Crossing Boundaries

By deblaru

14.2K 200 28

To my astonishment, I saw Reece situated between my legs, his actions mirroring those of someone savouring th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 38

157 3 0
By deblaru


When Lorna got back from the restroom, I could tell something was off. She was fine before, or maybe not. Running into Melissa wasn't ideal.

I never reached out to her after that night, but then again, no promises were made, nor did I have any intention to do so.

Lorna seemed in a bad mood. When I asked if she was okay, she said she was just tired. Her tone said otherwise, but I didn't want to bug her during the movie. I just wanted to enjoy it with her.

I pull her back onto my lap, kissing her jaw and neck, trying to pick up where we left off. She resisted, pushing me away and saying she's not in the mood, sitting back in her seat with a scowl.

Confused, I ask, "What's wrong, Lorna?" My voice stern. "Nothing," she tells me, but it's clear something's up. Not wanting to make a scene, I say, "Okay, if you say so," and turn back to watch the movie.

I can't seem to enjoy it, and it's clear she's not either. I can feel the bad mood radiate off her, Suddenly, she says, "I want to go home."

"What?" I ask. "I want to go home, please," she sounds angry now. "Okay, Lorna, what the hell happened? You were fine before you went to the toilet, and then you come back in foul mood. Don't tell me it's because you're tired. Something happened, and I want to know now," my voice rises, and I can feel people watching us.

Lorna's eyes shift away towards somewhere , and when I glance in the same direction, Melissa and her friends are staring at us, with Melissa wearing a sly grin.

"Did she say something to you?" I can feel my patience waning. Lorna looks away, responding, "No."

"Really? Then why are you pissed?, and why do you keep glaring down at her. So, tell me, Lorna, what did she say?"

"Nothing!!" she seethes. "Fine, then I'll ask her myself," I say, getting up to confront Melissa. Lorna grabs my arm, pleading, "No, please stop. I just want to go home, and if you don't take me, I'll get a taxi or I'll walk," standing up, ready to leave the theatre.

"Lorna, wait!" I yell after her.

As I go after her, I hear giggles. Looking back, I see Melissa and her friends sniggering. Melissa's eyes meet mine. I walk back to them, lean down, and with a threatening promise, I say, "If I find out you've said anything to upset my girl, you're gonna pay."

Her stupid grin is gone, replaced with a pale face. I storm out, looking for Lorna, but she's not here. Where did she go?

Taking my phone out, I dial her number while running out of the cinema. I hear it ringing, and I look over to see her standing by the taxi rank, waiting.

"Lorna, what are you doing?" This is ridiculous.

I'm going home, Reece," she spits out. "That's fine, but you are not taking a taxi home on your own,I'll take you home, okay?"

She nods and follows me back to the jeep. We get in, and I put it into drive. She's quiet,I steal glances at her; she's chewing on her lip a tells tale sign that she pissed, anxious or worried, I'm thinking the former.

I know that Melissa said something to her, as her scowl is still etched on her face. I wait till I pull up to the driveway of her house, before talking to her.

She goes to open the door, but I lock it. "Open the door, please," she asks in a low tone.

"Not until you tell me what happened back there," I demand.

"Can we just forget it?" she looks at me, and I can see the anguish in her eyes.

"Forget it? - Lorna you stormed out of the cinema. It was supposed to be our night together, especially since I haven't seen you much.

I know Melissa said something to you. Now, what did she say?" Silence is all I get from her.

"Lorna, tell me!!!"

"Fine, she fumed, Finally, spitting it out.

" She told me it wasn't going to last with us, that you're a playboy who prefers college girls. Apparently, you're well known around campus.

Oh, and she reminded me of the night in Nick's.

In fact, she took great pleasure in telling me how unbothered you were when she told you I looked upset.  How you slammed the door, threw her on the bed, and fucked her senseless," she yells, her voice on the verge of breaking, tears filling her eyes.

I wince at her words. "Lorna, I'm sorry," I gently take her hand, but she pulls it away.

"It's fine. Maybe she's right. Maybe I am too naive and innocent for you."

I frown, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means maybe you should date someone else, Reece. Someone that has more experience than me,someone more mature, that can handle all these girls constantly looking for your attention.

Maybe we're better off just as friends. I don't think I can compete with these girls. There are so many, and they all hate me. Hell, they hated me before we even dated. The sense of defeat resonates in her voice, echoing through her words.

"Are you serious, Lorna? I can feel my anger growing. You want to end things because of what Melissa said? She's just trying to mess with your head, she's probably pissed off because I blanked her .

Lorna, please hear me out. You mean everything to me. Those girls mean nothing. Don't let this come between us.

She sighs, 'I don't know, Reece. Being your girlfriend is hard, It was easier when I was just your friend; now it feels like everyone is out to get me, I'm tired of it.'"

So you're not even willing to try? You want to throw away something special because of a few jealous girls?

I need time to think, so let's just take a break for a while, okay? she looks at me, tears rolling down her cheeks. 'I will text you in a few days.'

" To what? To tell me If you just want to stay friends or break up with me, because let me tell you one thing, Lorna - there'll be no going back to being friends for us. ' Do you really think I can ever be your friend again after having you?! Not a chance....

So go think about what you want, but I won't be hanging around if you decide to dump me. I unlock the door, " YOU CAN GO NOW, my voice full of anger.

She looks at me sadly, opens the door, and then gets out. As soon as she closes it, I speed off. Looking in my mirror, I can see her standing there, watching my jeep drive away.

I sped home like a mad man, baffled by what had just happened. One minute everything was fine, and the next, Lorna is contemplating whether she wants to be my girlfriend, all because of what Melissa said. I understand she was hurt after what I did at Nick's, and I apologized.

Melissa was going to regret messing with my relationship, all because I never called her back. I was tired of these bitches trying to ruin my relationship with Lorna.

I'm furious — furious  at Lorna for even considering that path. I can't wrap my head around it. There's no way I can be friends with her again if she decides to end things. I told her I wouldn't be hanging around, and I meant it. I'd be gone.

The thoughts of her being with other guys if we do break up, wreaks havoc with my head,,I'd end up kicking the shit out of all of them. There's no way I'd stick around to watch another guy touch what's mine. I'm too possessive over her.

I slam the front door as I entered my house.
" Jeez - what did the door do you ?  Lance taunts me as I storm past him.

Fuck off ! , Lance. I'm not in the mood, I stomp up the stairs, go to my room and slam that door too, flopping on my bed I throw a cushion over my face,  growling into it out of frustration ..

I hear a knock on door, ' go away, I yell out, I'm really not in the mood for Lance's stupid remarks and jokes.

It opens slowly, ' I come in peace, I hear him say, taking the pillow off my face I look to see him waving a protein shake at me. My brows raise up, questioning him as to why he's holding a shake in one hand and a beer in the other.

Since you can't drink at the moment it was the only thing I could find, he chuckles stepping more into the room. You could've just brought me a bottle of water or even a soda , I shake my head at him a smile forming on face now.

" Well your in training mode, so a protein will be good for you,he states throwing it at me, I catch it. Thanks!

" So wanna talk about why you came home like a raging bull ? I thought you had date with Lorna tonight - what happened, he sits on the end of my bed, taking a sip of his beer.

"I let out a frustrated sigh. To be honest, I don't even know where to start,"

I begin, telling him about our trip to the cinema and the unexpected encounter with Melissa. I explain that Melissa tried flirting with me in front of Lorna and even asked why I had never called her back.

"Why would Lorna be mad that Melissa flirted with you?" And why would Melissa ask why you never called her back, he questions me.

I feel a pang of guilt and shame as I look down at the floor and then back at him. He narrows his eyes, clearly suspecting something. "Please don't tell me you hooked up with Melissa!" Reece - he groans, shaking his head.

"It was a mistake," I confess, hanging my head in disgrace. I go on to explain what happened at Nick's party, how I met Melissa, and how my anger and jealousy towards Lorna and Nick led me to be with her. I wanted to get back at Nick for kissing Lorna."

And then the vindictive bitch told her that I didn't seem to care, when she informed me that Lorna appeared upset upon seeing me enter her room that night. She went into detail about what we did, just thinking about it makes my jaw clench. I wish I had never gotten involved with her, my regret is evident ..

I proceeded to explain to him what happened afterwards, how Lorna was attacked while I was with Melissa, and how Connor came to her defence.

"So that's why Connor had those bruises on his face that day!" he comments, I nod in agreement.

Rolling his eyes, he adds, "You're an absolute moron,why didn't you just take Lorna away when you saw her kissing Nick? That would have been the better choice instead of getting involved with his sister."

"She doesn't exactly have the best reputation on campus. She made a move on me last week and I turned her down. If I were you, I would get tested," he chuckles.

"I used protection, my face is stern,my jaw tight. I still feel terrible about it.

Now, with some time to reflect, I realise I should have kept her away from Nick that night. If I had done that, none of those events would have unfolded. That fucker wouldn't have had a chance to approach her, let alone harm her.

Frustrated, agggghh- I groan what do I do ? I think she wants to break up with me now.

" I doubt that bro - but maybe you should give her some time to calm down. That girl is crazy about you, she won't let what some random slut said,ruin your relationship.

" That slut is going to pay, I spit, feeling my anger simmering again.

Relax , Lance says with a suppressing his laugh. You focus on your fight and sorting things out with Lorna, leave the town bike to me, alright?

My mouth curls up at his comment. "The town bike?"

Yeah, "because she gets around" he smirks while taking a sip of his beer.

' You're so lame, I laugh throwing a pillow at his head, causing him to spill his beer all himself. I laugh even harder.

He scowls at me, for fuck sake Reece, now I have to go change. Thanks a lot...

No thank you - I reply, he gives me a disapproving look. No, I genuinely mean it. I appreciate you listening.

" No worries, bro. I'm always here for you, anytime. He pats my foot.

I smile at him, who would have thought that my annoying brother Lance would give me advice and help me out twice in just a few months. " It's a miracle, I spread my hands wide.

He throws the pillow back at me, and I catch it. He gets up to leave my room, but not before saying, yeah, just don't get used to it. I still think you're a dickhead.

The feeling's mutual, I smirk at him, causing him to shake his head. He reminds me to get some rest, as I have another challenging session in the morning.

I nod in agreement as he exits my room, leaving me alone with my thoughts, thoughts of Lorna. I'll give her until tomorrow to cool off, and then I'm going to plead with her not to break up with me.

I know it sounds pathetic, but there's no way I'm going to let her throw away what we have because of some jealous bitches.

I will prove to her that she is and always will be the only one who means the world to me. That she is the most beautiful girl in the world, because she truly is. None of those other girls have a patch on her ..

After brushing my teeth, I climb into bed and quickly glance at my phone. The urge to text her gnaws at me, However, I have to resist the temptation as I don't want to push her, even though I feel slightly disappointed that she never text me. I guess it was just wishful thinking on my part.

I close my eyes, feeling exhausted tonight, but I remain determined not to give up on us. I can only hope that Lorna feels the same .

Do you think they'll make up ? ..

I originally had this chapter down,to be very smutty, but I didn't want to portray them as that's all they do. Of course there will be more smut, in one of  next few chapters 😉

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