New World

By Frostwind88

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/ sequel to Sacrifices / Savannah Sencen grew up in a loving household with one irritating little sister an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Savi and Cerulean aesthetics!!
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two

Chapter Fifteen

35 3 13
By Frostwind88

Savi didn't want to.

But this was her one chance to finally mean something. To finally prove that she was better than everyone said. She was pretty sure people only so much as glanced in her direction because she was Sophie and Keefe's daughter. She wanted to be valued. She was an Empath, Inflictor and Telepath, surely that meant something. Sure, most people didn't even know she was an Empath, but... still.

She really wanted to, though. She really wanted to be a Mesmer.

But her only answer was, "Not until you teach me how to conceal my emotions. It doesn't matter if I'm a Mesmer, Keefe will see right through me."

"Not Dad," Lady Gisela noted.

Savi scoffed but didn't reply.

"Fine, then," Lady Gisela said. "I had to practice very hard to master this, but it'll be easier for you, since you're an Empath. However, I can't make you spend too much time away from home and school, especially since I need you to go back. Head back now, make up a plausible excuse-"

"You do realize I'm going to need to expose Cerulean, and the fact that you're alive."

Lady Gisela nodded. "I was prepared for that. Tell them that Cerulean kidnapped you and brought you to me, and you barely got out alive. I'm going to trigger your Teleporting now, by shoving you off a cliff. You will be feeling very scared and shocked, so... It should work."

Savi cocked her head. "You're... completely sure I have Teleporting, right?"

Lady Gisela smiled. "Yes, I'm completely sure you do."

Then she dragged Savi outside and flung her off a cliff.

Savi screamed as she pictured Foxfire, Foxfire, Foxfire, or Willowtree, or Everglen, or Choralmere, or-

But it was Falcon Cove that her mind latched onto, Falcon Cove that she Teleported to. She collapsed inside their huge aviary, and Gray flew over to her and landed on the perch beside her, cawing loudly.

It only took a few seconds for the artificial tree to split open and Theodora scrambled out. "Savannah?" she asked. "What are you doing here? Did something happen to Cerulean?"

"He's part of the Neverseen," Savi panted. "He tried to kidnap me!"

Theodora looked stricken, and her face turned ashen. "No... not my Cerulean... not him, too..."

Savi looked at the ground while Theodora took it all in. The old woman let out a soft, rasping breath.

"I'll hail Keefe and Sophie," she finally managed. "They're frantic."

Wait... hadn't Lady Gisela said she'd kidnapped Savi to lure Keefe there?

Was the Mesmer deal really real?

Or was it all a trap?

Not that she cared. A shot at being a Mesmer was more than she'd ever been given. Sure, as a Mesmer, no one would ever trust her again, but... if she was a secret one...

Keefe and Sophie got out without being captured and they gave Savi a long lecture on Cerulean which she completely tuned out. She left out all of Lady Gisela's deals in her account on what had happened and refused to transmit her memories to Sophie or Keefe, which made it seem like something suspicious had happened, until she said that she didn't want them to see the torture she'd undergone, it had been mental and not physical, and then they relented.

Keefe had felt fear and shock on her, and she'd managed to tuck away her other emotions, like guilt, so he hadn't sensed anything abnormal. He grounded Savi for a month and sent her back to her bedroom. She was pretty sure it'd be okay. He'd definitely still let her hang out with Via and Harmony.

But... would Via and Harmony still want to be with her once they realized the deal she'd made with the Neverseen?

So, she told her two friends everything when she visited Everglen the next day. Via was extremely quiet about it all, and Harmony said, "That's it? You're leaving us? Joining the Neverseen for a stupid ability?"

"I don't know what to do," Savi confessed. "It's Mesmerizing. Grady's the only Mesmer, and... I don't know. Maybe I'll finally be important."

"Savi, you've got three abilities. Via and I haven't even manifested yet." Harmony couldn't believe that Savi was giving up her entire life just to become a Mesmer. "But you told us, so you're having second thoughts."

"Not exactly, but... I don't really know. I want that ability, but I think I'll regret swearing fealty to the Neverseen."

"Then do it," Harmony whispered. "You can conceal your emotions, or Gisela's going to teach you how to do that, right? Then conceal them. Learn how to. Then join the Neverseen as a spy. By teaching you how to do that, Savi, Gisela's going to make you unstoppable."

"She has eyes and ears everywhere," Savi warned.

"I understand," Harmony said.

"Oh," said Via. "Actually, about that, I manifested as a Telepath yesterday."

"That's weird," Savi said. "Your parents are a Technopath and Pyrokinetic."

Via shrugged. "I don't know. Anyway... Harmony, can Savi and I enter your head and continue this conversation telepathically?"

Harmony gave a curt nod.

Both Savi and Via extended their hands and touched Harmony's forehead, feeling their friend give a cold shiver when they did so, and entered her head. Harmony instantly hid away all her memories, living them in a blank, open space.

What am I going to tell Keefe and Sophie? Savi transmitted.

Harmony fidgeted with her hands. I hate that I'm suggesting this, but I don't think you should tell them. They'll make you turn down the opportunity, Keefe especially, also why aren't you calling them Mom and Dad?

It's very complicated, Savi answered, and I'm not quite ready to explain it yet.

Okay, said Via, but just remember, you might disappear for long periods of time. You'll need to cover for that, and a convincing cover as well.

I could make it sound like I'm going to your place, or Harmony's.

Via looked unhappy. But then, right, if your parents ever ask mine or Harmony's about the fun playdates, they're going to be clueless.

That's... true. Or I could go to your house to start with.

What if they come in? Via looked really uncomfortable. I don't know about you, Harmony, but I don't want to get into trouble.

Harmony shrugged. I would risk my life for my friends. I know we were off to a bad start, Savi, but well, our parents are great friends, and I know my mom didn't have the best relationship with yours to start with. And for the count? My mom didn't force me to be friends with you.

That made Savi feel slightly better. She launched herself out of Harmony's head and said out loud, "I'll tell you when I've worked something out."

"You'd better!" Via called. "And have a better choice in friends next time!"

Savi smirked. "Insulting yourself?"

Via flushed crimson. "No, I meant Cerulean."

That hit Savi hard, mainly because he'd been likeable and outgoing, and she'd actually really wanted to be friends with him.

Harmony frowned. "Admit it, Savi, you were crushing on him pretty hard."

"I was not," Savi said calmly, hiding her shock and embarrassment away. Not that they were Empaths anyway, but she was just trying to be safe.

"Savi's crushing on who?" Harmony's door had creaked open and Biana came in with a tray of delectable desserts.

"Doesn't matter anymore," Harmony said. "Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome," Biana answered. "And just so you know, Savi, I teased Sophie a lot about my brother and Keefe." Her eyes clouded when she mentioned Fitz. "Anyway, if you ever need advice on crushes, I'm right here."

"Ew, Mom, no, go away," Harmony said, making a face.

Biana laughed and exited through the open door, closing it behind her. But... she didn't leave, which made Savi wonder if Biana had heard their entire conversation. At least she hadn't been invisible in the room.

"Aunt Biana, can you please go away?" she called.

Someone laughed outside. "You can seriously feel me?" Biana asked.

"Well, for one, your emotions are hay- I mean, I can feel your thoughts."

Harmony gave her a weird look. "You aren't an Empath, are you?"

"Shh!" Savi hissed. "Aunt Biana, pleeeeeeeeeeease?"

"Okay, okay, Empathetic Savi!" Biana teased before scurrying away.

Savi transmitted to her, Please don't tell my parents.

Biana didn't respond, maybe because she couldn't communicate telepathically the way Savi could, but she didn't deny it, either. Savi decided she'd have to trust Biana. Her aunt had never let her down before.

Well, technically, Biana wasn't really her aunt, since they had no blood relation, but Sophie considered Biana, Marella and Linh her sisters, so she would just call them aunt and their husbands uncle. It worked the same way for everyone in Sophie's core group.

"Well, that news was pretty intense," Harmony commented. "Mom's gone, right?"

"Yeah," Savi answered. Well, unless Biana could hide her thoughts the same way Savi did. But she didn't think that was likely. "So... um..."

"Listen," said Harmony, "like I said earlier, I was really awful to you-"

"It's okay!" Savi insisted.

Harmony shook her head. "It isn't. But I just want to say, I'll stand by you whatever decision you make. Okay?"

"I'm going to be a Mesmer," Savi whispered. "I'm going to swear fealty to the Neverseen. I'm sorry." Then she added to both Via and Harmony telepathically: But I'm going to be a double agent. Also, be really angry at me in case Gisela's watching.

Harmony stared at her, dismayed. "But how can you betray your entire family?"

Savi actually believed herself when her smile turned into a snarl. "Betray my family who never did anything for me? That's easy."

Harmony looked at her, wide-eyed, and Savi realized she was genuinely shocked by Savi's outburst because she knew Savi meant it.

"Well, what about us?" Via pleaded. "Please, Savi. I just got you back as a friend."

"We can still be friends," Savi said curtly.

"But... how could I ever talk freely to you if I knew you were a member of the Neverseen?"

"My mind is impenetrable; your secrets are safe with me."

"That's what they said about Sophie's mind," Harmony whispered. "What if there's a stronger Telepath out there who can penetrate your blocking?"

Savi laughed deliriously. "Yeah, right. And what secrets would you have me keep anyway? Your crush? I doubt the Neverseen would use that."

She transmitted: I'm going to pretend to be all cold, but I don't mean it.

She'd completely forgotten that Via was a Telepath and nearly jumped when her friend transmitted back, Savi... did you mean what you said about your parents?

"I'm leaving," Savi said and stepped outside before continuing the conversation. I do. My parents don't mean anything to me.

But they raised you! And they're literally the coolest people in the Lost Cities! Via sounded shocked and betrayed, even though Savi wasn't even talking about her.

They're not. Maybe to you or Harmony, or even to Seri, but to me, they're always going to be the parents that neglected me. See you tomorrow in school. Savi didn't bother looking back before she raised her home crystal and disappeared in a flash of light.

She technically could've used Keefe's Pathfinder, but she didn't bother. He still hadn't asked for it back, which was strange. But maybe she'd spoken too soon, because the moment she returned home, Keefe was standing in the doorway with his hand held out.

Savi sighed and passed him his Pathfinder, and was surprised when his eyes bulged out of his head.

"Wait – you had my Pathfinder?" he demanded.

Savi inwardly scolded herself from giving it back without him asking. "Yes... Why?"

"Savi, I've been looking for this for ages – I almost got fired! There's so many top secret locations on this one! And... other things."

"You mean the fact that it's actually a pale blueish-white instead of white, because you somehow combined it with a blue crystal, and it also leaps to the Forbidden Cities?"

Keefe's mouth hung open.

"Yeah, seriously Dad, I'm not that dumb," she said, walking past him.

"Savi. Wait."

She spun around, but didn't speak to him.

"Savi.... I want you to please, please talk to your mother and me again."

Savi raised her eyebrows. "Aren't I talking to you now?"

"You know what I mean."

"And you know my answer." Savi pushed past him and climbed the stairs to her bedroom before slamming the door behind her.

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