Behind Closed Doors ; Timothé...

By lovingtimothee

336 29 186

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

92 8 34
By lovingtimothee

September 6th, 2023, is when Christian and I started dating. My heart beamed with joy when Christian finally asked me out. We met In December of 2022 through a mutual friend. I was told Christian always had somewhat of a crush on me from a distance. Our relationship was moving slowly, which I liked. I'm pretty old-fashioned. I'm a prude when it comes to anything in a relationship.

I only had one other boyfriend in the past, who was named Jonah. We were on and off again for some time, but he was the second guy I ever went all the way with. Things became toxic over time, and I realized he wasn't the person I was destined to spend the rest of my life with. My girlfriends constantly whispered in my ear that guys with "J" names are bad. Now I know that saying is deemed accurate.   

My relationship with Christian was different. He was kind, charming, and gentle. He never pushed me to try anything I wasn't comfortable with. Christian just met my parents last weekend; they loved him. This weekend, it was my turn.

I leaned my head against the window as I admired the drive. We were on a winding road covered with beautiful trees, getting their color back after the brutal winter. As we drove further, we passed a small sign beautifully carved: Eugene, Oregon. 

"How close?" I asked nervously.

Christian smiled, keeping his eyes on the road. "Ten minutes."

I breathed in deeply, trying to calm my nerves.

"Hey, don't be nervous," Christian says confidently. "My parents are going to love you."

I gave Christian a light smile and wrapped my arms around myself for warmth and comfort.

I did not doubt that Christians parents were going to like me. I've never really met someone who hasn't. I don't mean that in a cocky way; I'm just a people person. I love to meet and engage with new people and their interests. 

Christian told me on the way here more about his parents—their likes and dislikes. He told me about his childhood a little but played coy about a lot of it. I sensed a lot of tension back then, so I decided not to pry. Hopefully, he will tell me when he feels ready. 

The car's speed slows as Christian turns his blinker on and makes a quick right onto a long side road.

"We're here." 

We coast up the driveway, unable to see a house yet. The beautiful orange and green trees block most of the view. As the trees part, a lovely two-story Tudor home appears. Mostly white with black covering the shutters and roof. The driveway leads towards the house, creating a perfect circle at the front. The wind shakes the leaves slowly as the car comes to a stop.

"Welp, this is it," Christian says after putting the car in park. 

"Wow, it's beautiful. Have you always lived here?" I asked, looking out the back seat window towards the home.

"Yup, born and raised." Christian opens his door, stepping out.

I follow.

Christian walks towards the back of the car and offers his arm to me. "Ready?"

"I guess so," I smile as I fix my skirt.

We follow the cobblestone up towards the steps and take them together. I hear jazz music playing softly inside, creeping out the open windows. The smell of homecooked food fills the porch as we approach. Christian rubs my hand slightly as he opens the door.

"Mom, Dad. We're here!" Christian calls out. 

"Shoes on or off?" I whisper.

Christian chuckles. "Whatever you want." He reaches behind me and removes my coat.

I hear footsteps approaching quickly. "Henry, dear, Christian is here!" 

As I'm about to say something to Christian, his mom turns the corner. 

"Oh my goodness, hello! Welcome! How was the drive?" 

Her long hair is straight and light auburn, her skin is pale, and her eyes are striking dark green. She is wearing a vintage Ralph Lauren sweater with brown corduroy pants. Her boots on the hardwood floor bring a sweet melody to my ears. As she approached, she opened her arms and headed straight toward me.

"Cassandra, my goodness, how lovely to meet you." 

"Hi, Mrs. Verlice; it's so good to finally meet you too," I smile, hugging her back.

"Please call me Terri." 

Terri pulls away, and she and Christian hug. 

"How was the drive, you two?" Terri puts her hand on the small of my back, ushering me towards the other room.

"Good, not too bad," Christian says, taking my hand.

"Henry?" Terri calls out as we follow her into the kitchen.

Christian nudges me and points to his dad standing in front of the TV, watching March Madness.

"Oh, great shot," Henry says, focused on the game.

"Honey?" Terri says.

Henry turns and smiles big once he sees us. "Right, right!" He makes his way around the multiple couches and heads over towards us. 

Tall as the basketball players on TV, Henry sticks his hand out to me to shake. 

"Nice to meet you, sweetheart." Henry flashes his beautifully white teeth 

I shake his hand back. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Verlice."

"Henry." He keeps smiling. "Great handshake by the way. You're just as beautiful as Christian said you were." 

I blush slightly. "Thank you."

"Please excuse my dad, he's a huge flirt." Christian teases while bringing his dad in for a father-son hug.

Henry has a full head of dark brown hair, the color of coffee—and beautiful blue eyes. I see where Christan gets his looks from. 

"You watched the Villanova game earlier?" Henry asks Christian.

"I did, great game." 

"Sure was." 

"My dad went to college at Villanova and played basketball there all four years."

"Is that where you two met?" I asked Henry while also looking at Terri.

Terri smiles. "Not quite. I didn't attend school there but loved watching tall, strapping men play basketball." 

"Terri went to UConn," Henry answers, wrapping his arm around Terri's shoulders when she approaches us.

"Don't get them started, and don't ask any more questions about basketball." Christian laughs.

I nod and smile. Not knowing anything about basketball, I could only assume their two colleges were rivals, and they bicker about it constantly this time of year. 

"Cassandra, would you like something to drink?" 

"I'd love that, thank you," I say, following  Terri further into the kitchen. 

They have a small wet bar next to the stove that Terri leads me to. "Pick whatever you want; I wasn't sure what you liked, so I got everything." 

"That's very kind of you, thank you," I say, grabbing a wine glass and pouring a small amount of white wine. "Christian?" I ask, looking back towards him and his father.

"Whatever you're having." Christan smiles.

"Everything smells amazing," I say, heading towards Christian and his dad. I hand Christian his glass of wine.

"Perfect timing, everything is almost done," Terri says, plating some vegetables. "Everyone sit."

"Let me help you." I set my wine glass down in front of a place setting.

"Please, no, you're the guest, sit." 

I look at Christian, and he jesters for me to take a seat.

"Your brother won't be making it this evening," Terri says as she sets the vegetables in the middle of the table.

"Why not?"

"He's caught up at work." 

"That's too bad," Christian replies.

Once everything is set on the table, we all start digging in. I plate myself a decent helping of everything Henry and Terri made. Everything tasted delicious. Vegetables with thyme and a rosemary chicken. Fingerlinked potatoes with a reduction sauce. 

I got to know more about Christian and his family. His mother and father have been together for 32 years. Henry was being scouted in college to play professional ball until he tore his ACL his last semester. He now works as the CEO of his own company, and Terri helps with the accounting. Terri grew up on the West Coast, and Henry on the East Coast. They met at a Villanova vs UConn game, where Henry was playing and Terri was sitting on the sideline. They both say it was love at first sight. 

After dinner, I help Terri wash dishes as Henry and Christian clear the table; once finished, we all make our way to the living room. The TV shut off, and I hear the same jazz station playing as I did when we first arrived. 

"I need your brother to find a lovely girl as well," Terri says as we digest on the couch.

"He will give him time." Henry chimes in. "He's too involved in his work."

"What does he do?" I ask.

"He repairs old cars." Christian answers.

"You mean vintage?" I say back.

"Ah! I wish I had that on video; he would jump for joy to hear you say that." Terri laughs.

"I love vintage cars; my dad has always owned one for as long as I can remember; we would take the most amazing rides along the coast during the summer with the top down." I smile, snuggling into Christian more.

"That sounds lovely; what kind of car?"

"His 1966 Ford GT40 was always my favorite." 

"Wow," Christian says, impressed.

"This is a conversation we can't continue unless Tim is here." Henry laughs.

After a few more hours of sharing stories and enjoying a freshly baked pie brought over by one of the neighbors, Christian and I say our goodbyes and head towards the door. 

"It was a pleasure meeting you." Terri smiles as she watches Christians help me with my coat.

"Thank you for having me; I had such a lovely time," I say, hugging Terri and then Henry.

"You guys have a safe drive back," Henry says as we walk down the steps and wave goodbye to them. 


"So overall, everything went really well yesterday," I say, sipping my drink.

"That's amazing," Ellie squeals. 

"Okay, but time for the real question." Molly's voice stiffens as she leans into the table.

Ellie and I stare at her intently.

"Is his dad hot?"

The three of us laugh together loudly. Molly claps her hands together and leans against the wall next to her. 

"He was handsome, yes," I reply.

"Well damn, now we know where his looks come from." Molly nods as she lifts her glass.

"My thoughts exactly." 

"Does he have a cute brother for either of us?" Ellie says jokingly.

"Christian does have a brother; he was supposed to be there but was caught up with work." 

"Too bad, he could also be the uglier one. You probably lucked out." Ellie says while looking into the crowded bar to find our waitress.

"Ellie." Molly hollers. "That's so mean."

"I'm just saying." Ellie shrugs, turning her attention back towards us.

Ellie, Molly, and I all went to the University of Oregon. We roomed together our freshman year and became inseparable ever since. Once we graduated, we moved to Portland, Oregon, for job offers. Molly and Ellie live together, and I live 10 minutes down the road by myself. 

It was Saturday night at one of our favorite bars downtown. The three of us have been busy with work, so we decided we needed a girl's night out. Nothing crazy, just a few drinks and some alone time. 

"Okay, I can't find the waitress; she probably went behind the bar to help out since it's getting kinda busy; who was next for getting a round?" Ellie asks, looking down at her empty glass.

"Uh, I think that would be me." I smile, getting off my chair. "I'll just go to the bar and order. Is it the same thing for you guys again?" 

Ellie and Molly nod; I smile, approach the crowd, and make my way to the bar. 

After shimming through multiple drunk people, I finally reach the bar. The music is getting progressively louder, which means more drunk people and longer wait times for drinks. A couple is in front of me, so I patiently wait my turn, hoping to swoop their spot once they receive their drinks and head towards a table. 

As I wait for the couple to grab their drinks, a drunk guy from the bar turns around to leave and bangs into me. 

"Woah," I say, flying back somewhat.

I feel someone behind me catch me slightly. 

"Move, lady." The drunk guy spits, holding two Coors lights in his hand.

Coors Light really has the most classy drinkers. 

Before I open my mouth to say something, the person behind me who caught me does.

"You know you could apologize."

"Excuse me?" The drunk guy slurs. 

"You could apologize? And not be a dick about banging into a girl." 

"Who the fuck are you?" The guy turns his hand as he gets jostled slightly by the crowd.

"A guy who just watched you knock into someone and not apologize; she almost fell." 

I cross my arms, staring at the drunk guy. I would be the one to stand up for myself, but the guy behind me seems to have it covered.

"Okay, whatever, sorry." The drunk guy makes his way through the crowd after rolling his eyes.

"Jerk," The guy behind me whispers.

I turn to thank the gentleman behind me when I'm met with the most gorgeous human I've ever laid eyes on. He's tall with curly brown hair and hazel green eyes. He smiles slightly at me as he looks somewhat down at me. I'm almost at a loss for words until I kick myself for not saying anything.

"Thank you." I finally say.

"No worries," He looks back at the crowd to ensure the coast is clear.

"You didn't have to do that." 

"Eh, I dislike people like him, rude, ignorant drunks." He shrugs. "He was also drinking Coors Light, so I think he deserved it."

"Probably wasn't his first time getting yelled at either."

"Tonight? no way." 

We both laugh.

"Here, go before me; you were next anyway." 

"Thanks," I say softly as I blush.

I order my drinks, and when I go to pay, the same guy behind me says, "Hey Rick, she's with me." 

"Ah, of course she is," Rick says, zeroing out the bill on the iPad.

I look at Rick and then the guy behind me. 

"On the house," Rick smiles as he hands what I assume is the guy behind me's regular order.

"Thank you," I say, not being able to blink.

"Don't worry about it." 

"Here, come this way, there are fewer people," The same guy says, grabbing one of my drinks with his extra hand.

We make our way out of the crowd and back to the table where Molly and Ellie are waiting. I hand them their drinks, and they say nothing but gawk at the same guy behind me. 

"Who's this?" Ellie asks, holding her hand out to the mysterious guy.

"My savior," I say jokingly sitting back in my seat. "Some idiot banged into me, almost knocking me down, and he forced him to apologize." 

"Ellie," She says. 

"Nice to meet you," He says


He nods. "Nice to meet you, too."

I swear I could see drool forming at the corner of their mouths. 

"Hey, dude, you ran off to a table of beautiful women without us?"

Two other guys approach the table, talking to the man to whom I have yet to introduce myself. 

He laughs. "Guys, this is Ellie, Molly, and-" 


"Cassandra," He repeats while staring at me. 

"Can we join you?" His friends say after introducing themselves.

"Please," Ellie says, motioning to the empty seats.

The guys sit down, One next to Ellie, One in between Molly and I, and the same dude whose name I still haven't received at the head. As the night went on, we spent it innocently getting to know the three men. We ordered more drinks and shared some laughs. After a few more rounds, Ellie and Molly hit it off with the other two men. 

The same guy turns to me while Ellie and Molly are distracted and flirting. 

"Do you smoke?"

"Cigarettes or weed?"

He laughs slightly. "Cigarettes."

"Only when I drink" 

"So you'll join me outside then, give them their privacy." His eyes flick in the direction of our blended friends. 

I nod. "We're going to go smoke," I tell Ellie and Molly.

Visablly distracted and or maybe not being able to hear me. I get no response. I look at the guy next to me, and we both laugh slightly and head outside.

"So," He says, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. 

"So," I say

He pulls one out, puts it between his lips, and lights it, handing it to me. He pulls another one out and lights it for himself. "Other than getting banged into at bars, what else do you do?" 

I take a drag of my cigarette and laugh slightly. "Go to other bars around Portland to see if any strangers will pick fights with me." 

"You're doing a good job at it." He says, leaning against the side of the building. 

"What about you?" I smile.

"I go to bars hoping to find someone who wants to fight." He continues the joke.

"Ha Ha." 

"So, now that it's quiet, I can hear you better." He stands up straight again. "Could I get your number?"

A slight ping of disappointment hits me. I almost hit myself at even feeling disappointed. I'm in a relationship, a great relationship. I shouldn't be disappointed in not being able to give someone my number. 

"I have a boyfriend," I say, rubbing my heel into the concrete.



"You're not just saying that?" He smirks

"No," I shake my head. "You're extremely handsome. I have someone- if I didn't have someone, I'd give you my number, but-" 

He cuts me off. "I'm just messing with ya." He takes another drag of his cigarette. "Lucky guy," he says as he exhales. "You're stunning." 

"Thank you." I feel my cheeks run hot.

"It was nice getting to know you, tho, you know, no strings attached."

"I agree." I fork up a smile.

He lifts his eyebrows and ashes out his cigarette.

"By the way, I never got your name." 

"Oh yeah," He laughs, shaking his head, "Timothee." 

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