Playing The Player (ON HOLD)

By bookwormorwhatever

544 43 15

"Have you ever considered fake dating?" I asked... More

Tell Me Why
Does he... Like her?


201 10 2
By bookwormorwhatever


One word to describe my brother, Grant? Player.

He plays with girl's hearts and throws them out the next week like they're toys. I've seen so many girls walk in and out of our house, it's not even healthy. They're never even pretty. It's just the fact that they have big boobs and a big butt that satisfies him.

   Grant hasn't always been this way. In fact, when he was 15, he had a very stable girlfriend. It's all because of her that his playerish ways began.

    Malia. That was her name. I had heard Grant talk about her since he was 12. He really liked her. He finally got the courage to ask her out when they were 14, and she said yes. They dated for months, 10 to be exact. February 12, also known as Grant's birthday, is the date that Grant's whole world came crashing down.

    Since they were only 15, Grant and Malia weren't allowed to drive on their own, so Malia's dad had to drive her everywhere. Malia was going to surprise Grant, but while Malia's dad was driving, a drunk driver came down the same road. The driver didn't stop at the stop sign and ran right into the passenger door, which was where Malia was sitting. When it hit, she hadn't completely died. Her dad called the ambulance immediately but called Grant right after. Mom, Dad, Grant, and I hurried to the hospital as fast as we could, Grant on the verge of tears the whole way.

   We reached the hospital and saw Malia's mom and dad, her best friend Ashley, and her Aunt Susan. We all sat in the waiting room for about 15 minutes before the doctor came out and told us she couldn't make it. Grant burst into tears right when those words were spoken. That was the only time I'd ever seen Grant cry. He's never been a big crier.

    Grant became depressed after that. He only came out of his room to get food and use the bathroom. I guess it was good that he was eating, though. He wasn't completely depressed. He still talked to me. But the day he brought the first girl home was when that all ended.

    I thought he was finally over Malia and was gonna start dating again. But boy, was I wrong. He brought in the first girl, but the next week, there would be a new girl in. It continued like that, and that's still how it goes. But that's all gonna stop.


    Grant pulled into his usual parking space and pulled the key out of ignition. I grabbed my bag from the backseat and put it on my back. I checked my hair in the from mirror. "Do you really have to check your hair every 10 minutes?" Grant asked.

"Oh, get on somewhere," I said.

    Grant smirked his famous smirk that reached his eyes and unlocked the door for me. "Aren't you coming?" I asked.

   He shook his head gleefully, his hair flopping into his eyes. "I have an early morning make-out session with Mikaela."

   I rolled my eyes in disgust. "You're such a man whore. It's not even human."

    I stepped out of the car but stuck my head back through the window. "And by the way, her name's Mickey."

     And with that, I shuffled toward the school. I walked on the door, hearing random people greet me as I walked down the hallway. I always smiled and waved, even if I didn't know them. I didn't want to come off as rude. I opened my locker and got my books for 1st period. I shut my locker door with a soft slam and saw my two best friends making their way over to my locker.

    Quentin Reynolds and Samantha Alway. Samantha and I have been best friends since we were 7. She has beautiful, long blonde hair that comes to her waist and blue eyes. We are considered the "hottest freshmen" by the freshman fling, which is the people in the school who decides who is who.

    We met Quentin through Grant, actually. Grant was forced to be in the "Big Brother Program," but he would always drop Quentin off to hang out with us and go to the mall with his friends. If you're wondering, yes, I would say Quentin is considered attractive in school with brown hair and blue eyes. Although girls all over the school want him, he's not a player and hasn't really dated a lot of girls. He's actually really sweet.

     "Hey, guys!" I greeted my close friends with enthusiasm.

    "Morning, Carla!" Samantha said back, her blue eyes shining. I wrapped my arms around her to give her a quick hug, inhaling her all too familiar jasmine scent.

    Quentin sent me a nod. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What's your problem?" He's never like this.

     "My sister and her annoying friends were being so loud with all their stupid giggling last night. I swear, I was this close to taping all of their mouths shut," he complained, looking devastatingly tired and irritated.

   Samantha and I laughed. Quentin rolled his eyes. The bell rang, and we all speed walked to class, passing Grant and Mickey sucking each other's faces off by Grant's locker. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. There's one thing that will never change. My brother will always be a player.


     Samantha, Quentin, and I walked in the house after school. Grant was at Mickey's house, so we got a ride with Quentin's sister. We walked up the stairs to my room. Grant doesn't get home until about 7, so we had the house to ourselves for a while. We walked in and sat on my bed.

    "Okay, guys. I have something serious I need to talk to you about," I said, eyeing both of them with a stern expression.

    "Anything," Quentin said while Samantha nodded in understanding. None of them knew what was about to fly at them, though. They wouldn't be as understanding when it did. I sighed.

    "It's about Grant."

Samantha made a face, and Quentin groaned. "Guys," I said, "this is serious. I'm really worried about him." I tell them.

"Why?" Samantha asked. "He seems completely fine to me."

Quentin nodded. "Yeah. I mean, he has a make-out session, like, everyday. If I were him, I think my life would be perfect."

    "Yeah, well that's what you think. But he's my brother, and I know what's wrong with him. It's obvious that he's still depressed about Malia. But lucky for you, I know what he needs," I said, which caught both of their attention. I try not to let fresh tears spring to my eyes as I bring her name up. She was always so good to my family and I. Grant and her were so young, but so in love that I would take her as his wife any day.

    "What?" Samantha asked, a new curiosity settling on her face.

    "He needs a stable girlfriend." I finally let it out. Samantha's curious expression changes into a mix of amusement, and Quentin can't help but start to double over in laughter.

    Samantha and Quentin busted into laughter. I groaned. "Guys! I'm serious!"

    They stopped laughing and looked at me. "Look, we're sorry. But he hasn't had a girlfriend since he was 15. I don't think he's gonna get another one anytime soon," Samantha stated, and I know it's true, in fact I know better than both of them. I can't lose hope now.

    Quentin nodded. "He's not exactly the type to date." He shrugs, and brushes his brown hair out of his blue eyes.

    "Then we'll make him that type," I answered simply.

    "We?" Quentin said questionably while raising his eyebrows. Samantha nodded in confusion.

    "Oh, come on, guys. You're my best friends. I need your help on this one," I said in my most needy voice and a bit of a pout.

    "I'm in," Samantha states, smiling at me with a loyal expression and placing a hand in mine. Her whole amused face is gone, and I know she can feel the urgency that I'm laced in. That's why I love her. I don't even have to explain my feelings. She'll already be one step ahead of me. She's the best, we've been so close since we were younger which helps our unbreakable friendship.

    "Thanks, Sam," I smiled at her and turned to Quentin. "Please, Q. For me."

     Quentin sighed. "Alright. Fine. Only because we're best friends. If you were some girl, I swear I'd never do this."

   I smiled. "Thank you so much. You guys won't regret this." I inform them. I know they can't. They're helping me so they won't regret it, and I hope we get my brothers dirty and twisted mind right.

     "We better not," Q said.

    We did a little more planning after that. If we were gonna make this work, it had to be subtle. We went through the yearbook a couple times before we finally found the perfect girl.

    Well, she was actually far from perfect. She had straight, strawberry blonde hair and bright, green eyes. Her smile could light up the entire world. She was an okay student in school, not too smart but not too dumb. She wasn't popular, but everyone knew her. She was definitely the perfect girl for Grant.

    And she goes by the name of Willa Baker.


So that's the first part! Hope you liked it! A special thanks to pizzaqueenof2015 for the ideas!

Private message me if you have ideas and maybe they might be used.Thanks!


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