The lost spark in your eyes...

By DifferentWorld567

2.8K 70 6

Katie Collins has been a part of the Van der Linde Gang for most of her life and is happily engaged with Arth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

93 2 1
By DifferentWorld567

Most of the women thought about elegance when Arthur mentioned the plantation house. A mansion surrounded by fields and the green of nature. They thought of a veranda, enveloping the house and tall, gracefully framed windows and a fountain outside with clear water.
High ceilings and mahagony furniture in the inside, with portraits adorning the walls.

Shady Belle was none of that.

Shady Belle is an abandoned plantation house in the Bayou in the state Lemoyne.
The large colonial house is surrounded by swamps and alligators. It has four pillars at the front and two chimneys at either side of the mansion. The water fountain at the front is empty and the rooms dirty and destroyed.

The first floor of the building contains several living rooms. The three bedrooms on the second floor are used by Arthur and Katie, Dutch and Molly and John and Abigail. The rest of the gang has to sleep outside the house in their usual tents.

The gang had arrived in their new hideout just a couple of minutes ago, as Dutch walked up to Katie and Arthur, holding his horse's reins in his hands.

"Arthur, Katie, take a ride with me." Without waiting for a response from them, he turned around, leading his horse. Having no choice, the couple shrugged at each other to follow their leader. After walking a few steps their got stopped by Molly who walked up to them in a rush.

"Dutch, could I have a word with you?" Her Irish accent called out to them.

"Not now." Dutch answered while mounting his horse, Katie and Arthur following his example. Katie looked back to Molly, who had started to walk back to the house. She knew that the Irish woman loves Dutch. But their relationship seems to get more tumultuous. They have their moments of affection and kindness, but they seem to get rarer. While Molly seeks stability she often collides with Dutch's unraveling vision and plans of a new life.

"Can you believe that girl? All I've got going on, and she wants to talk." Leaving the hideout behind them, they spurred their horses into a light gallop.

"Everything alright between you two?" Arthur seemed to also have noticed the tension between the couple.

"I got far more important things to worry about right now than Molly." Following their leader, they rode along the paths through the swamps towards Saint Denis.

Stopping their horses on a bridge that led over a river, they took in the sight of the city in front of them.
Saint Denis.
A real city.
The future of the modern world.
Saint Denis is a maze of towering buildings and narrow streets, filled with hustle and bustle of city life. The smoke erupting from the chimneys of the factories were a contrast to the blue sky they were used to.

Splitting way with Dutch, they rode further into the city, trying to gain information about Angelo Bronte and Jack's whereabouts.
Riding further into the city, Katie learned to hate riding through the narrow streets. Trolleys were passing their way. Other riders and wagons made it nearly impossible to navigate in the city. People were crossing the streets without waiting for the riders to pass by and calling out to them to slow down or watch their step. Sharing a look with Arthur, she knew that he felt the same way. Both of them missed the nature of the west and the open country.

Stopping and dismounting their horses in front of a saloon, they spotted Dutch, who was leaning against the buildings wall. Walking up to them, he laid his hands on their shoulder, standing in the middle of them, while two children were running past them.

"So, here we are in a strange land of papists and rapists... America's very own Gomorrah. I've been asking around about Mr Bronte and from all I've heard this establishment is our best lead, but I haven't had any joy in there so far. Arthur, I suggest you go in there and try your best but keep it cool. Katie, try to get some more information in the streets, I might didn't get everything. I meet you both when you're done." Splitting up, Arthur went inside the saloon while Katie walked along the streets of Saint Denis, trying to get to know the city. Taking a few turns, she reached the outer skirts where the poorer part of civilization lived.
Walking on the streets, Katie got pushed by a boy that was running past her.

"Hey, stop!" Hearing the female voice calling out from behind her, Katie turned around to an elderly nun, who tried to follow the boy.

"He stole my crucifix while I taught them reading." Taking a couple of steps backwards, Katie assured her to get her cross back and turned around to chase the boy.
Taking a couple of turns into the alleyways of the city, she found the crucifix laying on the ground. Katie picked it up and followed the main street to the next church, where she found the sister, talking to a priest. As soon as she spotted Katie holding up her cross, she walked up to her, taking it back with disbelief in her eyes.

"No, you didn't... I hope the boy is alright? I don't know how to thank you, Miss...?"

"Collins. Katie Collins. No need to thank me. The boy is fine... but maybe you can help me. I'm looking for a man. Name is Angelo Bronte." By the mention of the name, the sister looked at her in surprise and slight worry.

"Bronte? He is no man to mess with. The people respect or fear him. He has a lot of connections within the city and knows everything going around in Saint Denis. He has a big house on Flavian street, opposite the park."

Thanking the sister, Katie made her way back to the saloon to meet up with Arthur and Dutch.
Finding them near a small park, they walked up to her as soon as they saw her.

"Where have you been?" Dutch asked while walking up to her with Arthur trailing behind him.

"Getting back a crucifix for a nun who got robbed. But I found Bronte. Italian guy with a house on the Flavian street... seems to be a big guy in this city. Everyone knows him, but no one wants to talk about him." Looking back and forth between Katie and Arthur, Dutch looked at them in slight confusion.

"What is it about you two getting robbed or being involved in it? We just got here. I say we pay him a visit. I'll get John and you two meet us there." Leaving them behind, Dutch made his way towards his horse.

"You got robbed?" Raising an eyebrow, Katie looked at Arthur who didn't seem to be happy about Dutch's indirect remark.

"Bunch of children stole my bag." Shoving Katie's shoulder he rolled his eyes, not able to fully hold back a smile as she started laughing.

Meeting Dutch and John in the park at the Flavery street, they started to walk up to the house that belongs to Angelo Bronte. Wondering who that man was and hoping to get Jack back.
The house they stood in front of was a grand and opulent mansion. The facade, that features classical architecture and ornate details, reflects the wealth and power of its owner.

Walking up to the closed gate, Dutch addressed the guard that stood behind the gate.

"Excuse me, sir. We have an appointment to see Mr. Bronte."

Walking closer to the gate, the guard looked the four of them up and down before he looked back at Dutch.

"Who are you?" Standing directly in front of the guard, Dutch reached forward to grab the guard by the collar and to pull him against the gate.

"You get your boss down here and now, so we can talk about this like gentlemen." Letting the guard go, the man started to walk towards the house, where the door opened as two more guards walked up to the gate, their guns aimed at the group of outlaws. Raising their hands, they walked through the opened gate and inside the house. Following the guards into a room, they saw a man who wore a red robe and was reading a book. He looked up as they entered the room and started to talk to his guards in Italian.

"Why did you take his son?" Dutch interrupted him, not wanting to waste any more time to get Jack back.

"Excuse me ?" Putting his book down, Bronte looked at Dutch, who pointed at John, who was standing next to him.

"Why did you take his son? We ain't got no problems with you, sir, nor you with us, but if you wanna start one there is gonna be a lot of folks dead in this before its done." Gripping their guns tighter in their hands, the guards got more tensed at his words.

"So you walk into my city, stinking like shit, and looking like this, and you come into my house, before having a bath, and you tell me how to act ?" Raising his hands in defeat, Dutch took a seat on the couch opposite from Bronte.

"We are simple country folk. All we have is each other, and you have gone, and you have taken his son over some dispute with some inbred ex-slavers. It ain't got nothing to do with anyone of us. We were innocent bystanders and that which we werent innocent of, well we most surely ignorant of."

Saying something in Italian again, Bronte started laughing and stood up to shake hands with Dutch and the others who were introduced by their leader. Looking Katie into her eyes and giving her hand a kiss, he earned a scowl from Arthur, who had moved closer to her as soon as Bronte let go of her. The four of them took a seat on the couch opposite from Bronte and took the glasses of lemonade that were served.

"You can have the boy back, but should I be out of pocket because of an misunderstanding? You perform a little job for me, and you get your son back."

"What is it?" Arthur put his glass down on the table, eager to get the boy back.

"A couple of people have taken to grave robbing in the cemetery. So maybe you take off to take care of it and you, Mr Van der Linde, can tell me more about my manners." Looking at each other, Arthur, John and Katie stood up to make their way to the cemetery to deal with the grave robbers. Holding his hand up, Bronte stopped them in their movement.

"The cemetery is no place for a young lady. Miss Collins, please stay with us and enjoy some refreshments while the others do the work." Sharing an apologetic look with John and Arthur, Katie sat back down on the couch, not noticing the glare that Arthur gave Bronte.

The Italian man smiled at the two outlaws in front of him till Arthur and John left the house.

"Mr Van der Linde, there will be a small garden party at the mayors house in a couple of days. I would like to invite you and your friends. I'm sure we can learn a lot about our manners at the party... and I'm sure we can learn something about the people who are going to be where." Looking a Katie in disbelief, Dutch hesitated for a second before he answered.

"Well, of course. I'm sure it's a good opportunity to learn something about this city and the people who live here." Bronte smiled back at him while pouring himself a glass of liquor.

"Good. My men will tell you the exact date and address." Leaning back in his couch, his smile fainted. "And now. Leave us. I want to talk to the lady. Alone." Dutch looked back and forth between both of them. Noticing the guard next to him, holding a gun and coming closer to him, he stood up and left the room.
Katie's mouth fell slightly open, as she couldn't believe that Dutch had just left her. Her attention was brought back to Bronte, as she noticed that he had stood up and walked around the table, taking a seat next to her. Placing his glass on the table, he moved closer to her, leaning his arm on the back of the couch.

"How come that a young and beautiful lady, like you, lives with a bunch of cowboys?" Trying not to look at him, she stared at the portrait that hung on the wall in front of her.

"They are my family. I love them and the lifestyle that comes with it." Shaking his head at her words, he took a sip of his drink.

"That lifestyle? Riding around, sleeping under the stars and stinking like shit? I could give you a better life, you know that, right?" Placing his hand on her knee, he caught her attention, causing her to look at him.
"It's simple. You can stay here... Do you really think that he could take care of you? I saw the ring on your finger and the way Morgan looked at you. He won't be able to give you what you want. What you need." Moving his fingertips up her leg, he placed his hand on her upper thigh, closing the gap between them on the couch as he moved closer.
"Stay here, and I can give you anything you want. Clothes. Jewelry. Horses. And more..." She got even more tensed as he gripped her upper thigh, trying to part her legs. Bronte stopped in his movements as the door opened and one of his guards stepped inside, causing Katie to flinch.

"The other two are back from the cemetery." With that being said, Katie stood up from the couch without saying a word and walked to the front door of the house.

"What do you mean you left her alone in there?" Arthur stood in front of Dutch, but turned towards her as soon as he noticed her. Walking up next to him as fast as she could, he placed a hand on her back, noticing that she was still tensed. Not being able to say something, their attention was caught by the opening of the front door as one of the guards brought Jack outside.

The boy ran up to his father, who took him in his arms and started to leave the property. Jack was happy to see them again and seemed to be healthy. On the ride back to the camp, he told about the stuff they had done and the food he ate while he stayed with Bronte. During the ride back, Arthur looked at Katie from time to time, worried about what could have happened while she was alone with Bronte.

Riding closer to Shady Belle they got spotted by Bill who was on guard duty.
"They are back! I think I see Jack!" Calling out to the rest of the gang members, he got their attention. Abigail started to run up to them as she saw Jack sitting in front of John. Hugging her son, she had tears in her eyes as she thanked Dutch, Arthur and Katie for bringing him back. Leading Jack into camp, he started to tell her about the spaghetti he ate. Watching them going to the rest of the gang, Arthur stood next to Katie.

"What happened when you were alone with him?" Taking in a deep breath, she shook her head at his question.

"I don't want to talk about it. We should celebrate that we got Jack back." Without giving him a chance to answer, she walked up to the campfire and took a seat by the rest of the gang. Smiling at Abigail, who still held her son in her arms, she noticed that Arthur sat down next to her, handing her a bottle of beer.

Leaning down to her ear, he spoke quietly to her so the others wouldnt hear him.
"We got Jack back. We still got those Pinkertons on our back, but I think we have a couple of days. How about that wedding plans you were talking about?"

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