Soul Path

By Keplerski

94 15 9

When 457, a regular blue-collar soul collector in the Reaper organization, comes to work one day, he's forced... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
chapter 12

Chapter 10

10 2 2
By Keplerski

The room glows a bright beige color, and to contrast, it has a black-dyed bed in the right corner of the room, a long cabinet extending from the door to the left wall, while to the right of the bed, a large desk sits with stacks of very well-kept books on top, and next to that, a table lined with sculptures and paintings, while the floor is made of hardwood.

After taking in the surroundings, you take a closer look at the details.

The walls are lined with paintings and pictures of what seems to be a joyful family.

Your train of thought is interrupted when you hear the door squeak open.

Looking back, you see a young boy, who you can guess is Harry, when he was around 8 years old.

He enters the room, slamming the door behind him and dropping a backpack on his bed.

"ugh, today was so hard; I could barely get rid of those people, and only four of my paintings were bought." He groans as he rubs his face in frustration.

He is interrupted, like you, by the door opening.

The person who opened it peaks their head through the crack, and you see she's almost a spitting image of Harry. Up to the matching blonde hair, you take a wild guess that this is his mom.

"Hi, honey! How are you? Did the art showcase go well?" She says it in a jolly voice.

"It didn't; I only sold 4 paintings and 1 sculpture."

"Aww, honey, that's okay. I made your favourite meal, meat pudding!" She says this as her hand pushes a pie onto the shelf next to the door.

Harry sits up on the bed, looks over at her, and, in an angry voice, says, "Why? Did you not believe in me!? You never supported me! You're the worst!."

The mother flinches slightly and says, "Please, honey, I tried my best."

Harry simply shakes his head violently before shouting back, "Get out of my room, you horrible women!"

The mother's head drops, she gives the plate a little push on the nightstand, and she leaves the room, slowly shutting the door behind her.

As he lays in bed with his head in his pillow, the door once again opens, and a big, burly, hairy man with blonde hair walks through it.

"hey, sport! I heard you gave your mom a hard time, are you okay?" He says in almost sympathetic voice

"She made my favourite dish because she thought I wouldn't succeed and she wanted to cheer me up." Harry says this as he looks back at his father.

"Listen, a favourite meal could have worked in both situations; if the sale went well, it would have been a nice gift, but if it went well,"

Harry pauses for a moment, looking down at his pillow before gazing back up. "That is true; I didn't mean to be so mean."

At that moment, the door opens again, and in steps the mother with teary eyes.

"Oh mom," his mom doesn't even have time to react as he runs to hug her.

She's shocked at first, but almost immediately returns the hug in full as the father joins them.

They seem like the perfect family—too perfect.

You suddenly dragged yourself through a wormhole into a new memory, except...

Except it feels the same, like you haven't gone back in time or forward.

Taking in your surroundings this time, you're in a cramped room not even big enough to fully stretch your arms out horizontally.

In stark contrast, this room doesn't even have the bare minimum; there's one dinky old bed in the corner that somehow hasn't fallen apart from just looking at it, and the only light comes from a lamp smaller than your hand, probably 2× older than you too.

And holding it up is a pile of moulded schoolbooks; the walls are a disgusting grey color, looking worse than the default Nord from Skyrim; and the floor (from what you can see) has hundreds of holes, from mites, you assume.

Looking closer into the corner of the bed, you see a little girl with her head in between her knees.

The room is suddenly flooded by a bright light. You turn around (barely able to do so), and before you is the mother.

But something is different about her; she doesn't have a bright smile plastered across her face like she did when she was with Harry.

But why are you here? Why is she here? And who's the little girl?

Before you can answer your question, the mother speaks.

"You're supposed to greet a grownup when they enter a room," she says coldly while looking down at the child in near disdain.

"I am sorry, Mother." The little girl squeaks out, followed by the mother's sigh.

"It does not matter; just remember for next time."

" yes Mother"

The mother scans the room slowly before looking back at her. "Have you finished your homework?."

"Not yet, Mother; I still have a couple of questions."

"Well, it better be finished. But, as I am feeling generous, I will give you dinner to get you motivated. But of course, not too much; you already put on too much weight."

You investigate the mother's words and look the girl over.

And she's perfectly fine—not too skinny nor too fat. You look between her and the mother and wonder why she would say that if its a lie.

"Thank you, Mother, but I am not hungry," the girl says meekly.

At first, you think it's a normal answer; sometimes your just not hungry, but looking over at the mother, you start to think differently.

By the way she is looking at the girl, you'd think she killed her dog and fucked her husband in front of her.

Her left hand twitches violently at her side, along with her right eye.

In what feels like a blink of an eye, she throws the plate she was holding at the wall above the girl's head, and the shards of ceramic fall and hit her.

The girl immediately reacts by holding her hands over her head and somehow crawling deeper into the corner.

This, however, doesn't hinder the mother; she grabs the girl's ankle and begins to beat her mercilessly, all the while the girl begs to be forgiven.

When the mother stops, she fixes her hair, takes a deep breath, looks at the girl, and coldly says, "No dinner for a week; learn some manners."

Before she leaves, you look through the door and see...

The meat pie sitting on a dresser in the corridor she gave Harry, meaning she came here before going there.

Before you can think about it further, you are once again drawn through a wormhole.

When you open your eyes, you are once again greeted by the massive iron-clad door.

"Hey! We meet again, big fella!"

"Indeed, we are reapers."

"Wait, you know who I am?"

" I am a door, but I am not a dumbass; now let us begin the second riddle."

He clears his throat before asking

"I meet many people.

I treat them equally.

I can harvest grain the middle-aged way.

I always go on; I never stay.

I can't die.

Some believe I can fly.

Most people don't like me.

And thus, try to fight me.

Most people don't want me to touch them.

Some mad people want me to rush them.

There is no proof that I exist.

But what I do can't be dismissed.

Who am I?"

You scratch your head for a fat minute before finally getting euphoria

"Is it death?"

"Well done; you are correct."

"I sense the sarcasm in that sentence."

He chuckles and says, "Top IQ right here."

You are about to retort when you are once again blinded by a bright white light.

When your eyes are opened, you are greeted by the sight of Harry sitting in front of you, looking you directly in the eyes.

You almost sh*t your pants as you fly off the bed.

But when you look back, you see he isn't looking at you but at the door.

Looking around, the room still has the same aesthetic; the only thing that has changed is that Harry himself now looks like a young teen, 13 or 14.

Suddenly, the door squeezes open, and in walks his mother.

You don't know why, but you are suddenly filled with anger so powerful that you want to tear the fabric of time apart. and rip this woman apart yourself.

While you ponder in your thoughts how you'd gouge out the bitches' eyes (shit, even I'd help), the mother sits on Harry's bed.

"Honey, I want to talk about your sister."

"Yes, Mother, I know; we talked about this already."

The mother sighs and shakes her head before meeting Harry's gaze again.

"Well, I just wanted to remind you that your sister is a very wrong person; something is wrong with her; she doesn't deserve to be here."

"Yes, Mother, I know, but...I don't understand why? She looks exactly like me, and she acts like all the other kids in my school, so why must I treat her worse?"

Once again, seeing that crazy look in her eyes and shaking hands, you think she is about 'Nora his ass' but you are shocked and disgusted when she instead leans over and hugs him.

"Just trust me, child."

"... very well, mother."

Suddenly, a voice comes from outside the room.

"Martha, honey, could you please come down and help me?"

"Coming Stuart! but remember what I told you, honey." She gives Harry a peck on the forehead before leaving.

Your vision is suddenly cut to white.

When you can see again, you look around and notice you are in front of a sh*t-looking school.

"Ah, public school, have I not missed you?"

When you walk around campus, you see dozens of posters with different depictions, the best one reading, "Leave Hitler to Me, Sonny—you ought to be put off London."

You quickly gather that you're in England after 41'.

The smell points it towards England, that's for sure.

You are suddenly interrupted when the loud school bell rings out and hundreds of crotch goblins run out.

You instinctively try to kick one away, but your leg phases through him, and you remember this is a memory and sigh with relief. You can't have another case like that.

You try to find your target when a specific laugh cuts through the crowd, and you instantly b-line towards it.

Pushing through the little brats, the age groups get older and older until you run into kids who are around 15–17.

They wear black trousers with a white T-shirt and a brown sweater, while the girls wear the same except with a dress.

Looking through the crowd you spot a strange phenomenon, none of the girls are walking with any boys, they're either all alone or in a small group of girls, unlike the younger generation in the future.

But like every rule there is an exception.

In the back of the crowd, you spot a girl in a big group of boys.

Walking closer you instantly spot its Nora, but something is different....she doesn't look like she just watched her puppy die.


But getting back to watching her you see a boy has his arm wrapped around Nora, evidently being her boyfriend.

They laugh and giggle at the front gates.

That's when they step out of the gate, but before she has time to even looks around she bumps right into Harry and gives him a death stare that would put you to shame.



as they stare intently at each other for a long second, and you start looking back and forth between them when a sudden realisation hits you like a truck.

".....son of a bitch, I was right! They are twins!"

Hey, hey, pimps! This time the description will be short cause im feeling lazy XDD didn't feel like writing last week so yall are getting double content week, anyway, another tip from kepler, don't mix coffee with laxatives godDAMN that was a bad evening XDDDD. this is post-post edit Kepler, this was supposed to be released on friday, but my pc refused to cooperate until i gave it a good pimp slap today XDD.

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