Enrolled in Epicness - A Bald...

By EricFieldstone

714 18 2

For Astarion, it's an almost-normal morning at the camp. But his search for a fresh vial of blood will soon t... More

1. A missing Person
3. Hot-Blooded
4. Wizard Time
5. Baths and Bells
6. Universal Rules
7. Aligning Interests
8. Authority
9. Cornered
10. Reprieve
11. Into the Fray
12. The Enemy's Plan
13. The General
14. Campfire

2. A Foul Fire

105 2 0
By EricFieldstone

When Astarion opened his eyes again, he was standing on firm ground, surrounded by the swirling void of the Astral Plane. The rock he arrived on seemed less than a kilometer wide, floating in chaos among many like it. Not a new experience, but usually he wasn't there alone. He almost let out a shout, in case the others were near, but experience reminded him that nefarious creatures could be lurking behind every corner. Thus, stealthy as a mosquito on an unsuspecting victim's foot, he began exploring his surroundings.

The floating rock was home to a family of eight-eyed rats with slimy, toadish flesh. Biting one seemed unappealing, so, bracing against the hunger, Astarion looked beyond the ledges. The nearest rock hovered lower, and three intimidating shapes were walking on it, their plate armor glinting under astral starlight—Githyanki. He could almost smell the sweat on their leathery skin. That group would surely attack him, so he looked in the opposite direction.

A short distance away, a larger rock contained a cave. A pillar, made from a different stone, stood at its entrance... interesting, but risky. Farther away, eerie blue light emanated from yet another celestial plateau. That could be the others—or even Tav—but getting there required a pass by the cave.

With a nervous sigh, Astarion leaped. The Astral Plane's lower pull let him glide much farther than on Faerûn, and he landed safely not far from the pillar. Its surface was smooth, save for a single word in an unfamiliar language, its letters like talons and daggers. "Would it kill someone to put a readable sign?" he muttered, advancing softly to the entrance. The opening was large enough for a reasonably sized person—Halsin would have to crouch. As his eyes got accustomed to the dark, his ears picked faint noises from inside, like insects nibbling on coarse gravel.

A warm scent permeated his nostrils—blood, delicious blood. A risk worth taking.

Licking his lips, Astarion snuck inside. Of course Tav had to get lost inside the Astral Plane, a favorite of mad mages and malicious aliens. Why couldn't it be a cultured city instead? Like Baldur's Gate, with its bustling taverns, shops, smithies, and Sharess' Caress. Stirring memories of that realm resurfaced—pampering mattresses, plump cushions, pallet-pleasing wine, and... pleasuring touch. Next time there, he should rent the Drow Twins for a full-blown orgy and leave Tav drooling outside—just as she'd done to him!

With those frustrating thoughts in mind, Astarion delved deeper into the dark cave. Carvings of winged horrors and mind flayers adorned the walls, mixed with more sharp-edged letters. The rocky corridor led to a hall with a shrine at its center. A ram's head, black iron with rubies for eyes, sat atop it, lit by a host of crimson candles. A pungent aroma hung in the air, stinging his nose. It reminded him of someone... Not Tav, whose scent was a lively blend of boldness with a pinch of murder. It was more akin to... fire and brimstone.

A sudden burst of flames made Astarion gasp in surprise. A silhouette appeared inside the fire, humanoid and imposing, winged and horned. He drew Gandrel's Aspiration, his magical heavy crossbow, prepared to fight or flee as needed.

"Show yourself, devil."

"My, my, what a fine choice of words," a deep, commanding voice said as the shadow emerged from the flames, becoming a tall man, dressed in a luxurious, red-sleeved blue doublet and wearing the finest of smiles. He straightened the white ruff around his neck and gazed at Astarion with hazel eyes that bordered on orange.

"Raphael." He huffed at the cambion, half-relieved and half-concerned. "You nearly scared me to death."

"Compliment accepted," the devil said, grinning. "Looking for Tav, I assume."

"Not at all. I came here looking for a fresh breath of air."

"And you've found it!" Raphael raised his arms, his eyes and buttons shining in the dancing light. "The one person in Baldur's Gate who consistently outdresses you."

Indeed, the cambion wore fabrics of exquisite quality, but Astarion didn't intend to leave the putdown unchallenged. "I suspect it's easier when you have access to the best tailors on Faerûn."

"Would you rather I do this?" Raphael snapped his fingers, and his attire transformed into an exact copy of Astarion's clothes—a blue-and-purple leather armor over a pampering white blouse. They looked annoyingly good on him.

"Touché, devil, but is there a reason for your visit, or did you come to this dirty rock just to taunt me?"

"You've got this backward, Astarion." Raphael displayed an arrogant smile. "You're here because I demanded it."

"I'm deeply flattered, darling." He flashed a grin at the devil. "But you could've picked a nicer spot."

Raphael paced toward his flank, unintimidated by the loaded crossbow, forcing him to step back. "You and I share a common enemy. An enemy that I would see eliminated."

"Tempting, yes, but what's in it for me?"

"Blood, Astarion." The devil snapped his fingers, and a vial appeared in his hand. "I believe you haven't eaten recently."

The sweet smell overcame even the shrine's sulfuric stench. He licked his fangs. "It'll take more than one admittedly tempting dose to convince me to sign a contract."

Raphael's expression soured, revealing a tinge of infernal ire. "Then how about the ability to return home?"

"I appreciate your kindness," Astarion replied, putting on a fake smile, "but Waterdeep can teleport us, so... no deal."

Raphael stepped forth, teeth clenched and eyes narrow with contained anger. "Your goddess-chasing wizard will soon discover that escape is impossible—without my aid."

He rolled his hand, sighing. "Very well, let's hear it."

"You'll eliminate our enemy and free your missing friend. In return, I'll supply you with the means to succeed."

"We would've looked for Tav anyway, so why bother with this elaborate charade?"

"Because, Astarion, your group is a vexing cacophony of colliding egos, and I am a busy devil."

In other words, having a magic portal eat them was easier than asking. "Granted, they can be irritating—especially Wyll."

Raphael chuckled. "You and I, you know, have something in common. Thus, I'll make you an advantageous offer." The devil held out the blood vial. "This is yours—no strings attached."

He stared at the object. "Forgive me if I have doubts."

"Don't insult me, Astarion. I give you my word."

A devil's word. Swallowing, he grabbed the vial. The liquid seemed to sparkle with life. He emptied it into his throat, relishing the invigorating sensation as his body accepted the gift.

"And now, give me your hand."

Astarion returned a nervous grin. "I'd rather not."

"Give it." Raphael frowned, the shrine's flames reflecting from his eyes. "Or stay in the Astral Plane until the Githyanki find you."

"Fine," Astarion said, exhaling a conceding sigh. The devil touched a fingertip to his hand, and a peculiar symbol, like a vortex of fire, expanded from it.

"I've granted you great power, Astarion, so listen carefully—use it once, and an ally shall join your cause; at the second time, an enemy will decompose; but try a third, and it'll leave you most morose."

"Two uses—got it."

Raphael poked him in the arm, a small push that nonetheless made him stumble. "Humor, Astarion, is a fine trait, but so is initiative." His mouth twisted in rage. "Get going."

Astarion stepped toward the exit, but one thing still bothered him. "You didn't tell me who is holding Tav captive."

A cruel grin spread across Raphael's face, sending a shiver down his spine. "My, my, little fox, where's your sense of discovery?" The cambion snapped his fingers yet again, and another foul-smelling fire consumed him. In a moment, he was gone.


After leaving the cave, Astarion felt a vibration from the mysterious mark on his palm, nudging him toward the next floating rock.

"Thanks, but I was going there anyway," he muttered. As he neared the edge, familiar voices reached his ear—Shadow and Liz, shouting. He perched on the ledge for a better look. The women were on the barren ground underneath, about fifteen meters away, running from something... Ghouls.

A cadre of eight undead fiends was chasing them. There was no sign of Waterdeep. He might've been dead already, possibly for good that time. It seemed the girls needed a dose of Astarion.

"Hold on, my dears," he said, loading a bolt into Gandrel's Aspiration. The crossbow emitted a subtle hum, eager to cause carnage. He picked the biggest, meanest-looking ghoul and loosed a shot.

The monster's head burst open, spilling pink matter over its ugly allies. His precise aim attracted the girls' attention. "Have no fear—Astarion's here!" he said, preparing another bolt.

Shadowheart bombarded the undead with Guiding Bolts, and Lae'zel charged into their group, swinging her Githyanki greatsword and vowing vengeance in Vlaakith's name. However, two fiends slipped past the green-skinned warrior and headed straight for the priestess. As the first creature raised its clawed hand to strike, Astarion took aim.

He pulled the trigger. The bolt pierced the air and dug into the ghoul's chest, but failed to stop it. The two undead then lunged at Shadowheart. She let out a sharp scream as they tackled her to the ground.

He had to act fast, but picking the right target was tricky, so he slung the crossbow over his back and switched to a rapier and dagger. Then, relying on the Astral Plane's low downward pull, Astarion jumped. He glided across the long distance and landed near the ghouls with a thud, raising dirt into the air.

Before the monsters understood what happened, he skewered the nearest's guts. That got it to leave Shadowheart, but then it turned to face him. It looked quite large standing upright.

"Perhaps we can discuss this?"

The ghoul grabbed the rapier, which was still piercing its midriff, and pulled the weapon out of Astarion's hand. He staggered back. Raphael's imprint started glowing, asking for permission to act. Well... they could use an ally. He held out his palm, and a sharp pain made him groan. Then a flash of light burst between himself and the monster, accompanied by roaring thunder. Another creature appeared in that spot—feathered, furry, and beaked.

It seemed the imprint had summoned Squeaky, Tav's owlbear cub.

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