Love Me As I Am

By Raxis_Writing

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First book of the Love Me series Tags: •Alpha/Omega story •Gay/yaoi •BakuKiri •Everyone is aged up to 18+ •... More

Things to note for the story


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By Raxis_Writing

After lunch, Denki and Hitoshi had finally left for home after making sure for the tenth time that Eijiro was completely bavk to himself. The red head was told he had some moment they couldn't tell if he was still affected by the heat or if he was back to normal. Finally it was just him and his mother and one thing continued to ring through his mind; Imprinting.

"Momma can I ask a question?" His voice was low as they cleaned the dishes.

"What's up?" She put a plate in the dishwasher.

"What is imprinting?" He felt nervous asking the question.

"Imprinting?" It sounded like she was thinking hard, "Imprinting is basically where your omega chooses a mate. It can be a complete stranger, or it could be someone close. It can happen at any time in life, but it's a very old thing. It doesn't happen often these days. It's basically something that we have evolved from. What brings it up?"

He felt a lump catch in his throat, "Toshi thinks I imprinted."

The dishes clashed into the floor and shattered, and the small pieces scattered the floor. "Oh my!" Her shock caught up to her after a few seconds.

"I'll clean it up, mom." Eijiro felt bad.

"Who?" Was all she asked.

"Katsuki." He answers in a low tone.

The room fell to a tense quiet. "The one?"

"Yes." He sighed.

"What made Hitoshi believe this?" She asked.

He went to explain the dream and every little detail that he could remember. He told her about how he just felt submissive to the man. How he could still feel where the hand was on his chin even awake. Her eyes seemed to blow wide at the news. She knew the imprinting was true and that there was so way to undo it.

"Of all people." Ura muttered, walking out of the kitchen.

"Momma?" Eijiro followed her.

"Him?" She muttered again.

"Momma?" He asked again placing a hand on her shoulder.

She turned to see her son look just about as scared as he did before they moved here. "Sweetie," She moved him to sit on the couch with her, "It's okay. We'll figure out a way through this."

He just nodded at her, hoping she was right.  "So what does this mean for me?" The question was heavy on his mind.

"Well it can gone one of two ways." She started with a sigh, "He can either A) accept you, and you two will be happy together. Or B) he rejects you, and you basically just shut down."

"What do you mean by shut down?" He ask.

"You become nothing more than a shell of the person you was. Also don't mistake this as the solemate thing everyone makes it out to be." She gotten serious, "You won't magically fall in love and live happily ever after. The relationship still has to build like anyone else. Think of it as a crush. A very intense crush."

"A crush." He repeated more for himself.

"Yes," She replied, "Also, I think we should talk to Kyo more about this when she gets home."

"Can we wait please?" He was worried about how she would react.

"Is this because of what happened at the cafe?" Ura held his hand.

He nodded, "I don't think I'm ready to see her upset like that again right after everything."

"Okay we can wait until you're ready." She tried to give him a reassuring smile.

"I also think I need to go talk to Katsuki." His voice barely above a whisper.

"With what you just came out of I don't believe you are ready to leave. But if you'd like I can give his mom a call and have him come here." She suggested, "You can talk in the comfort of your own home and if he tries to start anything we can make him leave and nothing can be said."

"That sounds better than what I was thinking." He smiled a little, scratching at the back of his head.

"Well, I personally would rather you speak with him here first." Ura spoke again.

"I will. I just have to get him over here." The doorbell then rang hastily as if on que.

"Sleep for brains! I won't leave you alone until you let me talk to him!" A loud bang then came from the door.

"I'll get it." Eijiro could only guess one person who it could be that would be that angry. Standing from the couch, he walked over to the dark oak door. Taking a deep breath before opening it.

Blonde spiked hair in his vision, along with ruby eyes darting up at him. "You finally came to I see." Followed by a 'tch' sound.

"Yea I did finally." A nervous laugh as the omega stood there.

"Good." He then turned to walk away.

"Wait." Eijiro reached out and lightly held the fabric of the black jacked between his pointer finger and thumb, "Can we talk for a minute?"

"About?" He stopped in his tracks, still facing away from the other male.

"Come inside." Eijiro suggested, "Please."

He muttered a fine before following the omega inside. The two walked in, and Ura was nowhere to be found. She clearly was giving the boys some privacy.

"Would you like a drink?" Eijiro was followed into the kitchen, "Cookie?" He gestures to some cookies that were previously made.

"Water." He replies, taking a chocolate chip cookie from the platter.

Eijiro grabs two water bottles from the fridge and joins the blonde at the counter he sat at. "Sorry." Was softly spoken, almost inaudible.

"It's okay. Things happen sometimes." Eijiro spoke with a soft smile. "All thought I would have to say, I've never had that happen to me before."

"What did you want to talk about?" He was trying to change subjects.

"Can we be friends?" He didn't want to outright tell him about the imprinting, worrying it would make the alpha run for the hills.

"What?" He looked honestly confused.

"I don't want to continue this unreasonable fighting that has been going on." Eijiro explained, "Denki and I packed and so we will be around eachother a lot and I know that means you being around as well and I don't want it to be a strain on either of us."

"You packed?" He voice more of a shock than hostile with the question.

Eijiro just nodded, not able to get a word to come out. He feared the worst with what would be said next. The kitchen fell silent as the two sat there, a thick tension building. It seemed like Katsuki was racking his brain on what to say next. Eijiro tried to keep his panic at bay as the silence held.

After about a minute or two, Katsuki finally spoke, "Did you and sleep head pack too?" Eijiro nodded again, answering his question. "I guess that means we have no choice."

Eijiro instantly perked up. "Do you mean it?"

"Yea, dunce face is packed with me too. They way everyone else seemed to like you, I know you'll be around more. So I guess there is no other choice." He sighed. "Don't take this as a pack invention, though. I don't trust you yet." He made clear.

"Completely understandable." Eijiro had to fight off the smile.

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