Home, the long way round [1]

By MandyvanOost

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Maddie is walking around into a new town named Leadworth as she was away from her old home. After she knew th... More

Chapter 1 - Meeting new friends
Chapter 2 - Beast Below
Chapter 3 - Maddie's father
Chapter 4 - Victory of the Daleks
Chapter 5 - The time of the Angels
Chapter 6 - Flesh and Stone
Chapter 7 - The Vampires of Venice
Chapter 9 - Piece of Gallifrey
Chapter 10 - The Hungry Earth
Chapter 11 - Cold Blood
Chapter 12 - Vincet and the Doctor
Chapter 13 - The Lodger
Chapter 14 - The Pandorica Opens
Chapter 15 - The Big Bang
Chapter 16 - Christmas Carol
Chapter 17 - Death of the Doctor

Chapter 8 - Amy' Choice

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By MandyvanOost

The TARDIS appeared as the Doctor opened to the door and popped his head out. He saw that they were in someone’s garden. “Mads, I have landed in someone’s garden.”

Maddie shook with her head. “Sometimes, you need to get the landing right, Doctor.”

Then the Doctor saw Rory walking outside from his house. “Rory.” He greeted him as he stepped out of the TARDIS, then Maddie stepped out as well.

“Doctor.” Rory greeted them. “Maddie.”

“I've crushed your flowers.” The Doctor comment.

“Oh, Amy will kill you.” Rory told him, looking at crushed flowers.

“Where is she?” Maddie asked to him.

“She'll need a bit longer.” Rory replied to her.

“Whenever you're ready, Amy.” The Doctor shouted at the house as then Amy walked towards them. “Oh, wahey! Wahey. You've swallowed a planet.”

“I'm pregnant.” Amy told them.

Maddie looked at Amy and Rory.  “Congratulations.”

“You're huge.” The Doctor looked in amazed.

“Yeah, I'm pregnant.” Amy repeated.

“Look at you.” The Doctor looked between Amy and Rory. “When worlds collide.”

“Doctor, I'm pregnant.” Amy repeated again.

“Oh, look at you both. Five years later and you haven't changed a bit.” He hugged Amy. “Apart from age and size.”

“Good to see you, Doctor.” Amy smiled at him.

“Are you pregnant?” The Doctor realized.

“Oh you are on the slow pit, Doctor.” Maddie comment to him.


“Ah, Leadworth.” The Doctor comment. They were all walking in Leadworth. “Vibrant as ever.”

“It's Upper Leadworth, actually.” Rory explained. “We've gone slightly upmarket.”

“Where is everyone?” Maddie asked to them.

“This is busy.” Amy replied as then the Doctor gave her a look. “OK, it's quiet.” Then she admitted. “But it's really restful and healthy. Loads of people here live well into their 90s.”

“Well, don't let that get you down.” The Doctor told her a little rudely.

“It's not getting me down.” Amy snapped, then she sat down by the nearest bench.

“I wanted to see how you were. I don't just abandon people when they leave the TARDIS.” The Doctor sat down next to her, followed by Rory and Maddie, who sat on the Doctors lap. “This Time Lord's for life. You don't get rid of the Doctor so easily.”

“You came here by mistake, didn't you?” Amy asked to him.

“He did.” Maddie replied for him. 

“Yeah, bit of a mistake. But look, what a result.” The Doctor comment awkwardly. “Look at this bench. What a nice bench. What will they think of next? So… What do you do around here to stave off the, you know…” As then the Doctor and Amy told on the same time.



“We relax.” Rory told them calmly, the Doctor mouthed at Amy. “We live, we listen to the birds.”

“Yeah, see, birds.” Amy comment. “Those are nice.”

“We didn't get time to listen to birdsong back in the TARDIS days.” Rory told them.

“Oh, blimey.” The Doctor groaned as he gripped his head. “My head's a bit, ooh” The Birdsong began and it went louder. “No, you're right, there wasn't a…” They felt all sleepy. “A lot of time for birdsong back in the good…” They felt incredibly sleepy. “Old…” Them they all fell asleep.


The Doctor woke up. “Days.” He sat up right in the TADIS, looking around him. “What? No, yes, sorry, what?” Then the others came into the console. “Oh, you're OK. Oh, thank God. I had a terrible nightmare about you two. That was scary. Don't ask, you don't want to know.” He hugged Amy. “You're safe now.”

“Oh, OK.” Amy comment as the Doctor went over to Maddie and hugged her.

“That's what counts.” The Doctor rambled as he ended the hug with Maddie. “Blimey, never dropped off like that before. Well, never, really. I'm getting on a bit, you see. Don't let the cool gear fool you.” Then he looked at the console, it was flashing red. “Now, what's wrong with the console? Red flashing lights I bet they mean something.”

While the Doctor looked around the console, Rory comment. “Doctor, I also had a kind of dream thing.”

“Yeah, so did I.” Amy looked at Rory.

“And I.” Maddie looked at the Doctor, who was examining the console.

Rory looked at Amy. “Not a nightmare, though, just we were married.”

“Yeah.” Amy nodded in agreement. “In a little village.”

“A sweet little village, and you were pregnant.” Rory basically pointed at her belly that was now flat.

“Yeah, I was huge.” Amy agreed once more. “I was a boat.”

Maddie only looked at the Doctor, who stood up and walked behind Rory, checking if he had a ponytail, he didn’t had it. “So you had the same dream, then?” Then the Doctor looked Amy, who didn’t have her pregnant belly. “Exactly the same dream?” Maddison walked towards them.

“Are you calling me a boat?” Amy demanded as Rory shook with his head.

Then Rory looked at Maddie and the Doctor. “And Doctor, Maddie, you two were visiting.”

“Yeah, yeah, you came to our cottage.” Amy agreed.

“How can we have the same dream?” Rory comment. “It doesn't make sense.”

“Yeah, it doesn’t make sense.” Maddie said in agreement, then she looked at the Doctor.

“And you had a nightmare about us.” Amy looked at the Doctor. “What happened to us in the nightmare?”

The Doctor avoided to look at them all. “It was similar. In some aspects.”

“Which aspects?” Rory asked.

“All of them.” The Doctor admitted.

“You had the same dream?” Maddie asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Basically.” The Doctor admitted again.

“How can we all have the same dream?” Maddie exclaimed.

The Doctor was about the reply to her as then Rory suddenly pointed out. “You said it was a nightmare.”

“Did I say nightmare? No. More of a really good… mare.” The Doctor comment. Maddie gave him a look. “Look, it doesn't matter. We all had some kind of psychic episode. We probably jumped a time track.” Just them the birdsong began. “Forget it, we're back to reality.”

“Doctor, if we're back to reality how come I can still hear birds?” Amy asked slowly.

“Yeah, the same birds.” Rory asked puzzled. “The same ones we heard in the…”


“Dream.” Rory said as then they all jerked awake. “Oh. Sorry.” The Doctor and Rory heads were pressed each other as Maddie was on the Doctors lap. Then the boys jumped apart as the Doctor and Maddie stood up. “Nodded off, stupid. God, I must be overdoing it.” The Doctor checked his clothes as then he looked at Maddie, they had different clothes on. “I was dreaming we were back on the TARDIS.” Then Amy looked in shock as then the Doctor began to wander around, Maddie followed him. “You had the same dream, didn't you?”

“Weren't we just saying the same thing?” Amy agreed.

The Doctor inspected a leaf as Maddie looked at him. “But we thought this was the dream.” Rory comment to them.

“I think so.” Amy muttered as she helped herself to stand up. “Why do dreams fade so quickly?”

“Doctor, what is going on?” Rory asked to him.

“Is this because of you?” Amy asked confused. “Is this because you've shown up again?”

“Listen to me.” The Doctor turned to look at them. “Trust nothing. From now on, trust nothing you see, hear or feel.”

“But we're awake now.” Rory protested.

“I think we are dreaming.” Maddie looked at the Doctor.

“You thought you were awake on the TARDIS too.” The Doctor comment to Rory.

“But we're home.” Amy protested as well.

“Yeah. You're home. You're also dreaming.” The Doctor looked in between them. “Trouble is, Amy, Rory, which is which? Are we flashing forwards or backwards?” He grabbed Maddie’s hand as squeezed in her hand, then Maddie squeezed back. “Hold on tight. This is going be a tricky one.”


The TARDIS was shaking as it wheezed as then they all jerked awake. “Oh, I hate this.” Maddie groaned as she stood up.

“This is bad.” The Doctor growled angry. “I don't like this.” Then he kicked on the console hard. “Argh!”

“Doctor.” Maddie gasped.

“Never use force.” The Doctor limped down the stairs. “You just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case… always use force.” He headed below the console.

“Shall I run and get the manual?” Amy suggested.

“I threw it in a supernova.” The Doctor replied to her as Maddie frowned, she noticed that she couldn’t feel his emotions here.

Then she asked. “You threw the manual in a supernova?” She raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Because I disagreed with it.” The Doctor snapped at her. “Stop talking to me when I'm cross.” Then she looked down at him and gave him a look, he quickly looked away from her.

Rory asked confused. “Okay, but whatever's wrong with the TARDIS, is that what caused us to dream about the future?”

“If we were dreaming of the future.” The Doctor pointed out.

“Of course we were.” Amy retorted. “We were in Leadworth.”

“Upper Leadworth.” Rory corrected her as then she gave him a look.

The Doctor walked back to them. “Yeah, and we could still be in Upper Leadworth, dreaming of this. Don't you get it?” He asked irritated.

“No, okay.” Amy snapped at him. “No, this is real. I'm definitely awake now.”

“I don’t know.” Maddie sighed. “This could be the dream or the one.”

The Doctor looked at Maddie, he couldn’t also feel her emotions anymore, he frowned at that as then he looked at Amy. “And you thought you were awake when you were all… elephanty.”

“Hey, pregnant.” Amy held up a snapper.

“You could be giving birth. This could be the dream.” The Doctor snapped back. “Trust nothing we see or hear or feel.” Rory looked at his tool in his hands as Maddie sighed heavily, she didn’t like this at all. “Look around you. Examine everything. Look for all the details that don't ring true.”

The Doctor grabbed the tools back from Amy and Rory and put them away as Rory pointed out. “Okay, we're in a spaceship that's bigger on the inside than the outside.”

“With a bow tie-wearing alien and his hybrid girlfriend.” Amy told them as The Doctor and Maddie tried to hide their blush, but failed at it.

“I’m not his girlfriend.” Maddie muttered with a blush still on her face.

“So maybe ‘what rings true’ isn't so simple.” Rory finished, not hearing Maddie, but Amy did as she rolled with her eyes.

“Valid point.” He admitted, when suddenly the whole TARDIS switched off, throwing them all into darkness. The only light was coming from the center where the rotor was. Maddie looked over at the Doctor as he told them all. “It's dead. We're in a dead time machine.” Suddenly the birdsong began again as Rory walked over to Amy, who pulled her into a hug, the Doctor did the same with Maddie as he told them quickly. “Remember this is real, but when we wake up in the other place, remember how real this feels.”

“It is real.” Amy retorted. “I know it's real.”


The Doctor and Maddie were first to wake up as she groaned. “I really hate this.” Then she stood up, looking at the Doctor. “What the hell is going on?”

“I don’t know, Mads.” The Doctor sighed.

Then they looked at a class walking as then they hear the clock tower in the distance, just then Rory and Amy woke up. “Okay, this is the real one, definitely this one. It's all solid.”

“It felt solid in the TARDIS too.” The Doctor told her. “You can't spot a dream while you're having it.” Then he waved with his hand for his face.

“What are you doing?” Rory asked as then they came over to them.

“Looking for motion blur, pixilation.” The Doctor replied to him. “It could be a computer simulation.”

“I don't think so, though.” Rory muttered.

Then an old woman walked past them. “Hello, Doctor.”



Then the Doctor looked confused at Rory. “You're a doctor.”

“Yeah.” Rory nodded. “And unlike you, I've actually passed some exams.”

“A doctor, not a nurse.” The Doctor said thoughtfully. “Just like you've always dreamed. How interesting.”

“What is?” Rory asked confused.

“Your dream wife, your dream job, probably your dream baby.” The Doctor replied to him, explaining.

“Maybe this is your dream.” Maddie added.

“It's Amy's dream too.” Rory looked at Amy. “Isn't it, Amy?”

“Yes.” Amy quickly replied to him. “Course it is, yeah.”

Suddenly the Doctor pointed behind him. “What's that?”

“Old people's home.” Amy replied as though it was obvious.

“You said everyone here lives to their 90s.” Maddie comment.

“There's something here that doesn't make sense.” The Doctor added. “Let's go and poke it with a stick.” Then they run towards the old people’s home.

“Oh.” Amy groaned. “Can we not do the running thing?”

When they all arrived in the old people’s home, they walked into a room with the old people as they greeted him. “Oh, hello, Dr. Williams.”

Then Mrs. Poggit greeted Rory. “Hello, Rory love.”

“Hello, Mrs. Poggit.” He asked politely. “How's your hip?” 

“A bit stiff.” She replied to him.

“Oh, easy, D-96 compound, plus…” The Doctor rambled as then he looked at them and smiled sheepishly. “No, you don't have that yet, forget that.”

“Who's your friend?” Mrs. Poggit asked to Rory. “A junior doctor?”

Rory glanced at the Doctor. “Yes.”

“Can I borrow you?” Mrs. Poggit looked at the Doctor. “You're the size of my grandson.”

She shuffled the sweater as she had it almost finished knitting, then she hold it up. The Doctor paused, but unable to find a polite excuse, he leaned in and allowed the old lady to place the sweater on him as he muttered. “Slightly keen to move on. Freak psychic schism to sort out.” As the Mrs. Poggit finished pulling the sweater down, the Doctor suddenly leaned into her, examining her closely. “You're incredibly old, aren't you?” Suddenly the birdsong began again and they fell all asleep on the ground.


They all woke up as the Doctor began working around the console. Then Amy told to him. “Okay, I hate this, Doctor.” The Doctor ignored her as he was still working. “Stop it, because this is definitely real, it's definitely this one.” Then she looked at Rory and Maddie. “I keep saying that, don't I?”

“Yeah you do.” Maddie replied. 

“It's bloody cold.” Rory comment.

“The heating's off.” The Doctor called back.

“The heating's off?” Rory asked while rubbing his arms.

“Yeah.” The Doctor replied, he was a little annoyed. “Put on a jumper. That's what I always do.”

“Yes, sorry about Mrs. Poggit.” Rory said to him. “She's so lovely though.”

“Oh, I wouldn't believe her nice old lady act if I were you.” The Doctor told to him darkly.

“What do you mean, "act"?” Amy asked to him, frowning at him.

The Doctor walked back towards them as he said to them, puzzled. “Everything's off, sensors, core power. We're drifting. The scanner's down so we can't even see out. We could be anywhere.” Then he said angry. “Someone, something, is overriding my controls.”

Just then, a man appeared on the stairs behind the Doctor. “Well, that took a while.” He walked down the stairs. The little man is in the exactly same clothes as the Doctor but he’s shorter and bolded a bit and had a smirk on his face as the others stared at him. “Honestly, I'd heard such good things. Last of the Time Lords, the Oncoming Storm. Him in the bow tie.”

“How did you get into my TARDIS? What are you?” The Doctor asked to the little man.

“What shall we call me?” The little man walked past the Doctor as then he looked at him. “Well, if you're the Time Lord, let's call me the Dream Lord.”

“Nice look.” The Doctor comment.

“This?” The Dream Lord told him mockingly. “No, I'm not convinced. Bow ties?”

Then the Doctor throws a ball and it went right through the Dream Lord. “Interesting.”

“I'd love to be impressed, but Dream Lord. It’s in the name, isn't it?” He told them as then he disappeared. “Spooky, not quite there.” Then he appeared in the upper room in the console. “And yet, very much here.”

“I'll do the talking, thank you.” The Doctor told him as then he glanced at Amy. “Amy, want to take a guess at what that is?”

“Um. Dream Lord.” Amy guessed. “He creates dreams.”

Then the Doctor finished. “Dreams, delusions, cheap tricks.”

“And what about the gooseberry here, does he get a guess?” The Dream Lord looked at Rory.

“Listen, mate, if anyone's the gooseberry around here, it's the Doctor.” Rory pointed at the Doctor.

“There's a delusion I'm not responsible for.” The Dream Lord comment.

Rory glanced at Amy. “No, he is. Isn't he, Amy?”

Then the Dream Lord interjected. “Oh, Amy, have to sort your men out. Choose, even.”

“I have chosen.” Amy told him. “Of course I've chosen.” Then she hit Rory in the stomach. “It's you, stupid.”

“Oh, good, thanks.” He said relieved.

“You can't fool me. I've seen your dreams.” The Dream Lord told to her. “Some of them twice, Amy. Blimey. I'd blush if I had a blood supply or a real face.” Then he glanced at Maddie. “Poor, Maddie, you thought that Amy was your friend.”

“She is my friend.” Maddie snapped at him.

Amy refused to look at her as the Dream Lord taunted. “She won’t even look at you know.”

Maddie looked at him. “You can try all you want, but I won’t fall for your lies.”

He snored. “You simply fell for the lies of the Doctor.”

“What?!” Maddie had her eyes widened, then she glanced at the Doctor, who shifted uncomfortably.

Then the Doctor asked to him. “Where did you pick up this cheap cabaret act?”

“Me? Oh, you're on shaky ground.” The Dream Lord replied to him.

“Am I?” The Doctor looked at him.

“If you had any more tawdry quirks you could open up a Tawdry Quirk Shop.” The Dream Lord taunted. “The madcap vehicle, the cockamamie hair, the clothes designed by a first-year fashion student I'm surprised you haven't got a little purple space dog just to ram home what an intergalactic wag you are.” Then he faked wondered. “Where was I?”

“You were…” Rory began.

Then the Dream Lord interrupted him. “I know where I was.” He explained. “So, here's your challenge. Two worlds. Here in the time machine, and there in the village that time forgot. One is real, the other's fake. And just to make it more interesting you're going to face in both worlds a deadly danger.” Then he added. “But only one of the dangers is real. Tweet, tweet. Time to sleep.” The birdsong began again as they fell asleep, the Dream Lord comment. “Oh. Or are you waking up?”


The group all jerked awake in the empty care home lounge, they jumped on their feet while the Doctor had still the hideous sweater on as the Dream Lord strolled in waring glassed and a blue suit and tie, he held up some x-ray scans as he said. “Oh, this is bad. This is very, very bad. Look at this X-ray. Your brain is completely see-through. But I've always been able to see through you, Doctor.”

“Always?” Amy demanded. “What do you mean, always?”

The Doctor sat down on Mrs. Poggit chair as the Dream Lord ignored Amy’s question. “Now then. The prognosis is this. If you die in the dream you wake up in reality. Healthy recovery in next to no time. Ask me what happens if you die in reality?”

“What happens?” Rory asked confused.

“You die, stupid.” The Dream Lord looked at him. “That's why it's called reality.”

“Have you met the Doctor before?” Amy demanded. “Do you know him?” Then she looked at him. “Doctor, does he?”

“Now don't get jealous.” The Dream Lord looked at her. “He's been around, our boy. Never mind that.” He walked a bit forwards. “You've got a world to choose. One reality was always too much for you, Doctor. Take two and call me in the morning.” Then the man vanished.

“Okay, I don't like him.” Rory complained.

“Creep.” Maddie muttered.

Amy crossed her arms as she demanded to the Doctor. “Who is he?”

“I don't know. It's a big universe.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Why is he doing this?” Amy asked to him.

“Maybe because he has no physical form.” The Doctor replied to her as then he took off the hideous sweater. “That gets you down after a while, so he's taking it out on folk like us who can touch and eat and feel.”

“What does he mean, deadly danger?” Rory asked to him confused. “Nothing deadly has happened here. A bit of natural wastage, obviously.”

Then Maddie noticed something, they were in an empty room. The old people were gone. The Doctor noticed that as well. “They've all gone. They've all gone.”

Then they dashed out of the room as Rory and Amy quickly followed them. The Doctor stopped by the front door and open it, staring at the playground opposite form the care home. The children from earlier were playing, wandering around and laughing as a teacher watched over them. The Doctor narrowed his eyes and began to make his over as Maddie followed him. Then Rory called after them. “Why would they leave?”

“And what did you mean about Mrs. Poggit's act?” Amy shouted. 

The Doctor stopped, turning to them. “One of my tawdry quirks. Sniffing out things that aren't what they seem. So come on, let's think. The mechanics of this split we're stuck in Time asleep matches time in our dream world, unlike in conventional dreams.”

He walked away again as Rory pointed out. “And we're dreaming the same dream.”

The Doctor turned back, looking at him. “Yes, sort of communal trance, very rare. I'm sure there's a dream giveaway. But my mind isn't working because this village is so dull.” Then he shouted in annoyance. “I'm slowing down, like you two have.”

Then he turned away as Amy grabbed her stomach, gasping. “Oh. Ow.” The Doctor turned back. “Really. Ow!” Amy began to scream, her voice going extremely high-pitched, both men panicked as cried. “It's coming.”

“Help her, you're a doctor.” The Doctor said, white-faced.

“You're a doctor!” Rory snapped back as Maddie rolled with her eyes.

“It's okay, we're doctors.” He looked at him in panic.

Amy continued to squeal in pain and breathe heavily as the Doctor bent, squatting down and lifting his arm as though to catch the baby when it fell out. Maddie had to suppress her laughter as she looked at them, then Rory asked. “What do we do?”

“Okay, it's not coming.” Amy said in her normal voice.

“What?” The Doctor asked as then he looked at Maddie, who sighed at the men. “Did you knew?”

“It was obvious, isn’t it?” Maddie looked at him.

The Doctor was confused. “What?”

Amy called his attention back as she hissed to him. “This is my life now and it just turned you white as a sheet. So don't you call it dull again, ever? Okay?”

The Doctor stared at her. “Sorry.”

“Yeah.” Amy retorted, before walking away as Rory followed her.

The Doctor stared at the old lady, who was walking towards the stairs, where the children played by a little castle. Then the Doctor and Maddie walked over to Rory and Amy, who here by the playground, Amy sat down on the swing followed by the Doctor, who at next to her on the swing as well. “Now, we all know there's an elephant in the room.” The Doctor comment.

“I have to be this size, I'm having a baby.” She retorted.

“No, no. The hormones seem real, but no. Is nobody going to mention Rory's ponytail?” He glanced the at ponytail form Rory. “You hold him down, I'll cut it off.” Amy chuckled to him as Maddison looked at the old lady, walking upstairs.

“This from the man in the bow tie.” Rory comment.

“Bow ties are cool.” The Doctor told him as he stood up.

Maddie glanced at them. “Yeah, if you are wearing it.” Then he straightened his bow tie as he smiled at her.

Then they looked back at Mrs., Poggit, who walked up on the last steps of the stairs. “I don't know about you, but I wouldn't hire Mrs. Poggit as a babysitter.” The Doctor told to them, darkly.

“I agree.” Maddie nodded as they were still staring at old lady as she watched the playing children, before she looked at them with a creepy look in her face.

“What's she doing?” The Doctor murmured. “What does she want?”

Just then, the birdsong began again as Amy groaned. “Oh, no, here we go.”


“It's really cold.” Amy and Rory rushed over to the Doctor and Maddie, who was shivering from the cold. “Have you got any warm clothing?”

“What does it matter if we're cold? We have to know what she is up to.” The Doctor snapped at her as then Maddie touched his arm. “Sorry.” Then he was calmer as he said. “Sorry. There should be some stuff down there, have a look.”

Amy went off to take a look as Rory zipped his hoodie and followed Amy. The Doctor went down into the space under the console as Maddie followed him. “Doctor.” She told him as he jumped a little. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Y… you didn’t scare me.” The Doctor said as Maddie didn’t believe him and gave him a look.

“Yeah… Okay.” She said slowly. “But, uh, what did Dream Lord mean? That you are a doctor of lies.” She asked confused.

The Doctor sighed, he knew that question would come. “I have lied about one thing and only one thing.” He admitted.

“And that is?” Maddie asked determined.

“I was still on Gallifrey on the last day.” The Doctor admitted to her as she looked in shock. “I have destroyed them all, Time lords and Daleks alike to save the universe from it.”

“Wdetermined.e asked in shock. “Why did you lie to my dad and me?”

“Pretend that it wasn’t my fault.” He looked at her. “Even it was a little while.”

“Why would you do that?” She crossed with her arms.

“I didn’t want to scare you away.” The Doctor admitted as he put the mug away.

“Well, you don’t scare me know, shocked, yes, but scared, never.” She told him seriously.

The Doctor looked at her, he had a small smile on his face. “I’m sorry I lied to you, Maddie.”

“Okay, Doctor.” Maddie accepted his apology, then she remembered. “I don’t feel your emotions anymore, here and in Leadworth.”

“I know, I don’t feel you too.” The Doctor admitted.

“Does that mean this and Leadworth are both dreams.” Maddie looked at him.

The Doctor opened a box with stuff inside, then he looked back at her. “Yeah, it is.”

“What do we do?” Maddie asked to him.

“Let Amy choose, it’s her choice.” The Doctor replied to her.

Then she raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, but that’s the Dream Lord said.” The Doctor face darken as she saw that. “What is he?”

“Me.” The Doctor replied to her as he grabbed the stuff from the box.

“What?” Maddie asked. “Like you darken self?”

“Yes.” He replied to her.

“Oh, my god.” Maddie comment in shock. “More happened on Gallifrey that you admit, isn’t?”

The Doctor only nodded to her as then he walked back up, Maddie followed him, thinking about it. Not much later, the others came back too. “Ah, Rory, wind.” The Doctor gave him the generator. “Amy, could you attach this to the monitor, please.” Then he gave Amy the plug as she attach it to the monitor.

Rory took it. “I was promised amazing worlds.” He grumbled. “Instead I get duff central heating and a weird, kitcheny wind-up device.”

“It's a generator.” The Doctor told him rudely. “Get winding.”

Amy looked at the monitor. “It's not enough.”

“Rory, wind.” The Doctor ordered as Rory wind faster as he pushed buttons and pulled over some levers.

“Why is the Dream Lord picking on you?” Rory asked to him. “Why us?”

They all turned around as the scanner came to life. The Doctor stood frozen on spot as then Amy asked to him. “Where are we?”

“We're in trouble.” He replied to her.

“What is that?” Rory pointed on the screen.

They stared at what looked like an ice-blue sun as the Doctor muttered. “A star. A cold star.” Then the doctor dashed to the doors, wrenched them open, they flinched as a bright light and the wave of freezing air flooded into the TARDIS while the doctor called to them. “That's why we're freezing. It's not a malfunction. We're drifting towards a cold sun. That's our danger for this version of reality.” Then he slammed the doors shut as he walked towards them.

“This must be the dream.” Amy comment. “There is no cold stars. Stars burn.”

“So's this one.” The Doctor hopped from the cold. “It's just burning cold.”

“Is that possible?” Rory asked as he glanced at Maddie, who hadn’t said anything yet.

“I can't know everything.” The Doctor groaned. “Why does everybody expect me to, always?” Then he walked towards his chair and sat down.

“Okay, this is something you haven't seen before.” Rory looked at him. “So does that mean this is the dream?”

“I don't know.” The Doctor replied to him as if he was a child. “But there it is, and I'd say.” He checked his watch. “We've got about 14 minutes until we crash into it. But that's not a problem.” Then he stood up.

“Because you know how to get us out of this?” Rory asked hopefully.

The Doctor corrected, he placed a stethoscope around his neck. “Because we'll have frozen to death.”

“Then what'll we do?” Amy growled between shivers.

“Stay calm.” He placed the stethoscope on the console. “Don't get sucked in to it, because this just might be the battle we have to lose.”

“Oh, this is so you, isn't it?” Rory sneered bitterly.

The Doctor looked at him in shock. “What?”

He scoffed. “Huh? ‘What’ a weird new star, and only one man to save the day.” Then he finished flatly. “I just wanted a nice village and a family.”

Suddenly the Dream Lord appeared behind them. “Oh, dear, Doctor.” The turned around to look at him. “Dissent in the ranks. There was an old doctor from Gallifrey, Who ended up throwing his life away, He let down his friends and…” Then the birdsong began again. “Oh, no. We've run out of time.” They eyes felt heavily as they fell on the ground. “Don't spend too long there. Or you'll catch your death here.”


The Doctor ran up the steps towards the stone castle as Maddie quickly followed him as Amy and Rory stood up groggily. “Where have the children gone?”

“Don't know. Play time's probably over.” Rory replied to him as they followed him and Maddie upstairs. Then he turned to look at Amy. “You see, this is the real one. I just feel it. Don't you feel it?”

“I feel it both places.” Amy replied to him as the Doctor and Maddie dashed over the pull of sand, he scanned with his sonic screwdriver.

“I feel it here.” Rory leaned against the railing. “It's just so tranquil and relaxed. Nothing bad could ever happen here.”

“Not really me, though, is it?” Amy looked at him as the Doctor and Maddie moved over to another pile of sand. “Would I be happy settling down in a place with a pub, two shops and a really bad amateur dramatics society? That's why I got pregnant, so I don't have to see them doing Oklahoma.” Then Amy looked at them as she walked towards them, Rory followed her. “Doctor, Maddie, what are you doing? And what are those piles of dust?”

“Play time's definitely over.” The Doctor replied darkly.

“Oh, my God.” Amy looked in horror.

“What happened to them?” Rory realized as well.

The Doctor glanced back at the old people’s home care, where the old people walked in a line. “I think they did.”

“They're just old people.” Amy protested.

“No.” The Doctor replied to her as then he went down the stairs. “They're very old people.”

“Sorry, Rory, I don't think you're what's been keeping them alive.” Maddie added, following the Doctor. Then Rory and Amy followed them as well.

Then they walked towards the old people as they stopped and looked at them. Suddenly the Dream Lord appeared for them. “Hello, peasants.” He had now a different suit on, it was light brown. “What's this, attack of the old people? Oh, that's ridiculous. This has got to be the dream, hasn't it? What do you think, Amy? Let's all jump under a bus and wake up in the TARDIS.” Then he pointed at Maddie. “You first!”

“Leave her alone!” The Doctor said to him darkly.

“Do that again.” The Dream Lord mocked. “I love it when he does that. Tall dark hero, "leave her alone".”

“Just leave her!” Rory interjected, annoyed.

“Yes, you're not quite so impressive.” The Dream Lord comment as then he looked at Amy. “But I know where your heart lies, don't I, Amy Pond?”

“Shut up!” Amy snapped. “Just shut up and leave me alone.”

“But listen, you're in there.” The Dream Lord said slyly. “Loves a redhead, our naughty Doctor.” Amy stared at him as he continued. “Has he told you about Elizabeth the First? Well, she thought she was the first…”

“Drop it.” The Doctor interrupted him. “Drop all of it. I know who you are.”

“Course you don't.” The Dream Lord scoffed at him.

“Course I do.” The Doctor told him darkly. “No idea how you can be here, but there's only one person in the universe who hates me as much as you do.”

“Never mind me!” He glanced at the old people. “Maybe you should worry about them.” Then he disappeared into thin air.

Then the Doctor turned to face the army of the old people, Rory called out to them nervously. “Hi.”

“Hello.” Amy also called to them.

“Hello.” The Doctor called, mocking. “We were wondering where you went. To get reinforcements! Are you all right? You look a bit tense.”

“Hello, Mr. Nainby!” Rory greeted him.

“Rory…” The Doctor warned.

“Mr. Nainby ran the sweet shop. He used to slip me the odd free toffee.” Mr. Nainby grabbed Rory by his jacket. “Did I not say thank you?” After Rory had asked that, Mr. Nainby throws him to the ground. “How did he do that?!” Then he exclaimed as he stood up and walked to the others.

“I suspect he's not himself.” The Doctor offered. “Don't get comfortable here. You may have to run. Fast.”

“Can't we just talk to them?!” Amy groaned.

Then all of the residents opened their mouths as out of the mouths an eye revealed. “There is an eye in her mouth!” Maddie exclaimed as they saw Mrs. Poggit eye in her mouth.

The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver. “There's a whole creature inside her. Inside all of them. They've been there for years, living and waiting.”

“That is disgusting. They're not going to be peeping out of anywhere else are they?” Rory asked.

Then Mrs. Poggit leaned forwards and shot out a green mist. Rory pulled Amy back to safety as the Doctor did the same with Maddie.

“RUN!” Amy and Rory took off as Maddie stayed with the Doctor. “OK, leave them. Talk to me. Talk to me. You are Eknodines. A proud, ancient race. You're better than this. Why are you hiding away here? Why aren't you at home?”

“We were driven from our pl…” Mrs. Poggit started saying.

“… Planet by upstart neighbors.”

“So we've…” Mr. Nainby continued.

“… Been living here inside the bodies of old humans for…. years. No wonder they live so long, you're keeping them alive.”

“We were humbled and destroyed. Now we will do the same to others.” Mrs. Poggit stated.

“OK, makes sense, I suppose. Credible enough, could be real.” The Doctor said.

Just then a man came up alongside the Doctor and Maddie as he was pushing his bicycle. “Morning.” He greeted them.

Then Mrs. Poggit shot out green mist and turned the man into dust as the Doctor and Maddie watched it happen. “You need to leave this planet.” The Doctor said angry to Mrs. Poggit, she just screeched. Then Maddie grabbed the Doctor’s hand and tucked him with her as they started to run away from the residents. While they were running, the birdsong started again and they were practically stumbling because of the birdsong makes them sleepy as they had a group of old people followed them.

Then they were stumbling down the road, till they picked a random shop to go in as the Doctor and Maddie were in the shop the birdsong disappeared for the time being. Then the Doctor checked the sign on the door and wanted it to close it, but it was all closed, so the Doctor leave it alone. “Oh, I love a good butcher's don't you?” The Dream Lord stood behind the counter, in a shirt, tie, jumper, apron and a straw head, making him look like an employee. “We've got to use these places or they'll shut down. But you're probably a vegetarian, you big flop-haired wuss.”

“Oh, pipe down. We are busy.” The Doctor snapped.

“Maybe you need a little sleep.” The Dream Lord suggested. Then the birdsong returned as the Doctor slipped on the ground followed by Maddie. “Oh, wait a moment.” The Dream Lord leaned forwards as the birdsong stopped and the Doctor and Maddie stood up. “If you fall asleep here, several dozen angry pensioners will destroy you with their horrible eye things.” The Doctor and Maddie made their way to into the hall behind the counter as the birdsong started again, so they put their fingers in their ears. “Fingers in the ear? Brilliant!” The Doctor slid down the wall as Maddie slid down the other wall. “What's next, shouting boo?” The Dream Lord motioned for the old people, who has aliens in their bodies, to come inside. “Come in. Come in.” The residents entered and made their way to the counter. “Yes, we've got lots at ‘steak’ here this week.” The Dream Lord waved with his hands. “Lots at steak. Get it?” The Doctor got up with a burst of energy and dragged Maddie with him. He let her go as he tried the first freezer door, but it won’t open. “Are these jokes wasted on you?”

Then the Doctor made his way to the second freezer, followed by Maddie, but then they slid on the ground as the residents came closer. “Wait, wait, stop…” The Doctor reached into his pocket.

“Oh, I can't watch.” The Dream lord said as he put his hands over his eyes.
The Doctor stood up with effort and used to unlock the freezer door. Maddie saw that and tried to stand up but she couldn’t, just then the Doctor grabbed her under her arms and dragged her inside the freezer and he slammed the door closed and locked the door with his sonic screwdriver. Then they let the sleep consume them and fall completely asleep as the residents were banging on the door.


The Doctor, Rory, Amy and Maddie woke up and sat right up on the console floor as Amy clutched all the blankets. “Ah, it's colder.” Amy said shivering.

“The four of us have to agree, now, which is the dream.” The Doctor instructed as he buttoned his jacket.

“It's this, here.” Rory pointed in the Tardis.

“The other one.” Maddie muttered.

“He could be right. The science is all wrong here, burning ice?” Amy asked, she held the blankets close.

“No, no, no” The Doctor disagreed. “Ice can burn, sofas can read, it's a big universe. We have to agree which battle to lose.” Then he demanded the others. “All of us, now.”

“OK, which world do you think is real?” Amy asked to them.

“This one.” The Doctor and Maddie said in unison.

“No.” Rory argued. “The other one.”

“Yeah, but are we disagreeing, or competing?” The Doctor asked to Rory.

“Competing? Over what?” Amy asked as the Doctor and Rory stared at her, then she groaned and stood up.

The Doctor checked his watch. “Nine minutes till impact.” Then he replied as he also stood up, followed by Maddie and Rory.

“What temperature is it?” Amy asked to him.

“Outside?” The Doctor replied as he walked around a bit. “How many noughts have you got? Inside? I don't know but I can't feel my feet and…. other parts.”

“I think all my parts are basically fine.” Rory comment.

“Stop competing!” The Doctor retorted.

“Can't we call for help?” Rory grabbed the phone from the console and held it up.

The Doctor took the phone from Rory. “Yeah, the universe is really small, bound to be someone nearby!” He tapped the phone on Rory’s head before he hang the phone up.

“Put these on, both of you.” Amy throw one to the Doctor and one to Maddie as she walked with one blanket to Rory and slipped it over his head. Then the Doctor and Maddie did their blankets over their heads and they had their blankets on.

“Oh, a poncho. The biggest crime against fashion since lederhosen.” Rory comment as he have his blanket on.

“Here we go! Our boys… Our poncho boys.” Maddie laughed as she and Amy going to stand by the Doctor and Rory. “If we're going to die, let's die looking like a Peruvian folk band.”

“We're not going to die.” Rory stated.

“No, we're not.” The Doctor checked his watch. “But our time's running out. If we fall asleep here we're in trouble.” He started to pace. “If we could divide up, then we'd have an active presence in each world, but the Dream Lord is switching us between the worlds. Why, why, what's the logic?”

Suddenly the Dream lord appeared in a blue poncho alongside the Doctor as he paced. “Good idea, veggie, let's divide you three up, so I can have a little chat with our lovely companion. Maybe I'll keep her, and you can have Pointy Nose to yourself for all eternity, should you manage to clamber aboard some sort of reality.”

The birdsong began and only the boys can hear it. “Can you hear that?” Rory asked to Amy.

“What? No.” She replied confused as Maddie shook her head as she didn’t hear it either and looked at the Doctor.

The Doctor placed his hand on Amy’s and Maddie’s shoulder as he said to them. “Amy, Maddie, don't be scared, we'll be back.”

The Doctor and Rory fell asleep on the floor as Amy said to them. “Rory, Doctor, don't leave us.”

“Amy, we're going to have fun aren't we?” The Dream lord said to Amy as Maddie glared at the man.

“No, please, not alone.” Amy muttered as the Dream Lord disappeared.

Then Maddie walked out of the console room as she was done with the Dream Lord. Not much later, she was close to her room as the Dream Lord appeared. “What do you want?” She snarled.

“You don’t feel connected to the Doctor anymore do you?” He mocked.

“How do you know that?” Maddie asked back.

The Dream Lord stood for her room door. “Figure it out.”

Maddie rolled with her eyes. “Yeah, I already know.” He mockingly gasped. “Both worlds are dreams and you are the Doctor’s darker self, that’s why I don’t feel him anymore.”

“Clever, clever girl.” He was almost impressed as then he suddenly asked. “Has he already told you his name?”

“What?” Maddie was in shock.

“Yeah, he has a name.” He leaned towards her. “Do you want to know?” Maddie was still in shock as then he disappeared and re-appeared behind her. “It begins with a T…” He whispered in her ear.

“Don’t tell it further, dick.” Maddie snapped at him. “I don’t want to know from you!”

“Go to sleep then.” The Dream Lord scoffed at her as then the birdsong began and she fell asleep.


In the other world the Doctor had Maddie carried her outside from the shop until he saw an old man by a bus and run hard he could while he carried Maddie on his back. He managed to get the older man to go away as he stepped into the little bus and shoved Maddie next to him as the other man sat in the back. Then the Doctor started the bus and drive away, while underway they stopped a few times, because to say some people. Then he drove to the church and told to stay there. Then the Doctor drove away to find Amy and Rory as the Dream Lord came along and taunted him, later he disappeared as Maddison woke up as she gasped. “Oh that little idiotic of that…” Maddie trailed off as she noticed were she was, then she faced the Doctor. “Were am I?” She asked as the Doctor was still driving.

“In a bus.” He replied somewhat sarcastic as he isn’t really pay attention to Maddie what she had first said.

“No, no, I mean….” She said. “I was in the TARDIS with the Dream Lord and Amy and now I am here in a car, in Upper Leadworth. How?” Then she asked, confused.

“I carried you.” The Doctor replied, flatly.

“Lovely.” Maddie comment, sarcastically.

After Maddie make her comment, they had arrived by Amy and Rory’s house. The Doctor stopped the bus. “Okay.” He said as he looked at the house to where they could go in. They stepped out of the bus and they have found a way to climb up. When they were up, the Doctor climbed first through the window as the Doctor did the window open. “It's all right, we had to stop off at the butcher's.” The Doctor told them as he fell on his back as Maddie also came through the window.

“What are we going to do?” Rory asked.

“I don't know. I thought the freezing TARDIS was real but now I'm not so sure.” The Doctor replied to him.

“I know.” Maddie whispered to herself.

Suddenly Amy gasped in pain. “I think the baby's starting.” As the others looked at her with widened eyes.

“Honestly?” Rory asked as the Doctor quickly squatted and he went to Amy.

“Would I make it up at a time like this?!” She cried in pain.

“Well, you do have a history of…” Amy glared at him. “Being very lovely.” Amy cried out in pain again as Rory attention goes to the Doctor. “Why are they so desperate to kill us?”

“They're scared. Fear generates savagery.” The Doctor replied as he stood up.

Suddenly a garden piece went through the window as then Rory went to look by the window and Mrs. Poggit shot him with green mist. Rory groaned and fell back on the ground and Amy went to him. The Doctor found a lamp and knocked Mrs. Poggit off the roof and then he looked back to Amy and Rory as Maddie stood frozen by the scene for her. The Doctor went over to Maddie comforted her. “Rory!” Amy cried out.

“No! I'm not ready.” Rory began to dissolve as the Doctor and Maddie stood there watching, solemnly.

“Stay.” Amy whispered to him.

“Look after our baby.” Rory said in his last breath as he dissolved completely away.

“No, no. Come back.” She said sadly.

The Doctor mouthed ‘Amy’ sadly as Maddie cried a little and the Doctor hugged her until Amy went to look at them as she said. “Save him. You save everyone.” The Doctor and Maddie stopped hugging. “You always do. It's what you do.”

“Not always. I'm sorry.” He told her sadly. Maddie grabbed his hand.

“Then what is the point of you?” Amy asked angry as she touched the pile of dust from the remains of Rory and stood up with the help form the bureau. The Doctor let go of Maddie's hand and went over to help or comfort Amy, but he couldn’t bring himself to touch her. Amy grabbed the piece of hair that was from Rory. “This is the dream. Definitely, this one. Now, if we die here, we wake up, yeah?”

“Unless we just die.” The Doctor replied.

“Either way, this is my only chance of seeing him again. This is the dream.” Amy said as she still holding the piece of hair.

“How do you know?” He asked to her.

“Because if this is real life, I don't want it. I don't want it.” Amy strongly as they walked down the stairs. Amy did the door open and walked fast for a pregnant lady as the Doctor and Maddie followed her. “Why aren't they attacking?” Amy shouted.

“Either because this is just a dream, or because they know what we're about to do.” The Doctor as they walked to the bus. Amy stopped and faced the Doctor. “Be very sure. This could be the real world.”

“It can't be.” Amy looked at him. “Rory isn't here. I didn't know. I didn't, I didn't, I honestly didn't, till right now. I just want him.”

“Okay.” The Doctor give Amy the keys and held her hand tightly. “Okay.”

Amy walked around the bus and stepped in the driver’s seat as the Doctor and Maddie walked to the passenger side. Then the Dream Lord there, without a word the Doctor stepped in the vehicle as Maddie remained standing there as the Doctor motioned Maddie to go on his lap and she went on his lap as the Doctor closed the door. “I love Rory, and I never told him, but now he's gone.” Amy said as she looked at them. Then she started the bus and the Doctor looked out the window at the Dream Lord as Amy drove the bus forwards and smashed through the fence and went straight through to the front door.


In the TARDIS was a thick layer covered everything in ice. Including the four bodies, that were laying on the ground. Maddie opened her eyes first and looked around her while she blinked, she wasn’t anymore by the hallway as she is now laying by the console and she could see the others. The Doctor also opened his eyes followed by Amy and Rory. Amy saw Rory and grabbed slowly his hand as they held each other’s hands tightly. Then the Dream Lord appeared. “So you chose this world. Well done. You got it right. And with only seconds left. Fair's fair. Let's warm you up.” He restored the power of the TARDIS. “I hope you've enjoyed your little fictions. It all came out of your imagination, so I'll leave you to ponder on that. I have been defeated. I shall withdraw. Farewell.” The Dream Lord disappeared for good this time. The Doctor went slowly on his feet and went to start the controls from the console as Amy and Rory were kneeling and facing each other while Maddie sat up and looked what the Doctor were doing.

“Something happened. I… What happened to me? I…” Amy slowly took Rory in a hug. “Oh. Oh, right. This is good. I am liking this. Was it something I said?” She released the hug and looked at him. “Can you tell what it was so I can use it in emergencies? And maybe birthdays.”

“What are we doing now?” Amy asked to the Doctor as Maddie stood up.

“Me, I'm going to blow up the TARDIS.” The Doctor replied as he is still busy with the controls.

“What?” Rory asked in disbelief.

“Notice how helpful the Dream Lord was?” Amy and Rory stood up. “There was misinformation, red herrings, malice, and I could have done without the limerick. But he was always very keen to make us choose between dream and reality.” The Doctor laughed.

“What are you doing?!” Amy asked concerned.

“Doctor! The Dream Lord conceded. This isn't the dream!” Rory stated.

“Yes, it is!” The Doctor replied as he had a smile on his face.

“Stop him.” Amy said to Rory as he went to stop him but the Doctor pushed him away, then Amy turned to Maddie. “Maddie?” She asked as Maddie didn’t respond but only stared at the Doctor.

The Doctor continued to talk. “Star burning cold. Do me a favor! The Dream Lord has no power over the real world. He was offering us a choice between two dreams.”

“How do you know that?” Amy asked skeptical.

“Because I know who he is.” The Doctor replied. He pushed the last buttons on the console as he pulled a lever and the TARDIS exploded in a blight white light.


Maddie woke up in a hallway, nearby her room as she looked around her and noticed something first. The TARDIS isn’t covered in ice anymore, then she went to look for the others. Finally she went to the console room and found the Doctor already there as she heard other footsteps, probably from Amy and Roy as they were on the same time and went down the stairs as the Doctor asked them. “Any questions?”

“What's that?” Amy asked as she pointed at to what the Doctor have in his hand as they were down stairs.

“A speck of psychic pollen from the candle meadows of Karass don Slava. Must have been hanging around for ages. Fell in the time rotor, heated up and induced a dream state for all of us.” The Doctor replied as he walked to the doors of the TARDIS and opened it, then he blew the tiny things into space.

“So that was the Dream Lord then? Those little specks.” Rory asked curiously.

“No, no. No. Sorry, wasn't it obvious?” The Doctor had a small smile on his face. “The Dream Lord was me. Psychic pollen, it's a mind parasite. It feeds on everything dark in you. Gives it a voice, turns it against you. I'm 907.” Then he shrugged a little. “It had a lot to go on.”

“But why didn't it feed on us, too?” Amy asked confused.

“Darkness in you three?” The Doctor said as walked around the console. “It would've starved to death in an instant. I choose my friends with great care.” Then he pointed at them. “Otherwise I'm stuck with my own company, and you know how that works out.”

Amy walked a little bit closer to the Doctor. “But those things he said about you.” She looked at him with pity. “You don't think any of that's true?”

The Doctor didn’t reply, instead he said. “Amy, right now a question is about to occur to Rory.” He placed his hands on the shoulders from Amy and spin her around to face Rory. “And seeing as the answer is about to change his life, I think you should give him your full attention.”

“Yeah.” Rory nodded as he thought for a moment. “Actually, yeah.”

“There it is.” The Doctor pointed at Amy and Rory.

“Cos what I don't get is you blew up the TARDIS.” Rory looked at the Doctor and motioned to him. “That stopped that dream, but what stopped the Leadworth dream?” He looked back at Amy.

Amy hesitated to say. “We crashed the camper van.”

“Oh, right, I don't remember that bit.” Rory said unsure.

“No, you weren't there, you were already….” Amy went quiet.

“Already what?” Rory asked curious.

“Dead.” Amy sighed. “You died in that dream. Mrs. Poggit got you.” Her accent got thick.

“OK. But how did you know it was a dream? Before you crashed the van, how did you know you wouldn't just die?” Rory asked confused.

“I didn't.”




“Yeah, Oh.” Amy said as Rory moved closer and kissed her.

“So…” The Doctor smiled and clapped his hands together. “Well, then, where now?” Amy and Rory failed to answer as they were still in their moment as the Doctor continued to talk. “Or should I just pop down to the swimming pool for a few lengths?” He asked to them.

The couple pulled away as Rory replied while he smiled, to what the Doctor had said. “I don't know. Any where’s good for me. I'm happy anywhere. It's up to Amy this time. Amy's choice.” He looked at Amy.

The Doctor clapped his hands and turned around to the console and pulled the controls form the TARDIS. When he looked down he saw the reflection of the Dream Lord, smiling at him, the Doctor looked away for a second and looked down again, to his relief, his reflection was his normal self again. Then the Doctor pulled the lever and they were off into the time vortex.

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