Our Mischievous Little Brothe...

By Jennifer_GB

10K 561 56

What will you do if you are the youngest among four sisters and they are overprotective. Disclaimer: The sto... More

Jeon House Tour
Author's Note:
Hey πŸ‘‹


268 18 0
By Jennifer_GB

It was a chilly evening, and the sun had already dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the cozy neighborhood. Jisoo, Jennie, Rose, and Lisa were gathered in the living room of their family home, chatting and enjoying each other's company. Laughter echoed through the air as they shared stories and reminisced about their day.

Suddenly, the front door creaked open. They turned to see Jungkook, walked in with a bruised face, his face marked with signs of a recent scuffle. 

Concern immediately etched across the sisters' faces as they rushed towards him. Jisoo, being the eldest, took charge, "Jungkook, what happened? Why are you hurt?"

Jungkook hesitated for a moment before confessing, "I got into a fight with a classmate. It's nothing serious, just a stupid argument that escalated."

His sisters exchanged worried glances, but instead of scolding him right away, they guided him to the living room and sat him down. Jennie, with a first aid kit in hand, started tending to his wounds. Rose and Lisa hovered nearby, expressing their concern and offering words of comfort.

" Noona no needed for it__I have clean it and apply __"

" Where ?"

" In school infirmary"

" Still we will clean it understood !" Jisoo said firmly as Jungkook just nodded.

While treating his injuries, Jisoo sternly spoke, "Jungkook, violence is never the solution. You should have walked away or talked to a teacher."

Jennie chimed in, "We're worried about you. Fighting is not the answer, and we expect you to handle conflicts more responsibly."

"Yes noona, this will not happen again." Jungkook mumble. 

Jennie delicately dabbed at Jungkook's wounded face with a cotton pad, her focus intense as she tried to clean the abrasions. In her attempt to be thorough, however, she unintentionally applied a bit too much pressure. A sudden hiss of pain escaped from Jungkook's lips, and he winced.

"Oops, sorry, Kookie," Jennie immediately apologized, her eyes widening with concern. She adjusted her touch, now handling the task with gentler care, mindful of not causing any additional discomfort. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Let me know if it's too much, okay?"

Jungkook managed a small smile, appreciating her concern. "It's alright, no harm done. Just be a bit gentler, please."

Jennie nodded, a mixture of guilt and determination in her expression. As she continued tending to his wounds, she made sure to proceed with a lighter touch, ensuring the process was as painless as possible. 

"By the way , Who broke the coconut, I mean who broke your nose coconut head ?." Lisa asked.

" Lisa !" Jisoo looked at her. " Sorry, I am just asking." She said defending herself. " So, You have a fight Jungkook -ah ?" Rose asked concerned. " I had." Jungkook said. 

 " Did you win ?" Lisa asked excitedly. " Lisa , that's not the proper question." Jennie said. " Oh sorry ,Did the boy loses." She asked again. Everyone facepalmed themselves. " Stop learning things from Taehyung oppa." Jennie said sighing.

"Hmm, hey, Tae hyung is cool," Jungkook chimed in, his eyes meeting Lisa's, who was quick to join in with, "Tae Tae oppa is cool."

"Goss, I didn't say he's not cool, I just..." Jennie paused, searching for the right words, "I just momentarily forgot it."

  "Classic Jennie forgetting about Tae Tae oppa's coolness!" Lisa teased, earning a playful glare from Jennie. Their banter was a testament to the platonic camaraderie they shared.

Meanwhile, Rose, always the caring one, couldn't help but ask Jungkook, "Is it hurting, Kooki?" as she gently caressed his cheeks.

"No noona, I am fine," Jungkook replied with a grin, earning a chorus of exaggerated 'awws' from Lisa and Rose, who exchanged amused glances.

"Look at our Kookie, bravely surviving the coconut-breaking adventures," Lisa teased, making silly martial art moves with her hands.

Jisoo couldn't help but smile at the adorable chaos her siblings created. "Alright, let's focus on making sure our coconut head heals up nicely," she suggested, trying to steer the conversation toward a more caring direction.

The sisters, each with their unique personalities, surrounded Jungkook with a mix of teasing and affection.

"But we really wanted to know why you fought?" Jennie asked, looking at Jungkook. As now his wounds were cleaned and dressed. He sighed, " Please I don't want to talk about it."

"Come on coconut head !" Lisa said. 

As the conversation about Jungkook's fight started, the maid entered the room with a steaming bowl of soup, placing it gently on the table. Jisoo noticed the arrival of the soup and decided to take matters into her own hands, quite literally.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she picked up the spoon and said, "Well, Kookie, since you're not willing to explain, let's have some soup first." She scooped up a spoonful and, to everyone's surprise, fed it to Jungkook.

The room fell silent for a moment as the sisters exchanged amused glances. Jungkook, caught off guard, couldn't help but blush a little at the unexpected turn of events. Jisoo, with a playful smirk, continued to feed him.

"Come on, it's not that bad, is it?" Jisoo teased, making everyone burst into laughter.

 Lisa couldn't resist joining in, adding, "Who needs explanations when you have soup-feeding drama?"

"They look like mother and child." Rose chuckled.

"You all are my kids." Jisoo said.

"We know mama" Lisa said playfully. As everyone laughed. 

Jungkook, amidst the laughter and the playful banter, couldn't help but appreciate the warmth and humor that his sisters brought into the room.

" Hey come on tell us !" Rose push Jungkook playfully.

"Alright, it's just I was in the college canteen, going to order something but... Ah suddenly I don't want to explain."

"We are waiting, Kook," Jisoo said, holding the soup spoon near his mouth. "While having it."

"And yes after ending the explanation we will talk about the punishments." Jennie said.

"Why ?" Jungkook pouted.

"Young man, we know you're not as innocent as you look," Jennie said, "But it's not like we will jump to conclusions and punish you. We want to hear your side. Then we will think of punishment."

"But ,What did I do?" Jungkook asked, bewildered.

"You got into a fight, and you very well know that's not a good thing to do," Rose explained. "You know, getting involved in this type of matter."

"Are you guys for real?" Jungkook asked in disbelief.

"Don't count me in. I am just curious about the fight, that's it," Lisa said, raising her hands in innocence.

"Come on, explain," Jisoo urged while feeding him soup.

"I don't want to have the more so—" Jungkook didn't get to complete the sentence as Jisoo playfully fed him a spoonful of soup.

"Just eat it," she insisted, and the room burst into laughter at the comical scene of Jungkook being fed soup while trying to protest. The sisters, with their mix of concern and humor, managed to turn a potentially serious situation into a light-hearted and entertaining family moment.

Jungkook shake his head but eats anyway and started to tell the fight incident "Well I was going to the canteen counter and there was a girl who___"

The room filled with a mix of tension and amusement as Lisa and Rose reacted in unison to the mention of a girl. Lisa, with her signature smirk, couldn't resist a teasing comment.

"Girl!? Well, that's interesting. Don't tell me you guys are secretly dating or something," she said, prompting raised eyebrows from the others.

"You're under age for dating, Kooki," Rose chimed in, shaking her head with an exaggerated disapproval.

Jungkook, defending himself, rolled his eyes, "I'm not dating anyone, alright! And why can't I date at this age?"

Jennie stepped in with the household rules, "Because that's the rule, Jungkook. Respect it."

"But everyone else does it!" he protested, earning a simultaneous response from all his sisters to drop the topic.

"Fin ~" Jungkook sighed, transitioning into the tale of his school scuffle.

Lisa, always quick to find the excitement, complimented, "Wow! You're cool, Kooks," with an enthusiastic grin.

Jennie shot her a glare, "Cool? He literally fought on school grounds! He could have been expelled."

"It was in the bathroom," Jungkook added, sensing Jennie's disapproval. "Just saying..."

Rose, ever the peacemaker, defended Jungkook, "But unnie, he was defending himself. It's not like he started the fight. It's that boy's fault, not Jungkook's."

Jisoo interjected, "Maybe he didn't start it, but he ended it, Rose. And why did you beat him? He was just messing around. You could have ignored it. Why jump into a fight?"

"Because he was getting on my nerves," Jungkook huffed, earning a small chuckle from Lisa.

Lisa, playing the advocate, defended him, "I don't think he did anything wrong, unnie. Yelling and comments are not ignorable."

Jennie disagreed, "Lisa, you're defending him in the wrong things."

Jisoo, always the voice of reason, spoke up, "Self-defense is not a crime, bub, but engaging in a fight is not good. Just think about it, Jungkook. What if he got a severe injury, and the whole school knows it was you? What would happen to your reputation? Everyone would think it's your fault, even if you know it's not."

"I understand now, noona. I'll be careful from now on," Jungkook promised, prompting a small smile from Jisoo.

As the conversation wrapped up, Lisa couldn't resist throwing in a light-hearted comment, "Alright, Kooki, no more bathroom brawls, got it? Stick to serenading girls or something. Much safer."

The room burst into laughter, and amidst the teasing and banter, the siblings felt the warmth of their bond, a mix of protectiveness and camaraderie that defined their relationship.

To be continued........

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