FNF: The Corruption Crisis

By KokoTheGreatSage

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It all started one horrible day when mysterious shadowy figures started attacking during the annual Santa Mee... More

Prolouge: The Beginning
Chapter One: Depraved
Chapter Two: Broken
Chapter Three: Lost
Chapter Four: Foggy
Chapter Five: Lies
Chapter Six: Rage
Chapter Seven: Insanity
Chapter Eight: Stubborness
Chapter Nine: Loss
Chapter Eleven: Wounded
Chapter Twelve: Stalemate
Chapter Thirteen: Undead
Chapter Fourteen: Imprisonment

Chapter Ten: Betrayal

46 2 0
By KokoTheGreatSage

"Wow! This book sure is spooky! I should take it back to Mom and Pump!"

Skid exclaimed as he picked up the book from the old dusty table in the manor's living room. After being forced to run from Garcello, he had successfully made it to the manor without further incident. Although the little child was surprised that the manor was not only left unlocked but also vacant, he wasn't particularly alarmed. Mr. Lemon loved to leave his house unlocked when he wasn't home. He must like guests over! Mr. Lemon was a little weird but Skid liked it. He was a demon! How much cooler could that get? A real demon! That was the spookiest thing ever! A demon knew all kinds of things! If anyone knew where his mother and friend were, it had to be Mr. Lemon! Mr. Lemon had to know how to help Garcello too! Oh, and maybe he could help Valentino too. He never knew Mr. Lemon's brother was going through so much. Or maybe he was just a super good storyteller!

"Hmm. If Mr. Lemon isn't here yet, I'll wait for him! He always comes back here when he's done his errands!"

Skid continued to himself as he held the book, tracing the cool looking design on the cover. Even the cover was spooky! It had pumpkins and ghosts and even a little devil that reminded him of Pauline on it! Come to think of it, he hasn't seen Pauline in a while. He wondered where she was. He really wanted to see her and Rio again. Maybe have another rap battle with Rio – that would be fun! Maybe this time, Skid could actually win against Rio. Although he doubted he could win without Pump by his side.

Skid was never good at doing things on his own. Sure, he was the more vocal of the duo – everyone saw him as the more confident of the two children thanks to being the oldest. However, that was really only because Pump was there with him. Skid always found it hard to express himself when he was alone. Being raised by Lila who was always tired or busy was rather hard on the child. Things were never the same since his father passed away. It always felt as if his mother was too out of things to really care about what he was doing at school or to attend many of his school events. Lila didn't even do much when Skid said some kids at school bothered him. However, Pump had always been at his side. Pump had been his first friend. His Spooky Friend. With Pump at his side, Skid always felt as if he could overcome anything.

Times were different now though. He had been alone ever since Lila left him at the mall and everyone he tried to rely on had ended up turning their back on him. Tankman ended up ignoring a promise to spend time with him and Garcello had forced him to run and had yet to return, just like Lila and Pump. No one was as reliable as Pump. Skid wanted – no, he needed – him back.

Mr. Lemon was the one other person who hadn't failed him yet. Surely he would help find Pump and Lila, right?

"Skid!! There you are!!"

The child jumped in surprise when he heard a voice sound from behind him. However, his shock quickly melted when he recognized the voice.

"Pump!! You're—wait a minute...."

Skid turned to face the voice, expecting to see the orange pumpkin costumed child he called his Spooky Friend. The being staring at him looked like his friend only his whole figure was coated in a shady black. Magenta coated the stem and top of his costume alongside his feet and clawed fingers. His eyes now glowed magenta as well. Skid could swear he saw blood dripping from Pump's eyes as his friend grinned at him with sharp teeth.

"....Why is your costume black and magenta?"

Pump brought a finger to his mouth in thought as he answered.

"Isn't it obvious? It's a new Spooky Month outfit!"

Skid thought about his friend's statement for a moment before shrugging off his suspicions. The outfit sure looked spooky! It even distorted Pump's voice a bit! No costume had ever done that before!

"Really? It looks so cool! Where did you get it?"

Skid saw no cause for alarm. He and Pump were always thinking of ways to make Spooky Month more like its namesake. While it didn't happen often, there were times that Pump liked to give his own spooky ideas. This was one of his best yet! Now if he could find out where Pump got the costume, Skid and Pump could have matching new outfits for this Spooky Month!

"I'll tell you but you've got to do something special to get it! Are you sure you want to do it? It might be hard!"

Once again, the naive child did not raise any alarms even as the room began to grow chilled. Perhaps Mr. Lemon just left a window open. That magenta light was spooky too! Mr. Lemon must have some new Spooky Month decorations this year. Once he gets here, Skid would have to ask him where he can get some!

He smirked at his friend's statement, nodding eagerly, just as a friend accepting a playful challenge would.

"Nothing's too hard for me, Pump! So, bring on your challenge! I'll beat it and then you have to show me where you got your costume!!"

Pump grinned widely. His grin showed pure, insane, enjoyment of what he knew was going to happen next.

"Then get on my back, like old times. I want to give you a piggyback ride there!"

"Is that all? You made it sound like it was a big challenge. Pump, you goof!"

Skid giggled. It was like Pump to make things seem as if he had some grand challenge set up when in reality he was just making the challenge be something very simple. He hopped onto the shorter child's back right away, watching Pump grin back at him.

"Right where I want you...hehehe..."

Skid heard Pump cackle before yelping as claws raked themselves across the side of his face, ripping through his mask as he felt warm blood trickle down the side of his face. He held a hand to the wound, the little child in shock at what Pump had just dared to do.

"Why...did you do that, Pump? That hurt..."

The child's voice cracked with signs of fear. Pump never hurt him before. They were friends! Friends never hurt each other. At least not on purpose! Maybe it was an accident. Maybe the claws were just that realistic that when Pump adjusted him onto his back that his claws cut him! That had to be it right?

"Don't worry, Skid. It's just part of getting into the costume!"

Confusion washed over Skid which only enhanced the bits of fear bubbling inside him. He wrinkled his face, trembles rattling up his spine. Pump was just being really spooky right now. He must really be into things this year. He wasn't used to Pump taking the lead! That was all it was.

"Part of getting into the costume? But how?"

Skid dared to ask as Pump giggled once more.

"What's the matter? Don't you believe your best friend? You sound terrified..."

Skid did his best to swallow his fear. Right. This was his best friend! There was no way he meant anything bad. He just wasn't used to him being this spooky. Pump really had a spooky way of getting him to wear this costume! Actually, it was leaning more toward the scary way.

"I believe you but..you're starting not to be spooky anymore...."

Skid stammered, which made Pump flash a look of hurt. That made Skid bite his lip. Pump was always a bit more sensitive than most children. Lila told him that once when they had an argument in which they almost cancelled Spooky Month over. Pump was more sensitive since his sister had been mean to him unlike Skid who simply had no siblings and had a mother who was nothing but kind to him – Skid did not know the pain of having a family member degrade him in the way Pump did. Lila reminded him that he needed to be more considerate of Pump's point of view and choose his words more carefully around the child.

"I-I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!! Okay, I'll stop. I actually like that you're being spooky!!"

Skid corrected himself before spotting two shadows come out from the darkness. These two took on the shape of Rio and Pauline this time. Both had the same costume style as Pump though Rio had a bit more magenta in his eyes.

"It's alright. Here. Rio and Pauline got the costumes too! Don't they look spooky?"

Skid flinched as he looked down at his leg which was searing in pain alongside the freshly made wound on his face. Why did his foot look black? Never mind. He probably kicked the table which was why it was sore and he must have gotten dirt on it.


It was harder and harder to convince himself that this wasn't something else.

"Oh my. You look like you've seen a ghost! Rio, why don't you sing him a song to show him that everything will be alright?"

Pauline smiled as she crossed her legs atop a set of speakers that had materialized behind them. Rio nodded as he pulled out his microphone, magenta eyes piercing into the child's white ones.

"My thoughts exactly, Pauline! Come on, Skid! Let's see how much you improved!"

Rio tossed his microphone in his hands as Pump smiled back up at Skid.

"I'll help you like always! Everything is going to be okay. I promise!"

A rap battle with Rio? That would be amazing! Perhaps he really was overreacting. Afterall he had seen one of those shadowy guys with Garcello and the former smoker had truly spooked him when he said that Skid should run. He made it sound as if he wasn't coming back! No. That guy just had a costume on and Garcello was getting one. Just like how Pump gave Rio and Pauline a costume and how they wanted to give him one now. This new costume was a new Spooky Trend!

This song battle will surely calm his nerves! Then he could be spooky with everyone!

"Alright, I'm ready!"

Skid held his microphone as Rio gave his cocky smirk. This was normal – Rio was always cocky and excited for a rap battle! He was really just wearing a spooky costume!

No matter how much Skid tried to convince himself that everything was okay he couldn't help but hold onto Pump's back as he hid behind his friend's shadowy head in fear. He couldn't be that confident singer he always was even with Pump at his side.

"What's the matter, Skid? You've always been excited to face off against Rio. Why do you insist on hiding behind me?"

Pump's voice echoed as Rio sang the sinister sounding song. However, the rapper's voice wasn't the same one Skid liked listening to. His voice sounded cloudy and distorted. Pauline seemed to like it though as she sat on the speakers without a care in the world. The distortion was just due to the costume, right? It did the same to Pump's voice. It sounded cool!

"S-sorry...it's just that..."

Skid stopped himself as he felt pain in his face. Black was now covering part of his face, going down his neck as it covered his costume. The whole side of his face stung now. It was just due to the claws – he must have hit the wall and got his costume dirty. He must not have noticed it until now.

"You always were a terrible singer. I don't know why I even wasted my time rap battling against you."

Rio's voice made Skid look ahead at the rapper who was laughing as he held his mic. Rio had never said something like that before. When they rapped those years ago, Rio was smiling. He even said he and Pump were pretty good. Had he lied then?

"But you said I was good!! You liked the songs I wrote!!"

"Did you really believe that? Come on, open your eyes. You're just a kid. You would never make it anywhere in music."

Rio snorted as he glanced toward the window, his clawed fist to his mouth to stifle his uncontrollable giggles.

Skid felt his shaking increase as his throat grew tight. No. Rio couldn't mean that, to tell Skid that he would never be successful. Rio was nice! He must just be in a bad mood today!

"You don't mean that! Did someone upset you? Maybe we can talk about it with Mr. Lemon and Mom!!:

"I don't need to talk to anyone. My girlfriend here's plenty for me."

Rio continued as he gestured to Pauline who smiled as she brushed her shadowy hair behind her face.

"Besides. Did you really think this 'Mr. Lemon' was ever there for you? If he was on your side, don't you think he'd be here now? If it wasn't for me and Pauline, he probably would have killed you!"

Skid thought back to the rap battle in this very mansion almost three years ago. He and Pump had come here out of curiosity and refused to even read the signs posted outside of the place saying that hungry lemons were waiting inside. When he saw the lemon monster for the first time, Skid wasn't scared of him. In fact, he looked really cool. Plus, Eyes got along with him! Lila would probably like him if they were to meet.

"Mr. Lemon is a good guy! He's just busy with other things right now. But he'll be back and he'll make you stop being in a bad mood, Rio!"

Skid refused to believe otherwise. He refused to believe anyone else had turned their backs on him. Tears of fear and pain welled in the corners of the child's eyes. Why was he suddenly feeling worn out? Maybe he was just tired from having to run all the way here.

"You really are desperate. It's sickening, honestly."

Rio rolled his magenta eyes. That sinister tune from the radio never stopped as the rapper hurled his horrible words at the child. He felt Pump grabbing onto his feet so hard the claws were digging into his legs.

"Why are you so scared? We're just friends who want to help you. You're being very rude right now, Skid!

Pump's words again made Skid rethink his actions. Was he being rude? Was he overreacting again? The child didn't know anymore. He couldn't focus, his head pounding more with every word Rio or Pump spoke. The pain was not just from Pump's accidental claw wound. It felt as if the two shadows' words were punching themselves into his head.

"Who's the real one in the bad mood?"

Rio questioned as Skid looked desperately out the window. Mr. Lemon should be back soon, right? He'd put a stop to this. Those diary entries he read were just his brother's storytelling. Mr. Lemon was going to help him. He was just in a bad mood those months ago. Skid knew it. Everything was going to sort itself out like it always did.

What Skid found greeting him was anything but his saving grace. Mr. Lemon was there alright but he looked nothing like how Skid remembered him. Even he had one of those black and magenta costumes, only his claws were a lot sharper looking. He just stared at Skid with magenta eyes and this grin that showed nothing but enjoyment for the scene before him – enjoyment for Skid's pain.

"Mr. Lemon? Aren't you going to help...? Rio is being mean..."

"He can't hear you. Besides, even if he could, he wouldn't care to listen. No one cares about you, Skid."

Rio's horrible words kept up. Still, Skid reached for the window. Pump, however, held the desperate child's feet down, stopping him from getting any closer to his destination.

"Where are you going, Skid? Don't you want the spooky costume?"

"Of course, but Rio is being mean. You hear him too, right? Mr. Lemon can make him apologize!!"

Pump shifted his gaze to the window, tilting his head in confusion.

"Hm? But there's no one there..."

"Yes he is there!! He was just looking into the window!!"

Skid yelled as he looked again to the window. No one was there – nothing but the magenta tinted night sky greeted him. That can't be right! Mr. Lemon was just there a second ago! Had he just seen things?

"Face it, Skid. No one is on your side."

Rio shot more horrible words his way. Skid could see magenta coming into his left field of vision. In that moment, he knew that this shadowy disguise everyone before him wore was no spooky costume...





Three bullets pierced the center of a target at the shooting range as Tankman held his slightly smoking pistol. After dealing with the general, he had to go out and relieve his steam somehow. He couldn't take it anymore – so many of his men falling to this virus at such a rapid pace, the HQ becoming more of a refugee sanctuary than a place of work, the sky's ever increasing magenta hue, spending sleepless nights monitoring calls or working on the computer for nothing and, above all else, Rick taking away the only way he felt useful in this god forsaken new war. All because his arm was infected, Tankman was losing his ability to command – heck, he was losing his ability to do any duties whatsoever. Suddenly, Bolt was deemed more mentally fit than him to command. Bolt, the same guy who he was just at war with three years ago, the same guy who kidnapped Steve and was set on torturing him in sick ways just for the fun of it had they not saved him, the same guy who would make death threats one moment and be wanting to watch a movie the next – this guy was suddenly fit to command Tankman's entire unit, to have all of his remaining friends' lives in his hand. Tankman was even told that he might get terminated if this infection took him the rest of the way which it probably was going to do.

"Just...buzz off, you punk!!"

Tankman shouted into the cloudy, magenta tinted sky. He wasn't yelling at anyone in particular, just pretending that Bolt was standing before him. Bolt, Rick, Joey, everyone who had caused this horrible predicament.

Thanks to having to spend most of the day cleaning out his office and writing an E-Mail to Bolt which he never responded to, it was nighttime by the time Tankman finished his final orders, magenta tinted moonlight shining down on the shooting range. Normally, he would have spent the rest of the day looking for other victims of the Corruption or looking over more reports but his computer had been locked shortly after Rick left. In fact, Carlos had been asked to do it.

As much as Tankman yelled at Carlos these past few days, he didn't yell at the private when he came in to lock his computer. It wasn't his fault. He was just carrying out Rick's orders. As one of their best technicians, Carlos was tasked with making sure computers got locked from people who should not have access to the information contained within them. The rookie was less than ideal when it came to using a gun – his marksmanship was honestly downright pitiful – but he was one of the best when it came to working with computers. The exact opposite of Tankman. While Tankman knew how to handle a gun with his eyes closed, he was never the best when it came to technology. Sure, he could navigate a computer enough to get research done but when it came to hacking and programming he was absolutely clueless. Whenever Tankman needed technical work done he always asked Steve to do it since he was just as much of a tech wiz as Carlos was. Honestly, Tankman had to applaud Carlos for having the same technical knowledge as Steve while being in the force for probably about half the time.

As he reloaded his gun, Tankman realized that he had probably been a bit too hard on people lately. Having his duties taken from him forced him to start reflecting on that. One of Ted's last memories was when he yelled at the sniper over the intercom because he was grumpy and sleep deprived. He yelled at all of the other officers in the HQ yesterday because of Skid leaving without considering that every one of them was just as tired and stressed as he was nor did he consider the fact that Skid's leaving was not even their responsibility in the first place. Tankman was who didn't keep a promise. That boy was lost and scared. He was counting on Tankman to grant him a few minutes of respite by making pancakes with him and the stressed officer slept right through that time without thinking that it would make Skid feel betrayed.

Now, stripped of his duties and authority, what could Tankman do for that child? He was certain that Skid was lost or corrupted. This pandemic had only risen just over a week ago and already it was so much out of hand. The city was sure to end up overrun by Corruptions within the month if things continued at this pace and Tankman could do nothing but sit on his hands and let Bolt make the next calls regarding everyone's future.



More bullets lodged themselves in the target as green eyes glared ahead. The captain's corrupted arm glowed in the moonlight, giving a few twitches.

Useless. That's what you are now...

Tankman held his head a bit as that sinister voice raked his head like nails on a chalkboard, his body shaking against sheer exhaustion as he stumbled, boots becoming glossy with the evening dew on the grass. Useless. That was true - that was the word to describe his current situation.

You brought this on yourself once again. That child is going to end up just like Pico because of your ignorance.

He knew Pico was corrupted. He wasn't able to help Pico as much as he tried. Perhaps if he and Pico had been on better terms, the hitman would have been more willing to keep in contact with him. Maybe he would have been able to get Pico to stay at the HQ instead of his vulnerable apartment. Maybe Pico would still be alive if he had that extra protection. Maybe Nene and Darnell, despite being criminals that Tankman ought to arrest, would have been helped as well.

Now Skid was another victim added to those who died because of Tankman's poor behavior...

He brought all of this on himself and he could do nothing to make up for his mistakes. Nothing but stand here and simmer in his rage and regret. Little did he know, these feelings were just what the parasite inside of him wanted.

Suddenly, Tankman grew dizzy. When he attempted to open his eyes, all he got was a magenta and purple blur like a berry smoothie fresh out of the blender. His body felt like air. Was he standing? Was he sitting? He couldn't tell which one until he felt the back of his head hit the ground, wet grass tickling his neck. The last thing he heard was a clatter before the magenta smoothie he saw faded to black.


"It hurts...you never told me that this costume was going to hurt, Pump..."

Skid's whole body was in pain. Everything stung, like a burning liquid pricking needles into his skin. Magenta completely covered his left field of vision, black covering his entire body. His hands now had glowing magenta claws, his costume covered in a thick black substance. His eye must be the only part of his body that was free as it was the only thing that didn't sting in pain. Even so, his eye was filled with painful tears.

"I don't want this scary costume. I don't care if it makes me look bad for Spooky Month anymore!!"

Skid pleaded as Pump just laughed, keeping a grip on the child's feet, stopping him from trying to run.

"Are you running away? You're so close! Why run now? All you need to do is let the costume go over your eye and you'll be just as spooky as me!"

Pump smiled up at his trembling friend. This time though, Skid couldn't believe the attempt at reassurance. The skeleton costumed child shook his head rapidly despite the pain stinging whenever he moved his limbs.

"I changed my mind...it hurts too much!!"

Rio rolled his eyes at Skid's whimpering. A hand was on his hip as he held his glowing magenta mic. Pauline had no expression at all as she simply adjusted her position on the speakers a bit.

"You really are a waste of time, you know that? You're so close to finishing your transformation and now you want to back out? As if you had a choice in the first place!!"

Skid's one eye widened with fear whilst his corrupted eye widened with excitement.

"Transformation...? But this is just a costume, right?"

"I suppose you missed the fine print on this whole thing. We're helping you into a costume – one that you'll be in F O R E V E R."

Rio laughed manically as Pump grabbed even tighter onto Skid's legs. The poor child could see magenta blood dripping onto the ground now as his body shook even more. He tried to kick his friend off but Pump's grip was too strong.

"Come on, Skid. You can't escape. Give up and be spooky with us...we'll have so much fun, I promise!"

"No!! I don't want to!!"

Again, Skid kicked but something within the child was holding him back from kicking at full force. As scary as this creature was, it was still Pump, right? Just like the other ones were Rio and Pauline. He couldn't just kick his best friend. He couldn't hurt him!

"I...I'm goanna find Mom!! And she'll make you all stop this!!"

Skid yelled desperately as he kept squirming. Pump just laughed at his friend's futile attempts at escape, his magenta eyes glowing as he reached a hand up to Skid's face, pressing his claws into the side of the poor child's face.

"Too bad we already found her and she's on our side..."

"What do you mean, she's on your side? She would know what you're doing is wrong!!"

Skid clung onto that last hope. Even as his vision was slowly becoming magenta, he clung onto the hope that his mother was still alive. That she would burst through the door and start lecturing all of them and everyone would go back to normal. That this scary nightmare would stop and they could just go home and enjoy some spooky candy.

Sadly, this little glimmer was about to be smothered beneath the Corruption's shadow...

Skid yelled as he was blinded by a bright light. When it cleared, a horrifying sight was awaiting him.

Inches from his face was the woman he was looking for. She was covered in the same shadowy goop as the others, magenta eyes lighting up Skid's face as she gave him a wide, sharp toothed grin. The heart shaped pupils of her eyes pierced daggers into the child's traumatized mind. He tried to back away but she grabbed onto his arm, claws digging into his wrist.

"You've been a very bad boy, Skid."

The distorted voice of his mother rang in his ears as the Corruption hissed at him. Warm tears dripped down the side of his face which was slowly starting to go numb like the rest of his body.


"Don't 'Mom' me, young man. There's no excuse for such bad behavior. All your friends wanted was to play with you and you not only be rude to them but you also try to kick Pump. You're always looking to cause trouble. What am I going to do with you?"

Skid shakily glanced at Pump who was holding his legs down as he struggled. Pump was in there somewhere. Was he being hurt by kicking him so hard? All Skid wanted was for Pump to loosen his grip but was he hurting Pump like he did before without realizing it? The fear at the very idea made him quit kicking.

"I didn't mean to hurt him....he's just being mean..."

The child apologized. Was his way of thinking all wrong again? Were they all trying to do something good for him? Was this path the right one? The best one? The one that'd make everyone happy?

"You'll never learn, will you? That's okay. That's what Mother is here for – to guide you in the right direction."

"Is this...really okay, Mom?"

The child's mind had stopped functioning properly. Perhaps his judgement was wrong. Struggling was wrong. This might be for the best after all. The right way to go. His mother chose this so it had to be right. His mother never chose wrong.

"Yes it is, dear. Why would I steer you wrong? You have so much to learn at your age. Trust in me and everything will be okay."

Skid felt both Lila and Pump's grips on him tightening, making him wince in pain.

"Just let go. The pain will go away. You'll be a better person this way. You won't make rash decisions anymore. You won't hurt anyone anymore."

Perhaps this really was for the best. He would be better this way. This spooky costume, this transformation, whatever it was meant to be, was for his own good. Then why was he so scared to let go?

Skid could hear a faint tune coming from the speakers. Was his hearing starting to fade away? Or was the music really that soft? He glanced at the window and swore that he saw Mr. Lemon there once more. He must be supporting this too. Everyone was. This had to be right then. Skid was just failing to see the good that they saw.

His way of thinking had been wrong many times. He had so much to learn as he was just a little boy after all. He needed to trust the adults here. They knew what was best.

And so, the child finally swallowed his better judgement, letting his body relax in his mother's grip, another arm taking him into a hug as Pump kept his legs still. He felt his eyes growing heavy as he felt that warm hug that he had been seeking all this time. The hug of a mother to her child – that sense of encouraging warmth that he had been denied for this past week. A week that felt like an eternity to the boy.

"Okay, Mom. I'll let go."

These were the child's last words before all disappeared in a smoky magenta haze. The Corruption had claimed yet another victim with the law enforcement being completely oblivious. 

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