Another one? (SMG4 and SMG3...

By AlexisKindness

33.8K 728 968

So for this one you're a male. (Sorry to the ladies!) You're either gay. Also credit to the person who made t... More

New world
Mario lost his liver?!
The video ends when no one is watching it.
Mario goes Bowling!
All I want for Christmas is for Mario to freakin' behave!
Mario updates his data plan and I get a new phone!
Mario bakes a cake and so do I!
VINES or short stories...
Staying home for the day
Mario goes on a diet!
Mario, SMG4, and I play Slendytubbies 2
Mario goes fishing!
SMG4...Are you okay?
Mario goes to Ohio
Mar10 day!
Some drawings i did of SMG5's emotions
It's gotta be perfect... Pt.1
Its gotta be perfect... Pt. 2
Waking up...and spending time with SMG3!
Going on a road trip!
Different world!
Our new home!
A very safe and legal SMG4 show!
Every Luigi is personalized...
A dream?
Ginger bread houses
Mario breaks McDonald's ice cream machine...
Finally playing gmod
Going to a carnival!
Mario is fine
The Game Cube
We interrupt this broadcast
Have a picture
School is boring but killing isn't! Also HOME!
Vine sor short stories 2.0
Western Spaghetti...
Im tired. But i aint stopping!
You made Mario do this
Let's go visit Peach!
They're back...
Three's browser history.
Ten...ten thousand+?!?
Watermelon man...
We don't talk about what happened in the elevator...
Mario goes coo-coo crazy
SMG4 kids
Have drawings/doodles I did
The lads play Shrek online
Forced to hold hands and telling the truth...
Trust no one..
(CLOSED) The questions for the WOTFI..
WOTFI: Its time to be spies!
Wonder flower!!...gross

Mario steals the..THE WHAT?!

398 14 9
By AlexisKindness

I'm in the living with Eggcat and Mini me. We planned today to have fun at the park. I have already packed the picnic basket and eggcat and mini me are gathering toys to play with over there. Just then a hear a knock on the door. I walk up to it and open it. There I see Mario.

"Your invited to Mar10 day!"

"Aww! Thanks! I will definitely be coming hold on let me put it on my calendar." I pull out my calendar from my hat and wrote it down.

"Yay! Also can you help me with something?"

"Uh...wait one moment please?" I head back inside.

" me.. looks like we are going to have to postpone this for another day... Mario needs my help with something and I want to help...I'm sorry we can't spend the day together..." I close my eyes and frown. I'm sad and I feel like I failed my kids. I feel weight on my legs and I look and see eggcat and mini me hugging me. Eggcat meows and mini me 'blep'

I smiles and wipe the tear that were forming in my eyes. "Thank you two for being so understanding.." I crouch down and hug them. "How about I send you to SMG3 and see if he would babysit you guys." I hand mini me an envelope. "In here is a paper and money make sure you give this to him okay?" He nods.

"I will do whatever you tell me to do for an entire week, is that a good deal?" They both nod. "Alrighty I will see you kids later." I teleport them to SMG3.

I head back to Mario who is spinning. "Sorry for the hold up. Anyways I would love to help you!"

"YIPPPPEEEE!" He grabs me and runs off with me in his hands. "We need to make one more stop!"


At Bowser's Castle, Bowser is exercising. Suddenly, the Wii Fit Trainer starts acting likes she's possessed, creeping Bowser out. Her head then transforms into Mario's making Bowser scream. Mario crawls out of the TV, reverts back to his normal self, and kicks away the Trainer's corpse.

"Hey, Bowser!"

I burst through the window and stick the landing. "You could have entered in a more cooler way, ya know?"

"I wanted to be-a scary!"

"Meh." I shrug my shoulders.

Bowser sighs in relief. "Oh. Hey, Mario. Hey, SMG5. Ready for the upcoming MAR10 Day?"

"Yeah, but everyone's gonna be working except SMG5. So, I'm stealing the Constitution to make it a holiday! Wanna join me?"

Bowser hesitates. "Oh... I don't know. I gotta look after the kids and all..."

Mario whispers in his ear. "We can also write in a National Chicken Nugget Day."

That finally convinces Bowser. "You son of a b****! I'm in! But wait. How are we gonna get in?"

Mario grins. "I know a guy who can help." He pulls out his phone.

"Who?" I ask.


At the Capitol Building, a Luigi's Flower Shop truck pulls up to a gate. Swag is the guard.

"Hello! I'm here to make a flower delivery!"

Swag very carefully inspects a nervous Luigi. "Ye ok. This doesn't seem suspicious

The gate raises up and the truck enters. Luigi stops and opens the back door, only for Me, Mario and Bowser to run out.

"THANKS FOR LETTING US HIDE IN YOUR VAN, LUIGI!" He and Bowser run up the Capitol steps.

"SORRY LUIGI!" I shout as I run.

"What? You didn't ask me if you could hide in my van... ...WAIT! Was that you who ordered the flowers!?"

Multiple sniper lasers are aimed at him.

"You did me dirty, Luigi... No one does Swag dirty."


Just then a (fav color) hat flew and sucked Luigi in it an flew away like a boomerang.

Mario and Bowser continue making their way through the front of the Capitol when they come across a locked door. I catch up to them. "Sorry had to do something real quick. So how are we gonna get in?"

"I'll melt this lock with my breath and we'll enter undec-" Bowser got cut off by Mario.

"GO GO GADGET, GAY BOWSER!" Mario picks up Bowser by his tail and swings him up through a window. This alerts Swag.

"Mario you idiot!"

Inside, Bowser hears commotion. No doubt knowing the guards are coming, he looks around for a place to hide, before noticing a flower.

Swag and his fellow guards arrive in the room. Swag looks around and spots Bowser disguising himself as a flower. He inspects it...

"Damn, this flower ugly as hell. ugly as flower." He looks over to the broken window. "He probably broke that window 'cause if its ugliness. So damn ugly." He leaves. Mario and Me pops up outside the window.

"Good job!" Bowser starts crying over the insults he received.

"It's okay Bowser... your none of those! Don't like those thoughts cloud your head okay?"

Bowser smiles at me. "Thank you SMG5. I need to hear that."

"No problem! Now let's catch up with Mario before he does anything else stupid."


We sneak past two more guards while disguising themselves as paintings. Bowser stops to check in on a conference that's going on.

A Clone JFK is speaking. "I don't care what gender you are, put on the maid outfit!" The crowd cheers. Bowser does too.

Mario stops at a door holding government secrets. He opens to reveal aliens conducting an experiment on Snake.

"A weapon to surpass Metal Gear."

"Metal Gear!" He gets impaled.

Mario is shocked. "...Definitely not in here."He leaves, Bowser following him.

I enter in a different door way and see a future car from 'Back to the future' "Aww hey! It's the dolorian!" I close the door and follow the two.

We eventually reach the Main Government Court. They open the doors to reveal the Obama Prism. They hide behind some seats.

"It's him... The protector of the Constitution..." Bowser says.


A guard walks in. "Hi!"

Obama Prism has no time for him. LNo, f*** off." He fires a laser at the guard, vaporizing him.

Mario and Bowser both gulp. I'm not or less scared. But I know we can do this. Even with how tired I am. Though...I seem to be more tired then usual and it doesn't feel like it belongs to me...

We sneak past him some more. Obama Prism spots a suspicious looking statue in front of him where we are hiding behind it.

"You... You think he saw us?" Bowser ask.

"Yeah, I think so..." Obama Prism has indeed found us. We all scream and run for their lives as Obama Prism tries to kill us. Bowser hides under his shell, deflecting a lase that goes out into the hall and vaporizes a guard's head.

"What do we do against this guy!? Don't you have weapons in your hat!?"

I take off my hat and reach in. I pull out Luigi's head. Oops sorry!" I put him back in while he's screaming and reached again. This time I brought out bombs. "Here." I hand some to Mario and Bowser.

Bowser and Mario both throw their bombs but it did nothing. So Mario had another plan.

"Let's-a go!" Mario hops on top of Bowser's shell and throws his Pokeball, releasing a screaming Peach, who lands on Obama Prism's face.

Obama Prism tries to get Peach off. "EWWWW! What do I do!? What- Ah! Ah, what is that!?"

Bowser seems to be dumbfounded. "Was she in your pants... the entire time?"

"Not in that way..." I tell him.

Mario stylishly confirms. Obama Prism gets Peach off and she proceeds to loudly rant at him as we sneak by undetected.


We make their way to the President's office. Bowser makes his way to the desk and opens the top drawer, revealing the Constitution, which Mario takes.


Alarms blare and Swag and his men reappear.

"Oh shoot.."

"Swiggity swooty, I'm gonna do the shooty!"

They fire. We hide behind the desk. Mario grabs Bowser and throws him, knocking the guards down.

"OK! Bye-bye!" He grabs Bowser and me and we escape.

Meanwhile, Peach is still ranting at Obama Prism until the alarms blare again. Obama Prism activates Diplomatic Immunity and destroys Peach.

We continue running down the hall.

"HOW DO WE GET OUT OF HERE?!" Mario shouts.


I stay quiet because my headache is back. Ugh...

The guards catch up to us from the other end of the hall.

"FIREEEE!!!!" They fire more, but Mario helicopters the bullets back at them.

"Nicely done Mario!" I thumbs up

Swag is DED. "Damn it, not again."

We keep running as more guards show up.

Bowser stops. "GO ON AHEAD! I'LL HOLD THEM BACK!" He turns back to the guards. "You shall not pa-" Gets tackled and beaten

We keeps running until Mario notices the Government Secrets door again. He uses Snake, who was still being worked on, to take out the guards.

"MARIO IS SO PROUD OF MARIO!"He helicopters the guard's bodies out of the way.

"You saved me..."

"Hell yeah."

"It's not like we will leave you behind." I help him up.

We all high five each other. Suddenly, Obama Prism catches up to them and whacks them away.


We all land on an abandoned ship in a dark, stormy land.


I groaned. The way I fell did not feel good. "Ouch..." I get up and look around.

Obama Prism rises from below. "I've had it with these motherf*cking weebs on this motherf*cking military base!!"

We get prepared to fight. My first ever

The Obama Prism seemed to laugh at that. "Oh. So you would, uhh- challenge me? How frivolous." Obama Prism turns into his true form, gaining eight extra hands.

"It's a beautiful day outside... Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like this, kids like you... are gonna have a bad time." True Obama Prism begins shooting lasers out of his hands towards us, Mario dodges them, I narrowly Dougherty them all since I haven't fought before and Bowser hides behind a pole, worried, he eventually gets hit.


Mario throws Bowser up and hops off of him to gain height. Just as Mario is about to hit Obama Prism, an Illuminati comes out of a portal and shoots Mario.

"Gotcha b*tch!"


Illuminati looks around for anyone else and before he could spot me Bowser shows them a horrible drawing of Bowser and Luigi.


After seeing the drawing they begin shooting everywhere. True Obama Prism gets shot multiple times and falls to the ground.

I almost got shot but i dodged it. Though it did graze my cheek. Just as Bowser was about to shoot fire at him, Obama Prism shoots a Bullet Bill at Bowser, damaging him.



Mario starts spinning Bowser by the tail and Obama Prism gets prepared to stop them, and begins shooting multiple Bullet Bills towards the duo. Mario uses Bowser to deflect all of the bullets back at Obama Prism. I bring out my bazooka.


I shoot...


And I score.


Obama Prism falls to the ground and returns to normal, and Mario gets the Constitution.

"HEHE!! I GOT IT!!! It's finally time!"

Mario rewrites the constitution to: "Mar10 Day = public holiday". Bowser checks the calendar on his phone and March 10th turns into Mario Day.

"YES!!! I DID IT!!!" Mario starts dancing.

"Heheh! Congrats Mario!"

Bowser coughs.
"Uh, don't forget about my end of the bargain."

"Oh, Right!"

Mario rewrites it again to say: "Bowser = chicken nuggets".

"Uh I don't thinks thats correct-"

"HAHAHAH!!!" Bowsers whole body turns into a chicken nugget and they both start dancing. I sigh.

"Welp, if you can't beat em, join em." Obama begins dancing with Bowser and Mario.


I get home and go the the bathroom I take a bandaid and place it on my cheek. I did apologize to Luigi for sucking him in my hat but he said it was okay. I also looked on my closet and see that yea.. it is true. Mario now had his own holiday. I hear a knock on my door.

I open it to see SMG3 holding two sleeping kids. My kids. "Ah! Let me help you." I take mini me.

"Follow me I will show you where they sleep." He follows me upstairs and in their room.

We set them down in their beds and leave and go back to the entrance with me leaning against the door frame and him back outside. "Thank you for babysitting them SMG3... I know you have better thinks to do but I hope the money was enough. If you need more I will give you some more." I prepare to get my wallet out. Three shakes his head.

"No need. You don't need to pay me anything. I don't mind taking care of your kids." He smiles softly and crosses his arms. You they're surprisingly tame and not so crazy like Beeg or eggdog. Well eggdog is good Beeg is not."

I chuckle. "Well thanks again." I get up and kiss he cheek. "Goodnight Three~" I shut the door and walk back upstairs to head for bed

Three pov~

Did he just? I stare at nothing as I put a hand at where Five kissed me. My cheeks feels like their on fire.

I can't believe it.... I portal home to immediately put this is my notebook.


Back to you~

Why the f—k did I do that!?!?! My cheeks are on fire.... I...I guess I do have a crush on him...I get my journal and write.

Dear journal,

Today Mario made Mar10 day real. That means a week from now is when everyone will see how messed up SMG4 is. I just hope with me being there I can stop him. This might me the one chance I get to stopping the perfect incident.

With my sleep's messed up big time. I don't know why...but I feel more and more tired...but it does necessary feel like mine... I wonder why? I had to drink so many energy drinks this morning I don't how...I'm still awake... hmm... I feel drowsy now... I better stop writing or else I'm might sleep with this open on my lap...



I close it up and get comfortable. I close my eyes.

Sleep welcomes me a vision of me in a...dress?


Words: 2458

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