United States of Remnant [USA...

بواسطة ZeSovietMan

24.5K 569 370

It's 2030 and World War 3 had finished a year before, the United States had thrived when the 47th President o... المزيد

Raider Team
Tundra Team (Basics)
Fox Team (Basic)
Chapter 1: Time For Some Recon
Chapter 2: When Things Change
Chapter 3: Pave Hawk Down
Chapter 4: Exposal
Chapter 6: Menagerie Ranger's
Chapter 7: Negotiation Delay
Chapter 8: Kilo Pickup
Chapter 9: Across Remnant
Chapter 10: Operation Fallen City
USMC: Kilo Company (WIP)
Chapter 11: Checkpoint Vale
Chapter 12: We Work Loud Or In Silence
Chapter 13: Those We've Lost
Raider Team (Version 3)
Task Force 159
Chapter 14: Keep It Under Secrecy
Chapter 15: Now We're Pissed!

Chapter 5: President's Out

1.2K 33 12
بواسطة ZeSovietMan

Location: Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Fort Lewis

Personnel ID: Specialist Floyd Salem, Callsign Raider 1-9

Date: 6/29/2030

Time: 0600

Floyd inside his barracks with a broken leg in it's cast, then got up alongside everyone else in his team as the other half of the Platoon was still out in Remnant.

Floyd: Ugh... fuck me...

David: Up and at 'em ladies! PT, 10 minutes, get freshened up. Floyd you're exempted.

Raiders: Yes Captain...!


Time: 0615

The 1st Battalion was now doing morning PT taking a light jog as in the main building revealed Ozpin, Glynda and the VNN Crew as they were allowed to stay.

Ozpin: Good morning Glynda.

Glynda: Good morning Ozpin.

Ozpin then looked to all of the soldiers from the 7th Infantry Division and SOF from the 1st Special Forces Group (SFG) to the 2nd Ranger Battalion and the 4th 160th SOAR Battalion on the other side of the Joint Base, train in their ways with their units as only the units that were out were elements of the 1st SFG, a Platoon of Rangers from the Regimental Reconnaissance Company (RRC), a Platoon from SEAL Team 3 and the Makin Island Expeditionary Strike Group.

Ozpin: It seems they take training serious.

Glynda then looked over to see the VNN preparing to record meanwhile far down the  base walked the General they had met, that being General Lewis Carter with Command Sergeant Major Seth Craft and Colonel Jack Mackel.

David felt the presence approaching and turned to see them walking towards them before turning his whole body right as the VNN started to live stream while a Major was answering their questions, the Major being Major John Lonsid. Floyd was also with the group, this time doing weapons training, or in other terms testing his reload time and disassembling the weapon and putting it back together. 

Lisa: Welcome and good morning Vale, this is Lisa Lavender reporting for the Vale News Network continuing the events of yesterday regarding a whole other army and land. Today we'll be covering even more questions regarding so.

Location: Beacon Dorms, Beacon Academy

Time: 0620

With both the Headmaster and mistress gone to the new 'nation' all students and staff were given time off, some taking it to relax, others using to figure out more about the United States.

Team RWBY had just woken up 20 minutes ago and started to research.

Ruby: How is there nothing about them!? We've searched for hooooouuuuursss!

Blake then turned back to Ruby.

Blake: Ruby, it's been 5 minutes...

Ruby: Well... I- uh... focus back on researching Blake!

Blake turned back searching for more before coming onto the VNN live feed.

Blake: We got something!

Yang: Alright! Time to figure out what's going on!

Lisa: Well, what is Mr. Salem doing, Major Lonsid?

The camera then showed Floyd taking a part his weapon before quickly reassembling it.

Ruby: What is he doing?

Yang: Whatever it is, it doesn't look very fun.

Weiss: They're in the military Yang. of course it isn't, the military is very serious.

Yang rolled her eyes, focusing back on the screen.

Lonsid: You see ma'am U.S personnel are trained disassemble and reassemble our weapons to have familiarity over the weapon and to know what can cause malfunctions as well as maintenance.

Lisa: Interesting, well-

Seth: Attention! General Carter has arrived!

Lisa and the camera then turned to all the soldiers to see all of them stop their activities and stood at attention saluting in the General's direction. What some watching noticed were the abundant amount of Faunus's training alongside the humans not knowing of their racial situation between the U.S and the rest of Remnant.

Lisa: It seems the General for this military has arrived.

The camera then turned to show General of the Army Lewis Carter fully dressed with his ribbons, badges, and hat as the man in his late 50's, with blond hair as it had some signs of greying, walking in a relaxed way as he approached the group of the 7th Infantry Division, 1st SFG and 2nd Ranger Battalion while the General's secretary dealt with the 160th.

(A/N) Just the uniform

Weiss: That's their General...

Yang: Dang, how old is he?

Blake: Maybe early or late 50's... I can't tell?

Ruby: How can you tell at all?

Blake shrugged before paying attention once again.

Lewis had the given a salute causing the rest of the soldiers to stop saluting.

Lewis: Good morning men and at ease gentlemen!

Soon people watched the soldiers relax a bit, changing their pose.

Lewis: As you know of our situation, the United States has been going through some troubles along the national crisis with the changing climates, chaos and such alongside the terrain messing with certainties such as the flooding of Port of Portland, Oregon. 

Yang: Woah, woah, woah. Port of Portland?

Blake: That's an... interesting name. And it seems we know of two states now.

Ruby: We do?

Weiss: Yes, Blake is right. Washington is one they have confirmed, we also suspect this Oregon place is one too.

Lewis: The President will be making an State of the Union Address.

Yang: State of the Union Address? And who's or what is the President?

Weiss: Whoever it is, seems to be running the United States of America...

Ruby: State of the Union... does that mean the President is going to address to all 51 states!?

Soon eyes went wide focusing back on the scroll wanting more information.

Out rolled a weird electronic to RWBY as out rolled a projector and massive board, brought out by Jack Mackel and Seth Craft with Seth hooking another device unknown to RWBY to the projector turning on the news channel.

Lewis: Now be ready, as the Union Address will be starting in about a few minutes. So get ready.


Time: 0630

RWBY watched as the camera focused on a crowd of people in a werid looking building, but they all seemed to be greeting one person, a man who seemed to be in his early 50's with orange hair.

Ruby: It seems that this is the President, or at least somebody important...

Maxwell: Madam Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans, as you all know, I am President Maxwell Sterling.

Ruby: I knew it! It is the president!

Yang: And he also seems to be around that General's age.

Maxwell: I stand before you today to fulfill my constitutional duty and report on the state of our great nation. It is an honor to address this joint session of Congress and to have the opportunity to speak directly to the American people.

Weiss: At least he cares for his people.

Maxwell: As we gather here today, we reflect on the challenges we have faced, the progress we have made, and the work that lies ahead. Together, we have navigated through times of uncertainty and celebrated moments of triumph. We have witnessed the resilience of the American spirit, and we have seen the power of unity in the pursuit of a brighter future.

Blake: And it seems he knows how to make a speech.

Weiss: To hundreds of people, I would assume so.

Maxwell: The state of our union is strong, resilient, and filled with limitless potential. We have faced extraordinary circumstances, but we have never wavered in our commitment to the ideals that define us as a nation. From the shores of our founding fathers to the innovations of our present, we continue to forge a path that leads towards a more prosperous and inclusive nation.

Yang: I now wonder if he has anything special?

Maxwell: Today, I will outline our shared priorities, present our accomplishments, and present a vision for the future. Together, we will build on our successes, confront our challenges, and work tirelessly to deliver on the promises we have made to the American people.

Weiss: I think the speech is coming to an end... but something says it's just beginning.

Maxwell: Which I why I will say, this. This is the reason the United States stands today. We've faced the challenges between the 3 World Wars to those in between.

RWBY's faces then paled with if not the entirety of everyone in Vale watching as clapping was heard.

Maxwell: From monarchies, to fascists and communists. The American people and it's founding fathers have stood against the whirlpool of evil alongside it's allies. And now against the foes of nature, I will say this. Nature is not an evil, it's just what it is as we cannot go to war with nature. But we can fight against it, with the flooding of the Port of Portland, Oregon to our diminishing crops, and the disasters Mother Nature has brought.

Weiss: Monarchs? Fascists? Communist's? Who are those? What are those?

Maxwell: Homes, stores, farms, and more have been destroyed with the transportation of our great nation on June 26th, 2030. But we will rebuild! The United States have fallen and risen through challenges such as the Great Depression and the 2008 Global Financial Crisis! And we will rebuild, stand strong, and never back down to those who wish to bring our union harm. Thank you, and may God bless America.

Soon cheering and clapping was heard as the transmission had cut and the camera swerved back to Lisa.

Lisa: And there we have it, that was the State of the Union Address, let's have a look back to the soldiers.

Lewis: Now then, with the Union Address, the President will be sending ambassadors and diplomats to other foreign countries to get a grasp, and gain ties to others. As such, we have two ambassadors coming to Lewis-McChord in about 2 months. And from the information other Special Forces teams and our intelligence officers have gathered, the now designated Grimm will be causing trouble.

Lewis then motioned to Seth who changed what was on the projector to the plan.

Lewis: Coming straight from the Pentagon, they want the 4th Battalion of the 160th SOAR to transport the ambassador's to the Kingdom's of Atlas and Mistral meanwhile the other SOAR units take care of the Kingdom of Vale and Vacuo situations. 

Ruby: They already have a plan!?

Everyone then heard some moving as the lens was covered showing only black with some light coming through as shouting was heard.

Lisa: What are you doing!? This could be the story of a lifetime!

Lonsid: Sorry ma'am this is classified information. I will be needing you all to leave or at least not film this.

RWBY and those watching could still hear the plan still being discussed.

Lewis: The Pentagon has also already recognized the small nation of Menagerie as it's seperate state, now designated as the Republic of Menagerie or Kingdom depending on their situation-

Blake/Weiss: WHAT!?

Blake: Menagerie is finally being recognized!

Weiss grumbled at the fact that the nation harboring the White Fang wasn't being targeted with anything negative.

Lewis: As for the newly designated terrorist group, the White Fang, congress had declared that if they were to attack the nation, we are to declare war against them. So prepare for anything men.

Blake then paled.

Lonsid: I said get that camera off!

Soon the whole screen started to shake as pieces of the plan was now heard between the shouting and clunking noises.

Lewis: Bombing runs- RRC is already- President Sterling- all units-

The screen then turned black as Ruby rushed to JNPR's dorm to see if they heard the same news as them as Vale was turning into a panic.

Location: Joint Base Lewis McChord

Personnel ID: Specialist Floyd Salem, Raider 1-9, Status: W.I.A/Active

Floyd watched as the troops dispersed preparing for the transfer across the world against the Grimm, White Fang and possible new enemy of a Kingdom.

Floyd: Captain.

David: Yes Floyd?

Floyd: Are we being sent out?

David: We'll be sent back out once you're healed.

Floyd: And to where?

David: Protection of Ambassador Philip Decker of Menagerie.

Floyd: You got it Captain.

Alright! Back to Storm of Grimm's possible finale and the start of a new story! So I'm out comrades! Now always remember!


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