The Villains Supremacy

By FlowerBlossom1616

1K 13 0

WWE Women's Revolution happened in mid-2013. Stephanie McMahon dumped Divas Title in trash can while surround... More

Prologue(Surrounded By The Wolves)
1. Friendship Break Hurts
Preview: Blast From The Past
2. Seth-Becky First Meeting
Preview: Lunatic Fringe's Revenge On Diva Slayer
3. Heel RollYnch vs Heel Dean
Preview: Plotting The Downfall Of Miss Goody Two Shoes
4. Seth And Charlotte Rescue Becky From Ambrose Asylum
Preview: Becky And Charlotte Turn Enemies
5. Besties Turn Enemies
Preview: Shield's Dilemma To Make Becky Lose The Match
6. Authority's Plotting Against Becky Lynch
Preview: Becky As Charlotte's Slave
8. Surrounded By Wolves
9. Charlotte's Slave Becky Doll
10. Becky's Helplessness Continues
11. Charlotte Supports Becky
Preview: Becky As Mermaid
Preview: Becky Saving Dean From AJ Lee's Kiss

7. A Heartbreaking Betrayal

45 1 0
By FlowerBlossom1616

Backstage, Charlotte is interviewed by Renee.

"You look unhappy with Becky giving Eva a chance for her title," said Renee.

"Becky has drastically lowered her standard from defending her title from women like Kharma and Alexa to direct Eva. Looks like she is desperate to look powerful even if it means having a match with a Diva Search Winner for less than a month because she may be scared to fight with me this Sunday," mocks Charlotte.

Becky watching the interview on TV screen somewhere else is pissed.

Some time later, Becky is interviewed by Renee.

"What do you have to say about Charlotte's statement for you?" asked Renee.

"From the time we had that brawl last week in Authority office, Charlotte is constantly putting me down no matter what I do. She constantly accuses me me of eventually turning into Diva even if I clearly shut Eva on her Ewww-lution nonsense. She is flying high just because she has an entire army to back her up while I am alone. If Charlotte wants to play dirty then I also won't step back," said Becky strongly.

Charlotte watching the interview on TV screen somewhere else smirks at it.

"Darling, no matter how much efforts you do this Sunday, the winner is already decided," thinks Charlotte.

4 days later on Smack Down, Charlotte has a non-title match against. Paige attempts Kirifuda Clutch but Charlotte twists it into Figure-Eight Lock and wins via Paige tapping out.

After winning, Charlotte takes the mic and says in a mocking tine, "Becky Darling, this Sunday I will make you tap out the same way and after that what will happen you are smart enough to figure out."

Becky enters the ring.

"Was last week's Spear not enough that you again want to get beaten by me?" laughs Charlotte, "Looks like you won't be in a position to fight with me on Sunday if you keep running into me like this."

Charlotte was about to Spear her but Becky who had enough of her taunts blocks it and gives Bexploder to her knocking her down shocking Charlotte.

"This is for what you did to me on Raw after my match with Eva," said Becky strongly on mic as she got into her face, "My dear elder sister, just because last week you got lucky to knock me down does not mean you will get to do it again. This is only a small part of what your younger sister will do to you this Sunday."

She drops the mic and goes towards the ramp. Charlotte sits up and both women stares angrily at each other.

The eventful night that is Hell In A Cell PPV arrived. Shield successfully defended their Tag Team titles against Rhodes Brothers and The USOS in a Triple Threat Match. Dean Ambrose successfully defended his US Title against Dolph Ziggler. Brie Bella lost to Nikki Bella causing her to become her one month slave in which if Brie refuses to listen to any of Nikki's order she has to leave WWE. Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair's has no such clause of a loser having to leave WWE on not following order. Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton is Main Event while Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair match is 3rd last one.

Becky and Charlotte are getting ready for their match in their respective dressing rooms.

"If I win this match then I can pull Charlotte out of Authority and we can be besties again," thinks Becky.

"If I win this match then I will bring Becky closer to Authority and we will be besties again," thinks Charlotte.

Shield are in Men's Locker Room talking about upcoming match of Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair which will make the loser as winner's slave for a month.

"I don't understand how we will be able to make Becky lose the match or stop her from winning," said Seth, "She is our Becky. She is our friends even before Shield was formed. You two did not had a good beginning with her but she was my friend since my first day in merged NXT."

"Even we are not understanding how we will be able to do this to her. But we have to do this if we want her back," said Dean.

"It will hard for me to do it," said Seth.

"It will be hard for me and Dean too, Seth. She is our little sister after all," said Roman.

"And she is my lo...," Seth stopped before completing the word but other two figured out what he meant.

Both of them would doubt from a long time on Seth's feelings regarding Becky being more than friends due to him being always standing by her even engaging her in different things and watching over her food and sleep when she would be depressed and cry a lot due to negative comments on her by some personalities related to wrestling like Vince Russo and John Laurinitis who preferred women as eye candies over actual wrestlers. They would doubt on Becky's feelings regarding Seth too being more than friends due to the way she always stood by Seth even getting ready to fight and torture anyone for him of which even they both were victims multiple times.

"Seth, we are not shocked to hear this about her from you," said Dean.

"But if I something to her tonight she won't ever forgive me for that and I may lose her forever," said Seth.

"She may angry with you but later she will understand why you did that," said Roman.

"I hope so," said Seth and other two nods.

"Charlotte is not Nikki. She won't make Becky's life miserable like Nikki already started doing with Brie. She may be mean to her in the starting but later she won't be like that," said Dean.

"I know that she won't be mean to her for long. That's why this one month slave stipulation was made for their match. Charlotte still loves Becky a lot," said Seth.

"She only wants to make her realise why she should side with us instead of our enemies," said Roman.

"Tonight's match will be very brutal for both the women with such a tough theme of Falls Count Anywhere. But unfortunately Becky will have to lose somehow," said Seth sadly.

"The worst part is all Authority members will have to spread in every part of the venue to make sure Becky loses," said Dean.

"Betraying our dear friend will hurt us a lot but we have to do it for her own good only," said Roman.

"Poor Charlotte misses her everyday. She is happy on joining Authority. She has us as friends but she needs a female companion. Stephanie is female but she is boss not exactly a friend," said Dean.

"The only positive thing for Becky tonight will be that she will still be Raw Women's Champion," said Roman.

"That's a nice thing. As Triple H said that day that Becky will lose the match but not her title," said Seth.

Three of them talked some more before they got alert as Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair was announced. The titantron played happy moments of CharLynch before showing their enmity, brawls, contract signing of tonight match and other fighting scenes. After the titantron stops playing, Charlotte enters first making her way to the ring. Becky enters after that and she too made her way in the ring facing Charlotte.

Both the women stare at each other. They start fighting as soon as the bell starts ringing. Both are giving tough fight to each other.

They brawl outside the ring using several weapons on each other. They end up at backstage while fighting.

Inside the Authority office, all are watching the match on TV screen.

"Both the women have entered backstage. You guys start doing your work," said Stephanie.

"Can we just drop the plan, Stephanie?" asked Dean, "I don't feel like doing this to her."

"Me too think the same," said Roman, "She don't deserve this."

"Even I don't feel like doing this to her," said Seth, "She was our friend."

"I wan not her friend but I also don't feel this right," said Randy, "The slave tag will ruin her reputation as Raw Women's Champion."

"I know you 3 are in dilemma because she was your friend in NXT especially Seth who was her friend since his first day in merged NXT. But you have to do this if you want her as your friend again. And Randy, I see even you don't feel this right. In fact, I and Triple H too don't feel this right but Becky did not leave any choice to us. She asked for this. The slave tag won't ruin her reputation as Raw Women's Champion. She will still be reigning and defending champion who will have the right to give or deny anyone a chance at her title. As I had earlier said that day, only Charlotte will be mean to her in the starting. Becky said that if she wins then she will take Charlotte away from Authority which should not happen. Charlotte can't go away from Authority but Becky has to come to Authority. So Becky has to lose this match tonight," said Triple H.

The 4 guys along with HHH and Steph agreed and went out of the office to spread across the venue. Becky and Charlotte are now fighting near the parking lot. Both women are not giving up. Dean is near the parking lot. At one point, Becky gets 2 count. Dean was about to interfere but Charlotte kicked out before that. Becky and Charlotte both saw Dean. Becky is shocked while Charlotte smirks at her. Becky understood the motive behind Falls Count Anywhere Match which is made so that any Authority member around can make sure she loses. But she continues to fight not ready to step back.

Both are now fighting at the catering. Becky sees Roman sitting at one of the chairs before a table. She picks up Charlotte to put her through table and get 3 count before Roman reaches her but unfortunately Charlotte got down from back after she picked her up.

They are fighting at different places in the venue with Becky spotting any Authority members including HHH and Steph at every places.

Now their fight carried to the Authority office where there was no one for now. Becky knew that she had to quickly defeat Charlotte before anyone comes. After some fighting, she kicked Charlotte and gave her Bexploder. She held her for the pin but before the referee who was standing near the doorway was about to sit down to count he got his shoulder bumped by another man's shoulder causing him to fall down. That man was none other than Seth Rollins. Seth apologized the referee and was helping him to get up while his eyes were on Becky who was still holding Charlotte. Seth gave her a cold look shocking Becky who understood Seth purposely made the referee fall. Charlotte by now kicked out of the hold and picked up a nearby briefcase. Due to Becky still looking at Seth who was in the doorway she did not saw Charlotte picking up briefcase. The shock on her face was replaced by hurt while he looked at her coldly. By this time, other Authority members arrived outside but only Seth is seen by Becky and Charlotte. Becky hurtfully recalls her good moments with Seth and then looks at him still looking at her coldly. She then felt a knock on her head and her eyes closing to unconsciousness. Charlotte quickly held her for the pin. The referee counted till 3 which made Charlotte the winner of the match. The referee announced her as the winner. All Authority members entered the office.

"This is how a fallen angel looks like," smirks Charlotte looking down at Becky's knocked out form and laughs aloud.

All Authority members smiles while looking down at Becky. HHH signals the referee to leave.

The camera is turned off for sometime. Charlotte and Seth immediately puts Becky on a couch.

"Darling, please forgive me but your losing was necessary tonight," said Charlotte softly as she kissed her forehead.

"Becky, I don't know if you will ever forgive me for what I did. Still I can only ask for your forgiveness," said Seth guilty while holding her hand.

They moved away from and surrounded her with others.

"Should we wake her up?" asked Dean.

"No," replied HHH, "We should wait for her to wake on her own. Anyways, her world will be changed after she wakes up. Not drastically but to some extent."

"I may have won the match due to Seth but we all know who the real winner is. Becky held me for not just 3 but 6 seconds which is equivalent to 2 pins. She did not step back even after realising that every Authority members are planted in different places to make her lose. And had it not for Seth's distraction she would have defeated me. She would have won the fight against Authority by defeating a member equal to her which is me. Her 11 years experience is clearly showing up. This kind of strong woman should be in our team not in our rival's team because we truly care for her while none of our rivals helped in making Becky win. She lost the match but she is still reigning Raw Women's Champion," smiles Charlotte stroking Becky's face and hair.

"I made the right decision to take her in NXT. Some wanted to fire herbecause of her tomboy appearance but I, Triple H and Shawn(Michaels) made it clear that NXT is about real wrestling not beauty pageant," smiled Steph.

"Do we all also need to be mean with her till a month?" asked Dean.

"No only Charlotte has to that also only for some time," replied Steph, "You all can talk to her normally. Only tonight after she wakes up, you all can say something negative. But from tomorrow you all can talk normally with her."

"Their match ran for 14 minutes compared to 6 minute of Brie vs Nikki. Many people are praising their match on social media because both fought so well," said HHH.

"Hope this match gets more ratings than Brie vs Nikki match. Then it will be proved that real wrestling by women will work nicely," said Steph.

"I too hope the same," said HHH.

Dean and others sighed in relief.

Steph sees Becky's hand moving and gets the camera turned on again. She then signals everyone to be ready to say anything negative they want to Becky once she wakes up.


Becky who is shocked at her loss that also due to Seth is met with taunts from entire Authority who surrounded her in Authority office after her loss. Bayley and Paige tries to talk to Becky in Women's Locker Room to comfort her but before Becky could say a word, Charlotte gets between them saying that Becky will talk to only those she allows before she took Becky away from Women's Locker Room by her hand while both looks on. Seth in his locker room feels sad as he recalls Becky telling him hurtfully that she can't tell him that she hates him because he is not worthy of even her hatred. He also feels guilty recalling the shocked and hurt look in her eyes when he was causing her loss to Charlotte.

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