Yoonmin |[The Dollmaker 21+]|...

By oxLittleLeoxo

328 14 7

A Very confusing Story of a Dollmaker and his dolls that came Alive. Their past lives and an Angel in need o... More

Chapter 2 Change...
Chapter 3 scary day's
Chapter 4 another Victim?
Chapter 5 Back and fourth
Chapter 6 Risks...
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Monster
chapter 9 at Ease

Chapter 1 Dollmaker

91 2 2
By oxLittleLeoxo




Hoseok: "Wait! You actually Made A Life sized Doll! That's Impressive and must've been expensive!"

(One of Min Yoongi's friends said as they sat together in a Bar Drinking A beer on their day off...)

Yoongi: "It still needs a lot of work but I have the basic frame set up."

Hoseok: "That will definitely change the Doll making game forever!"

Seokjin: "Definitely. Once You get it finished we definitely want to see it!"

Yoongi: "Of course~ You'll be the first to see him when he's finished."

Hoseok and Jin smiled and then the three of them talked for a bit more. Finishing up their drinks and eventually Yoongi went back to his Doll factory...And immediately went back to work on this Doll...

Definitely very proud of himself as He carefully Places Eyelashes on the doll and after worked on the hair he Even used his own hair that he cut a few weeks ago. It's been down to his waist before he cut it so He had enough hair to cover this doll's entire scalp

Yoongi: "You will be the most beautiful doll in the world~"

Yoongi said as he treated the doll gently.

It was Yoongi's most realistic doll yet and even the Dolls whole Structure felt like a real person The material used for the body even felt like real skin which was remarkable

Yoongi: "Everyone will adore you~ I will pour all of my heart and soul into your creation~ It has to be perfect..."

Yoongi then Proceeded to finish off the face giving the doll an innocent look and a soft blush to the face...it took him almost the entire night but eventually he finished it...going to bed very satisfied of his Creation.


The next morning Yoongi was Awakened by His Loyal Dog licking his face all over...

Yoongi: "Good morning Holly~ hows my cute little pup today~?"

Holly Just Jumped down from the bed hitting his empty food bowl with his nose Clearly Hungry

But then Yoongi heard the doorbell ring possibly Hoseok and Jin...

Yoongi quickly fed Holly and then went to answer the door

Yoongi: "Hobi...Jin come in~"

Hoseok: "I hope We didn't wake you up...Looks like You're still very tired..."

Jin: "Yeah You do know that You're still in your Pajamas right?"

Hoseok and Jin held back a Chuckle since that was adorable Yoongi quickly going back to change

Jin: "He clearly worked all night...he looks very tired..."

Yoongi: "It was worth it~ Would you like to see him?"

Jin blushed since Yoongi heard them from his bedroom...and came back a second later with different clothes and a Smile on his face

Hoseok: "absolutely!"

Yoongi: "Then follow me."

Yoongi smiled and showed them to the room where he made his best doll.

Hoseok And Jin very excited as they then stood in front of Yoongi's Big wooden Work Table a Beautiful Realistic male Doll On it...

They stood in Yoongi's workshop which had big Windows...which meant everyone outside could see...

Hoseok: "Oh my! This is amazing!"

Jin: "Can We Touch it?"

Yoongi: "Of course~ But be careful."

Jin and Hoseok then immediately did so impressed by the texture...

Jin: "That feels so real!
Is This made from that New type of Rubber that You bought overseas a While back?"

Yoongi: "Yes it is~"

Hoseok: "That was surely expensive to buy..."

Yoongi: "It was. But you know how popular my dolls are here. It's worth it."

Hoseok: "I would love to buy it once it's finished but I think You want to keep it based on that look on your face"

Yoongi: "I'm sorry but I won't let anyone take him.... eventually I'll make more like him but I will never give him away...not ever..."

Jin: "We definitely buy one once You make more...Hey By the way... who's that creepy guy over there?"

(Jin said the last sentence very quietly as they noticed a man outside the shop eyeing Yoongis work with sharp jealous eyes)

Yoongi: "He's the other doll maker in town....by the looks of it he is jealous....like always..."

The guy soon left after he was caught...

Hoseok: "That guy is weird..."

Yoongi: "Very weird...He does that often...I have a bad feeling about him to be honest."

Jin: "We keep an Eye on him as well...if that makes your day easier...I think there's a customer waiting for you to open the shop. So I think me and Hobi should get going~"

(Jin said with a Smile seeing a little girl outside with her parents definitely excited to buy a doll from Yoongi)

Yoongi: "Of course I'll see you guys later."

Yoongi said with a smile as he showed them out and then opened the door for the little girl.

Yoongi: "Well hello there~ Come on in and take a look~ There is one doll that isn't for sale but everything else is."

The little girl was clearly very excited. Her eyes full of excitement.

Her mom: "She has been looking through your shop's Windows everyday...at one particular doll.."

The little girl nodded going straight to a Princess doll Yoongi made a while back but no one bought it yet.

Yoongi: "I didn't think anyone liked that doll, you know what since she loves the doll so much she can have it free of charge~"

Yoongi said with a smile

The little girls eyes sparkled hugging Yoongi...

Little girl: "Are you sure sir?!"

Yoongi: "Of course~ princesses need to stick together right~?"

Yoongi said with a smile as he ruffled the girls hair

Little girls Dad: "Thank you so much, we appreciate how generous and kind you are."

The man said with a smile

The little girl was definitely gonna remember this thanking yoongi over and over and eventually they left the girl couldn't stop Smiling

Yoongi waving goodbye before going back to work

Eventually the day went on and Yoongi closed the shop going  for a Little shopping trip to buy new Supplies to make clothes and new dolls...

But little did yoongi know that something Tragic was about to happen to his shop...

But when Yoongi eventually came back...the Whole Building was on fire...

Yoongi standing there completely in shock.

The People that Lived close to the shop immediately came to help once they noticed The building burning down trying to stop the fire... coming with lots of Water buckets...

???: "Mr. Min! We informed the firefighters but they aren't gonna make it here quickly due to another fire!"

Yoongi: "I'm going in to save one of my dolls!" Yoongi immediately rushed into the burning building to find his newest doll he just made

The flames everywhere the other people outside trying to stop the fire to shield Yoongi as they ran inside with him

Eventually Yoongi spotted the doll completely covered in flames The towns people helped Yoongi to get the flames out and then they rushed out...of the burning building...

Yoongi cried hysterically since everything he built went down in flames...

Hoseok and Jin rushing to him once he was far enough away from the burning building immediately trying to help him calm down.

Hobi: "A-Are you okay?!"

Jin hugging Yoongi tightly...

Jin: "Are You hurt!? Did you get burned!?"

Yoongi: "N-No...but my work....my home....it's all gone...I managed to get him out before he was too badly damaged...he did this I know he did..."

Yoongi said knowing that the jealous doll maker from earlier was to blame

Jin: "We Will get revenge for this...You can stay at our place Yoongles..."

Yoongi: "Will there be space for me to continue making my dolls...?"

Hoseok: "I have a big room I haven't used in a while I think we can turn that into a Temporary workshop.."

Yoongi: "Thank you...."

Yoongi said tearing up as he watched the firefighters finally get there and hose everything down

Hoseok and Jin just took Yoongi and Holly to their home once everything calmed down

Hoseok then showed Yoongi the empty workspace Hoseok used for wood Projects back in the day...

Hoseok: "I think you should be able to work here"

Yoongi: "Thank you...I need to fix him right away...please feed Holly for me...I don't know when I'll come out again..."

Jin: "Of course...I'll bring you dinner in a bit"

Yoongi: "Thank you..."

Yoongi said as he just immediately set his doll on the table and immediately gathered his tools and began fixing him.

The dolls arms were the most burned... definitely the most work Would go into that... it's face Luckily was spared from the fire and looked in good shape...

Yoongi couldn't help but cry out in frustration...His tears fell onto the Dolls face as Yoongi started to sob...

Yoongi: "I won't let anyone touch you ever again...no one will know you exist other than Jin and Hobi...I can't lose you...."

Just as those words left Yoongis Lips The room was suddenly filled with this blinding White light... Coughs being heard from the Table as more of Yoongi's tears fell

Yoongi a little confused as he looked at his doll not understanding what happened.

Yoongi: "W-What's is happening...?"

Its eyes opened up and it clearly felt different...and looked different...

The burn marks looked actually like a Human had burned it's skin...

Yoongi then just spoke the name he had given the doll to see if it would respond to him.

Yoongi: "J-Jimin?"

Jimin: "M-Mr...min?"

(The doll whispered not understanding what was going on...)

Yoongi: "Y-Yes it's me....H-How are you alive...? You're a doll...I personally put you together...how is this even possible..."

Jimin: "I-I don't know...I-It hurts..."

Yoongi immediately called Jin and Hobi in knowing one of them was a doctor

Jimin's arms were severely burned crying as he looked at yoongi for help

Just then Jin and Hobi walked in immediately shocked

Hobi: "How the fuck?!"

Yoongi: "I don't know but he's human now so hurry up and save him! He's badly burnt!!"

Hoseok and Jin nodded immediately getting their things needed...and Eventually Jimin was bandaged up hiding in Yoongi's arms after very scared

Hobi: "Okay...what happened to turn him human?!"

Yoongi: "I don't know! All I did was cry over him telling him how beautiful he was and that I'd do everything in my power to protect him. He won't be on display anymore, no one but Us three can know he exists...he must stay hidden for his own safety..."

Jimin: "I-I'm Scared Mr.Min..."

Yoongi: "I know...don't worry I will keep you safe I promise...I won't let anyone hurt you..."

Jimin was crying Jin and Hoseok just left speechless.

Jin: "By the way food is ready"

Yoongi: "Jimin you need to eat so I'm taking you to the living room with me okay? I promise it's safe here."

Jimin nodded holding onto Yoongi...

Jin and Hoseok sitting together

Jin: "So what should we call this cutie?'

Yoongi: "I named him Jimin, Park Jimin."

Hobi: "It suits him."

Jimin: "I like it..."

Yoongi just sat down, Jimin on his lap. Yoongi: "I'm glad I could save him...that asshole burnt down my entire home and workshop just because he was jealous of my talents..."

Yoongi looked Jimin in the eyes smiling at hi. To show how much he cared for Jimin.

Yoongi: "I'm happy to hear you like the name, I never once thought I'd be able to talk to you and hear you talk back...up until a few hours ago you were a very special doll I had just finished. So beautiful, so elegant~ Of course you are just as beautiful and elegant now if not more than before~ Still my perfect creation~"

Jimin: "Thank you sir...T-That scary man...K-Kicked me...and poured something over me before leaving...A-And then Everything got so warm..."

(Jimin whispered shaking)

Yoongi: "Wait you remember how you got hurt? Even before I accidentally brought you to life?"

Hobi: "Maybe he was already somewhat sentient before whatever you did after the fire...?"

Jimin nodded Patting Yoongis hair...

Jimin: "Y-You used Your own hair for my head.....and You always Hummed a soft melody when working around the shop .."

Yoongi: "Did all of my dolls know this too or were you the only doll that knew what was around you?"

Yoongi now curious if all of his dolls were somewhat alive or if it was just Jimin

Jimin: "Only me...I want a friend sir..."

Yoongi: "W-Well that will take a while but I can make a friend. I don't know how to make him alive....but you also have me, Jin and Hobi now too..."

Jimin nodded leaning into Yoongi's arms happy...

Jin gave everyone a plate of food.

Eventually the four of them ate together But Yoongi had to feed Jimin since He had absolutely no idea what food even was...but eventually They finished...and Since Jimin was still covered in Dust and ash from the fire Yoongi decided to give him a bath...taking him to the bathroom Of hoseok and Jin's Home...

Yoongi: "I'm going to give you a bath. I need to clean the dust and ash off of you."

Jimin nodded even though he didn't know what that really was just admiring Yoongi's beautiful face

as Yoongi got Jimin out of the clothes that got torn and burned...

Yoongi just took a moment to admire Jimin's beautiful body...even his private parts looked just Like He made them when He was still a doll when it came to size and length.

Yoongi: "You still look as beautiful as before everything is the same~ I'm so happy I saved you....you were all that mattered to me when I saw our home go up in flames....I rushed in to get you out...I didn't care if I got hurt I wasn't going to let you get damaged....you are perfection~"

Yoongi said as he then began to slowly lower Jimin into the tub.

Yoongi: "I wish you didn't get burned at all...and I know who did it....don't worry they will know never to mess with me or you ever again."

Jimin blushed a bit at Yoongi's words...
And then He was placed into the bathtub...

Yoongi checked the temperature before filling it up...

Jimin definitely surprised at the feeling of the water on his skin... playing with it and the bubbles that got Created...

Yoongi: "Do you like the water?"

Jimin nodded with a smile but cried in discomfort as his bandages got wet and onto his burned arms...

Jimin: "I-It hurts..."

Jimin then proceeded to try and take off the bandages to see...

Yoongi: "D-Don't take the bandages off on your own. I'll ask Jin to come in and help you okay?"

Yoongi said worried calling Jin in.

Jimin just pouted
And When Jin came in.

Jimin just tried to hide his face in Yoongi's chest who sat in front of the bathtub petting his head...

Jin: "I'll re-bandage his arms after the bath...It doesn't look as bad as earlier but don't scrub or get soap into the wounds to Prevent infection."

(Jin said as he took the bandages off Jimin Just looking at his arms very sad since they weren't as flawless as they looked before and would Definitely turn into deep scars...

Yoongi: "Thank you...."

Jin left soon after...

Jimin: "I'm Ugly..."

Yoongi: "No you are not! Don't ever say that. You are beautiful. You always will be!"

Jimin was definitely surprised at Yoongi's raise of voice looking up into his eyes with a few tears running down his face...

But soon he stopped as Yoongi kissed the top of his head and then gently washed his hair...

Yoongi: "Sorry for yelling...I just spent so much time on your design and to me you will always be perfect...so please try to see yourself the way I always have."


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