, Jake?", replies Trevor in a seductive manner before they go in the
apartment. Kat on the other hand walks into her apartment and gets a little fright when
she sees four boys on her couches,
"You guys need to learn to call before rocking up to my place like that, geez", she
"Kat what is wrong with our brother?", asks Deckatore looking flustered,
"I'm just as lost as you guys are?",
"Have you tried going to his place?, I mean, you can phase into the place", says Don,
"That's the thing, I can't",
"You can't or you won't?", asks Dan,
"I can't, okay I can't, he's on ice mode",
"Ice mode?", they all ask in unison,
"Oh wow, vampires that know nothing about the phases they get into",
"It's the first we heard about it", replies Dickson,
"Okay, so it's this state he gets into when his feelings are hurt, he changes physically and
emotionally, kind of like your cousins the Cullens on Twilight or whatever",
"That was just a movie Kat, none of that was real", replies Dan with a chuckle,
"Dude, before I became a full fledged harpy I studied Vampirology so I know that
vampires have different tribes and the kind that were in the movie, do exist", she replies
with a smug look, "Okay, oh great vampire expert so how do you explain the 'ice mode'", asks Deck,
"In ice mode he has these powers like right now, there's a force field surrounding his
apartment alone and the only way to get in is if he lets you",
"That explains why I couldn't teleport into his apartment it felt like I was hitting an ice
berg or something", replies Dan,
"Exactly", replies Kat standing from her couch to the kitchen,
"Well we have to find a way to get in or ...",
"Or we lose him, 'cause in this state, he'll turn evil and that's what Nocturna wants", Kat
continues from Dickson's realization,
"Wow, in that case you need to get him to go home, to our mom and dad , he'll calm
down there and the only person to do that is you or Clive", says Deck,
"Yeah, well you'll need to scratch Clive out", Kat says,
"What?, why?", asks Don,
"I don't know but they are not on speaking terms",
"Damn, now what?, okay uhm try to get him to go home, he needs it, we'll get his room
ready", says Don,
"I'll try", says Kat in a low voice,
"We trust you'll convince him", says Dan before they all disappear,
"Here I go", she says to herself as she walks on out her room.
Meanwhile Trevor's apartment is full of smoke, Jake is on the floor, shirtless and a blunt
in his hand, puffing out smoke like a chimney and Trevor on top of him, brushing his
chest seductively in his trunks and vest,
"Man, I can already picture you riding me with that fat ass", says Jake, biting his bottom
lip as he caresses Trevor's buttocks,
"All in due time, papi, all in due time, I love your tattoos though", Trevor says bouncing a
bit on the boy's general area and as Trevor leans in for a kiss, he hears a knock on the
door and they both groan in frustration,
"Lets see who it is that's disturbing our fun", Trevor says getting off of him, and walking
to the door, he recognised the scent that he rolled his eyes and opened a bit,
"Hurry back here, I'm starting to get hard", he complains but Trevor ignores and opens the
door half way as the smoke leaves his room,
"Yo", he replies,
"Trevor we got to talk",
"Kat, not this again, I'm in the middle of something",
"Yo, Trev, hurry up already", Kat hears the boy in the background,
"Trevor no, don't tell'll'll feed on him?", she whispers in worry,
"Hey, a boy's gotta eat so if you'll excuse me, I have a thirst to quench",
"Bye Kat", Trevor concludes rolling his eyes closing the door leaving Kat lost and worried
as to what will happen to her friend,
"At least I tried", she says to herself and walks off.
"Now, where were we?", Trevor asks walking slowly toward the boy positioning himself,
"Now lemme tap that ass, I've been wanting this since I first saw you at school", "Well your dreams are about to come true", Trevor says as he climbed on top of the boy
and starts kissing him,
"Shit...I'm so slam it...inside", Jake says in between kisses and Trevor
"But let me get you ready to hit this tight tight", he says as he resumes the kissing and he
moves on to Jake's ear, nibbling on the ear lobe and playing with the earring, turning
Jake on even more causing him to groan and moan,
"Damn you gon make me cum before I even get far, shit it hurts", he moans out as Trevor
moves down toward his neck secretly taking in the scent of the boy's blood running
through his veins, the scent mixed with weed , making Trevor smile a little as he licks his
ink covered neck and slowly his fangs protrude and then suddenly they sink into Jake's
"Ah...ah...ouch...OUCH...OOOOOOWWWWWW OWH...", he screams as he feels the little
pinch turn into pain he has never felt before in his life and just before his screams could
escalate, Trevor covers his mouth in a flash making the boy's screams sound muffled
and unheard as Trevor's venom floods the boy's body and his heart pounding harder
making his blood pump up as Trevor goes on to drain him, drinking him, making sure that
no drop falls to the ground and slowly, Jake's screams lowered as he weakens, Trevor
continues to suck the boy dry and his eyes close and he stops breathing and his body
goes limp, and cold and then pale and just as Trevor is sure that Jake's heart stopped
beating, Trevor stops and takes a deep breath and wipes his mouth,
"Wow, who knew you'd be this juicy, thanks for being my snack, Jake", he says to himself
and as he stands up, the corpse fades along with the clothes and everything the boy
brought along with him faded and disappeared into nothing,
"Now lets see who else has been pestering me", he says as he checks his phone and he
finds a text message from Kat 'Hey Tre, I know you're going through a phase but
whatever it is that you and Clive are going through, I don't know about it but
at least be the bigger person and apologize, see his reaction, either way he
takes it, at least you woulda tried to reach out, try Trev, try babe' were the
words she sent and it clicked in his head then he had flashbacks of the words he said to
Clive that evening in the forest, the words that he uttered, the sadness and hurt in Clive's
eyes when he said them, everything hit home and then he felt bad about it that he quickly
put his clothes on and rushed on out of his apartment.
He stopped at his door, hesitant to knock or not, he finally gained courage and knocked a
few times the door is opened,
"What do you want Trevor?", Clive says when he opens the door,
"Hi ...I just wanna",
"You hurt me Trevor, my feelings for you...I cant even come to explain it", Clive cuts
Trevor off,
"You don't have to explain, I'm sorry", Trevor explains,
"For what?", Clive asks in a sarcastic manner,
"For hurting you, saying those words, I wasn't thinking",
"Yeah you weren't but know what, too little too late, okay? plus, you reek of blood and
weed, goodbye Trevor Sinclair", Clive says slamming the door in Trevor's face leaving him with tears in his eyes.He calms himself down and makes his way to Tru's apartment
but as he knocks, the door opens on it's own, strange to Trevor he walks in slowly and to
his surprise he finds heels on the ground, followed by sexy underwear, thongs and
followed by a bra, leading to the bedroom which was filled with moans and groans, to
Trevor's shock he finds his boyfriend, the boy who told him he loved him was bumping
and grinding on top of somebody groaning,
"Shit, you good babe", were the words he said to the person he was on top of,
"Baby, go deeper, harder oh damn you good", he heard the person underneath and it
quickly clicked, that voice that told him where to get off, the voice that 'caused all of this
outburst of feelings, hurt and resentment toward himself, the girl that gave him the "stay
away from my man", look every time they passed,
"The fuck?", were the words that escaped Trevor's mouth and the two stopped moving as
the girl peeked,
"Shit!", she shouted and Tru looked behind him and immediately jumped off the girl,
"Baby, baby it's not what you think", Tru said trying to cover his manhood with the
"Know what...?", Trevor said before rushing out and blurring out of Tru's apartment, Tru
quickly put his clothes on and followed while Tiyana sits on the bed grinning as Tru
rushes out. Trevor quickly opens his door, rushes to his room and takes out his gym bag
and a few clothes and stuffs them in his bag,
"Trevor?, Trev...I'm sorry I didn't mean to...",
"Like hell you didn't, Tru I gave you my heart and this is what you do to it?!, with Tiyana of
all people, a girl in fact",
"I'm sorry please don't leave me, it was a moment and...",
"Tru, shut up, shut the hell up, you were never there when I needed you the most, I turned
down boys who wanted me, who said I deserve better, their love for me was real, and I
told them I get enough from you, but little did I know that I was kidding myself", Trevor
say with tears rolling down his eyes as he packs his clothes,
"But baby I...",
"Save it Tru, this was never meant to be, it's over Tru, don't text me, don't call me, I'm
done!", Trevor screams as he snatches his bag, backpack, phone and keys,
"Goodbye Tru, poof yourself out", were his last words as he slams the door and locks it,
and Tru does as he is told and in a puff of smoke he disappears. Trevor marches and
runs down the stairs in tears and as he does he bumps into Roland,
"Hey, Trev you alright?",
"Roland, I cant talk right now, I gotta go",
"Hey, but I wanna apolo....",
"Roland, I'll call alright?, I'll call", Trevor says running down leaving Roland dumbfounded
at the stairs. Trevor gets to the last stair and trips and falls,
"Mr Sinclair, you alright?", asks one of the securities fishing to help him up,
"I'LL BE FINE!", he replies with a yell getting up and when he looks behind him he sees
Clive staring at him but all Trevor could do was go on in his emotion rush, he hailed a cab
and he quickly got in,
"Nubiville please, step on it", he tells the driver and it drives off.

"TIYANA WE MESSED UP!", Tru yells as he walks into his apartment to find Tiyana getting
"How?, Wasn't this part of the plan?", she asks puzzled,
GET HIM!", he continues yelling,
"Okay! Don't yell alright", she complained,
"Hey guys, I just saw Trevor crying down the stairs, what's up?", asks Roland walking in
on the noise,
"Tiyana messed up", replied Tru rubbing his temples in frustration,
"What?, okay first off, I'm grateful it wasn't but secondly....what is wrong with you
"I said I'm sorry okay?, He walked in on us ...busy",
"Wow, Tiyana, congratulations, now Tru, what's our plan B?",
"I'm thinking, I'm thinking, Roland call Percy, we need him right now",
"Alright", affirms Roland,
"Tiyana, just sit this one out",
"Hey now I want in on this plan as much as Roland and Percy are, so ...",
"What I mean is, sit down and lets wait for Percy", Tru cuts her off,
"Oh", she says sitting down,
"He's on his way", says Roland coming back from a short call,
"Good, now we wait", says Tru and that's what they did.
Along the way, Trevor cant stop crying as now he felt what Clive did and even worse,
finding his boyfriend having sex with the very same girl who threatened him for spending
too much time with Clive, it hurt him deeply,
"Maybe I do deserve all this hurt I'm getting", he tells himself as he texts Kat 'Girl....I
tried and I'm going home' and he presses send and trails off in thought .
Kat received the text,
"Oh God, this is bad", she says to herself and just then Roger comes in trying to catch his
breath as though he was running from something or someone,
"Geez bruh where you been and why are you breathing as though you were being chased
by rabid dogs, you not being bullied again right?",
"No, but there is something way worse about to happen, we need to talk to Trevor",
"He's gone home, to his parents",
"Okay that's good, but we got some work to do", Roger says,
"O-kay?", Kat says in confusion seeing her brother pull out a book from his backpack and
get busy turning pages.
Trevor gets home and the taxi drives off the moment he gets off at the gate of his now
developed home and he finds his mother and father seated at the porch all lovey dovey
and when they see their youngest of sons at the gate they noticed his skin tone, eye
colour and hair had changed completely, "Baby...", Matilda said running toward him with her arms open for a hug and Stephan
behind her and they all embrace each other in a hug,
"It's gonna be okay son, it'll be alright", says Trevor's father rubbing his son's head and
the pendant glows,
"Go on ahead son", says his mother making way for him to go inside the house with his
"That thing actually works?", asks Stephan,
"Oh Stephan, of course it does, it chose him after all", she says,
"Okay, I stand corrected then", he says and they both laugh getting in the house.

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