A story of a girl, who never...

Af 1kemmaxkurro1

24.1K 747 86

This is a story I started to make on google docs about a few months ago so I wanted to put this up on wattpad... Mere

character info🕺 (updated version)
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7 😏
chapter 8
chapter 9
character info 2 🕺
character info 2 (part 2 )
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12 😏
chapter 13 😏
Chapter 14 😏
chapter 15
a/n (authors note)
Christmas special! pt 1😏
Christmas special! pt 2 😏
chapter 16
character info 3
A/N again-
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Christmas special pt 1
Christmas special pt 2 😏
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23 😏
chapter 24
chapter 25 😏
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31

chapter 19

371 15 3
Af 1kemmaxkurro1

(forgot to put their outfits in chapter 18 so here they are)

Bella's outfit ^

Iona's outfit ^

(and Egypt's was just the spider man pajamas)

Egypt's POV:

today me Iona and Bella were all going to go on our second date, the movie night was perfect and I loved it so much! it was so fun, and we cuddled and kissed a lot which was a win in my book.

we all have never had sex all together to which I basically crave, I've seen Iona's body which is dang right gorgeous, but Bella's I've never seen, to which I'm very curious to see since I've basically been teased by those two all week, sending me photos of them in towels and also just very revealing clothing, that only showed parts close to their regions which is something I very much did not like.

But we all got on call one day and decided to go on another date today, to which I very much liked seeing our last one was just super good, but after this date I am going to determine if I really want to be in a relationship with the two.

I do know their both nervous about so I know their most likely going to try to make the date the best ever, they both told me I can wear whatever I want but I do also know their going to be wearing formal clothes, so I do highly look up to that.

like who wouldn't be? seeing Iona and Bella in a dress? that's actually heaven, at its finest.

I walk over to my opened closet and try to find something to wear, seeing a good enough outfit I put the clothes on my bed and go to the bathroom, taking off my clothes I just imagine seeing Bella and Iona in something formal, I know Iona wears both masculine and feminine clothing but she wears feminine more often and Bella shes truly just random with it, one day wearing something masculine and the next feminine.

Though they both do look good in either styles.

I hop into the shower after turning it into a suitable temperature, after washing my body off and running soap through my curls I step out the shower and wrap myself up in a towel.

(Egypt's outfit)

I wash my face and put lotion on my face and all over my body before putting on the clothes, once done I spray perfume all over me and then give myself one last look before smiling then putting some clear lip gloss on my lips and just leaving my hair down since I like it that way.

I look at my phone to see Iona texted me that shes 10 minutes away so I like her text before running downstairs with my white forces.

seeing my mama I wave and say "hi mama" my mother smiles and says, "hi mi amor, you look happy" she comments, I just smile back "yeah Iona and Bella are taking me out on a date tonight, this is gonna be our second one"

mama nods before chuckling a bit, "what?" I say confused why shes laughing.

"nothing just happy to see you happy, I hope they treat you right, speaking of I still haven't given them the dad talk.." I giggle before saying "mamaaaa" I drag out to which she laughs to before hugging me "really they better treat you good Egypt" I smile before hugging her back, "they will mama I promise"

after me and mama got done hugging I hear a car beeping already knowing its Iona and Bella I give mama a kiss and hug goodbye before putting on my forces and leaving the house with my keys in my pocket.

I get into the back seat and I take in both their clothing and looks, and do they look good.

Iona and Bella give each other a knowing looking before smirking and saying, "Why hello Egypt, a photo would last longer lovely"

my face flushed red before I just smiled and said, "maybe I will take a photo"

Bella just chuckles before saying, "no ones stopping you"

Iona and Bella both look at me expecting me to take the photo but I just look down at my hands like their the most interesting things in the world.

Iona and Bella chuckles before Iona says "aww, look shes all flustered" Bella just laughs along making me huff and roll my eyes slightly before looking up then saying, "you both are so cruel" I mutter making them both smile at me before Iona starts up the car again and Bella just sits back holding my hand on the arm rest.

After the short car ride we end up in a large looking place that has at least 50 freaking floors, I look try to look up a bit more from the large window causing me to lean over the arm rest making Bella and Iona laugh before they both exit the car Iona then opens my door for me and helps me out the car before Bella takes my hand again while Iona takes the lead and walks in the front of the both of us showing some type of card to the two guards at the front door before they let us all three inside.

As soon as you walk in you see a lobby but its empty only workers here I furrow my brows in confusion before Bella whispers in my ear, "we bought the place for tonight"

she said like it was nothing making my eyes widen and mouth drop to the floor.

they bought this whole place? just for one freaking date?! with me??

Iona smiles at me before saying, "close your mouth before you catch flies lovely"

I just nod and close my mouth silently my eyes still a bit wide as I try to figure how why in the freaking world they would buy this whole place for me.

Iona leads me and Bella to this expensive see through elevator which was super cool since when we went up I got to still see the lobby from below us.

Soon the floor we stopped on said the 30th out of 100 floors, okay what the actual fuck, I know I don't often but what the fuck.

Bella just snickers at my shocked face before dragging me out the elevator, the more we walk down the halls I look around and see paintings on the wall and the very clean red carpet were walking on with rose patterns on them, the walls a almost black color contrasting with the carpet making the color pop out more.

Iona then leads the way soon we meet a arcade room making me squeal with excitement basically dragging Bella with me to this zombie game.

Iona just watches from the side smiling at the both of us as we play, of course me having to carry Bella from her horrible gaming skills.

soon after all of us got bored from playing in the arcade Iona made me get something to drink and eat and also Bella too since we kept telling her we weren't hungry to which she of course, ignored.

I sit down in the booth between the both of them me of course being content and happily swinging my legs as I eat my alfredo while the other two converse about boring adult stuff.

After finishing my plate I push it away from me before trying to climb over Iona to get out the booth to which she sets me on her lap and says, "your food is barely finished" she says looking at my plate then at me.

I just look at my plate before squinting my eyes at it them saying, "ill eat it later" I say confidently knowing dang well I will forget I even ate that plate of food by the time we leave this place.

Iona rolls her eyes before grabbing my plate then getting a small bit of the alfredo the bringing it to my lips, "eat" she says simply. I huff but eat it knowing Iona wont let me off her lap until she sees I ate enough.

Bella just watches from the sidelines and continues to eat her own food not wanting to end up like me on Iona's lap getting force fed.

After my last few bites I turn to Iona with a hopeful look she'll let me go and she does after cleaning my face up from the alfredo sauce, making me of course happily bounce up and down too now that I'm out of the booth of torture, yes that's it's name now because of Iona.

Bella finishes her food a few minutes after me also and they both then leave the booth also Iona grabbing my hand also this time as they both lead me to the red carpeted halls once more to the elevator.

After getting on the 50th floor we see a inside pool to which I gasp at and smile in excitement to, before I run off and jump into the pool Iona picks me up and leads me to what seems to be a locker room she then hands me a some simple trunks and a swimming shirt.

While Bella comes in the room with having a binkie on to which I swear is something you would see at a club not a pool.

"what? shocked I'm so gorgeous?" Bella says with a smirk making me roll my eyes and say, "nope, just shocked it was able to fit you" I tease to which Bella gasps at since I hurt her ego, "you little-" she doesn't finish her sentence and just squints her eyes at me before she grabs me and starts to tickle me to which I squirm and squeal to.

"Bella stop so she can put on her cloths" Bella just rolls her eyes at Iona before giving me a kiss on the lips, I smile in the kiss before returning it she then lets go my bottom lip between her teeth before she leans up and gets off me to let me put my clothes on, I just smile a bit at the kiss.

Iona sets me on her lap once more and helps me take off my clothes and put them back on, I slightly blush at them both seeing my body but they both didn't seem to mind.

after I was done putting on my swim suit Iona was the last too and goddamn did she look gorgeous, seeing she didn't wear trunks I could see her bulge nice and clearly and I knew Bella did too since she paused and just stared which was what I was doing also, Believe me Iona looked like a five course meal I was going to eat any day and trust me Bella did too but sadly she covered her waist up with a towel, but Iona? nope she was free range.

"fucking hell.." Bella trailed off and I followed suit nodding my head to what she said, Iona just rolls her eyes but a hint of a blush creeped up on her face as she shoved me and Bella out to the pool.

Iona placed all of our towels on the seats before sitting down herself making me and Bella groan seeing she wasn't planning on getting into the water, so of course me and Bella got out of the water ourselves and threw Iona in the water.

me and Bella laughed before seeing a angry Iona come up from the water to which of course we ran, but it was short lived as Iona caught both of us.

"want to explain yourselves?" Iona says with a raised brow at me and Bella and Bella just giggles before saying, "what we wanted to see you wet, is that so bad?" she teases

Iona squints her eyes at Bella before rolling her eyes then sighing before rubbing her temple, "I-I cant with you" she says frustrated making Bella just smirk proudly at seeing she got on Iona's nerves for like the 100th time.

I just let out a small giggle at their exchange of events making Iona just groan loudly too and walking away from both me and Bella letting us both get a nice good view of her ass.

"shes so sexy" Bella says dreamily to which I nod too.

"I heard that!" Iona yells out, "good!" Bella yells back making me giggle.

After we all just played and chilled and also tormented Iona at the pool Iona got tired of us so she kicked all of us out of the pool.

Bella wrapped me up in a fluffy towel with a hood on top and I giggle I love these type of towels, they both know me so well.

Iona and Bella in their own towels they bring me to this room on the same floor but its like a hotel room, Iona sets me on the bed and dry's me off before saying, "you smell of pool, both of you shower"

Bella just rolls her eyes before picking me up and leading us both to the bathroom.

we just giggle along the whole way before hopping into the shower, we both clean up and also just admire each other bodies before actually stepping out, we both do our night routine, Iona following suit and then we all cuddle in bed, "how was the date lovely?" Iona says Bella and her both looking at him with serious faces.

"I really liked it" I mumble a small smile on my face, I really did had a good time, It was super cool how we got to do so many things together.

Bella and Iona both let out sighs of relief before saying, "okay then, what's your decision?"

Bella says basically rushing me to answer, Iona slaps her in the back of the head and says, "don't rush her! she'll tell us when she wants to" Iona says with a stern tone, a tone I often hear.

Bella just rolls her eyes and grumbles rubbing the back of her head.

I smile a bit before saying, "no it's fine, I think I'm ready for a relationship, I mean you two are really pretty and you both have such different personality's but it fits so well, and I really love you guys and I will always want to spend the rest of my life with you two"

Iona and Bella smile brightly before they both hug me Bella being the dramatic person she is crying tears of joy, while Iona just squeezes me so tight, I don't think I could breath.

I just hug them back and smile also, were finally together, after all of this, I guess I really can love again.

I hug them a bit tighter before giving them both a kiss, Iona and Bella of course both kiss me back.

I giggle slightly before Bella says, "so are we gonna have sex or what?"

Iona rolls her eyes while I just giggle slightly a blush fanning my face.

"if only Egypt's in the mood" Iona says giving Bella a pointed look. Bella turns to me with pleading eyes and I just giggle before saying, "okay fine.."

Bella squeals in delight before pinning me down on the bed and kissing me on my lips while Iona comes from behind me putting my head on her lap and also running her hands through my scalp.

Bella slides her tongue across my bottom lip making me whine, which she takes advantage of and slips her tongue in my mouth deepening the kiss, I slightly moan before putting my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist, my boner rubbing on her core as I grinded.

Bella grunts slightly before breaking the kiss then grabbing my core, making me slightly jerk my hips into her hand. Iona sets my head on a fluffy pillow before coming down with Bella and kissing my stomach while Bella rubs my boner, making me whimper which each kiss and rub those two do.

I let out soft moans while Iona whispers dirty things in my ear making me get even more harder if that was even possible.

Bella then stops rubbing me making me whine, Iona shushes me and kisses me down my neck before saying, "hm, not tonight love, maybe tomorrow if you act good enough"

they both then pull away from me in a fit of giggles, did I just get edged?


(sorry it took me forever to write this but I hope you all enjoy and as always have a good day/night!)

||word count: 2849||

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