Kiyotaka X Hiyori [COTE]

By Sierra_NN

14K 421 129

First FanFic/ First Story I ever wrote. Hope you enjoy! :) Kiyotaka Ayanokoji a new first year at the ANHS wa... More

Ch. 1 - My New School
Ch. 2 - The Life of Class D
Ch. 4 - Close Friends
Ch. 5 - Growing Suspesions
Ch. 6 - First Expulsion
Ch. 7 - Cruise Ship
Not A Bad Announcement
Ch. 8 - Beach Fun🍋
Ch. 9 - Class D = Divided
Ch. 10 - Master Thief?
Ch. 11 - Betray
Ch. 12 - Sports Festival!

Ch. 3 - Meeting the Angel

1.2K 40 7
By Sierra_NN

A/N: Last chapter they created the study group and you guessed it this is going to be boring to write. More than 1000 words just about studying. I will try to make it enjoying just don't expect much.

Ayanokoji POV

As I was waking up and realized the time was 7:21 am. It was a Saturday and we were supposed to meet up at a cafe to study together. I didn't want to be late 'cause I didn't want to get a bad rep on the first study session. As I was getting ready to head out Horikita started texting me.


Horikita: Hey Kiyotaka when are you going to be arriving?

Me: At the time that you said to be at. Also since when did you start calling me by my given name?

Horikita: I'll stop if you want, but just don't be late.

Me: Ok. See you later.

I put my phone away already set to go for the cafe. I was wearing some black shoes, black sweatpants, and a button up shirt. I decided to dress simple since its just a study session. I walked into the  lobby of the dorm room and noticed a girl with pink hair sitting on a couch just zoned out.

I tapped her lightly on the shoulder asking. "Are you feeling okay?". She quickly shot up her head looking at me. As soon as she looked at my face she was shocked a little.

Ichinose - Oh sorry! No I was just waiting for somebody. Sorry to make you worry.

"Its no worry sorry to have bothered you. Mind me asking who your waiting for?" I was curious as too who she was waiting for. But I was bored with the answer.

Ichinose - Just a couple classmates we're going to be studying together.

She said that with a smile on her face, I just nodded trying to cut the conversation short, and as soon as I did that I just left. Because I was cutting close to the meeting time, as I was walking away I turned around to see the girl still staring at me. I paid no mind to it and walked off. A couple minutes after walking I arrived at the location and saw everyone else already there. I walked up to the table and told them I'm going to go get a drink before we start. Some just nodded as I walked to the register ordering my drink, 'I've never had a milkshake' while looking at the milkshake list. "Excuse me. I'd like a Vanilla milkshake." The barista just  smiled and nodded and started making it.

This is not real. I think. I just put it as my favorite drink.

A couple minutes later and I'm walking back to the table with my drink. With every slurp from my cup the top of my mouth got colder and colder. My face didn't show it but inside my head I was freaking out at how good it was. As I sat down at the table Horikita was looking at me with a puzzled look.

Horikita - Is this your first time trying a milkshake Ayanokoji?

'I wonder how she knew it was...' and just nodded 'yes' while still slurping. I was halfway done when Kushida started talking about starting to study and sharing note with the Idiot Trio and us. We had been studying for about 30ish minutes before anyone could've guessed Yamauchi started whining and complaining about how hard this was. Everyone saw it coming sooner or later. Soon after his disruption, Horikita and Yamauchi started fighting about how this was needed or that he can study by himself. But we all know that he is just going to play videogames and slackoff. Soon after 1 by 1 the people in our group left starting with Yamauchi then Ike then  shockingly Sudo stayed for 10 extra minutes after Ike left. Which shocked those of us left. Sure after the case he has calmed down and taken studying a little more serious but we didn't know that it would lead to this.

Soon after Sudo left thanking Horikita, Kushida, and me and asked if he could borrow some notes from me. I said sure and he bowed a little bit thanking me again. I was even more shocked, never once has anybody heard him say thankyou and please. But here he is now doing it as it is casual for him. After he left I looked at Horikita and said what popped into my mind first.

"You have quite a nice follower. Don't you agree."

She just smirked as she and Kushida both left shortly after.


It was Monday again and I was looking around the classroom waiting for somebody as soon as she came in and sat at her table I asked her a question, not that important to me but to her it might be. "So Horikita what are you going to do about the study group now that it sorta fell apart?" I asked it calmly but she looked at me with a 'are you serious' face.

Horikita - I don't disagree that the group might have broken, but that's all right.

"It is?" I asked not knowing what she meant.

Horikita - Well I'm going to have you ask them to join up again with us. A guy asking a guy is more convincing including in this school. Don't you agree.

I just blankly looked at her. Doing that for a while she opened her mouth but I cut her off. "No... If you want to do something do it yourself. I'm trying to live peacefully in my little bubble." After I said that I crossed my arms on the table and put my head on it, facing towards the wall. A short while later I heard her sigh.

Horikita POV

'Cant believe he didn't want to try at least, he is so unbelievable.' As I was walking over to Ike and Yamauchi I saw that they saw me walking to them. Immediately starting a conversation. I came up to them and asked "Hey you 2 we have to get together with the group so we study again. You coming?".

Ike/Yamauchi - Nah/No thanks we don't want to./we have other plans.

I figured something like this might happen again so I asked some people who they like and luckily they both like Kushida whos in our group. So I used her to my advantage. "But wouldn't Kushida be sad if one of you get expelled. And if you do, wouldn't she try anything to get back her classmates and friends?". I hit the nail on the head as I looked at them they both gulped and opened their mouth slightly like shocked. Before long I got my answer.

Ike/Yamauchi - Okay.../We can try making it...

After they said that I told them to meet in the library after school as it was still open after school hours for those who like to read and work in the quiet. I knew Ayanokoji liked going to the library and seeing him sometimes read by himself. He doesn't go often mainly like twice a week, as I was thinking of him I saw him on my way back to my table. He looked asleep and tired so I tried pinching him since class was about to begin in a minute. He still wasn't waking up after multiple pinches, I knew that he didn't like being stabbed with a compass since I did it before by accident, class was about to begin soon as the teacher walked in with little time to share I pulled it out quickly with a thought on my mind.

'I'm sorry. Don't resent me for it later...'


Ayanokoji POV

I was woken up by sharp pain in my arm, after I halve woke up all the pain came together in half a second. I shot up from my seat while holding up my arm which had a little trail of blood on my pointer finger. The teacher looked at me as she saw the blood on my hand she immediately said.

Chabashira - Ayanokoji I wont ask why you're bleeding, but please go to the nurse's office and clean that up.

I silently nodded and walked out. On my way out the door I saw Horikita in the corner of my eye and she bowed slightly and mouthed 'sorry'. I wanted to say something but just nodded and accepted that she did it so we wont get in trouble. As I walked to the nurses office I saw other classes being taught and as I walked by they saw my bleeding hand with ac couple drops falling on the floor. They had a face of confusion, disgust, and others mostly girls had a face of pity. I soon arrived at the nurse and walked in she was sitting in the corner drinking some coffee when I walked in she noticed me and my bleeding hand and asked.

Nurse - So how did you get that blood on you...

"Its Ayanokoji and I got this by a friend by accident." I answered and wrote down on a notepad what I said. ❗(Might be graphic idk) She started taking off my top half of the uniform to reveal a gauge in my arm with blood trickling out of it.❗ She put some disinfecting on it before wrapping my arm with a bandage. After she was done she gave me a new uniform because my old one had blood on it. I put it on and thanked the nurse before walking back to class. As I was walking I felt it sting a little bit every time I swing my hand. 'Well that's inconvenient.'. I walked back to class and opened the door, people were staring and not in a good way. I just shrugged it off walking back to my seat, and continuing with the rest of my day.

Time Skip brought to you by Me. :)

School was over for the day and we went to the library. Everyone gathered and started to work again quietly in the library. We were working quite well like a group even. We were passing notes asking questions, and making mini quizzes for each other. That is until... (DUN DUN DUNNNN) Yamauchi started talking😰. (I'm bored) He asked a question to Horikita asking if we needed to learn this. He says it not necessary and she says it is. They go back and forth saying if he needs to learn it or not. At one point Yamauchi screamed at her, people were beginning to look at us and telling us to shut up. We did but Yamauchi left telling Ike to leave as well. He couldn't refuse because it felt like he was going to hit him if he didn't. He then decided to ask Sudo as well he was reluctant at first but than agreed but before leaving asking Horikita and Kushida if it was ok if he left.

They both saw no problem but told him to study and review the notes. He smiled and said thankyou to both of them. I looked at them and they were flustered a little bit by it but regained control once they realized I was looking at them. The group had already broke down and not being able to repair it we just told each other to study and review before the Midterms on Thursday. After leaving it felt like a burden was dropped off my shoulders. Pulling out my phone and looking at the time I decided to read some books since I didn't want to go home yet. I wanted to read some mystery since I like solving the riddles and problems in the book as it progress's. I walked over to an aisle turning the corner I saw a girl with silver hair trying to reach a book that was a little to high up for her to reach.

I walked over to her and handed her the book she was trying to get. As soon as she realized that I was grabbing it for her she looked up at me and said softly to me.

Shinna - Thankyou for getting that for me.

She said that with a smile at the end giggling a little. Handing her the book I started to realize that everything around her was getting blurry only allowing me to see her clearly. I didn't understand it so I just rubbed my eyes trying to fix it and eventually it worked. She was asking if I was okay since I rubbed my eyes for so long. "Oh yeah I'm fine, Sorry to make you worry. Say do you also like reading mystery novels?" I asked her since she was trying to get one. She only nodded and then realizing what I said she also asked me a question.

Shinna - Wait 'also' say do you like to read books to...

"Its Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, and yes I also like to read." As I said that I noticed the girl had a huge smile on her face. Confused for a second the next she was pulling my arm towards a table.

Shinna - My name is Hiyori Shinna! Come on grab a book and lets read together! I've been looking for a book buddy!

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