"Newbie" | Awesamdad / Awesam...

By Cinnamon_Fam_Studios

329 10 3

!! COVER ART NOT MINE!! BELONGS TO @bludobyy ON INSTAGRAM!!! _______________ Sam has adopted a new child rece... More

Chapter 1: The Arrival
Chapter 3: Hannah
Chapter 4: George

Chapter 2: Boomer

67 2 0
By Cinnamon_Fam_Studios

The next few days seemed to be going somewhat smoothly. Having a new baby didn't change much, besides Sam or Ponk having the small blonde cradled into one of their arms almost always. Literally, the creeper man could be sketching one his main projects while holding Tommy in his opposite hand. Ponk has even started wearing a baby strap around the house so he could carry the small boy while he did chores. The kids took notice of this shift and were very jealous of how much attention the new baby was getting from their parents. Sure, their dad assured them that all of them would get the same treatment but there was a power imbalance since Tommy was always in the close vicinity of either him or Ponk. Someone had to put their foot down and soon.

So Quackity called a meeting in his & George's bedroom. His other siblings sat on floor cushions while the duck boy stood beside a small white board.

"I have called everyone here to explain the elephant in the house" started Quackity, as he scribbled a small red figure on the board.

"Tomás! The new baby who is taking all of Dad & Ponk's time and attention" he exclaimed, gesturing to the scribble.

"It needs to be fed a lot, it cries loudly, and they can't leave it alone or they will become very stressed " explained Quackity, as he scribbled more on the board.

"This baby is a creature of chaos and must be stopped. If we can't stop it, then we must get rid of it" he claimed.

"Like Kirby boss" added Hannah.

"Si, like a Kirby boss" nodded Quackity.

"But how though?" asked George, crossing his arms.

"We must study it and try to pin the blame of something on it," said Quackity.

"Like the book shelf in the living room falling!" suggested Hannah, jumping to her feet.

"Or the plant falling in the upstairs office" interjected George, waving his hand.

"How about covering the wall with ink in it's hands prints' ' smirked Quackity, nodding his head.

"What about you Boomer? Do you have any ideas" asked Hannah, with a mischievous look.

"Huh?" hummed the frog boy, looking up from his switch.

"Were you listening at all?" questioned George, lifting a brow.

"I was," nodded Boomer.

"Then do you have any suggestions?" remarked Quackity.

"Not really. I don't see any issue with the new baby" shrugged Boomer, going back to his game

"Why? It's taking all of dad's attention and Ponk hasn't played games with us since he's busy with the baby" exclaimed Hannah, pushing the switch down.

"Babies require attention, guys. They are small and can't do a lot just yet" stated Boomer, rolling his eyes.

"Which is why we must get rid of it, they are taking too much attention" claimed Quackity, crossing his arms.

"Have with that then" sighed Boomer, as moved to stand up.

"Where are you going?" asked the duck boy, his wings flaring up.

"To get a snack, I'm bored" hummed the frog boy, as he headed to the door.

Quackity dramatically sighed before going back to rambling to George and Hannah as Boomer closed the door behind him. He went towards the stairs and jumped on the railing to ride it down. Once on the main floor, he padded into the kitchen. There he found Ponk darting around while muttering about something. He was wearing his head covering and a jacket like he was about to head out somewhere.

"Ponk?" called Boomer, tilting his head to the side.

"Uh? Oh, Boomer! What's up lil man?" greeted the masked man, giving an affectionate look.

"Do we have any suckers left?" asked Boomer, as he hopped onto the island stool.

"Oh, sorry man. I don't think so. Ya see, your dad asked me to go grocery shopping today while he went to work and Mr. Bad was supposed to come over and babysit you guys" informed Ponk, rubbing the back of his neck.

"But he and Sapnap got sick so they can't come. The store is only a five minute ride from here on my bike but I don't know if I trust myself to leave you guys, especially with a new kid in the house" he muttered.

"We'll be fine. Q, George, and Hannah are busy playing on their own upstairs so they won't know. I can even watch the baby" offered Boomer, tilting his head side to side,

"Are you sure? I know you are the oldest but I don't wanna burden you with the responsibility of taking care of things on your own" questioned Ponk, nervously.

"It's fine, I can deal with my siblings on my own. Though in payment, you have to promise to bring me insect suckers or else" nodded Boomer, with a smirk on his face.

"Wha- you and Hannah are learning too much from those crazy crime shows but fine. Also don't tell your dad I left you guys alone" sighed Ponk.

"Deal!" smiled Boomer, extending his hand.

Ponk's shoulders wilted as he shook the white hair kid's hand. He then turned to grab his supreme wallet and headed towards the door. Boomer jumped from the chair and followed after him.

"Tommy is napping right now. If he wakes while I'm gone, just give him one of the toys in the wooden box by the closet. It'll keep him entertained until I get back" informed Ponk, as he was half way out the door.

"Gotcha, Big P." nodded Boomer, giving a thumbs up.

The masked man returned the thumbs up before darting out the door. The frog boy walked over towards the window and peered out. Ponk was walking over to his motorbike and getting onto it. Boomer watched him start it up and drive out into the street and down the road until he was out of view. He then walked away from the window and headed back upstairs. He might as well keep an eye on the other three for now.

As the white haired kid reached Quackity's door, he noticed the door to the baby's room was slightly open. Just the sight had filled Boomer with curiosity. He had seen the room when it was an extra room used for storage but not as the way it was now. Boomer looked between the door handle and the cracked open door, trying to fight his curiosity. In the end, curiosity won since he probably was gonna have to go in there when the baby woke up. Boomer began to slowly creep across and down the hallway towards the door. Once at it, he pushed it wider open and slid inside.

Everything was much different and bright than before. The once dark yellow part of the walls was now painted over with a pale blue above the white lining. The hard floor was completely done over with a gray carpet and a blue rug in the center of the room. A cushioned rocking chair was placed in the corner next to the wooden shelf with books on it. Under said shelf was a woven box, which Boomer assumed was what Ponk was talking about. And finally there was a wooden dresser across from where the crib was.

The frog boy slowly walked over to it and peek into it. Just as the masked man said, the blonde child seemed to be sound asleep. Boomer had obviously seen Tommy being carried around or sitting at the dinner table but he never really got a really good look at him. His hair was very fluff and much lighter blonde than Boomer realized. A few scarce freckles seemed to decorate his pale skin around his nose, along with a very thin scar marking the side of his cheek. It was a faded scar so he wasn't going to make a fuss about it. Another thing Boomer noticed was the very pointy ears of the infant. They were tilting downwards but they were very pointy. Human children didn't have pointy ears. Was Tommy not human? Was he a hybrid or something else?

As these thoughts rambled through Boomer's head, the small blonde started shifting around causing Boomer to freeze for a second. Tommy started whining softly slowly opening his eyes. They were a very bright blue that reminded the white haired boy of the sky. He looked down at the infant with curiosity before realizing the blonde was staring right back. Tommy then reached his arms up while making babbling sounds. Ponk never said anything about picking the baby up.

Or anything not picking him up.

Boomer looked around the room that could give him a boost. He spotted a small stool in the corner and walked over to grab it. He moved it over to the crib, stepped on to it, and leaned over the rail. The frog boy used one hand to grab the small blonde's hand so he could pull him to a sitting position. Tommy made a high pitched squeal as he slowly sat up, slightly spooking Boomer. Once in that position, Boomer reached with both hands and lifted Tommy out of the crib. It took the white haired boy a moment before gaining balance to hold the infant. Boomer jumped off the stool and just in the middle of the room as he looked at the boy in his arms.

He tilted his head to the side, trying to figure what he should do now. Ponk said to give Tommy a toy from the play box to keep him entertained until he returned from the store. So the frog boy fixed his hold on the blonde and slowly walked over to the woven box. Using his foot, Boomer leaned back and kicked the lid open. Inside was a variety of toys, from hard blocks to plushies. He crouched down and started rummaging through it. He wasn't going for anything specific besides something soft since babies needed soft things. Suddenly, he spotted a certain toy that caught his eye. It was a small frog plush that seemed to have a bell in it. Very strange thing but Boomer thought it was fitting. He pulled the toy from the bin before walking over to the chair. He tossed the frog plush onto it so they could climb into it. It was difficult since his hands were full but he managed to push himself into it. Boomer sighed before picking the toy back up.

"Here ya go little man, a frog toy from your frog brother" remarked Boomer, proudly croaking.

Tommy looked up at him curiously, then looked back at the toy before grabbing it. The bell in it shook slightly and took the small blonde by surprise. He shook it again, causing the bell to tingle again. He then burst into laughter as he waved the frog the toy around. Boomer smiled softly as he rested his head on his hand as he watched the small boy being entertained by the simple plush. He couldn't see what his other siblings had against Tommy. Yes, he was loud and took a lot of time but so did they.

Quackity, George, and Boomer had to share one room for two years before Dad started expanding on the house. And in those two years, things were chaotic from sunrise to sunset. Plus, based off of something Mr. Skeppy said once, it was quite interesting seeing their dad actively dating while also having kids to take care of. In the end, it seemed to work out in the end since he snagged Ponk, who was a pretty chill guy. Though it did take some time to adjust when he moved. Quackity even pulled a similar stunt on him as he was doing with Tommy. It all probably ended in failure but it was funny to watch him try.

Speaking of his father's partner, amust the ringing of the bell in the toy, Boomer could hear footsteps walking up the hallway. The white haired man pulled his mask down as he entered the room.

"I'm back!! Thank you, Boomer" breathed Ponk, running his hand through his hair.

"No problem" smiled Boomer, as he pulled the small blonde closer to him.

"I can take Tommy if you'd like. I left your snack on the kitchen counter" remarked Ponk, as he walked over to the boy.

Boomer hummed to himself before looking down at Tommy, who now had to toy in his mouth.

"Nah, I want to hold him for a bit longer. You can put them in the freezer" stated Boomer, shaking his head

"Oh!" remarked Ponk, taken aback.

"Okay, well I'm going to go put up groceries and start dinner. Just call me if you need anything" he uttered, leaning back.

"Gotcha Big P." nodded Boomer, as pushed back the rocking chair.

Ponk smiled before exiting the room to return downstairs.


"I'm home!!" exclaimed Sam, as he closed the front door behind him.

"Just in time! I was about to call the kids downstairs" replied Ponk, as waved from the kitchen.

"That's lucky then" smiled Sam, as he shrugged off his jacket.

"What's on the menu, doc?" he asked, walking towards the kitchen.

"Mutton stew, mac & cheese, and glazed carrots" explained Ponk, gesturing to the pots on the stove.

"Sounds pretty good, can't wait to taste it" complimented Sam, as he wrapped his arms around the white haired man's waist.

"Well you are about to when the kids get down here" remarked Ponk, leaning back to place a kiss on the creeper man's cheek.

"I'll call 'em' ' assured Sam, pressing his face into Ponk's shoulder.

"No you want" retorted Ponk, rolling his eyes.

"KIDS!! DINNER IS READY!!" he shouted, crossing his arms.

"You didn't give me a chance" muttered Sam, pouting.

"You would have taken longer" replied Ponk, as he petted Sam's head.

Sam hummed before purring into his partner's shoulder as he hugged him. He was tired but nothing was going to stop him from enjoying dinner with his family. Soon, the thundering sound of little feet coming down the stairs caused him to perk up. Both men looked over as the kids came barreling over each other to reach the kitchen table. Quackity and George bickered over a chair while Hannah sat proudly at the head of the table as her brothers squabbled. The last one to come down the stairs was Boomer who, surprisingly, was carrying Tommy in his arms. He walked over to the small boy's highchair and settled him into it before taking the seat right beside him.

"Awe Boomer" cooed Sam, smiling softly.

"Heh? Boomer!!" uttered Hannah, loudly.

"What?" replied the white haired boy, sitting back.

"You brought Tommy downstairs without anyone asking" chirped Sam.

"Traitor!!" shouted Quackity, pointing aggressively.

"Well, Someone had to bring him downstairs," argued Boomer, sticking his tongue out at the duck hybrid.

Quackity blew a raspberry at him before sitting cross armed in his chair. Sam sighed softly before settling himself into a chair.

"Now now, no arguing or rude gestures at the dinner. We are here to eat and enjoy each other's company. Ponk worked really hard on tonight's dinner and disturb the good vibes going around right now" stated Sam, waving gently towards the kids.

"Yes dad" exclaimed the kids, in union.

The creeper man nodded, satisfied, as his partner started passing plates around the table. 

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