Chapter Twenty Eight

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Her arms around him was anything but cold, Agastya never for a second wanted to be separated from them but he knew  what he was about to say will expand the gap between them because it will not be only their past between them but also Arjun but he couldn't hide it from her, he cannot repeat same mistake again so he gathered all his courage and whispered slowly in her ears.

"Arjun is here Pranitha" he felt her arm loosening around him and instantly regretted opening his mouth, he felt her pulling herself away from him and sitting at front of him looking at him with wide open eyes, her mouth opened and closed like a gaping fish.

"Arjun ....." Pranitha wasn't able to complete the word and looked at Agastya so he can repeat what he has told, she searched his face for any kind of humour, waited him to burst into laughter but when all she found was tear in his eyes and sad smile on his lip she staggered back falling one more level down and now sitting on floor with her leg folded back side.

"Arjun isn't dead, He is alive" Agastya whispered and saw her breaking into tears then into chuckles, confusion and question was written all over her face, she looked up at him with a teary smile.

"He isn't dead? He isn't dead that is what you are telling me right Agastya" Pranitha asked still not able to believe the words coming out from Agastya's mouth, it did sound like a joke to her "Is everything joke for you Agastya? How could he be alive? How could he.... " when his expression didn't waver from her words and he kept looking at her with same sincerity in his eyes he has minutes ago Pranitha went silent "Arjun... Arjun ... is alive" she stammered and Agastya nodded his head in affirmation.

"How? How could it be possible? How .. Arjun ... is alive, he, the man I was engaged is alive?" She asked again and got same response from him.

"H.. how.. h..ow d..did you know? Wh..where is he,?" Before Agastya could answer her question a knock sounded on the door grabbing her attention, when she turned back to look at the guest her eyes widened in shock, mouth fall apart, she staggered a little back in shock, she quickly turned her head towards Agastya's side, held his hands in hers and looked into his eyes "Agastya, Am I dreaming?" She asked bringing his palm close to her face and giving her back to Arjun "I feel like my mind is playing games with me, I am not okay" she added and placed her head on Agastya's legs not sparing a glance towards the man standing at door of their room.

"Pari, You aren't dreaming, It's not a dream" Agastya caressed her hair and made her look up at him, The way she look up at him made him cry a tear more, at this moment Agastya didn't regret telling her, the way her eyes shined, the way her lips formed a parabola, the way she look up at him, he felt his heartbreak worth, the pain he has been suffering seemed worth seeing how happy her eyes looked at this moment, they stared into each other's eyes for a while and Agastya reached out to wipe another stray tear away from her eyes "You aren't imagining things, No one is lying to you, Arjun is here alive and waiting for you" Not only Agastya but Pranitha also knew how much it pained him to say the words, how much his heart is bleeding at the moment but the sad smile on his lips showed him the determination behind her decision.

"Bunny" Pranitha turned so fast towards the source of voice that both Agastya and Arjun got scared that she might get a whiplash, and without any further delay she was up on her feet and made a run towards him, she wrapped her hand around his neck and hugged him tightly, they stayed like that for a while before she pulled a little away before hugging him back but this time more tightly as if in fear of him disappearing again, the cloud blurring view of her eyes busted and the rainfall of tear started as she tried to hug him more tightly.

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