Behind The Paint

By sprskasarma

140 9 2

A masterpiece painting, a mere object of beauty to stare at, to adore, to possess. That's how they see me. Wi... More

2 - Sorrow 2
3 - Sorrow 3
4 - Runaway celebrity
5 - " whoops, my fault. "
6 - Unexpected Encounter
7 - Not a part of my plan

1 - Sorrow

40 1 2
By sprskasarma

TW : the following story you're reading contains mentions of sensitive and triggering topics. Please refrain from reading if you're a sensitive person.

"Please, Arson," she cried, "don't leave me please, i need you more than you think. You're my everything,if i lose you..."
She looked at Arson, the other lead in the movie, with pleading eyes, her face contorted into a mask of despair while her beloved stood next to an strange woman in his embrace.

Imya Dawn wept profusely, her acting so natural that one could almost believe she wasn't playing a part. The pain in her heart, the agony in her soul, the hopelessness in her eyes, it was all so real, so visceral, that you couldn't help but feel her pain as well.
The crew watched on, held by her performance, her emotions so real that they almost felt like they were truly witnessing a heartbreak unfolding before their very eyes.


the director called out, and Imya immediately stopped her performance, returning to her normal confident self,

"That was intense," she sighed, "but I think we got it."

Imya was a talented actress, and she had perfected the art of bringing her characters to life. But in this moment, you couldn't help but wonder, how much of her own emotions, her own pain, did she pour into her acting, and how much of her own heart did she pour into her roles?
Imya Dawn...
Imya Dawn was a skilled actress, a celebrity, a popular figure. She was beautiful, charismatic, and loved by many. Her wavy dirty blonde hair and emerald eyes made her stand out from the crowd, and her confidence and charm made her seem like an even more charismatic lady.
She had played in many big roles in big movies and series, and her talent was undeniable. She was famous, loved and adored by tons of people. But did they really love her? The real Imya Dawn, as a human being, with feelings, emotions, and thoughts? Or did they only love the actor Imya Dawn, the character they saw on the screen?
She wondered if anyone loved her for who she truly was, or if they loved her for the character she played on screen. She wondered if she was even capable of separating who she truly was, from who she played on screen. She wondered if anyone even cared about the human behind the mask of the actress.
The movie they were filming was about Solarine Governor and her husband, Arson Marcell. They had been the picture-perfect couple before their world was turned upside down. Solarine, played by Imya Dawn,was the protagonist of the movie "Awfully into You," and her husband Arson, played by Angelo Rossi, was the perfect match for her. They had an incredible chemistry and a beautiful history, but things took a turn for the worse when Arson started to act strange and started coming home late and never being on time.

This left Solarine suspicious as the housewife, not knowing what was truly going on, but always feeling this nagging feeling in the back of her mind that something was off. Then, one day, the worst happened, Arson barged into the house with a strange woman in his embrace, claiming that he wants a divorce and that he is leaving Solarine for someone else, leaving Solarine broken in tears. She never expected something like this to happen, but it did, and it was the worst nightmare come true.

But, that wasn't the end for Solarine, not by a long shot. At the end of the movie, Solarine bumps into a rich and famous man, Mason Blanc;played by Derek Steele,and they become the most well-known and billionaire couple in the country, and after getting her revenge on Arson, Solarine decided to take her revenge on him by throwing him away just like he once did to her;the satisfaction of seeing Arson crawl back on his knees trying to get back with her was so great for Solarine. It was truly a satisfying moment for Solarine, and it was nice to see that she got the closure she deserved.

Angelo Rossi walked up to Imya, one hand in his pocket and the other twirling a pen in his fingers. "Just a few more scenes and we're ready to publish the movie," he said with a hint of playfulness in his tone. "Cool, right?"

Angelo was a captivating and well-known actor, known for his looks and acting prowess. He had played a variety of roles, ranging from romantic leads to villain characters, and he had even won a few acting awards. His dark grey-blue hair complemented his dark eyes, giving him a mysterious and unforgettable appearance.

Imya couldn't help but be charmed by his charismatic presence, "Yes, I think we're ready," she replied with a smile. "We've put a lot of work into this film, and I'm confident that it will be a hit."

"I'm sure it will be," Angelo replied, his blue eyes locked on Imya's. "People love a good love story, especially when it has a touch of drama."

While everyone was socializing during the break, as usual, there's this one person that always had to stand out.

Derek Steele.

Derek Steele was a man like no other. He was a man who kept to himself, never joining any social gatherings or celebrations. He was there for the job and the job alone, and it seemed like nothing else mattered to him.Whenever someone tried to come up and talk to him, they were met with a cold, hollow look, one that sent chills down their spine.

Derek had an intimidating demeanor about him that kept most people at arm's length, and those who did manage to get close to him found it difficult to keep up with his cold and unapproachable demeanor.

Despite his intimidating nature, there was something about Derek that was intriguing. He was like a mystery that no one could quite figure out, and it was this aspect of him that drew people in, even if it was just to try and understand him a little bit better.

"I've been observing Derek during these past few days, and I have to admit, he's a character," she says, a hint of mischief in her voice. "There's something interesting about him, and I can't seem to put my finger on it."

Angelo nods in agreement, "Derek is an interesting character indeed," he says. "His cold and distant demeanor on the stage and behind the curtains make him seem mysterious and intriguing."

The director nods, "I agree. He has this presence about him that makes him seem like someone with a deep and complicated story to tell."

"There's something about him that's just so fascinating," Imya muttered under her breath as she looked over at Derek Steele, who was sitting off in a corner by himself. He had been keeping to himself throughout the movie, hardly talking to anyone, just being present for the job. Even when people tried to talk to him, he gave them a cold and intimidating look, making them feel as if they weren't welcome.

Despite his aloofness, something about Derek intrigued Imya. She had watched him on stage, his charisma and confidence making him seem like someone completely different compared to his cold and distant demeanor off-stage. It was this disparity that made her want to know more about him, to unlock the mysteries behind the man she had seen on stage.

As she looked at Derek, they suddenly made eye contact, and Imya felt a sudden fluttering in her chest. She quickly looked away, feeling embarrassed. She had never even spoken to Derek, and yet here she was, feeling like a schoolgirl crushing on her crush. It was ridiculous, yet she couldn't help but feel drawn to him.
" No way, do you have a thing for that robot? ", Angel Rossi teased imya
Imya scrunched up her face in mock disgust, "Of course not, what are you even talking about?" She said, her face turning red at the thought. She couldn't believe Angelo had even suggested such a thing.

"Besides, even if I did, there's no way he'd even acknowledge my existence, let alone reciprocate any feelings," she continued, shaking her head. "He's just too closed off and mysterious, it's impossible to know what he's thinking."

Angelo burst out laughing at Imya's reaction, "Oh come on, Imya, don't be silly. You're a catch, I'm sure you could have anyone you wanted if you set your mind to it."

Imya rolled her eyes at Angelo's comment, "Yeah, right. Like I'd ever be able to get through to someone like Derek."

Despite their teasing, Imya couldn't help but feel a certain attraction towards Derek. There was something about his mysterious nature that made him all the more intriguing. And as she watched him from across the room, she found herself feeling a slight twinge in her chest, as if her heart was trying to tell her something.As the director yelled out that the break was over, Imya and Angelo instantly snapped out of their small conversation and quickly returned their attention back to the job at hand. They knew that they had a lot of work to do, and that there was no time for distractions.

Imya, in particular, couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed that her conversation with Angelo had been cut short, but she pushed those thoughts aside and focused on her role in the movie. She knew she had to give her all to the film, and make it as perfect as possible for the audience to enjoy.

Angelo, on the other hand, was already standing up and was getting ready for his next scene. He knew that he had to get into character quickly and give his best performance.

With the break over, the rest of the crew got back to work immediately, eager to finish the movie and see the final product.As the filming was a wrap, Imya said her goodbyes to everyone on the set, waving a friendly goodbye to the director, writer, and the other actors. There was an excited buzz in the air, as everyone was eager to take a break after a long day of filming.

Imya made her way out of the set, escorted by her chauffeur, Mr. Tom, who had been a loyal accomplice to her throughout the years. Her expression suddenly turned blank and expressionless, a clear contrast to the bubbly and cheerful Imya that everyone had gotten used to.

"Mr. Tom. ", imya spoke.

"She's not there." He spoke with a serious and mysterious tone, as if he was keeping a secret that only he and Imya knew.

Imya sighed, a sense of relief washing over her, "What a relief," she muttered, putting her palm on her forehead and leaning her elbow on the door of the car. She and Mr. Tom both spoke with a sense of mystery, making it seem as if they were part of a secret club that only the two of them knew about.
" that's a relief, if she were... ", Imya paused for a second,not wanting to continue the sentence anymore.

Mr. Tom simply nodded, his lips tight as he leaned forward in his seat and stared ahead at the road. It was clear that he was a man of few words, but his expressions and gestures spoke volumes about the information he held.

Imya let out a sigh of relief and relaxed back in her seat, letting out a deep breath that she didn't even realize she was holding. "Thank you mr. Tom, you're useful. "

even though this was a compliment, mr. Tom or precisely Tom Hubbert, couldn't help but feel a glimpse of anxiety.

A long moment of silence passed between them before Imya spoke up again, "You know, Mr. Tom, you've been with me for as long as I can remember. I've seen you go from a handsome young driver to a wise and confident older man. You've been loyal to me, and I appreciate that. I trust you with my life."

Mr. Tom nodded, his eyes never leaving the road as he drove the car down the street. "I'm glad you trust me," he replied with a small smile, "It means a lot."

"I know," Imya said, nodding her head, "You're like a trusted friend to me, and I wouldn't want anyone else behind the wheel."

something feels off.

The two of them sat in silence for a while longer, enjoying the calmness of the car ride. Imya had a soft smile on her face, grateful for the reliable presence of Mr. Tom.

"Thank you, Mr. Tom," she said finally, breaking the silence, "for everything. I truly appreciate you."

Mr. Tom simply smiled and nodded, "It's my pleasure, Imya. You deserve the best."

The car ride continued on in comfortable silence, the sound of the tires on the road and the soft hum of the engine the only sounds in the car. Imya couldn't have been happier, knowing that she was finally free from the stress that had been plaguing her for so long.Imya gazed out of the window of the car, her expression serious and focused. "Has she been taken care of, yet?" she asked without taking her eyes off of the passing scenery.

Mr. Tom, the driver, was clearly uncomfortable with the question. He gulped audibly before answering. "Not yet, miss Imya. But we're on it."

The atmosphere in the car was heavy with tension, as if both of them were holding their breath for the upcoming events. Imya's question hung in the air like a dark cloud, threatening to rain down trouble and danger on anyone who dared defy her will.

The sound of the tires on the road and the hum of the engine were the only sounds in the car, the silence punctuated only by the occasional cough from Mr. Tom.

" Miss Imya, i know you hate her, ", mr Tom paused for a second, " but is this necessary? "

Mr. Tom swallowed hard, feeling the weight of the situation hit him all at once. He had never had to do something like this before, and the thought of betraying his employer and potentially facing the wrath of someone so powerful made him feel a mix of fear, anxiety, and guilt.

Still, he held his resolve. He was a loyal employee, and he had always done what was asked of him, even if he didn't always agree with it. That's why when Imya gave him the order, he knew he had to follow it, no matter how much it scared him.

"Yes, it's necessary, more than ever. I thought you would understand, Mr. Tom." Imya's words cut through the silence, filling the car with a sense of urgency and finality.

Something feels weird.

Mr. Tom took a deep breath, feeling a lump form in his throat. He wanted to argue, to try and reason with Imya, but he knew it was useless. He was just a driver, a mere servant in her eyes. It was best to not ask questions and just do as he was told.

If he has a will to live, he needs to listen to Imya.

"Yes, miss Imya."

The words slipped out of his mouth like a ghost, barely audible to even himself.Miss Imya's voice seemed to cut through the air like a knife, sharp and precise.

" Good. "

Her words hung in the air like a dark cloud, carrying an ominous sense of finality. The silence in the car was almost palpable, as if the air itself was holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come.

Mr. Tom's body tensed at the sound of Miss Imya's voice, and he felt a chill run down his spine. He had never heard her speak like that before, with such a cold, sharp tone. It was as if she had become a completely different person, one that he didn't even recognize.Mr. Tom knew that he had no choice but to follow Miss Imya's orders. If he wanted to survive, he needed to be on her good side, and that meant doing whatever she asked of him, no matter how difficult or painful.

Mr. Tom's lips tightened into a thin line as he swallowed hard, feeling the weight of the situation weigh heavily on his shoulders. He didn't want to do what Miss Imya had ordered, but he knew that he had no choice.

After all, this is something he frequently does.

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