Chloe price x isadora caulfie...

By pricefieldvsp

1K 40 7

Max caulfield and her twin sister isadora finally come back to Arcadia bay from Seattle, max went to Blackwel... More

The characters in this book
The beginning
The lighthouse
Blackwell drama
The junkyard
First kiss
The day after the kiss
The two whales diner
Going into Alternative reality
Alternative reality
Back to reality
The reveal of the "dark room"
Vortex party
Dark room part 1
The end

The time we will all remember

46 1 0
By pricefieldvsp


Chloe drives me and Max to the entrance of Blackwell. The weather has begun to get rainy.

Max: Thanks for the ride, Chloe. Right on time for my art lesson.

Chloe: Thanks for coming with me. Sorry to be so boring...

Max: Nothing exciting ever happens to us, right?

Chloe: Listen, your rewind power has to be connected to that snow yesterday. That might explain your tornado vision...

Max: Explain what? Snow equals a ginormous twister that takes out Arcadia Bay? You're high.

Chloe: Wake up, Max. You saved my life and isadora's life. You altered the course of my destiny, your sisters destiny and even yours, and whoever! Do you know about Chaos Theory?

Isadora: Chloe is right, you saved our lives

Max: i know, and i am glad. I can't lose any of you... wait What do you know about Chaos Theory, Miss "I Hate Math"?

Chloe: Five years ago, asswipe. Some people change...and your situation is the perfect storm for quantum physics.

Max: Why me? I'm just a geek girl in some small town...

Chloe: A perfect example of "strange attractors." Don't they teach you kids anything at Blackwell? We have a tornado, rewind power, and freak snow...hello, Armageddon! So let's party with your power, rock star!

Max: Like you said, Professor Price a superhero needs two sidekicks

Chloe: How can it be such a shitty week and yet one of the best of my life?

Max: Because we're all back in action again!

We all high-five and bump fists before Max and I exits the truck. Max waves goodbye as Chloe drives away. Max and me walk to the hallway, even though i dont go there i wanted to see what is going on. Me and Max walks and bumps into david aka step-douche

David: Max, can we talk?

Isadora: oh my, lets go max

David: wait, I know things got a little heated yesterday in Chloe's room... Was that really your reefer?

Max: Yes, it was. You know that marijuana is almost legal in Oregon. I can get it at Blackwell. Are you going to bust me now, Mr. Madsen?

David: Even I'm not that much of an asshole... And I am sorry about yesterday. I was wrong, but upset. Cannabis is not a big deal to you, but it has been to Chloe.

Isadora: You're a combat veteran. She's no threat to you.

David: If I didn't care about her, I wouldn't care at all. When I was her age, I was out raising a lot more hell. She's better than that. All you kids are. So is Kate Marsh.

Max: But you treat Kate pretty bad...

David: You stepped between us at a pretty bad time. She's another matter entirely.

Max: Kate hasn't done anything wrong.

David: Max, this isn't just about Kate Marsh. My concern is for the safety of all Blackwell students. Including you.

Max: That'll take more than surveillance cameras.

David: It will take more than Ms. Grant and her petition to find missing students.

Max: Isn't that your responsibility as head of security? Unless you know something about Rachel Amber that nobody else does...

David: I don't want to fight with you anymore. I don't want to fight with anyone anymore... That's all, Max.

Isadora: maybe try and get along with Chloe instead of being such a prick

David: that's no way to talk to me Young lady

Isadora: whatever, lets go max

Max: shall we check with warren

Isadora: who is warren

Max: he is my friend

Isadora: boyfriend ??

Max: no he is not my boyfriend, ive only known him for a year

Me and max head into the science room and walk over to warren

Max: Hey, Warren. Are you okay? You look thoughtful, yet confused.

Warren: Maxwell Silver Hammer! Perfect timing! I need help with this chemical experiment...

Max: Asking me for help means you're screwed...

Warren: I have to add either a bit of potassium or sodium. It's up to you to decide, Dr. Max.

Isadora: max knows nothing about science

Warren: who are you

Max: sorry introductions, warren this is my twin sister Isadora, Dora this is my friend warren

Warren: i should've guessed that, your identical

Isadora: i am 4 minutes older though

Warren: ok then isadora do you know what to add

Isadora: yes, you need to add chlorine not potassium or sodium

Warren: really, I'll try it

Isadora: i passed science in my old school

Warren: your a good scientist, i will add it now

Warren adds the chlorine and it turns purple, i smile as warren looks back at me and max

Warren: you got it isadora, why arent you at Blackwell to Learn

Isadora; i passed all my gsce's and i need money to keep affording my apartment

Warren: that's understandable

Max: Dora, i need to get to class

Isadora: see you later warren

Warren: bye guys

Me and max walk out of the science room and head to max's photography class to see a girl crying

Max: (whispers) thats kate

Isadora: (whispers) she looks so upset

Mr Jefferson: You have to talk to me, Kate.

Kate: Why? It's all over... like me.

Mr Jefferson: Knock off this martyr crap.

Kate: What do you want from me?

Mr Jefferson: I want you to be honest.

Kate: Nobody believes me anyway...

Mr Jefferson: Stop acting so brittle!

Kate: Being on a viral video does that...

Mr Jefferson: Maybe this is your way of getting attention...

Kate: That's really mean, Mr. Jefferson. You just don't get it... Just leave me alone!

Kate: So you can't help me?

Mr Jefferson: I'm trying. But you have to understand my position...

Kate turns and walks away.

Kate: Why? You don't understand mine. Nobody does...nobody...

Mr Jefferson: Excuse me, Max...can you come over here?

Max: Sure thing mr Jefferson.

Mr Jefferson: You look everything okay?

Max: Just between you and me, I'm worried about Kate Marsh.

Isadora: whats happened with her

Mr Jefferson: im sorry who are you

Isadora: i am max's sister

Max: she is my twin

Mr Jefferson: why isnt someone like you going to Blackwell

Isadora: i dont need to come back to school, i passed everything

Mr Jefferson: there could be hobbies you like to learn further

Isadora: no thank you i am good

Mr Jefferson: any way max, That is no secret. Word on the street is that you and Kate had a little confrontation with our security chief yesterday.

Max: Not exactly. Nevermind, sorry. I have to go and work...on my photo.

Jefferson: You can talk to me anytime. And, Max, can I talk to you about Kate?

Jefferson: I assume you know about this viral video?

Max: Kate is freaked out by all of this... She can't do homework while she's being tormented on a daily basis.

Jefferson: What if Kate brought this on herself? She means well, but maybe she doth protest too much... She seems like she's holding back the truth. Have you talked to her?

Max: Yes, I talked to her on the phone today. She needs friends and support now.

Max: I just don't want Kate Marsh to be the next Rachel Amber...

Jefferson: Rachel Amber? What does she have to do with Kate?

Max: With all her "Missing Persons" posters around, it's hard not to think of her...

Jefferson: Rachel was nothing like Kate. Principal Wells said you had something on your mind you wouldn't tell him. You care to share?

Max: Not right now. I'll tell you everything as soon as I figure it out...

Jefferson: I'd like to believe that, Max. It just seems like there's a lot of drama around you this week.

Max: Listen, should I--?

Mr Jefferson's phone rings.

Jefferson: Excuse me, Max.

Jefferson answers his phone.

Jefferson: Hello? Yes? Uh...hold on. I have to take this, so just go into class and I'll be there soon.

Max and i walk into class and she walks to her desk to see two preppy bastards sitting sitting there

Victoria: Do you think Max will be pissed we're sitting at her desk?

Nathan: Oh, I'm sure she'll report us to the principal. Like I give a flying fuck.

Victoria: Or she'll run to Mr. Jefferson. Like he gives a shit.

Nathan: Like anybody does. Max is such a little--

Victoria: Shh! I think she can hear us.

Isadora: (whispers) can i slap them

Max: (whispers) no you can not

Me and max step infront of the bastards

Nathan: Here comes the mysterious Max. Disguised as a pixie hipster.

Isadora: leave her alone asshole

Nathan: why if it isn't isadora caulfield

Victoria: who is she

Isadora: i am max's sister dumbass

Victoria: max you never mentioned having a sister

Max: why did you want to know

Victoria: yeah she looks cool

Isadora: I'm not going to be friends with you, you were being a bitch to my sister

Victoria: whatever, just Like all the other precious twee artists here.

Max: wow, You really nailed me.

Nathan: Meow! Bring out the claws. I love seeing chicks fight.

Max: Right. Can I sit at my table now?

Victoria and Nathan get up.

Victoria: Max thought we were going to be buds. Fucking haha.

Isadora: i am going to slap the shit out of her

Max: theres not point they are both Assholes.

Isadora sits down next to max at her desk. She looks out the window and notices Kate walking along the path with David close by, hiding behind a tree and taking photos of her.

Max (thinking): Okay, why is David taking photos of Kate? Now, this is so wrong. And weird...

Warren enters the classroom and sits down on the edge of Max's desk.

Warren: What up, Max, isadora

Max: Hey, Warren!

Isadora: hey warren

Warren: I saw Kate earlier and her eyes were puffy from crying.

Max: Kate has a lot on her plate...

Warren: I didn't know what to say, and she didn't tell me anything...

The class bell rings and Jefferson enters.

Jefferson: Okay, I know you love me, but if you're not in this class, beat it. Everybody else, please sit down.

Warren: Maybe I'll see you later?

Isadora: I will meet you later yeah max

Max: see you later Dora


Isadora, Warren and Nathan leave as the other students take their seats.

Jefferson: We have a lot to cover today, and so little time, as usual. I see all the usual suspects here... Anybody seen Kate Marsh?

Victoria: I think everybody has seen Kate Marsh by now.

Taylor laughs.

Alyssa: She's...not feeling good.

Jefferson: Sounds like you're giggling about a video gone viral. Maybe it involves a student or a friend. I wonder how it would feel to have false images of yourself shot out all over the world for people to judge...

I get a message through my phone from the pirate gang but i get told off by mr Jefferson and immediately put my phone away

Jefferson: Usually people need something to judge so they never take a good look at themselves. We can thank reality TV for some of that. In the end, we can only blame ourselves for participating... Speaking of participation, there are a few souls here who have yet to enter a photo in the contest. Like Max Caulfield, for example. Who I know can't wait to enter, right? I'm sure you read the syllabus like it was a Harry Potter book, so you must know today we're studying chiaroscuro; that beautiful word about the contrast between light and dark, the shadowplay that gives photography such...visual power. It's basic yin and yang. Black and white images are effective precisely because of their contrast. Although we don't technically "see" in monochrome--

Zachary bursts into the classroom.

Zachary: Yo, some crazy shit is going down at the girls' dorm! Check it!

Jefferson: Zachary, do not come into my class like that ever again--

All the students begin to leave their desks and head outside.

Jefferson: Listen! Everybody remain seated--

The students leave and the classroom is empty.

Jefferson: Dismissed...

I reach the dormitories and hear a Girl shrieks in the background.

Evan: Did you see that?

Dana: Is this for real?

Logan: Bitch flipped out!

Courtney: I didn't think she was that messed up...

Dana: Oh, my God!

As i am passing through i hear some comments about care, some were nice some were not

Zachary: Who is that up there?

Daniel: Oh, no! Is that Kate?

Trevor: I hope not.

Male Student: Holy shit! That chick is right on the ledge!

Dana: If she jumps, she might not die...

Juliet: Yes, she will.

Alyssa: I cannot believe this, Brooke...

Dana: No! No!

Trevor: How long has she been up there?

Evan: Long enough.

Dana: Don't! Come down! Get down!

Brooke: Poor Kate. That fucking viral video.

Daniel: Man, this is so not why I came to Blackwell!

I see Kate on the roof just before she jumps.

Max: Kate! No! Oh, God, I have to do something to help her!

Kate jumps off the roof.

Max (thinking): She can't die. She can't!

I rewinds, but i get an intense headache and my nose begins to bleed.

Max (thinking): Not again...not now...

Kate jumps off the roof again.

Max (thinking): I have to try something...I won't be able to rewind again and again...

As i rewind Time again, suddenly everything stops. Everyone and everything but me is frozen in time.

Max (thinking): Keep...going...Max... it...

I walks toward the dormitory building and heads up to the roof. I arrives at the roof.

Max (thinking): Yes...

Everything returns to normal speed as time unfreezes. I attempt to rewind, but groans in pain as i finds i cannot. Hearing me, Kate turns around to face me.

Kate: What are you doing here, Max?

I try to rewind again but it fails

Kate: Stop! Don't come near me!

Max (thinking): Not now... It won't work... I don't have any power... Now I have to do this by myself...?

Kate: Max, seriously, don't come near me. I will jump.

Max: Okay, okay. I'm right here. Kate, please...

Kate: Oh, Max, I know you want to help me... I love that you stepped up to David, but it doesn't matter now. Nothing matters.

I step closer to Kate.

Max: You matter. And not just to me.

Kate: I do want to believe that...

Max: Kate, your life is still yours. And we can get through this together... Let me help.

Max: Like I helped by erasing all that crap people wrote on your room slate...

Kate: I'm glad to hear you worry about me... That makes me feel better...

Max: Of course I worry. You're my friend, Kate.

Kate: I did feel better talking to you on the phone. I always feel like you really listen.

Max: Kate, please trust me. Come stand by me, okay? I can help you now. I know I can.

Max: This morning I erased the weblink to the video... It was written on the shower room mirror...

Kate: That's your story now. How can I trust you? What about this morning when I needed help? You told me to do nothing!

Max: Kate, I'm gathering proof that Nathan Prescott drugged you. And you're not the only victim. So you have to help me take Nathan down.

Kate: Nathan Prescott? That makes sense... He's a scumbag. You have proof now?

Max: Soon. Then straight to the police. Think of it like we're cleansing Blackwell...

Kate: You do have my back, Max. That's the first time I've felt hopeful in a week...

I step closer to Kate.

Max: Good. We all need to have each other's backs. So I want you to come with me now... don't have to do this...

Kate: Max, I'm in a nightmare and I can't wake up...unless I put myself to sleep. Then everybody at Blackwell can post pics of my body; I'm already on the internet forever. No wonder they call it a "web"; nothing can ever get out. Like my video... I wish I could go back in time and erase everything...

Max: Kate, this is our chance to beat the bullies. That's the only way we can win against them.

Kate: Can we really, Max? I don't believe in miracles anymore either.

Max: Now I do. You're part of the reason why. If you come down with me, I can tell you more...

Kate: You're such a good person, Max. Even if you're full of crap. But I'll come with're my friend.

I manage to step closer to Kate.

Max: Forever. Can we hug on it?

Kate: No...nobody cares about me...nobody...

Max: You told me about your sisters, especially the youngest one... What's her name?

Kate: That's Lynn...she's only ten... She does have the best smile ever... I would hate to see her sad...

I reach out to Kate, who takes her hand and i guide her to safety.

Kate: I'm sorry...sorry...

Max: What are you talking about? You saved me from talking in class.

We share a hug and i walk down form the roof and got called into the principals office with mr Jefferson, david madsen and Nathan Prescott

Max: I saw Mr. Jefferson talking to Kate right before our class... then she ran off crying...

Principal Wells: Mark, I do know that Miss Marsh has assisted you on class events.

Jefferson: Kate... Miss Marsh... has been very withdrawn lately. And I assume this awful video was the cause. I hated seeing the students laugh at her.

Jefferson: She told me Max was the only one who believed her, would take her calls and actually listen to her.

Nathan: She shouldn't have asked to be on video macking with some dudes...

Max: You ass. She didn't ask for any of this...

Jefferson: No, on the contrary. Max was right to bring this up. Now, I wanted to help, but I guess I was too late...

Principal Wells: Well now, this is problematic. The publicity is rising and perhaps... you shouldn't represent Blackwell at the "Everyday Heroes" contest in San Francisco...

Jefferson: Are you serious?

Principal Wells: I am. We don't need any negative press about that event. And we need to involve the Academy in possible disciplinarian measures for you.

Jefferson: I understand. There are bigger things at stake than me. The life of a young girl for one...

David scoffs.

Jefferson: Maybe you should investigate other staff members? Max told me she knew things about Mr. Madsen...

Principal Wells: Let Max speak for herself. Everything we talked about here will be looked into.

Principal Wells slides a document toward Me.

Principal Wells: All right, Miss Caulfield, please sign here to confirm what you've told us. I'll continue this investigation from there.

I sign the statement.

Principal Wells: Well, I think we know less now than when we started. We'll be assisting the police with further inquiries. I know this has been a stressful day... I wish I had the power to change it all for the better... So, thank you for coming in.

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