
By gaybumsex

3.1K 98 190

And Nevermore is open yet again! A safe haven for Outcasts, Freaks, Monsters, fill in your favourite marginal... More

Wednesday Woe Addams
You light my woe on fire
Wish you were woe
Bianca's thoughts are filled with woe
Kill your woes
Burying bodies to hide your woeful secrets
When you woe you know

Family Re-woe-nion

263 8 10
By gaybumsex

Bianca's POV:

"Enid, gag her."

Wednesday leaves the closet and I follow behind quickly, wondering what the fuck just happened.

All this time I thought Weems was dead, I thought I'd never see her again. I was so mistaken. So was Wednesday, clearly. She leaves the dorm even though it is her own and when I meet her outside the dorm, she is pacing up and down almost angrily.

"Wednesday... are you okay?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be? It's not like I found out that Weems is a narcissistic waste of space even when she's supposedly dead. Oh wait, YES I DID!"

She almost seethes with rage as she continues her pacing. Think of something, Bianca.

"Okay look. I know what Weems did was horrible-"

"Worse than horrible! It was despicable! Downright deplorable-"

"-but are you sure you're not just acting this way because you're embarrassed?"



Well done, Bianca. How are you gonna get out of this one?

"I mean... I know Weems dying had to have hurt somewhat. It happened right in front of you, and that shit messes people up. I'd be embarrassed too if I found out that I had been crying alone in my room for nothing."

"I was not crying!"

"But you were mourning, you can't deny that."

She takes a deep breath in, then blinks. It's hard to catch Wednesday in a position where she's this vulnerable.

"I may have had a... strong reverence for Weems."

"It's okay, Wednesday. We were all sad when you told us the news. There is nothing to be embarrassed about."

She blinks again.

"Weems is alive, and she is sitting in our- my closet breathing and talking as if nothing had happened! It's humiliating!"

"Yeah, for Weems. She's the one who was too embarrassed to admit that she hadn't really died for weeks. Wednesday, no one is laughing at you."

"Then why do I feel so enraged?"

"Because you are upset."

That seems to silence Wednesday for a moment. She looks up at me as if I had told her I kidnapped her whole family. She looks as if she's seething with rage, until I see her eyes prickle with tears.

"She shouldn't be alive." She almost whispers, and I cannot get over how damaged she sounds.

I think of comforting her, I think of hugging her and just letting her cry because I know the last person she needed to see is Weems. I think of tucking her into bed and letting her just rest beside me because she looks so, so tired.

I don't.

"We should both get some sleep. Maybe if we sleep for long enough we'll find out that today has all been a dream."

"You're right." Her voice is back to normal. "I trust I'll see you in botany tomorrow?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

I give the bag that contains the monochrome cake to Wednesday. She takes it with two fingers and holds it in her hands in such a graceful way.

"Save some for me." And on that note, I start walking to my dorm. We'll ignore the fact that I added a sway in my hips with that walk. I hear a small "Bye..." from behind me.


I scream into my pillow.

"You stupid bitch! She was two seconds away from crying and you just leave? Are you even trying to get with her?" Divina comments, and I swear if she says one more thing I will rip the scales off of her.

"You know how I am with emotions! It was weird! It made me all soft and nice."


"Xavier really fucked you over, didn't he?"

"I just don't think I'm suitable for the comforting job! I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm kind of a bitch."

"What? Why didn't you tell me? This is brand new information!" She responds sarcastically.

I throw a plushie at Divina and it barely hits her.

"I can't believe it's only the first day of school and you've already thrown something at me three times, had two gay panics and one date with Wednesday. I don't know whether to be impressed or scared."

"Hey at least I'm moving somewhere! You've liked Yoko for what- a year? And the furthest you've gotten was dancing with her at the Rave'n before chickening out!"

"Fuck you, bitch."

"Go fuck Yoko instead!"

Divina jumps on my bed and we both quickly grab pillows to hit eachother with. We "battle" for a while before there's a knock on our window.

"Maybe it's Wednesday wanting to go on another date with you."

"Or Yoko wanting another dance at the Rave'n."

We both go over to the window to see Lucas? I open the window.

"Hey Luke, what's up?"

"I think my father is still alive."



"Your father? Didn't his life support get cut?"

"Yes! I saw him walking into this building!"

"Uhm... not to sound tone deaf or anything but we all saw his grave go into the ground-"

I cut Divina off. "What was he wearing?" I inquire.

"Just his normal everyday clothes. If anything he looks a bit fancier than usual. I'm just so happy that my father might be alive! I was struggling so much without him-"

"Something weird is going on. Come on, guys. We're going to Wednesday's dorm."

Both Luke and Vi look at eachother before imitating me. They make kissy faces and speak in a mocking tone, saying a bunch of "I love you!" and just being overall annoying.


They both shut up and follow me as I start to almost run to her dorm.

When we arrive there, Lucas is out of breath and I open the door to see Enid packing some stuff.

"What's going on?" Divina asks, as if that was helpful at all.

"I'm out of here! There is some reincarnation shit happening in here which I am not for!" Enid answers, frantically packing bags.

"You're being so dramatic. So what Weems and Kinbott both ascended into thin air? At least now we know that they're both definitely dead- Hello Bianca." Wednesday cuts herself off when she sees me.

"Hi Wednesday. I'm sorry, Weems and Kinbott what? And isn't Kinbott dead?"

"Has everyone just forgotten about my dad?" Lucas adds, clearly confused.

"What about your dad?" Enid asks.

"He's alive! I saw him walking into here as if it were a regular day!"

"Nuh uh, I'm leaving!" Both Divina and Enid say in unison. They both walk in the direction of Yoko's dorm.

Okay, so Weems and Kinbott and now Mayor Walker are all alive? What the fuck is going on? I'm too tired for this shit.

Wednesday is about to close the door on us when she gets a text. She takes out her phone and for some reason Lucas and I hover over her to see what is being said. It is a message from an unknown contact.

Freaked out yet?
This is just the beginning, Wednesday.

The GIF is of an animated version of Wednesday being shot in the head by a shot gun. It is extremely gorey for a drawing.

"I forgot I have a stalker."

"YOU HAVE A WHAT?" Lucas and I shout in unison.


I walk into botany to see Xavier sitting next to Wednesday. After finding out she has a fucking stalker there is no way I'm letting him of all people distract her. Knowing him, he'll probably call some bullshit about saving her life then force her into a relationship that she clearly does not need. Plus, I am just a tiny bit possessive of her so that gives me all the more reasons to do this.

I walk over to him. He has platinum blonde hair now and has cut it so that it's too short to be considered long but too long to be considered short. He runs his hand through his hair every two seconds because he thinks it's attractive.

It's not.

"Move, bitch."

He glares at me before moving out of the seat and sitting next to Divina. I then sit next to Wednesday. We get out our notebooks in silence before she speaks.

"I can handle this on my own. There is no need for you to watch over me."

"The last time you insisted on something this big you almost got yourself killed. I'm not taking any chances."

"Why? Because you'd miss me too much if I died?"

Fuck her. If I wasn't darkskin, I'd be blushing so hard right now.

"I just don't want your blood on my hands." I do, but not in the way you think.

"Whatever you say, Bianca." Wednesday turns to the front and starts getting out her pen.

My sister walks into the room and sets things up at her desk- MY SISTER?

"Alright, class settle down. I only have an hour to teach this class and I'm not in the mood to be shouting over everyone."

The class settles down almost immediately.

"My name is Miss Bennan and I will be your botany teacher for this year. Now I understand that this is the advanced class so do not expect this class to be easy, but if you are ever stuck on anything I will definitely help you."

I can't believe this. I did not think this was how this year's family reunion would play out. Students are already starting to like her and she hasn't even been teaching for thirty seconds yet!

"We will be preparing you for your midterms so it is imperative that you pay attention during class and not waste any time. Any questions?"

No one raises their hand.

"Good, let's get started. Can anyone tell me the name of this plant?"

She points at a Middlemist Red that is covered with a glass casing. It looks bigger than it should, which leads me to believe that she's tampered with it somehow. I raise my hand but Wednesday answers anyway.

"That is an unspecified camellia."

"Also known as The Middlemist Red." I retort.

"It was imported from China as a luxury item in 1804." She calmly snaps back, turning to face me.

"But has since been rendered extinct due to what is said to be over cultivation."

"This plant only exists in two botanical gardens in the world, neither of them being in Vermont."

"The version of the flower shown to us is also larger than usual for a middlemist red, which most likely means that this is a fake. I also cannot smell it from here. It usually reeks of rotting flesh."

"Well, camellias are usually quite cloneable. It is easy to mutate via witchcraft due to it's pleasing appearance and vibrant colour. This one was cloned well. It smells disgusting."

"How would you know?" I question.

"I have a very highly trained olfactory sense." She answers, tilting her head ever so slightly in that patronising way that just makes me want to kiss that smug look off her face.

"Of course you do."

"As much as I love watching Tom and Jerry..." My sister interrupts, "I would much rather be the one teaching the lesson so can you both stop speaking so that I can do my job and get paid?" Why did she have to interrupt just as things were getting good? Ugh, I should not love arguing with Wednesday as much as I do.

The two of us quieten down but continue to look at eachother. Her stare is sharp, almost sharp enough to cut the growing tension between us. I can feel the cold radiating off of her shoulder. It is weirdly enticing. If you had told me three months ago that my rivalry with Wednesday would turn into a homoerotic frenemyship, I would have died of laughter, but here we are.

Just me and her, staring into eachother's eyes as if it's the most regular thing ever. I want to think about how much I hate her, about how much I despise her lack of respect, her selfish acts, her cold demeanour. All I can think of, however, are her stupid fucking eyes. They're black, like, actually black. They look as if they can suck me in at any moment.

I want them to.

"Gaybos." I hear from behind me. Both Wednesday and I turn around to see Enid and Yoko looking at anything but us.

This is going to be a long year.


When class ends, I stick back. I ask Enid to keep an eye on Wednesday and when she leaves, I walk up to my sister.

"What the hell are you doing here, Bria?" I question immediately.

"Same thing you're doing here. Trying to get away from our narcissist of a mother."

"And you just had to come here of all places as a teacher."

"Yes." She says, as if she's completely oblivious as to what she's doing.

"You're two years younger than me!" I snap.

"So? You already know education doesn't work on me. If I'm going to run away from home, I should at least make it impactful. You know, like how you stole someone's gender and identity and tricked people into thinking you're royalty, I decided to trick people into thinking I'm fifteen years older than I am."

"I have always been a girl."

"No you haven't, Brandy, but it's okay! You sort of are one now."

If one more person calls me that I swear to fuck-

"What do you mean sort of?"

"I mean, you claim to be a girl but clearly have the hots for the creepy goth sitting next to you. What's the point of becoming a girl if you weren't going to like guys."

...How did this kid even get employed?

"Okay, firstly, bisexuality exists you know. Secondly, you're sounding more transphobic than Ma and that's saying something. And thirdly, my name is Bianca."

"I am not transphobic. I just don't get why you of all people are trans. I mean, five years ago you would scream and shout if you were close to pink for more than two seconds. Now you're suddenly all about being a girl?"

"Yes. And I would appreciate if you would respect that."

"Then respect the fact that I had nowhere else to go. Trust me, Brandy, I would rather be anywhere else but here. But Ma is relentless. She won't stop until she's harvested my siren song. If anyone can help me, it's you."


My mother is a textbook narcissist. A good one at that. Her love for money and fame has driven her to madness over the years, but now her charms are working. It's bad enough that she managed to convince people that she was such an amazing person before her siren song started drying up. I can't imagine how much worse she must be now that she can't fall back on her power. As much as I hate seeing my sister here, I know she's struggling just as much as I am. I can't abandon her now.

I need to stop this.

"I'll help you if you call me Bianca."

"Fine!" Bria relents.

"What exactly is her plan."

"She wants to drain out my siren song before the end of the year, which is not good at all seeing as this year has just started so she has plenty of time. Apparently she's using the nymphs tgat go here to interrogate people in this school so that you'll cave and help her."

"Fuck, that explains the shit I've already been seeing! Three people were reincarnated just last night and then just vanished!"

"How recent were these deaths?"

"Last semester."

"She's got fucking nature fairies on her side? How did she manage that? Morning Song community cannot be that popular!"

Nature 'fairies' are the only nymphs able to reincarnate people who have recently died. However, this only works if the person is going through abject suffering in their afterlife. Something about dark spirits and corruption and shit like that.

"I have to tell Wednesday."

"Who's Wednesday?"

"The girl who was sitting next to me this lesson. She's being stalked and even being sent death threats, most likely by these nymphs."

"Be careful, Bianca. I don't want the whole school knowing. They'll kick us out as easily as they let us in."

"Don't worry, Wednesday is extremely trustworthy. She would never reveal a secret if it meant she were responsible for something terrible."

"Still. You know life has never been good to us."

It hadn't, not until Wednesday came along. She was both the downfall of my life and what saved it.

Nope, too wholesome. Shut it down, Bianca.

"Fine. I'll wait it out."

"Good. As soon as you see another one of these reincarnations, come straight to me. Got it?"

"Got it."


It's the end of the school day. I'm walking to the gym when I run into her and am rendered breathless.

"I did not leave Enid's sight all day today. What did you tell her?" She demands.

"I didn't tell her anything, just asked her to watch over you for a while. I needed to speak with Miss Bennan and knew I wouldn't be able to catch up with you any other time today."

"Why should I believe that poor excuse?"

"You would be a fool not to, after all I am right about everything and never lie."

"Please. How about when you boasted all of last semester about being unbeatable even though I managed to easily score a hit on you yesterday."

"You caught me on a bad day."

"Well when are you going to have a good day, Bianca?"

And before I realise it, we're both in the gym, sparring until we're close to passing out. I've gotten seventeen hits on her, and she's scored seventeen hits on me in this game. I have a feeling that this is going to end sometime soon. I don't want it to.

Something about battling Wednesday even though my limbs are starting to hurt and we're both starting to break out into sweats is just so delicious. It exhilarates me in a way I hadn't known possible. I can feel blood dripping inside of my kit and staining my clothes as I persist.

"Giving up yet?" She taunts, and I cannot get over the way she grins when my only response is ragged breaths for a while.

"You- You wish." I manage to choke out, and she almost laughs.

I do not stop fighting, if anything I fight harder. I have to win this, I can't let her beat me. Sure I like her or whatever, but she's still my rival at the end of the day. Whether that's solely academically or in all aspects of life, I do not know, but the feeling is mutual.

I finally manage to predict one of her attacks. She strikes forward and so I move forward aswell, startling her to have her pause for the shortest of seconds. I use that second to pretty much lunge at her. She's about to fall back but does a back handspring to save herself. Why does she have to be so cool? I hate that.

"You're getting better."

"Stop trying to cover up for the fact that I almost ended your ass."

"Is the key word 'almost' in that sentence?" She tilts her head as she asks that.

Suddenly, I'm losing my balence. Fuck, she distracted me. But instead of letting myself fall on my back, I fall onto my right heel and score a hit right at her stomach, a move I learned from her on the day she joined this school. I watch as her eyes widen in shock.

"What's the matter? Surprised?" I mock.

Suddenly, she's striking again, but it's much less calculated than usual. Her movement is not only messy, but downright murderous. She seems enraged. I play on anyway, playing on defense for the first time ever.

"How dare you? You call yourself a fencer? You cannot even be original! How are you going to imitate my signature hit and act proud about it?" She began to pump me for answers.

I stay calm, knowing that by staying in control, Wednesday has managed to beat me multiple times prior to this. I clash my saber with Wednesdays, then almost easily knock it out of her hand. I then slash at her shoulder, sending her toppling down to the ground with no stupid cool flips to save her. To add the icing on the cake, I stab the saber just on the floor next to her head, watching as she uncharacteristically flinches.

I then bend down so that I'm properly face to face with Wednesday.

"Would an unoriginal fencer be able to do that?" I respond, my voice breathless from the fighting.

She doesn't respond but her eyes are shaking. I just now realise that I can feel her breath on my face. It's cold on my skin, and I'm pretty sure scales are starting to show from the sweat forming on my face. I watch as she doesn't quite gulp, rather swallows instead. She blinks.


I walk into my dorm.

"What's up Bianca-"

"Bathroom." I cut Vi off, rushing to take my blazer off.

"Oh. Period kween, I guess. Go off."

I slam the bathroom door on her face

End of chapter


This is probably the longest chapter I've written and the fastest I've posted.
I know, be proud I'm so amazing.
But yh this fanfic is only going to get more and more confusing fr so like stay tuned and shit I guess.
I hope you enjoyed and if you did make sure to give this a big thumbs up and smash that subscribe button!!!
Also aren't I so funny for that last bit😅😅😅😅😅😅 im such a comedian guys trust

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