Storm in Ocean

By Scratch_your_head

678K 16.4K 3.4K

Amelia McCarthy; a 21 year old young girl, coming from a good family. She is a lively college student, majori... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Book Cover 2
Chapter 51
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Book Cover 3
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Book Cover 4
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Book cover 5 (Fan Edition 1)
Chapter 72
Book cover(s) 6 (Fan Edition 2)
Character Aesthetics 2
Outfits 2
Character Aesthetics 3
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Lil Facts
Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
Seth × Melody
Zeke × Trisha
2. Shnelle × Ashwin
2. Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
2. Seth × Melody
Sia × Samrath
New Book

Chapter 61

5.4K 160 42
By Scratch_your_head



2nd December, 2023

Words Count: 4494

Author's Note:

🍿Posessive Ajax.

🍿I don't know when the next update will come, so enjoy while you can.

🍿I hope I've made your night amazing.

🍿Comment more if you are enjoying the updates.

🍿See ya!

Third Person Pov:

Amelia popped a popcorn in her mouth. She was doing Netflix and chill. Well, actual chill happens when her husband is around. He was unable to keep his hands to himself.

She ran her fingers through Knox's fur. He too was munching on popcorns. Actually, he was making mess of crumbs on Ajax's side of the bed. He knew his pretty hooman liked her side neat and clean.

It had been few days since Oscar and Thea left for their mansion. They had mend things and were now set to start a new journey. But the amendment wasn't easy.

Amelia had caught Oscar forcefully kissing Thea. But this time she kept her promise to her husband and stayed quiet. She didn't talk to Thea, neither did she get involved in the couple's matter. Instead, she got someone else involved.

She called in the big guns. Candace Santiago! Mother of both the Santiagos who had been flying too much these days. Oscar didn't even get the chance to get angry or blame anyone before he was snatched off his most prize possession.

Candace didn't question anyone. She came and took Thea away with her. Nobody could stand in her way.

After getting the pain of abandonment and fear of loosing his true love forever, Oscar got on the right track.

Amelia talked to Ajax and he for once listened to her. He knew she was right so he didn't try to manipulate her. He talked with his brother and put some sense in his thick skull. He showed him the right way of getting the girl of his desires.

Oscar went to his mother's mansion and got on his knees. He held Thea's feet and begged for forgiveness. He didn't leave her until she gave him a second chance.

Candace wasn't agreeing but after a lot of pleading, she finally did. She put a condition that she would be monitoring their relationship herself.

She knew her sons quite well. She knew how they could manipulate or scare those poor girls. She didn't want Thea under any pressure. Plus, she wanted to see actual change in his behavior. He had to become the man Thea would want in her life.

Candace didn't want another Amelia in her family. Amelia's case was different. She had captured the heart of the king of devils. Nobody could save her. But Oscar was somewhat manageable and Candace was determined to keep him on track.

Ajax came back from office and went straight to his wife. He placed a kiss on her forehead and said; "Good Evening Love!" She gave him his favourite smile, making all the tiredness of the day leave his body.

"What is he doing?" Ajax asked, disgusted by the sight.

Amelia looked beside her and laughed; "He is playing"

"This is how this creature plays. I'll teach him a good lesson today by kicking him out in the cold" Ajax gritted, moving to get to his side of the bed.

Amelia stopped him; "He is just a puppy Ajax. Leave him!"

"He is not a puppy anymore. He has grown to be a big fat dog because of your coddling" Ajax told her.

"Knoxie is chubby and fluffy. He is adorable. Don't body shame my baby" Amelia showed anger.

"Now you are cooing at him. I'll not leave him" Ajax said while Knox was already barking at him in challenge. He had gotten too comfortable with his master.

"Calm down and Leave him. Go freshen up. I'll tell Helen to change the sheets" Amelia coaxed him putting her hand on his chest.

"Tell her to take him away too" He gritted going towards the closet.


"What is my babygirl watching?" Ajax asked settling on the bed beside Amelia and wrapping an arm around her. Helen had changed the sheets and taken the little trouble maker away so he was feeling relaxed.

"Nothing, just usual series" Amelia said and popped a popcorn in her mouth as well as his. "Netflix and chill" She said pausing the led and his silver eyes showed a mischievous glint. "Well then, let's have chill" He said, slithering towards her like a predator. She made a disapproving sound and pulled his head out of her neck.

He huffed and dropped his head on her chest. "I have to talk to you about something" She said. He hummed rubbing his face on her covered breasts. She groaned and pulled his head up.

"It's serious" She told him and he knew she was demanding attention. So he sat up straight to seriously listen to what she had to say.

"Dad called!" She informed. He made an acknowledging sound, telling her to continue.

"He was saying that since I've graduated now, I should join office" She told him.

He frowned; "You just graduated, you should rest for some time. Studying is hectic" He wanted her to take rest for few months, after watching her work for her exams and not taking care of herself.

"I've been resting for a month now. And dad wants me to join so I can't say no" She said.

He hummed in understanding. "Why don't you join our office first? You know, for experience and stuff. You are still new in the field and need experience" He suggested.

"I can get experience from my dad. Plus, I know why you are offering me this" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Why?" He asked. "You just want to fool around all day. You won't let me work, neither will you work yourself" She replied.

She was right, he wanted her in front of his eyes 24\7. He wanted to have access to her at all times. Being in his sight also meant that she was safe outside home.

Plus, he didn't want her to work in small companies. She was his wife afterall. But he didn't say anything about it. He knew it was her father's company and it was both of their dream for her to take over one day. And about the business being small, he planned on merging hers with his. She was a part of him afterall.

He had seen her grades and understanding of the field. He knew with her capabilities and skills, she would take that business to new levels of success.

"My wife is getting smart" He commented.

"Candace told me to be alert of your excuses to see me" She said and he cursed the time when he let his mother manipulate his wife.

"Dad told me to join office tomorrow" She said.

"Are you asking permission or informing?" He asked.

"I'm just telling" She didn't need to take permission from him for her career.

She didn't waste all those teenage years of fun in her studies just to stay at home. He didn't have a right to say anything about it.

Before marrying her, he knew she was majoring in business. Of course, she had some aims and dreams and he accepted her knowing well about it.

If he wanted a house wife, he could get a girl who didn't study that much or at all.

"What can I do to help?" He asked like a devoted husband.

Her heart bloomed seeing so much care in his actions. He always respected and supported her education and career. His family also wasn't of old and useless notions.

On their first dinner after marriage, Candace asked her about her studies and aims. She told her that she didn't want her to waste her time and skills. Even Oscar had praised her for having a job mindset.

Amelia kissed Ajax's cheek. She would seldom give him those appreciative kisses and he loved them.

"Nothing! You just remain you. That's perfect" She told him with a big genuine smile. His heart swell in love everytime she would give him that lively smile. It told him that he was keeping his wife happy, which was a man's first responsibility.

He pulled her on his lap and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He lovingly looked in her ocean orbs and said; "You remember the rules of staying outside of mansion, right?"

She rolled her eyes, knowing he wouldn't be able to control his posessive and protective nature. She jumped a little when he spanked her ass for rolling those orbs in front of him.

She tried to get off his lap angrily. "No! You always do that" She brooded, trying to get out of his grip.

"Yet you can't control yourself from rolling those pretty eyes" He kept her on his lap.

"I gave you a kiss and you thought that was the perfect moment to remind me about your rules" She said brooding.

He laughed and said; "I can't compromise on your safety" She hit her forehead; "My husband can't take a hint. Why did I get such an unromantic mafia man?" She complained.

"You always complain about me being over-romantic. Wives can never be satisfied. And about the kiss, I'll show you what a real kiss looks like" He said and captured her lips in a heated kiss.


"How do I look?" Amelia asked Ajax's opinion on her dress. She was getting ready for her first day at her dad's office.

Today Arnold McCarthy was going to introduce her in the office as his heir. She would work under him for some time and when he would see that she is experienced enough and is ready, he would transfer all rights of the company in her name.

That was the plan. Stacy didn't have any objection about that. She wasn't interested in business. So she decided that she would get the money and property, while Amelia would get the small yet prospering business of her father.

Ajax analyzed the tight pencil skirt on her. It was quite opposite of her taste. He still remembered the first time he saw her in his office. She was wearing a teal blouse with long white skirt covered in net. She looked so out of place and angelic. She represented her age of that time; innocence and inexperience.

"I like you better in colorful flowy skirts" He told her honestly. It wasn't the dress of his liking, she looked beautiful though.

"I'm going for a job Ajax. I have to dress professionally" She told him.

He knew she was dressed perfectly for an office setting. It was just a little difficult for him to absorb the fact that she was growing. He didn't want her innocence and liveliness to be lost in the affairs of adulthood.

She moved to walk past him when he held her arm and pulled her back. He ever so gently made her stand in front of him, with his hands coming on her waist to keep her in his protective hold. It gave him a sense of peace. His stormy eyes looked in her ocean eyes. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and told her to go and change.

His voice didn't hold any command, it held the protective sense for her. "It's cold outside" He elaborated. She nodded her head.

He was right, her silk blouse and thin cotton skirt wasn't a right choice for current weather. In her jitters of first day and efforts of dressing perfectly, she forgot that she had to cover up too to be protected from the chilly weather.

He went in the closet with her to choose a suitable dress for her. He selected a light brown warm suit. She smiled, it was a perfect choice. He had the perfect choice. Afterall he himself was a boss of an empire.

He helped her change and even went ahead to help her brush her hair. It was her first day and he knew she was feeling nervous. He left his own preparations and helped her get ready on time. It was a big day for her. And he gave it the same importance, making her feel special.

As he stood in front of the mirror, fixing his tie and shirt, he kept reminding her of the things she should place in her handbag.

"I'm ready!" She squealed in excitement like a kid. She was a mature woman, yet she never had to shy away from him in expressing her inner child.

He smiled coming towards her and placed a small kiss on her lips. "My wife looks perfect" He told her, boosting her confidence. He was aware that she needed constant strokes of empowerment.

The couple moved down stairs. "You need to have a proper breakfast" Ajax told Amelia, fixing her plate. She for the first time without a tantrum, nodded. Ajax had a call with Arnold McCarthy last night, to discuss Amelia's tours to his office.

Unfortunately for him, they were going to be daily from now on. And no matter how much he wanted to cocoon her in the safety of his mansion, his room, his bed and his arms; he had to let her spread her wings and fly.

She deserved the world and he was going to give her just that. She didn't need to stay prisoned at home, just because the world was a dangerous place. He was going to make her surroundings safe for her to grow out there, easily.

Arnold McCarthy was impressed by Ajax's care towards his daughter. He still didn't like the mafia king but he had started respecting him for keeping his daughter safe and happy.

Ajax had assigned a batch of guards for the security of his wife at Arnold's office. They were going to be permanent at that place and keep it secured from now on.

Ajax didn't want any petty stuff bothering his wife, like bullying or office rivalries. She should be given a calm environment to work. No overtime or overwork for her.

He didn't want her to stress out more than necessary. She was a fresh graduate, hence she should be given every opportunity to learn and grow her skills.

He also instructed Arnold about the type of men around his wife. He didn't want men lusting over her, everytime she would walk the hallways.

Victor was to be sent today with Amelia so that he would analyze the work environment himself and report to Mr. McCarthy if he sees any non professional attitude in an employee, whether it be a male or a female. Arnold would then fire that person.

"And you will answer me on time" Ajax was repeatedly giving instructions to Amelia. They were in the car. Ajax was going to drop her first and then leave for his work.

"Yes, yes, I know, otherwise you will raise hell" She said annoyed.

"True!" He didn't deny.

She scooted closer to him and moved a finger on his chest which was covered in a crisp black shirt.

"Ajaxx..." She drew out. He eyed his wife's tactics.

"I was thinking that I don't need Skye and Fin anymore" She said looking at his chest.

Ajax had told her that her two lovely bodyguards were going to accompany her inside the office, just like they did in her college.

They were going to stay at her cabin's door at eachside. She would move with them keeping an eye around her. They would be watching over her at all times.

"I need to keep you safe" He knew it was her innocent way of manipulating him but he liked her fingertip moving on his chest.

"I understand your concern. Dad has guards, plus you've appointed an army to guard the premises" She pointed.

"Baby do you want to get abducted again?" He asked making her finger pause.

He had to, she wasn't going to let the matter go otherwise. She would bring it today or tomorrow but won't drop it.

"No!" Amelia whispered with a gasp and moved to seek protection in his chest. He tightly wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back.

"Am I in danger Ajax?" She asked in a small voice with her face buried in his chest.

"No! But you are a mafia queen and you have to be cautious at all times" He didn't lie to her. She must understand the gravity of the matter.

She tilted her head back to look at him; "You won't let me get hurt" She said with a small pout.

"Not at all!" He told her affirmatively.

"Now let me taste this brown lipstick" He said and in a blink, his lips landed on hers. He was distracting her mind from the mention of her kidnapping.

"Ummm....." She made sounds, trying to push him away. "You're-...." She said in between the kiss.

He pulled her lower lip with his teeth and left it with a pop. She immediately got away and pulled a small mirror out of her bag. She gasped seeing the lipstick smudged all over.

He smirked seeing her state. She glared at him and took the lipstick out. Thankfully, she had kept it in her bag. He watched with lustful eyes as she reapplied the matte brown lipstick.

"Let me taste it again" He pulled her to his face but she moved fast and put a hand on his lips.

"No! That's enough for now" She sternly told him. He threw his usual tantrum by groaning and burying his face in her neck.


Amelia was checking some files when her cellphone made a pinge sound. She rolled her eyes and kept working. It had been making notification sounds for almost an hour now and they were continuous. She knew who was behind this.

She had a detailed call with her thick skulled husband but he was still not satisfied. Apparently, he had too much time on his hand.

Amelia ignored the texts, more like sexts and kept reading the file. After she arrived at the company, her dad introduced her to all the employees. It was a small introduction so it didn't take much time. He took her to his room where she had been before, many times.

As a kid, Arnold used to have his daughters sit on his seat whenever they would come over.

Arnold gave Amelia the necessary information about the company and the projects it was running.

After that his secretary Mr. Shaw gave her a tour of different departments.

When she was done with that, her dad gave her few files to study current and previous projects of the company and other information.

Amelia was reading accounts details right now. She had a good knowledge about them. There was a knock on the door and Skye entered after getting permission.

"Mam, it's time for lunch" Skye told her. Amelia nodded still being focused on the file in her hand; "I'll have it later" She mumbled.

"My apologies mam but you must eat" Skye stressed.

Amelia raised her head and looked at the girl standing in front of her. "I won't!" She tested the waters.

Skye hesitated but said; "Sir will not be pleased"

Amelia rolled her eyes and leaned back on the seat. "If he texts again, tell him that he is sleeping on the couch tonight" She said in a stern voice and Skye nodded. She dismissed the uncomfortable looking girl.

"Let's eat something Amy" Arnold came in the room after Skye left and offered Amelia to have lunch.

"Just let me read this last clause dad" She said and quickly finished the work to have lunch with her father.


Amelia's tired figure entered through the front door. She answered Helen's greeting and took lazy steps towards the stairs. "Helen, send a warm mug of coffee please" She politely told her and Helen obliged.

Right now Amelia was drinking the hot beverage with her man sitting beside her and constantly taking sips from her mug. He had come back from office and saw his tired wife slumped on the bed. She hadn't even changed her clothes. He got her freshened up and changed her into a night dress.

He settled beside her on the bed and Helen brought coffee. He refused to get Helen make a mug for him too so he could tease his already annoyed wife.

"Go away!" Amelia pushed his face away, pulling her mug to herself.

"Just a sip" He said.

"Ajax.... I'm tired. Don't bother me" She whined.

"It was your first day and you are acting like you've bulldozed your whole office" He commented.

"Yes because I do actual work" She pressed.

"I do this every day for never-ending hours and when I come home, either that puppy of yours is in our room or you are in the mood to throw a tantrum" He told her.

"You chose this life. So bear it without complaints" She arrogantly told him.

Ajax liked this thing about her, she would always claim her right on him. She wouldn't hesitate to bother him at all times just because she was his wife.

"I am bearing it" He exaggerated.

She raised a brow now; "If you are so tired, I can go to my dad's house. He was very happy to spend time with me" She told him.

Arnold was actually very happy that he would get to see his daughter everyday, from now on. He loved his elder daughter the most.

"You are not going anywhere" Ajax casually told her, taking the now empty mug from her hand and placing it on the side table.

If he didn't want her to leave, she wouldn't be able to step a foot out of his mansion. No matter how soft he had gotten for her, he wouldn't hesitate in tying her to his bed if need would arise.

Last time when she reached his mansion's gate, he controlled himself. He needed to take her health into account at that moment. Her head injury wasn't completely healed. But if she would ever do that again, after she had assured him that she wanted him as her personal servant forever, he would chain her to his bed and fuck her raw.

She really shouldn't test his patience again because he might even break her legs for real.

"You should've eaten dinner before coffee" He said, placing a kiss on the back of her head. She was now sitting on his lap.

"And you need to sleep on the couch tonight" She reminded him, his earlier punishment.

He pulled the hair clip on her head, opening it and making those brunette waves of hers flow. He ran his fingers through her hair strands. She sighed contently, leaning more on his chest.

"How does that feel?" He huskily asked, scratching behind her neck. She felt goosebumps on her nape. She made a low moan in response.

"Yeah... You are the best" She sighed pleasurably.

"Still want me to sleep on the couch?" He asked near her ear. She shook her head and he took her ear lobe between his teeth, lightly nibbling on it and making her pleasure intensify.

"You do have a lot of built up tension" He mumbled rubbing her shoulders with his thumbs. He had pulled her pajama shirt down. Her head hung forward as he put pressure with the pads of his thumb. Low moans escaped her lips.

"How was your first day?" Ajax asked. Amelia inhaled and exhaled a deep breath.

"It was good. I met dad, we chatted, he introduced me to the staff and gave me some files to read so I could have an idea about the business and all" She told him about her day as usual.

"How was your day?" She asked and pointed towards her spine, telling him to press there.

He pressed the spot; "It was uneventful. I had a meeting, handled some project works and signed a few documents" He casually said like he didn't make billions by doing that.

He also avoided to mention, handling a few of his drug cartels which came from Mexico, two sniper hits he did on the russian generals working in the estate and murdering a girl and a guy who had been sent by his enemies to spy on his wife. That was his daily routine and she didn't need to know about that.

"Good. Oh... Mr. Shaw gave me a tour of the office" She said, remembering that she forgot to mention that. His tumbs moving on her nape, ceased. His forehead creased as he frowned.

"Who?" He asked coyly, making sure that his tone didn't change.

"Mr. Shaw! He is dad's assistant. He is very nice, he made me feel comfortable enough for my first day. I easily talked with him" She rambled naively.

She was too tired to realize that her possessive mafia husband might have a problem about her, talking to some male. Ajax was so indulged in torturing those two bastards that he didn't get enough time to get a report from Skye and Finn about his wife's day.

He ever so smoothly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back in his chest, resting his chin on her shoulder. Her touch helped calm his demons like always. If he wouldn't have made that petty promise to her about changing himself, that bastard Shaw would've been dead by tonight.

He tried to play it cool but couldn't hold himself back from asking; "Why would you need to talk with that guy?"

Amelia who had been mindlessly talking, suddenly realized his tight hold on her waist and his hot breath falling on her neck. She felt like she was a clueless nymph who didn't realize when that giant python wrapped its coils around her whole body.

She shook her thoughts away and tried to handle the situation smartly. She couldn't anger her man on first day of going to work. She didn't want him to forbid her from working. Not that she would listen to him but she didn't want any problem.

She cleared her throat and said; "Mr. Shaw is a forty nine year old man with a wife and three kids. His eldest daughter is twenty five and married" She gave a brief description.

Ajax placed a small kiss on her ear and said okay. It wasn't like he didn't want her to work and persue her career. And he was well aware of the fact that interacting with opposite gender is a must in the field. It was just that he couldn't help his posessive nature. He had changed a lot for her but he was unable to tame his demons.

She was his and only his.


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~Till then


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