Dawnclan and Duskclan: The Jo...

By M00nyPetals

318 82 195

Cover Art credit goes to @Meowlia!!!! Thank you These are the two other clans in my Warrior Cat fanfic! ( Thi... More

Chapter 1: Dawnclan ( Names and who is who)
Chapter 1: Duskclan ( Names and stuff)
Chapter 1: Dawnclan
Chapter 2: Duskclan
Chapter 3: Dawnclan
Chapter 4: Duskclan
Chapter 5: Dawnclan
Chapter 6: Duskclan
Chapter 7: Dawnclan
Chapter 8:Duskclan
Chapter 9: Dawnclan
Chapter 10: Duskclan
Chapter 11: Dawnclan
Chapter 12: Duskclan
Chapter 13: Dawnclan
Chapter 14: Duskclan
Chapter 15: Dawnclan
Chapter 17: Dawnclan
Chapter 18: Duskclan
Chapter 19: Dawnclan
Chapter 10: Duskclan

Chapter 16: Duskclan

8 2 3
By M00nyPetals

Springivy P.O.V:

The sun was setting, casting a warm orange and pink glow over the forest. Springivy stood next to Pouncefoot and Leafcinder, taking in the breathtaking view. Despite the recent loss of his mentor, Pouncefoot still managed to smile and announce that he and Leafcinder were now mates. Springivy congratulated them, feeling happy for her brother and his new mate. However, a small part of her couldn't help but feel envious, wishing she had someone to share moments like this with.

As Pouncefoot and Leafcinder decided to head back to camp, Springivy declined their offer to join them and instead chose to stay behind. She watched as they walked away, tails linked, and wondered if she would ever experience such a connection with someone. The silence of the forest was broken only by the sounds of leaves rustling and distant birdsong.

Lost in her thoughts, Springivy finally decided to do some hunting. She walked deeper into the forest, feeling the cool breeze against her face and the crunch of leaves beneath her feet. As she searched for prey, she couldn't help but think about her own love life. Would she ever find someone who made her heart skip a beat like Pouncefoot had found in Leafcinder? 

The sun had now set and the forest was dark, but Springivy continued to hunt, determined to find something to bring back to camp. As she walked back, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her and if she would ever find the true love she longed for.

As Springivy returned to the camp, she noticed two of her friends, Beeheart and Lightwhisker, having a good time laughing together. The source of their amusement was Dawnpaw and Heavenkit, the two apprentices they were training. Dovewing, another clanmate, noticed Springivy's arrival and called out to her. "Beeheart," she said, "Springivy is back." Beeheart, upon hearing this, turned to Springivy and greeted her warmly. He then invited her to join him, Pouncefoot, Leafcinder, Lightwhisker, and Dovewing on a patrol to search for a new place to stay. Springivy felt her heart flutter as she smiled and agreed to join them. Beeheart then informed her that they would leave the next day. With that, he walked away, followed by Dawnpaw.

As Springivy approached the makeshift warrior's den, she noticed Sunset and Berryhop engaged in a lively conversation. They were discussing the progress of the clan's young warriors, Beeheart and Lightwhisker. Sunset was beaming with pride as she watched Beeheart train Dawnpaw. "Beeheart has become such a skilled warrior!" she exclaimed. Berryhop nodded in agreement, "Indeed, Lightwhisker is doing great as well!" 

Duskheart, an older and more experienced warrior, joined the conversation and complimented the two cats. "I'm sure you're both very proud," she said. She turned to Springivy with a warm smile and added, "Springivy is a phenomenal warrior of Duskclan, I wouldn't be surprised if she became deputy!" 

Springivy blushed at the compliment, feeling both grateful and humbled. "I would be very surprised," she replied with a chuckle as she walked over to the older cats. They looked at her with amusement, clearly enjoying the conversation. 

"You heard all of that, didn't you?" Duskheart asked, teasingly. "Yes, I did," Springivy replied, feeling a sense of belonging among her fellow warriors. She lay down and curled up, feeling grateful for their company on this cold night. She knew it was important to stay warm to avoid catching whitecough, a common sickness that affected many cats during the winter months.

As Springivy woke up, she heard some shuffling coming from nearby. She opened her eyes and looked around, only to find Beeheart shivering beside her. Concerned, she asked him if he was feeling cold. Beeheart nodded in agreement, his teeth chattering. 

Springivy attempted to think of a way to help him and said, "I can..." but broke off mid-sentence, feeling a blush spread across her cheeks. Beeheart smiled and understood what she was trying to say. "Yes, please," he said, making his way over to her. 

Beeheart wrapped his body around Springivy, pulling her close to him. She could feel his warmth radiating onto her, and before she knew it, she felt herself relaxing into his embrace. They stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's company and the comfort of each other's warmth.

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