Science. {Jason DiLaurentis}

By AleMarieee

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Sienna Rose Sinclair was a girl in the wrong place at the wrong time, who knew too much, who had too many sec... More

the set up
A is for Answers
Whirly Girl
Sienna's Song
Surviving the Aftershocks
Bargain with Killers
New York and Labor Day Weekend

Escape From New York

456 15 2
By AleMarieee

S5: E1

Sienna's hands were still stained with Ezra's blood. She had scrubbed them as hard as she could but the crimson specs burrowed between crevices. She thought it was fitting. Once again she had blood on her hands. Neither time were necessarily her fault, but both times the mission was her. Someone was out for blood. And Sienna knew that the next time blood were to be spilled, it would be hers.

Sienna watched from the fire escape above as Aria fought the girls for a chance to go with Ezra. It was risky. For all of them to be so close. All it would take was one person to recognize them or for Noel to tell the wrong lie and they would be caught. Hopefully years of lying would pay off.

"I can't imagine how she's feeling." Sienna murmured to Alison. Sienna had been wringing her hands together as she watched the scene below them. Anxiety, guilt, and grief flooded her system but so did anger.

"I can." Alison says. "She's felt like the rug has been torn out from underneath her. She feels betrayed and she's scared. She's angry." There was something fatal in Alison's words, like she had more to say. "It's the same way Emily felt when I died. It's the same way that Jason still feels."  She turned to her brunette friend, anger and determination scorched her face.

"Alison... you know I can't go back." Guilt clawed at Sienna's throat. She wanted to desperately but how could she ever be the girl she once was? How could they? She was a murderer and as soon as everyone found out she would be punished.

"That's bullshit and we both know it." Alison finalized. Sienna straightened up, feeling like she'd been whipped. Alison had never been this blunt with her about their situation. "I know how difficult leaving was and I know what it means to go back. But we have a chance. If this goes right, if we capture A tonight. There's no reason for you to stay away anymore."

"There's every reason for me to stay away," Sienna quickly quipped. "I killed my sister, Alison. I faked my death. They're not just gonna let that go. Even if we catch A and go back, even if I push away my fears, there will always be that threat over my shoulder ready to tear down everything and everyone I care about."

"It was self defense, Sienna. We all know that. It was you or her and the cops will know that too. If A is gone then everyone will have to listen to you." Alison argued. Sienna shook her head and stared down at their friends below. It was never that easy. Ever.

"I love you, Sienna. And I want you to be happy. But this isn't just about you. Our friends came for us. You don't think our families would too? You don't think Jason would be the first person by your side?"

"It doesn't matter what I think, it matters what I know. We hurt a lot of people. Our situations are different Alison. And besides, our friends? They didn't come for us, they came for you. It would be the same for our families. If I stayed away, no one would even question if I was out here."Sienna's thoughts consumed her, gnawing away at her throat and threatening to consume her bones. Jenna would be better off with one less crazy twin. Lola had already begun to live without her. And Jason. He loved her but could love truly go far enough to forgive death?

"They would. I don't know why A never mentioned you to the girls or why they're so focused on you and April. But I do know that people love you and they would fight for your return."

Sienna's eyes broached the horizon, mulling over Alison's words. Her heart fighting her brain and leading her towards Rosewood. Towards home.

The sound of sirens and the revving of the ambulance pulled her back. A's blackened shadow enclosing the top of the vehicle.

"A's on the move, let's go." She finalized.


Sienna's mission for the night had changed due to the circumstances. If they really were going to catch A tonight then they would need a liar in the shadows. The girl who has stayed hidden for years and had stayed off of A's radar.

At least that's what the liars assumed. Sienna thought that would be too easy. A knew she was alive, she was sure of it.

She just wasn't sure why A let it be a secret. What would A gain by allowing Sienna to disappear?

It was her mission to keep sights on Ezra while the rest of the liars split into two groups and made there way to the hospital later. Sienna had followed the ambulance to the hospital and stayed in the shadows until she was sure Ezra was safe in the operating room.

"He's good, let's get out of here before A finds us." Sienna motioned to Noel, unknownst to the pair that they were already being watched by A.

Noel and Sienna exited the hospital and returned to Noel's car. The two resting in awkward yet comforting silence as the convened the next part of the plan.

"It's really good to see you, Si." Noel whispered. He blinked soft tears from his eyes. Sienna's heart cracked slightly as she raised a comforting hand to Noel's arm.

"It's good to see you too." His hand closed lightly over Sienna's. The two had once been best friends. They grew closely together when Sienna moved to Rosewood and found companionship throughout lacrosse games. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you," she whispered.

Noel's face contorted at the sight of tears in Sienna's gloomy eyes. The confident girl who never showed emotion was crumbling before him.

"I'm just glad you're okay," he whispered. Sienna nodded her head slightly, surprised by his response. Maybe the girls were right. Maybe she could go home.

"I just want this to be over. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I just want to go home." She admitted. Sienna had worked hard to heal the aches in her heart but they would never truly be healed until she returned home and asked for forgiveness from those she had harmed.

"Then let's get you home. Let's end this." Noel glanced into Sienna's eyes with a determination she had long missed. His thumb continued to brush over the top of her hands in comfort as she squeezed back.

"Let phase 2 begin." She smirked.


In Rosewood, the night was just beginning to become eventful. The Liars families were being awakened by the police as the circumstances of Alison DiLaurentis's death had changed.

Meaning, she wasn't dead.

Young Lola SinClair and her Aunt Jenna were one of the many stops by the department.

"Can I ask what this is about Officers?" Jenna asks, taking a seat on the couch in the living room after inviting the police in and serving them tea. She was the kind of person who welcomed everyone into her home and made them feel welcome.

"Miss SinClair, we don't want to get your hopes up but their has been a new finding in the investigation."

"Oh?" Jenna responds apprehensively. The rosewood police weren't the best at the job so she was trying to squash any sparks of hope that began to form.

"Alison DiLaurentis is alive." The placed the pictures on the table, Jenna's heart skipped a beat. "At the moment we're not sure what this means for your niece. We're not sure how this mistake has happened but if Alison DiLaurentis is alive then another girl has been buried in her place. This leaves us to question if Miss SinClair was also falsely identified."

Hope swarms in Lola's chest as she listens from the stairs. Jenna had told her to go away and not to listen but she had to.

"Now, we have no proof that Miss SinClair is alive. There is no evidence to suggest that she is with Miss DiLaurentis. But legally, we need to re-examine the remains and make sure that they belong to your niece. I know that this is difficult but it leads us one step closer to understanding what happened to Sienna."


Sienna and Noel are reminiscing in the car as they drive back downtown in search of Ezra's car. Police have covered the scene of the crime so the only hope of finding evidence of A is among Ezra's possessions. Hopefully he brought something that leads them to A.

Breaking News: police have widened their search for the four missing Rosewood teens who they believe are in Philadelphia with Alison DiLaurentis. The youth went missing two years ago and it thought to be brutally murdered. A sixth teen, Sienna SinClair was found murdered around the same time and police believe that the five teens may be responsible. 

Sienna's heart aches as she listens to the news reports before she quickly flips off the radio station. Everyone around her was getting hurt. Now her friends were guilty of a crime that was her fault.

She begins to go over everything from that night, begging to remember something new. Something that would point her to the person that caused there lives to unravel.

"If it makes you feel better, pretty much every person in Rosewood has been accused of murder at some point or another." Noel lightens the mood. Sienna scoffs slightly while continuing to stare out the window before pointing to a car.

"There. That's Ezra's car." She's never seen it before but the description from Aria and the Earnest Hemingway sticker on the back were enough to be certain.

Noel parks around the corner in case the pair need to sneak away. The pair creep over to the car parked in the alleyway.

"Keep watch." Sienna orders. She glances around before finding a crowbar near the trash, taking it over to the side of the car before inserting it and breaking in.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Noel asks in shock.

"What? I've always been scrappy," Sienna smirks. It was the first time Noel had witnessed Sienna look like her old self and it made his heart swell with pride.

Sienna glances around his car, finding nothing out of the norm before her eyes lock on his briefcase.

"Bingo," she smirks. The sounds of sirens echo around the corner.

"Grab it and let's go," Noel calls, quickly guiding Sienna's waist out of the car and around the corner. The pair run quickly and jump into the car before crouching down and hiding from the police that drive by. They breathe out in exhaustion before locking eyes and falling into a fit of laughter.

"Not so bad, Kahn."

"Right back at you, SinClair."

"Care to take me one more place?" Sienna asks.

"For you? Anything." Noel smiles. Noel Kahn may be an ass but Sienna SinClair was the one person who could make his grinch heart grow three sizes. He thought she was gone and while he burrowed his grief, he was happy to have another moment with her and he would make it last as long as possible.

While the other liars continued to make their play on A, Sienna and Noel ventured to the playhouse. While Sienna felt she could trust Noel, she knew the girls would disagree. So she bid him goodbye and began to go through the contents of the briefcase herself.

She wasn't shocked to find that most of the information was about Alison's whereabouts and Aria's adventures. But she was shocked to find a folder titled "What Happened to Sweet Sienna?"

She knew that's what the media called her. She knew that her secrets were inside but she never understood how they came out. She wasn't sure how Ezra found out.

There was information about everything. He knew that she was a twin. He knew about Jason. He knew about her entire life. He didn't have any evidence she was alive but there was a sticky note with a question mark next to her face.

Honestly, Ezra would be a better detective than most of Rosewood if he could discover all of this.

Sienna put aside the folder on herself and rummaged through the bag once more when a stick note fell to the floor.

She quickly picked it up and saw four names listed. 

Possibly A:
Mona Vanderwaal
Shana Fring
CeCe Drake
Alison DiLaurentis

And down at the bottom, in scratchy lettering and smeared red ink was:

siennA sinclAir.

Sienna's heart stopped and then began to race. She quickly flipped over the sticky note and found more writing on the back.

You can run. You can hide. But by the end of the night you will be mine. -A.

A had finally found her. How foolish she was to believe she was safe. It was all just a game.

Voices began to fill the theater and Sienna quickly put on her mask and wiped away any sense of fear.

"Wow, If you wanted to impress someone with a wow moment this would definitely be how you'd do it." Hanna announces in mesmerization as she views the theater.

"I thought so too. Beauty helps fight loneliness." Sienna smiles, taking a place on the couch near her friends. The sticky note burns a hole in her pocket as she keeps up her facade. Her friends had enough to worry about. She could enjoy one last night with them before A took her away.  

"He didn't bring me here to impress me," Alison retorts, "this was kind of his special place." She says before launching into an explanation of her adventures with Ezra.

As Sienna listened to Ezra's words through Alison she began to understand his fascination. The words she'd read from him began to match with the ideals she had heard. She wasn't sure if she should root for him or against him. He had a way of capturing an audience.

"That's when I realized that Ezra was a rich boy pretending to be a poor boy. I actually liked him more for that. Not because he didn't want the money, but because he totally had me fooled. I actually thought that was an asset back then." Alison added.

Spencer curled up into the chair and Hanna began rummaging with the props before Emily took the very much real gun away from her.

"So, you think we'll be okay here until morning?" Hanna asks.

"We've stayed over a few times. They don't open up the place until noon." Alison says.

"And the security guard quit when the hauntings started after the first murder," Sienna deadpanned.

The girls turned to Sienna with wild eyes, while Alison tried to hide her smile.

"Kidding," Sienna smirks.

Spencer's stomach grumbles and Alison looks around in confusion, "what was that?"

"Spencer's stomach." Emily and Hanna respond together. Spencer apologizes and explains she hasn't had anything to eat while Alison leads the group to raid the concession stand.

Emily, Spencer, and Hanna share jokes over the snacks about freaky foodies, a tv show. Alison and Sienna share a glance at each other and begin to ponder over the years of their lives lost.

Sienna looks around at her friends and feels sad. They seem to be a unit. Sure, she had companionship in Alison, but it felt like the two friends had truly been lost to death.

"I need to find a better place to make a call." Alison breaks Sienna away from her thoughts. She glances sympathetically at her blonde friend, understanding the feeling.

"Who do you need to talk to?" Spencer asks with a hint of annoyance in her voice. Sienna sways on her feet, not wanting to choose sides but irritated that her friends don't trust them.

"I have a few friends who are going to be worried now that the police know I'm alive. They've risked a lot to help me. I just need to let them know that I'm okay. I'll be right back." Alison tells the group before making her way up the staircase into privacy.

Spencer, Emily, and Hanna share a glance with one another.

Sienna scoffs and the three turn expectantly to her while in surprise. "I knew things were different and I know you probably can't trust us. But nothing suspicious is going on here. We lost two years of our lives. We can't relate to you. It made us both uncomfortable, she needs a second alone and she made an excuse so that you guys didn't feel bad." Sienna struts off, leaving the girls in shame and guilt but not enough to stop Hanna from following after Alison.


Sienna must've fallen asleep on the couch because a nightmare overtakes her.

"It's all your fault." April smirks. "Daddy would still be alive if it wasn't for his perfect little girl. You just had to have him didn't you? Perfect little sweet Sienna, who can do no wrong. Well can't be Daddy's favorite if there's no daddy."

"Please, don't. I'll do anything, just don't hurt them anymore." Young Sienna begs.

"Oh, we both know that's not true." April smiles. "After all, you hurt me. You killed me, Sienna. You're own sister. How could anyone ever trust you after that?"

Sienna cries silently.

"And now you're crying? The victim as always. Who will be your next one? Will it be Alison? Noel? Or no, would you go home and murder someone else like you murdered me? Maybe Jenna? Or Jason? Or Lola?" April taunts.

"It's not my fault. I'm not a murderer." Sienna repeated in her sleep, murmuring silently aloud and squirming.

"You can lie all you want Sienna. But A is coming for you. My vengeance will be affirmed." April says as she plunges the knife into Sienna's chest.

Sienna wakes with a gasp, panicking and looking around frantically. Spencer grabs on to her arm but Sienna quickly yanks away.

"You're okay, it's just me. You were having a nightmare. you're safe."

Sienna breathes heavily, pulling smaller into herself. She untangles herself from the couch and clears her throat, forcing her facade back up and hiding from the sympathetic look in Spencer's eye.

"I'm fine. I just need to go to the bathroom." Sienna mutters and walks away.

She walks into the bathroom and splashes water on her face and stairs at her reflection in the mirror. Gone is the happy girl from her childhood and replaced by her is the troubled teen. She pulls out the phone she bought a month ago and dials the number by heart.

You've reached the voicemail of Jason DiLaurentis, please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to it later. Or I won't. Depends on who you are.

Sienna quickly ends the call before she accidentally leaves a voicemail. She's never actually spoken to him but sometimes she likes to hear his voice as a source of comfort.

Sienna straightens up and looks in the mirror, wiping away any source of tears.

"I'm Sienna and I'm fabulous."

When Sienna is confident enough, she makes her way back to the theater but stops when she hears the echos of her friends whispers.

"Is it just me or does it already feel like they're shutting us out again?" Spencer asks.

Sienna's heart skips a beat. She knew there was a possibility they wouldn't trust her but to actually hear Spencer say it felt awful.

Hanna quickly shushes her until Hanna checks and realizes that Alison is asleep and Sienna isn't in sight.

"It makes sense that they had people helping them. You know, if it were us we'd want them to call. We'd want to know that they were okay." Emily reasons.

"That's the thing, Em. It is us. We're the ones that are risking everything to help them. It's not some random do-good'ers that they've met along the way." Spencer retorts.

"We just have to wait it out a few more hours. Once Ezra tells us who A is, this will finally be over." Emily says.

Sienna feels around for the sticky note in her pocket. She should tell them. But there's a good chance that they wouldn't believe her. One look at her or Alison's name on the list and they would be sent to Rosewood for persecution. Her friends didn't trust her anymore.

Sienna waited for the girls to stop talking before joining them again and they all laid down to go to sleep. This time, Sienna took a spot on the chair in hopes that she wouldn't fall into a deep slumber.

She did the same as every night, tried to recall her disappearance and discover who A was. Only, this time was different.  She could smell her dream. A familiar scent, one she knew that had been there that night but it wasn't any of her friends. Sienna opened her eyes and looked around but Alison was gone.

She checked around the building until she heard the sound of Alison's voice talking to another person. Sienna pressed her ear to the door.

"How did you find me?" Alison asked.

"Well we don't just look alike. We think alike too." The voice sounded. Sienna tried to place who it belonged to but she couldn't figure it out.

"You took a big risk coming here." Alison tells the unknown girl.

"Well I didn't have a choice." The girl added, Sienna furrowed her brows. "Alison, you asked for my help in Ravenswood, now I need yours."

It clicked then. Sienna knew why the voice sounded so familiar. It belonged to CeCe Drake. The girl Alison befriended. The girl who tried to date Jason and then threatened Sienna. The girl who was on Ezra's A list.

"And why should she help you?" Sienna asked, standing tall and confident. This one decision deigned her future. Sienna had to go home now. CeCe would definitely tell everyone she was alive but there was no way Sienna would leave Alison alone with her. Not if she was possibly A. Not if she had been there that night.


Sienna sat in a bakery with Alison, CeCe, and Noel, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Alison asks.

"I don't have another choice." CeCe says. Noel slides an envelope to CeCe. Pausing and glancing at Sienna who nods her head yes, before he finishes the transaction.

Sienna tries not to raise suspicion but she doesn't the older blonde girl. It was more than a feud between them.

"We should be okay if we do this today. The cops are still looking in Philadelphia." Noel says.

"You having second thoughts?" CeCe asks Alison.

"No," she shakes her head. "I just realized this might be the last time I see you."

"Don't be so dramatic, Ali. You know us, we always find our way back to each other." CeCe tells her.

"Is this the part where you guys kiss?" Noel glances between the two blonde girls.

He made the joke for Sienna and smiles when he sees her chuckle slightly. Satisfied with his comment. Alison and CeCe look annoyed at him.

"I had to ask." He smirks.

CeCe turns her attention to Sienna before staring tauntingly, the brunette girl not backing down or cowering away.

"I was surprised to see you. I thought you were dead." CeCe glimmers.

"Oh. Did you? Glad I could give you A surprise." Sienna puts the emphasis on A, enough to give CeCe a hint but not enough for CeCe to show it phased her.

"It was a surprise. Tell me, does Jason know you're alive? I've seen him a few times since well, you know. I think I made him feel a lot better." CeCe smirks, trying to get a rise out of the young girl.

"CeCe, that's enough." Alison breaks in.

Sienna rests unfazed, "It's okay, Ali. CeCe's all talk. Jason wanted nothing to do with her so she's still trying to take it out on me. But the last time I checked, Jason was ignoring your calls while fucking me in our bed." She smirks.

Three sets of eyes stared at Sienna in shock. Alison had never seen the girl stand up for herself in this way. She'd never really known much of her relationship with Jason. And Noel, he knew nothing of their relationship at all so it was a shock to him. And CeCe, CeCe was fuming but she wouldn't let it show.

"Well I guess Sweet little Sienna really is dead." CeCe taunts.

"You have no idea." Sienna threatens.

The two girls lock eyes in a silent battle. If CeCe was coming after her, she wouldn't go down without a fight.

Alison and CeCe say goodbye while Sienna and Noel stay together.

"What was that about?" Noel whispers into Sienna's ear.

"I don't trust her." Sienna admits.

"Obviously. And the stuff about you and Jason?" Noel smirks, pride filling his body.

"All true." Sienna smirks.

"Atta girl, I knew you had it in you." He pulls her in with one arm and the friends chuckle together.


Alison and Sienna begin to make it back to the theater.

"I didn't know that CeCe knew about you and Jason." Alison murmured. "Why didn't you tell me? Any of it?"

"I didn't know how you would react. I knew what you thought of him. What you thought of me. You never would've supported us being together. I think the only reason you're okay with it now is because you saw how real it was. I think if you would've known back then, you would've just tossed it up as some superficial love."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I was the reason you had to hide your relationship." Alison says, disappointed with her old self.

"It wasn't just because of you. We were worried what other people would think. Everything was so special and we wanted to keep it that way. Safe and unbroken." Sienna added, reminiscent.

"I hope you get to go home, Si. I really do." Alison says, with full truth and certainly.

"Me too." Sienna smiles. And for once, she wasn't lying.

The girls enter the theater space with the girls and jump slightly at the sound of Emily, "where have you been?"

"Em, please don't wake up the others," Alison pleads.

"We're all in this together," Emily sits up, "at least that's what we thought."

"Is it? Because you've been untrusting of us the whole time. I know we've been gone but it's hard for us to trust you too. Did you think of that?" Sienna retorts, saddened and angered by her friends mistrust.

"There are somethings you don't need to know about, Em." Alison crouches down. "It's better that way."

"That's not a good enough answer." Emily says.

"It's the only one we've got, Em." Sienna says softly.

Spencer rolls around causing all three girls to look over at her body.

"Come on," Alison says, grabbing Emily's hand and leading her away. Sienna remains with the sleeping lairs. She doesn't need to rehash how CeCe was hired by Ezra to gather information. Alison may see CeCe as a hero but Sienna knew she was anything but. Ezra had notes on her, very few but enough to think she might be A which led Sienna to believe that there were more.

After a while, the girls wake up when the sound of the phone goes off. They quickly rush to Emily and Alison and tell them that Aria is on the phone but they can't hear her. Alison tells her to call the house line.

Alison is talking to Aria on the phone when the call ends. She waits for it to ring again and answers once more.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Alison asks. A look of terror crosses Alison's face and she quickly hangs up the phone. Tears fill her eyes and Sienna steps forward.

"Who is it?" Spencer asks.

But Sienna already knows. Rosewood is coming.
The phone continues to ring but none of the girls answer. Aria is desperate for their voice but finally concedes on the other side and joins Ezra in his room.

"Did you recognize the voice?" Emily asks.

"No." Alison enters.

"Well we can't wait for Ezra to tell us who A is. We have to get you both to the airport. You can still use the passports and tickets that Noel gave you, right?" Spencer comes up with a plan.

"I don't have it anymore." Alison adds.

"What?" Hanna asks.

"I gave away my get out of jail free card to someone who needed it more than I did." Alison argues.

"Okay, Ali, who needs more help than you do right now?" Hanna asks.

"It doesn't matter." Alison argues.

"It does to us! Look Ali, either you trust us or you don't. And Sienna? What about you?" Spencer yells.

"God, no more secrets Ali. You were wrong before they didn't keep us together. And Si, either you're going or you're staying but you need to make up your mind." Hanna adds.

"Look, guys. We can argue about this in a cab. Let's grab our stuff and go." Emily quips.

The fighting girls all head back into the theater.

"Come on, we have to hurry." Spencer tells them as they run.

The lights in the theater shut off and Sienna feels someone come up behind her. A hand covers her mouth.

"Who's out there?" Emily asks. Unaware of her struggling friend.

The lights come on and the girls notice the lack of their friend.

"Sienna?" Their voices course around. She struggles against the hand but it's no use when the person holding her whispers in her ear.

"Every pull is another liar dead." Sienna stops resisting and begs for the gods above to get her out. A needle is injected into Sienna's skin and panic fills her body.

"Si? This isn't funny!" Alison yells.

"No, it's not." A voice announces from the shadows, pulling Sienna back into the room with a hand over her mouth and a gun to her hand.

The liars gasp as Shana enters the room. Sienna in her arms, fighting conscious by the minute. Slowly beginning to fall loopy and unstable.

"Couldn't have picked a better place to end your story." Shana states, tormenting the four liars with her gun.

"Shana?" Alison begs, betrayal laced in her voice as Spencer pulls her close.

"I thought I locked you all together at the lodge. But I guess you were late to the party, Alison. So much for fighting fire with fire." Shana yells. Sienna surveys the scene. She's too weak to fight. She only has one shot and it's dwindling by the second.

"Put the gun down, Shana." Hanna orders.

"Get back, Spencer." Shana orders as Spencer steps in front of Alison's body.

"I trusted you, Shana." Alison cries.

"You once told me the only way to trust someone was to not ask too many questions." Shana says, gesturing to Sienna. "I mean look at Sienna here, she started looking for answers. Found them in Ezra's stuff. She was a little lost but still. The end result is the same."

"What did you do to her?" Spencer asks in horror. She couldn't lose her best friend when she'd just gotten her back. Sienna tries to send a look to her friends that she would be okay. She could feel her life slipping away but she knew that the night would end without her. She just needed to make her death worth something. And what's better than dying for the people she loves?

"I just gave her a little boost. Something to slow down her heart. I gave her a warning. She knew it was coming. But like I said, she asked questions. Just like you send me to Rosewood to ask questions." Shana taunts, ordering Hanna and Emily to move.

"Shana, why?" Alison cries. "Why would you turn on me like this?"

"I got so many answers from all the people you hurt. Your own mother was afraid of you. And you, Sienna? You killed your sister! I bet you don't even know how many people loved April." Sienna and Alison continue to cry. Sienna starts to put it together. A did know April. That's why she was hidden away. Because April has once been erased and now she would pay the same fare.

"Ali's made mistakes. Sienna has too, okay Shana? But what makes you better?" Emily begs.

"You're sick, Shana." Hanna jumps in, separating the attention from her. "Like Mona was, but we can get you help."

Sienna begins to find the opening for her plan. She would take down Shana with the last few moments of her life. Save 4 for the two she will have taken.

"I'm not Mona. This isn't a game."

"So what is it?" Spencer asks.

"Justice." Shana declares.

"For who?" Spencer asks.

"Jenna." Alison declares, having figured out Shana's motive. "You fell in love with her."

"And April." Sienna murmurs from the tight hold of Shana's arm. "You knew her."

"You have no idea who she is. Who April was." Shana says.

"We never meant—" Emily starts.

Shana quickly points her gun at Emily, "Get back or I'll blow your head off! What did you call it once, Ali? A happy accident?"

"Jenna doesn't love you Shana. She's playing you. That's what she does." Alison pleads.

"April too. She manipulated people into what she wants them to be." Sienna fights consciousness.

"No, that's what you do!" Shana shoves Sienna off of her.

"So what? She's the mastermind and you're her henchman?" Spencer asks. The girls distract Shana as Sienna stands up behind her.

"Jenna doesn't even know I'm here. And she'll never know. And once I'm done with you? She can finally get back to her life."

"Hey Shana!" Aria yells, having snuck in behind Shana. While distracted, Sienna takes the opportunity to attack Shana but it's too late. Aria has already hit Shana and Sienna goes flying back alongside her.

A loud bang echos as Shana's head hits the floor and Sienna lands weakly beside her.

The liars stare in fear as blood pools from Shana's head and Sienna lays unmoving.

Emily rushes down to Sienna, "Si?" She asks, tears filling her eyes.

"It's over," Sienna smiles lightly. Feeling her body float farther into unconsciousness.

"It's over." Emily agrees. Tears fall from her eyes, "you can rest now."

Sienna takes her final breath as the liars cry together. They check the pulses of both girls before confirming they're dead.

Aria begins to panic but Spencer quickly pulls her face close, "you did what you had to do, okay?"

Alison curls in Hanna's shoulder. Hiding her tears.

"Spencer's right. She would've killed all of us. She killed... she killed Sienna." Emily says.

"It really is over." Aria states.

The girls cuddle together.

"Let's go home," Emily says.

"We can't just leave her here," Alison cries for her lost sister. "Either of them."

"They won't believe us if we tell the truth."

"This is the only way to keep Sienna's legacy safe." Hanna says.

Spencer shakily pulls out her phone, "there's been an accident."


As CeCe awaits her flight she receives a message.

The package has been secured. In transit.

She smirks to herself. Sienna SinClair would be her doll. The world would forget her existence and CeCe would enact her revenge.


The liars cry silently. Sienna had been lost again and there was nothing they could do about it. The resided close to the theater.

"We've got a body!" The police yell.

"Only one?" Emily asks, confused.

"You checked both of their pulses, right?" Alison asks.

"Yes, I'm sure of it. Neither of them were breathing." Spencer adds. "There's no way that either of them walked out of there alive."

"It's not over," Emily sighs, "someone took her body."


In a dark space, someplace cold, Sienna wakes up with a startle. She lays confused. Is this what heaven or hell is like?

She glances around quickly, noticing that she is in a white sheet on a silver medical tray.

"Good, you're awake." A frail voice smirks and then hides their face as they turn toward Sienna, positioning a helpless expression.

"I'm April. April SinClair. Welcome to the dollhouse, sis."

Only the girl was very much NOT April SinClair.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for posting the first chapter and then dipping. I moved into my first apartment and started my junior year of college at a new university and it has been kicking my butt. Hopefully I can update more frequently now! Thank you for your support <3

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