The Man She Loved

By _Asteria_01

145K 7.1K 491

After enduring the heartbreak of an uneventful incident that shattered Pranitha's world, she has finally foun... More

I am still holding on!!
In Pain
Left Behind
Replacing her.... Never.
Court Case
Say Yes Please
The Marriage
New Beginning
Going Back
A day in his Company
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Agastya's Story
Resilient Readers


5.7K 230 5
By _Asteria_01

"Di Please stop" I blushed looking down at floor, Arjun chuckled wrapping his arm around my shoulder from behind  and slightly pulling me against his chest before adding "Yes Di, Please stop otherwise the little fly's cheeks here will burn like she is on fire" I look up to glare at him but with the loving way he was gazing down at me melt my heart.

"Arjun.." I whined like a spoilt girl and to say I am spoiled by the man beside me, I am spoiled by his unlimited love by his undivided attention and by the loving time we spend together.

"Bunny.." he copied me making me punch him on his chest, I looked away pouting only to for him to pull back my face towards his direction and placing a kiss on my forehead, I blushed like my face was on fire "See di, this is what I was talking about"He said and this time I punched his on his arm much harsher than before but he just chuckled in response much to my annoyance.

"I have never asked How did you two meet?" the smile vanished from my face and I fidget with my finger, the question wasn't directed to me but Arjun and I could feel him stiffening beside me because he doesn't like what I was doing when he has met me for the first time .

"At bridge, I was passing by and she was standing there looking out at waters and sighing like an old woman" I sighed in relief as it wasn't a complete lie or complete truth "I gave this little rabbit some company and played my charm to trap her with me" he joked wiggling his eyebrows towards me, the warmth and love in his eyes made my heart warm and I couldn't help but shake my head at his chidishnes.

"Ohh, So did you guys exchanged number or did you straightly proposed her to be your girlfriend" My three month old sister jumped on her seat excited to know more.

"We exchanged some word in which I was clearly told to mind my own business if I want to walk down from the bridge with two hand and two legs, and I exactly did that but with her in my arms" My sister awed and tightened her hold on her husband arm which made me look at the man who was looking straight towards her with his lips straight in a thin line, I quickly look away from the man to the man beside me "And I got slapped for giving her a ride of my arms" he added making my sister chuckle.

"This is so her, She is just like this fearless bold and something absurd" My sister added with a cheeky smile

"All that I love" Arjun was quick to add from his side looking at me before shifting his eyes back to my sister "and a month later she was in my office giving an interview not knowing that the organisation is owned by me" he chuckled and continued telling my sister how I have reacted when I first taken the file in his office, I have ran from there like my tail was on fire and has begged the HR to throw me out of organisation as I couldn't pay the amount for breaching the contact and all this while he was standing behind me hearing and chuckling and HR shaking her head negatively and trying to make me look behind me.

My sister burst out and I hided my face in Arjun's chest who wrapped his arm around my body hugging me tightly "There is nothing to be embarassed about Bunny, Me and You both know then that is when I felt my heart skipping a beat for the angry crazy and beautiful girl".

"Ehemm ehemm" My sister faked cough and I pulled myself away from my fiancee, Arjun tugged the hair falling on my face behind my ear and looked at my sister with a smile.

"It was all, and from then onwards it was her even after how she has rejected me, kicked me out from her house, threw the water at me when I told her I like her, but at the end it was all worth it when she pulled me out of my car after our first date and kissed me" I just stood up from there and ran straight back to my room to shy to look at anyone anymore, my man has no filter he doesn't know what he should tell to people or what he shouldn't I think he does but he likes to embarass me at front of friends and family by reciting our story over and over.

"Pranitha, I was only teasing you" I heard him yelling from the hall and closed my ears by my hands "come back, I promise I will not say anything anymore" urgghh still I was able to hear him, I angrily opened the door and made my way back to living room to scold him but seeing how he is looking at me melt my anger away, urggghh I am so pathetic I cannot even get angry on this pig.

"See I told you, She loves me most and cannot scol...." I cut him off by twisting his ear and making him winch out in pain "...ld me" he completed grinning like an idiot and even winching in between "please" he gave me his best Arjun's eyes and I left his ear before placing my ass beside him once again.

"I love you" Arjun whispered against my ear but it was loud enough for the other two person to hear and I felt his eyes on side of my face and I know because everytime he looks at me a tingle run down to my body but I didn't look back at him but focussed my eyes on the man I love.

"I love you the most"

"Tomorrow is engagement guys, So please get your ass back to your room and hann separate rooms" My sister said teasingly and got back on her feet, my brother in law was quick on his feet and was by her side as he intertwined his finger with his "Good Night Pranitha, Good Night lover boy" my sister teased Arjun who grinned like a fool wiggling his brows at me, and I blushed under his gaze.

"Good night Arjun" And for the first time in 24 hours I heard his voice and I know the greeting is limited to only Arjun it will never make it to me.

"Good Night Prachi Dii, Good night Agastya" Arjun held my hand in his in vice grip and greeted them back, I just smiled at both of them .


It was like a dream coming true, The stage was beautifully decorated with White and pink rose as per Arjun's instruction, as he knows it's my favourite flower as well as colour combination, A large chair for couple was placed in mid of stage and the back wall of stage was decorated with flowers, In guest list we have invited closed friends and family, Arjun's family was also here, and from the moment Shradha Aunty has seen me she was gushing over me setting my hair back or adjusting my duppata and so on so forth.

"Mom, let the rabbit breathe or it will die out of suffocation" Arjun joked making his mother glare at him.

"You don't speak to me" She said back and set my bindi for nth time before stepped back and look at me, I was dressed in baby pink lehenga and in jewelry I have wore the set gifted by Arjun on my birthday it contained a diamond choker and pair of diamond earrings, my half hair was tied up in a hairstyle I am not much aware about and other half was flowing down in curl below my waist, In short I was satisfied with how I look and looking at how my future mother in law and husband are looking at me I knew I was looking presentable.

"You look beautiful, breathtaking, you are taking my breathe away" See I told you this man knows everything just by looking at my face and here is the example, I smiled shyly and didn't reply back because of the presence of my mother in law.

"But In your tshirt and lower you are looking more like a worker than a groom" Shraddha aunty taunted her son who smiled sheepishly and ran out from my room to back to his to get ready.

"I heard that the groom is running around the house in lower and tshirt, Is it true?" Aaradhna Aunty who is Agastya mother joked, my mother in law chuckled in response and nodded.

"The boy first wanted his bride to be ready so he can see her before anyone so he was standing here only from past three hours" Shradha Aunty said and I blushed.

"You are looking beautiful Pranitha" Aradhna aunty said giving me a beautiful smile which wasn't even that real for some reasons known by both of us but overall I am happy and she is also happy for me.

"Thank you Aunty" I whispered shyly.

"Mom, Have you seen Prachi?" I heard him before I saw him and before he entered the room I turned back towards mirror turning my back to him.

"She was upstairs with her parents Agastya" Aaradhna Aunty said and even though I didn't want to I took a peek of him in mirror and saw him looking straight at mirror, our eyes met for a mere second before I looked down at my feet.

"Do you need something Agastya? and if you need Prachi she is upstairs, leave Pranitha have to get ready" and then I heard his retreating footsteps and sighed in relief.

"Pranitha is already ready Aradhna jii" My mother in law said.

"I know but she is already so shy and nervous and I didn't want her room to be crowded" Aradhna aunty said back softly and gave me a warm smile, I nodded my head thankfully.

I was bought out of my room by my mother and sister, My Mother in law was already on stage beside my soon to be husband and My father was chatting with my would  be father in law at front of the row, they both were laughing on something, everyone's eyes were radiating with happiness except that one pair of void eyes, Let it be, My eyes found his and I looked into my would be husband's eyes, warm tears started to pool in his eyes and seeing him I couldn't control my own tears, I couldn't believe the blessed luck I have, the man on the stage whose eyes are shining bright with love and tears belongs to me, he belongs to me ,he is mine, the man who loves me unconditionally, the man who hears me before I could say a thing, the same man standing at the stage is mine completely and madly mine.

Before I could realise I was on stage standing right beside him, Pandit jii was called and soon he chanted some mantras, My mother in law covered my head with red chunri before she made me wear a golden chain with a locked of A in it, looking at the smirk on my husband's lip I knew the locket was bought and forced by him.

Finally it was the time to exchange the ring, I took his warm hand into mine and pushed the ring on his left hand ring finger every one clapped and cheered, and amidst all this crowd he bent down a little and placed a kiss on my forehead making me blush like a teenage, ugghh this man.

It was his turn to make me wear the ring, he took my hand in his and was taken back seeing the ring he has proposed me with already sitting proudly on my finger.
"Pranitha, You have to remove it to wear this" he said with his eyes and voice full of love.
"I can wear both of them on my finger, I don't want to remove our proposal ring" I whispered softly and he shook his head, bringing my hand close to his lips he placed a kiss on my ring finger kissing our proposal ring as well before sliding our engagement ring in same finger.

"Anything you want my love, anything you want" and this time he pushed his cheek forward asking for a kiss without caring about our guests, I shook my head shyly denying his request, everyone laughed but he didn't budge and like always I gave in and pecked his cheeks making him beam like a child who got a lifetime pass in Disneyland.

Everyone clapped and cheered and in this moment I am the happiest and luckiest woman on this earth.


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