Red White And Royal Blue

By MandyAmandaa

33.1K 530 96

After the election. Alex and Henry had to deal with an unexpected guest in their life. Angst with a happy end... More

The White House
The Next Morning
Morning at Austin
Kensington Palace
Kensington Palace part 2
Alex's House in Austin
Mine Only
The Roots
The Console
The Making Up
The Party
The Climax
The Finale
Not a chapter

The Call

1.5K 30 10
By MandyAmandaa

"Hen?" Bea called out from the Henry's room in Kensington Palace.

"Here." Henry screams from the balcony.

"What are you doing here?" Bea asks.

"Just getting some air."

"You look terrible. Did my bro's lovesickness getting worsen?" Bea teased.

"C'mon Bea. I'm fine."

"Oh. I know you Hen. You are missing him!" Alex's law exams starts two weeks ago and Henry have to come back to London for national duty.

"It's been two weeks."Henry says unpleasantly.

"You're acting like you never even hear his voice in two weeks. You two having face time all the time." Bea says playfully.

"Still he is in another continent."

"One more week Hen." Bea consoles him.

Henry takes his phone as he heard a notification sound and opened the message. It's from an unknown number.

Unknown no. : Henry!!!

"It's definitely not Alex." Bea interrupts.

"How do know that?" Henry asked.

"From your facial expression. I can see a real disappointment in your face." Bea teased.

"Shut up Bea. His exam will end in any time soon. I have to call him. Will you please excuse us."

"I can't believe this. I wonder how Alex manage his studies and you at the same time." Bea exclaims.

"Oh. Bea. We don't talk that much."

"Okay. Whatever. I'm leaving."

Bea leaves the rooms and Henry examines the message he just received. From the country code he gets that it's from France. He thinks about his friends in France. He have only few friends there. By the time another message popped up.

Unknown no. : Are you going to ignore me sweet pum.

'Sweet pum' oh my God it's Luke! Henry's Heart beats fastened. He thinks Luke has gone forever. Now he is back. He can't think straight now.

Luke : Henry baby!!

Henry : what you want Luke?

Luke : YOU!

Henry : Can you please leave me alone?

Luke : I want to talk to you.

Henry : I don't want to talk to you. I already had a past experience from you.

Luke : sorry for the last time baby. I never wanted to hurt you. You over reacted.

Henry : Really? Whatever it is it's over. We're over. I never want to see your face.

Luke : You can't take the serious decision like this Hen. You will definitely come to me. I know how to make you. I'm going to give a small gift to your American boyfriend. Then you will understand what I'm capable of.

Henry starts to shake when he mentioned Alex.

Henry : No. What you want?

No replay.

Henry : Don't drag Alex in this. I will do anything.

No replay.

Henry : We can talk. Luke??

Still no reply so he called in the number, but no one answered.

"No. No. No. No. Please. Please. Take the call you fucker." Henry starts to panic and called Alex. But he didn't pick up. So he called Amy.

"Your Highness? Are you alright?" Amy asks over the phone hearing the shaken voice of Henry.

"Alex didn't finishes the exam?" Henry tries to ask her as calm as possible.

"No. I think it will be over within minutes."

"Okay. Just tell him to call me." He says and hang up the call.


As soon as Alex stepped out off the exam hall he takes the phone to text Henry. He is typing while walking towards his car which is waiting outside. Suddenly a car stopped infront of him takes forward, it hardly hit him but Alex lost his balance and fell on the ground. The guy in the car came out of it and helped Alex to stand. By the time secret service agents came there and checked him. There is some scratches on his right elbow and chin but nothing serious.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't see you. I was distracted by something." The car guy apologizes.

"How can you simply say sorry. What's your name? Show me your ID." Amy interfered.

"Oh. Easy. Don't question him like you would question a terrorist who has come to attack the country." Alex says to Amy. "It's my fault too. I didn't notice either." He saw Henry calling him on the phone in between their conversation but didn't take the call.

"You're being attacked. We have to make this clear."

"C'mon. I will live. Don't exaggerate a  simple accident."

After some arguments Alex convinced the secret service agents to leave the car guy. He saw Henry calling him again. He takes the phone immediately.

"Alex. Where are you?" Henry asked over the phone. He sounds nervous.

"In college." He says confusingly. "What is it Hen. You ok?"

"Yes. Yes. I'm." He definitely isn't. Alex saw a secret service agent came towards him with a first aid box.

"It's nothing. I'll take care of it." Alex says to agent.

"What's that?" Henry asks casually.

"Oh it's nothing. Some car guy hardly hit me and they all act like someone bombed here." Alex says playfully.

"What? What happened?" Panic washed over Henry's voice.

"Ohh my God. Henry. It's nothing."

"How can you say it's nothing. Are you...Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Henry. Just a few scratches. It's not a big deal."

"I want you in the facetime now." Henry demands and cut the call and connected him in facetime.

"Oh my God. Your chin." Henry's voice still filled with panic.

"It's just a scratch."

"Why don't you take anything serious?"

"Only if it's serious."

"Where is the car guy. Has he being questioning."

"He is gone." Alex says with a straight face.

"What?" A disbelieving expression came on his face.

"You didn't hear me. He is gone. I let him go."

"Why? Why would you do that? Oh my God Alex, you have no idea."

"Oh really. It was an accident. You want him in jail for that."

"No. It's not an accident. He did it on purpose." Henry says it like he is sure of that.

"What you mean? How you sure about this? You are saying like that you were here."

"I'm sure that Alex. You are in danger. It's Luke, he messaged me."

"He messaged you again? I thought that idiot has gone forever. Don't worry Henry I'm definitely going to kick his ass this time." Alex's nerves tightened by hearing Luke's name again.

"No. No. He threatened me that he would hurt you. Don't do anything stupid Alex. And please inform your agents that..."

"That my life being threatened."

"Yes." Henry says painfully. "And please catch the car guy. He must be Luke's someone. He is danger. And you are in danger."

"Henry. Just listen to me. I get that Luke threatened you. But none of this make any sense. Luke is in England. And we checked his background, he can't go this far."

"No. He is in France now. I get the message from France. We don't know him exactly. And please take this serious, it's about your life. Maybe you can risk that but I can't." Henry's eyes filled with tears.

"Hen. I got that. But you're panicking unnecessarily. Why you are scared of him? Am I missing anything Hen? Do you want to say anything to me?" Alex has always this feelings whenever Henry talked about Luke. He is scared of Luke and Alex knows that but what he don't is the reason. Alex thinks it may be the trauma that occurred when he tried to assault him. But something is missing, Henry is hiding something.

"No Alex, I just want you to be okay."

"You said me about Luke but still you're hiding something."

"Fuck you Alex. You never get that. Alright, I'm coming to D.C. tonight." Henry still ignored Alex's interrogation.

"What? You can't be serious."

"What? You always talks hours that how much you miss me. Now you don't want to see me."

"Of course I want to see you. But I'm against the reason you come here."

"I don't care. And can you say Amy about this."

"No. I won't. I don't want to trace down a poor guy."

"Of course you don't, then I will." He hang up the call abruptly.

After eight hours Henry joins Alex in the Whitehouse. After so many tears hugs and sweet kisses they had dinner together. Henry is still scared, he called Amy and told everything before he get into flight. Unlike Alex Amy takes that seriously and begins to investigate about that.

Henry layed on the couch in Alex's room.

"You need to sleep Henry. Go to the bed."

"No, I'm fine now. You go and study."

"Oh. Bossy." Alex grins.

"Or you can take rest. It was a long day and actually you need to take rest."

"Of course it was long day. I jumped out of a flight and landed on the Whitehouse balcony. Oh my God, miracle, I'm still alive." Alex says with a mocking tone.

"You think you're funny."

"Yes I'm." Alex smirks. "But that was a bad one."

Henry sighs. Alex notices Henry's pain. His face changed suddenly. Henry is really scared and in pain and Alex wants to ease his pain. He approaches Henry and sit beside him on the couch and folded his left hand on Henry's shoulder.

"Ok. You're right. Your fear is reasonable. But look at me, I'm fine. We're fine. Look, we're together. You're with me. So now there is zero danger. We're seeing each other after two weeks, so don't spoil our moment."

"I'm not spoiling anything, you know the reason I'm here."

"I know. But you're here with me and saying you're not tired, so... We could..." Alex bites Henry's ear.

"Alex. You know that we're not in the mood."

"What? I'm very much in the mood." Alex protests and placed his lips on Henry's nose.

"How can you think about sex right now?" Henry asks.

"What's wrong with this time. It's only 10p.m."


"You know I'm always serious about these things." He attacked Henry's adam apple.

"I'm glad atleast you're serious about our sex life." Henry says and moaned.

"Yeah." Alex removed Henry's t-shirt and pushed him to let him lay on the couch on his back.

Alex kissed him in the way that Henry forgets everything, for the moment Henry thinks he flew across an ocean for this. For this kiss. He kisses him for three minutes straight and then he pulled off and licks Henry's right nipple while he pinched the left one, which earned a sweet moan from him. When he replaced his tongue with teeth a most inhuman voice came from Henry's mouth. He bite down his nipple again and again and he did the same on the left one. Alex pulled his head and admires his works. A satisfaction came on him when he saw the sweet pink nipples of him turned into red buds.

"Alex.." Henry pants. "Fuck me."

This is all Alex wants to hear. He left Henry there and came back with a lube and a condom. He didn't waste a single second. He fastly removed his trouser and Henry's. He throw's Henry's legs on his shoulder and streched him out with his fingers and fucked him. He came all his way inside Henry's. And Henry came on Alex abs and chest. Alex collapsed into Henry's chest and Henry placed his hands on Alex's back and hold him tightly. After a minute Alex getup and takes a towel and starts to clean himself and his boyfriend. Henry hold his right hand caressed his elbow and slowly kissed on all his scratches while Alex watches him carefully.

"Here." Alex shows his scratch in his right chin demanding the kiss. Henry couldn't help but laugh at Alex's cute side.

"Alright." He laughs and places his lips on Alex's chin and kissed him there multiple times.

"Ok. Yeah, it's feel better now Hen." Alex says with a laugh. Henry placed his head on a place between Alex's neck and shoulder and Alex cradled Henry's head. It tooks only a few minutes to Henry for fell on sleep on his shoulder. He is already tired due to the travel and all these mental stress. It's good that he came to Alex so atleast he gets some sleep otherwise it would be a sleepless night for him.

Alex carrys Henry in bridal style to the bed. He caressed Henry's hair and kissed on his forhead. While he covers him with the blanket he heard his phone ring.

It's Amy. He picks the call.

"Is everything alright?" Alex enquires. She won't call at this time unless it's an urgent matter.

"It's about the accident happened on the college. The car guy's name is Jack and he is not a student. He entered the campus saying that he had an appointment with the prof. Jagdeesh. But he didn't meet him. And Henry told me to enquires about his French connection if he had any and yesterday he was credited $10000 from a French bank."

"Yeah. So..."

"We're looking for more information. But you don't need to worry about your safety."

"I know that. Can you please not say any of these to Henry. Just say him that was an accident."

"Yes. I'll do that."

"Thank you Amy. Thank you so much."

He hung up the phone and stares at Henry realising after all Henry was right. It was not an accident.

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