Home Sweet Girl

By SleepingBeau_

36.3K 1.3K 95

Will there ever be a home as sweet as she? Homelessness is all Maryanne knows. Yet, sheltered by her fairly o... More

Author's Note
Chapter | One
Chapter | Two
Chapter | Three
Chapter | Four
Chapter | Five
Chapter | Six
Chapter | Seven
Chapter | Eight
Chapter | Nine
Chapter | Ten
Chapter | Eleven
Chapter | Twelve
Chapter | Thirteen
Chapter | Fourteen
Chapter | Fifteen
Chapter | Sixteen
Chapter | Seventeen
Chapter | Eighteen
Chapter | Nineteen
Chapter | Twenty
Chapter | Twenty two
Chapter | Twenty three
Chapter | Twenty four
Chapter | Twenty five
Chapter | Twenty six
Chapter | Twenty seven
Chapter | Twenty eight
Chapter | Twenty nine
Chapter | Thirty
Chapter | Thirty one
Chapter | Thirty two
Chapter | Thirty three
What is going on?
Chapter | Thirty four
Chapter | Thirty five
Chapter | Thirty six
Chapter | Thirty seven
Chapter | Thirty eight

Chapter | Twenty one

764 40 2
By SleepingBeau_

Mary eyes follow Angeline as she wrestling and tidying up the house in workout clothes from her late morning run. Even though the cleaning ladies came out yesterday. Dario was called in for an emergency at work and left an hour ago.

"Why today out of all days," she groans and mumbles to herself. The social worker is arriving today and Mary has no clue. Supposedly, Angeline forgot to fill her in on the visit.

She walks in the kitchen, pops open the fridge, then hops over to the pantry. She grabs all the ingredients to whip up a quick appetizer for the guest. The plan was to send Dario to the store, while she get her and Mary ready for the day. The social worker is scheduled to be here at twelve and it is currently ten. She thought she would have enough time.

"Baby. Can you do me a favor?" She acknowledges Maryanne's presence. The young girl nods.

"Can you get dressed and ready for me? It doesn't have to fancy-just not pajamas. Okay?" The woman starts chopping away. Whereas, Mary wondered why she needed to be dressed.

"Are we going somewhere?" She ask. The doctors was the last time she got out of the house and it has left her paranoid. She was upset with Angeline for a few days.

"No, a woman is coming over. To look at the house and evaluate us".


"Basically, she wants to know how you are doing living here with us so far. It's big part in you staying with us longer," she's hoping for a very long time.

'Okay' is all the girl says before she goes to her room. She thinks to herself, will this woman ask her questions about what's it like to live with the Morello's?. Mary goes in her closet and grows overwhelmed by the great quantity of clothing. There are clothes not only hanging up, but also ones neatly placed in her dresser drawer. She never had this much to wear in her entire life. It is likely one of the reason why she allows Angeline to pick out her outfits. Unexpectedly, Mary catches herself from stumbling over something. The girl looks down and discovers that it's the sliver tabby watching her. "What should I wear French? This or this?" she points to a yellow sweatshirt with daisies all over, then to a pastle green baby doll tank top with ruffles along the bottom. Frenchie's responds with a yawn and an ear twitch.

"Good choice," she disregards the two options and chooses a navy blue graphic tee of a patched in black cat with its tongue sticking out. She goes over to her drawer and pulls out a pair of gray jogging pants and put on a pair of striped socks to officiate the look. Following, she proceeds to put her hair in a proper updo. After a couple of attempts, she is frustrated and her arms are tired and a little sore from those evil shots. Maryanne gives up and leaves the hair down.

Later, she makes her way back to the main room. Angeline inspects the girl's outfit, "Bravo! Did you brush your teeth and clean your face?". Mary pause before shaking her head. "That's okay, I'll help you," she swiftly walks in the direction of Mary's room. The girl set out to catch up to her speed. One of the downsides of being short. "Come here," she curls her finger signaling Mary over to stand close to the bathroom sink. Angeline takes her tooth brush and dabs toothpaste on it. Angeline tells the girl to open her mouth, in spite of Maryanne reaching for the brush. She gently holds her face and works the brush in circular motions along her teeth. Next, Angeline smoothes the gentle cleaner on her face and takes it off with a wet cloth. One cue, Mary promptly stops her from applying the moisturizer.

"I can do it," she says, spritzing the lotion onto her small palms.

"Okay honey. You have to rub it in really well," she watches Mary like a hawk. Then the woman observes the state of the girl's hair and doesn't waste any time to fix it into a high ponytail, adding a light blue scrunchie.

"All done," Angeline checks her watch. it is two minutes past eleven.

"Im going to hop in the shower quickly and then I'll be back to make you a snack," she kisses her cheek and walks out.


Angeline and Mary sits on the couch patiently waiting. Dario was texting  Angeline earlier, reminding her to keep him updated on how it goes. She fidgets with her ring,"Everything is going to be fine, just be honest and be yourself," she tells Mary. In reality, she's mostly reassuring herself. There was absolutely no reason why she should be nervous, but she is.

She receives a notification that the guest is just outside the gates and she let them in. Not long, the camera detector motions that someone was in the driveway. The the door bell rings. Angeline hops up to answer the door taking Mary by the hand. At the big double doors awaits a beautiful dark skinned woman with locked hair and well dressed from head to toe. She smiles kindly at Mary then Angeline.

"Hello I'm Jodie Chance, we spoke over the phone," she shakes Angeline's hand.

"Yes! It's a pleasure. I'm Angeline-of course you know that already," she releases a nervous laugh. "Can I just say, you are very beautiful".

"Thank you. Likewise. And you must be Maryanne," she leans down to get a better look at Mary."You are gorgeous and I love your socks," Mary face heats up at her comment.

"She's a little shy," Angeline says rubbing marys face with the back of her hand. "Please come in," she steps back allowing Jodie to enter. Her heels click against the tile floor. Mary watches the woman confidently walk in the room—amazed to see another woman as classy as Angeline herself. Jodie has a pleasing expression when she looks around the house. As they enter the living area, Angeline offers her to take a seat on the brown leather.

"You have a beautiful home. It's like it came straight out of a magazine," she compliment.

"Thank you so much. When my husband and I bought this house we had it renovated to look similar to the houses from my hometown in Italy, but modern. I hired special builders and interior designers to bring our vision to life," Angeline goes on.

"That is lovely. Are you both from Italy?" she crosses one leg over the other.

"I was born there, he was born here in the states. He's a third generation Italian American".

"Interesting. Where is your husband? I'd like to meet him," Jodie turns her head, searching for his presence.

"Unfortunately, he had an emergency at work. He sends his apologies. I hope it's not a problem," Angeline says.

"Not at all. I bet he is a very busy man. He's the managing partner of Morello & Protection Group law firm. Here in California. And you are employed there too... as a family lawyer, if I'm not mistaken".

"Was. I retired three years ago. I do help out on occasion, but nothing that involves me taking legal action". Legally it was not her place take on a Mary and her father's case. In her defense, it wasn't an official case. She was there to simply judge the situation and help out at the very best of her abilities.

"Oh. May I ask why?" the other woman says.

"My mental health. My family faced a tragedy that nearly broke me. I tried distracting myself with work, but it only made it worse. My husband convinced me to hang it all up and it's been one of the best decisions I ever made. You are probably wondering if it has affected our income... and I'm confident to say no it hasn't, fortunately". Not too many people know that they are also investors.

What tragedy? Mary thought. There's a lot she still doesn't know about this family.

"I'm so sorry about that. I'm glad that you and your family are doing fine now,"
Jodie sympathize. "So, Maryanne is your first and only foster child?" Jodie looks at Mary.

"Yes ma'am. She's my only one," She grabs Mary hand and places a kiss on the back of it.

"I see. Do have any plans of fostering more children in the future?" she question.

"W-well the idea haven't crossed my mind. My husband and I haven't talked about it. But I'm sure it can happen". Initially, she did it for Mary's sake. She never planned to take in another child.

"I'm asking you this because you have a fostering license and down the line you might be asked to accommodate a child to live in your home".

"I understand". It was an awkward silence until Angeline spoke again, "Would you like anything to eat or drink? I made appetizers".

"Water is fine—on second thought, may I see those appetizers. I had a cup of tea and one banana this morning," She laugh and winks at the young girl.

"Absolutley! No need to explain," Angeline says and heads for the kitchen.


Jodie asks to explore the ins and outs of house, even down to the fridge. She seems pleased, but there is one very important reason why she came out.

"Mrs. Morello, if you don't mind I would like speak with Maryanne alone. I'm going to ask her some questions".

Angeline separates eye contact before answering."I don't mind at all. I'll be in my other room sweetheart," she informs Mary then takes off inside. Jodie sits down on a couch of the outdoor living area and gestures Mary to sit in close proximity, for her comfort.

"How are you Mary? Can I call you Mary or do you prefer to be addressed by another name?".

"Mary is okay. Dario calls me bambina, but I don't know what that means," She shrugs.

Jodie is amused, "I don't know much Italian myself to be honest. Do you like when Mr. Morello calls you that?" She asks. She never thought about it. The day they met he'd given her the nickname and it stuck.

"I like it. He is really cool," she nods.

"I'm happy to hear that. what about Mrs. Morello is she really cool?".

"She is nice," Mary simply says.

"Just nice?" Jodie raises her brow.

"Really nice," she drags the word 'really'. "She takes care of me, feeds me all time, buys me clothes, and gives me hugs and kisses—and she brushed my teeth this morning," Mary's very direct comment sends Jodie into a fit of laughter.

"Wow. She is really nice. That's good. I like to call it 'smothering'," she air quotes with her fingers.

"What is smothering?" Mary ask.

"There are many definitions for this term. In this instance I will describe it as a mother or mother figure giving you a lot of attention, even when you don't ask for it,".

"Oh," a single word escaping the girl's lips.

"Is it something you have never experienced before? Does it bother you?" She shakes her head, looking at her sock covered feet."I sense a little hesitation. Is there something you don't like about all of this? There are no wrong answers here Mary. I know you have been very honest thus far," the woman sits up straight.

"I-I like being here, but It's very different. Everything is different". Jodie nods her head. Especially the love and attention Angeline is giving her and she cannot deny that she craves it. This causes the weird feeling to grow stronger everyday. Right now she's playing a game of tug of war, ceasing for the day she will surrender to those feelings completely.

"I get it, you're still adjusting. You go from having little to getting anything you want. You live in a big house. Have your own room, two cats to keep you company. Anything a teenage girl could want. I can see it as overwhelming. Mrs. Morello told me how you got here and I'm sorry for your loss. You are very brave for putting all of your trust in her," she pat her leg.

"Can I ask you one last question?" Mary nods."Do you see yourself living with them permanently? and I don't expect you to say yes," she ask. Jodie spoke to Angeline who was confident in wanting this. On the other hand, Mary doesn't know how desperate Angeline really is. She isn't sure how this foster thing works, do they suddenly become her parent if she decides to stay 'permanently'?. She heard about kids getting caught in those situations. Yet, there is always the "what if" creeping in the back of her mind. Not on the fact of not having no where else to go if something bad happens, but the fear of what if she end up caring deeply about them and someone bad happens.

"Mmm. I want to...". Jodie digress with a smile when Mary sets a knowing look that all of her young clients give off.

"That's a good and honest answer. Remember there is no pressure here. If you feel uncertain or uncomfortable about anything, I want you to call me. Okay? Here's my information," she hands Mary a card.

Does everyone carry cards?

Back in the house, Angeline is using her sewing machine that she hasn't touched in years, to distract herself from spying on their conversation. She prepared herself for those questions Jodie asked. Angeline understands why Jodie came off as strict and straightforward it's her job to inspect them like bacteria under a microscope. That means she is great at what she does. On the other hand, Mary is very young and impressionable. Anything could slip from her mouth. Yet, it shouldn't be an issue because Angeline and Dario has done their absolute best for her so far.

Mary and Jodie walks back in. Angeline's anticipating ears perks up the moment the doors reopened. They are excepting Angeline to be waiting, but the woman held off for a minute to not seem desperate."Everything's good?" She asks, looking for sad or angry faces to have something to worry over.

"Yes, it went very well. Mary is a very sweet girl and hardly shy at all". Angeline has a mental moment a relief ."Has she been enrolled for school yet?".

"I'm working on it. We were looking into public, private or homeschool, but it's solely up to Maryanne" the theory grasps the girl's attention. I'm going to school?!  She has to make an effort to contain her excitement.

"Awesome. I would like an update on any changes".

"Yes, of course and I'll be sure to personally thank Marcus for recommending you to us".

"My cousin has said great things, but I like to keep it professional--do my research and see for myself. You know how it goes" Angeline nods. "I wish you the best and I'm looking forward to seeing you all again. If I'm lucky, I can meet your husband next time".

"He will be delighted, Thank you for coming and have a good afternoon Ms. Chance". They wave goodbye to each other. Angeline shuts the door behind and releases a long exhaling noise.

"Im going to tell Dario to pick up dinner. I'm too exhausted to cook," she kisses the girl's forehead  and lands on the couch. She lifts up Frenchie—cuddling and kissing her. Lola is on the other end reaching up for her,"Mama needs cuddles and coffee".

Mary watches the interaction, but decides to retreat to her room to work on her writing. If she is going school she needs to prepare. Angeline see this as a chance to interfere.

"Join our cuddle session, baby," She opens her arms.

"Im okay," Mary says.

"Alright," Angeline says in agreement, allowing the girl to steer away into the halls.

"Love you, sweetheart".


I can't thank you all enough for continuously voting and reading this book.🥲😍 I hope that you continue to enjoy it. 💕


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