Transport Into Detective Cona...

By Classya8

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Kaiya Matsuki finds herself in the Detective Conan world! Join her as she journeys through the world. More

Character Profile
Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Shopping With Yukiko
Chapter 3: Grocery Store Mystery
Chapter 4: Ding Dong Dash
Chapter 5: DJ and Eddie P
Chapter 6: Teitan High School
Chapter 7: Haido Central Hospital
Chapter 8: The Awakening
Valentine's Day OVA! ❤️(filler episode)
Chapter 9: The Mysterious Packages
Chapter 10: Raiha Pass
Chapter 11: Celebration for Eisuke
Chapter 12: Subaru Okiya vs Shinichi Kudo: Deduction Match!
Chapter 13: Murderer, Shinichi Kudo!
Chapter 14: The Disappearing Fish on Ikkaku Rock
Chapter 15: Teito Bank
Chapter 16: The Department Store
Chapter 17: PB&J and Holmes' Revelation
Chapter 18: Akemi's Apartment
Chapter 18: Deduction Showdown At the Hotel
Chapter 19: The Crow's Talons
Chapter 20: The Shadow Approaching Haibara's Secret
Shuichi Akai's Birthday!
Chapter 21: The Mystery Train
Chapter 22: Bourbon Figures It Out!
Chapter 23: Enter Shukichi Haneda!
Chapter 24: The Scarlet Pursuit
Chapter 25: The Kyoto School Trip
Christmas OVA!
Chapter 26: The New Year's Heist
Chapter 27: Entangled in Spider
Chapter 27: The Tumultuous Science Fair
Chapter 28: Yusaku Kudo's TV Show Case
Chapter 29: The FBI Serial Murder Case
Chapter 30: The Shoji Player Serial Murder Case
Chapter 30: PSB vs Kaito Kid! Part I
Chapter 31: PSB vs Kaito Kid Part II
Chapter 32: PSB vs Kaito Kid Part III
Chapter 33: The Dango Adventure
OC Fanart ❤️
Chapter 35: Sports Day
Chapter 36: Breakdancing and a Unexpected Visit

Chapter 34: Hatoyama Farm

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By Classya8

Amuro POV

(at Poirot Cafe)

"I'm afraid I haven't the faintest idea where I am." Kazami replied over the phone.

"I was tailing a man suspected of stealing a large amount of explosives when I was struck from behind. By the time I regained consciousness, I found myself in a basement somewhere."

"What about your GPS?" I whispered into the phone.

"The man took away my cell phone. My only option was to borrow a phone from... a corpse I found in the basement... but there's not much charge left..." Kazami explained.

"A corpse? Were they murdered by that man?" I asked.

"It's likely...b-but its fine, I'll find out a way out..." Kazami answered, shakily.

"Don't even think about it, Kazami. Make one wrong move or bring backup, and you'll provoke the culprit... leading to the worst possible scenario..." I warned. "I'll come get you. In the meantime try to describe where you last tailed the man."


Kaiya POV

"Conan-kun and the others went on a field trip?" Azuza asked. Out of the corner of the eye I saw Amuro speaking with someone on his earpiece.

"I believe they are going to Hatoyama Farm with Kobayashi-sensei and Wakasa-sensei." I nodded. "I wanted to get them some snacks when they return from their trip!" I told Azuza.

"Hatoyama Farm?" Amuro questioned. "That fits the description..." he looked deep in thought.

"Amuro-san." I whispered. "Is something going on?"

"Azuza-san, something urgent came up, do you mind watching the shop again?" he asked, taking off his apron.

"Eh? Again? You're always going off somewhere, Amuro-san." Azusa sighed. "Alright, don't worry, I got it! It seems like a slow day afterall." she reassured Amuro.


"Amuro-san, what's really going on?" I asked.

Amuro sighed and revealed that Kazami was trapped in a basement. "Stay here, Kaiya, it could be dangerous with a murderer."

"If Kazami-san's in danger, then of course I'm coming!" I insisted.


"Wouldn't it make more sense to use your car instead of the bus?" I asked as we walked towards the bus stop.

"It's less conspicuous that way." Amuro pointed out. "We need to get to Hatoyama farm without anyone noticing us."


(hears a commotion in the back of the bus)

"That's Conan-kun and his friends!" I noticed. "They seem to be in trouble. I wonder what happened."

"Mitsuhiko took a picture of a man's screen because they were interested in a video he was watching and apparently that man wasn't happy about that." Amuro observed.

"Should we intervene?" I worried.

"Kaiya, we have to keep a low profile." Amuro reminded me.

"I-I know but..." I glanced in the direction of the detective boys.

"Always running into danger..." Amuro said, exasperated as I got up from my seat.

"Hey, let go of Mitsuhiko!" I demanded when I saw the man was grabbing Mitsuhiko roughly by his collar. I ran up to the man and twisted his arm backwards.

"Kaiya-neechan?!" the kids exclaimed.

"How dare you!" the man roared, ready to swing a punch.

I went in front of the kids, ready to block the punch, but luckily Amuro countered the man's attacks with swift dodges and punches. "Let's leave it at that." Amuro threatened the man.

"Amuro-san!" the kids cheered.

"Is everyone alright?" he asked. They nodded.

"Mitsuhiko, how about we delete that private video?" I told him. "People might not like it when you take videos without their permission." I explained.

"Okay!" he nodded.

I turned to the man. "There, that should be fine right?"

"Y-yeah." the man stuttered.


"Kaiya-chan, I didn't know you were on this bus as well!" Kobayashi exclaimed.

"Umm yeah..." I replied sheepishly. "I heard the kids had a field trip to Hatoyama farm and I wanted to see it too. I asked Amuro-san if he wanted to tag along as well!"

"What-" Amuro began, but quickly got the hint and played along. "That's right, I haven't been to Hatoyama farm before." he replied with a fake smile.

"Ah you must be the Amuro-san I've heard so much about!" Kobayashi greeted. "I'm Kobayashi-sensei, their homeroom teacher." she turned to Rumi who was sitting next to her. "I've heard rumors that he's also a detective that works at a coffee shop."

"I'm the other homeroom teacher assistant, Wakasa! Pleased to meet you." Rumi introduced herself.

"Ah...hi..." Amuro and I greeted her.


(at Hatoyama farm)

"Looks like no one is home." Ayumi said after we rang the doorbell.

"The gate was open too..." Mitsuhiko noticed.

"And there's no cows or other animals too..." Genta added.

"That's because they are planning to demolish the farm and incorporate it into a golf course!" Kobayashi explained. "So they are giving the chickens to our school."

We went to see the place where the chickens were, only to find it empty.

"Could it be that they sold the animals already and set aside the chickens for the school?" Amuro wondered.

"Wait, look there's a hole in this fence!" I pointed.

"The chickens could have run away from here." Mitsuhiko guessed.

Seeing some restrooms nearby, we decided to take a break before searching for the owner.


Ayumi turned around when she saw a lone chicken and decided to follow it quietly.

"Ayumi don't run off on your own!" I ran after her as she followed the chicken into the forest.


Amuro POV

"What, Kaiya-neechan and Ayumi-chan are missing?" Conan asked the others.

"Let's split up and search for them." I suggested.


Kaiya POV

"Ayumi, where are you? Ayumi!" I called.

I stopped when I noticed some burn marks in the nearby trees and weird marks on the ground. My eyes widened when I saw explosives wrapped around the tree trunks. This is bad, I've got to find Ayumi!

"Ayumi!" I ran into the the forest calling her name but froze when I heard a twig snap behind me. It definitely wasn't Ayumi's footsteps since hers were much lighter. I gasped as I saw a shadow before I was hit from behind.


"Kaiya-neechan! Wake up please!" voices shook me awake. It was Haibara and Genta.

"We're so glad you're alright!" they smiled and Rumi nodded.

"Ouch my head..." I rubbed it in pain. "I saw a shadow but I couldn't see the culprit before they knocked me out from behind."

It was then that my detective badge went off.

"What?! You guys are trapped in a basement?" Haibara exclaimed.

"Did you find Ayumi-chan yet?" Genta asked.

"Yeah, we came across Umisuke Hatoyama, the younger brother of the Hatoyama Farm manager Gisuke Hatoyama. He held Ayumi hostage and forced us to throw away our cellphones and locked us in the basement." Conan explained. "We also found Kazami-san and a corpse who is most likely Gisuke Hatoyama."

"Do you know how or why Gisuke was murdered?" I asked.

"It's most likely a suicide!" Amuro answered. "There is no sign that he resisted when he got strangled, and his shoes are located near the desk in the basement. Kazami also says that the nearby chair wasn't knocked down. There are leather bootprints as well, which suggest that Umisuke, who is wearing leather boots, discovered Gisuke's body and stood on the chair to bring the body down."

"So you're saying, he's still out there?!" Genta cried.

"The situation is bad, Conan. I saw explosives in the forest." I explained what happened.

"We should come get you." Genta said.

"No, don't act recklessly!" Conan warned.

"Can you describe the culprit?" I asked.

"Umisuke is a thin man in his thirties wearing a white safari hat. Call the police -" Conan began before we heard footsteps behind us.

Speak of the devil, Umisuke and his friends had arrived. I recognized them from the bus.


"Could it be that you're looking for someone?" Umisuke asked.

"Yes, we are looking for a group of kids around their age." I answered, motioning to Haibara and Genta.

"They were on the bus as us and I wanted to befriend them!" Haibara played along.

Umisuke then told the two people (an old man named Nanbu Takasahi and a younger man with a cap named Hitsuka Junya) that his brother is in the hospital ,and that he got a message to go to a certain spot on the mountain. They also decide to find the other person on the bus, a big man named Shougo Kanou (the person who caused the incident on the bus).


"You should contact the police!" Conan warned us once they left.

"My phone is dead though." Haibara replied.

"And I left mine at home..." Genta told us.

"We can use mine..." I reached into my pocket for my phone. "It's not there!" I gasped. "It must have dropped on the ground when I was running."

"Let's use mine then." Rumi reached for her back pocket but had a shocked expression.

"Did you lose something?" Haibara asked.

"W-Well nothing important." she replied.

"It could've dropped when you tripped or something due to your clumsiness." Genta guessed.

"Hmm Amuro-san did pick up something earlier..." I mumbled, deep in thought.

"Now that I think of it, he picked up a wooden piece!" Genta remembered.

"He did? The detective?" Rumi asked surprise.

"It was small... like... a shoji piece." I recalled. "A-Anyways, we should call the police first!"

"Right..." Rumi agreed, but fumbled with her phone, causing it to fall into a nearby bucket of water. 

I narrowed my eyes at her. Clearly she was acting...

"Conan, looks like we can't call the police anymore, we'll head to the office and contact you from there." Haibara said on her detective badge.


Amuro POV

"Furuya-san, what are you looking at." Kazami whispered.

I showed him the shoji piece I found. "It looks like something I've seen before."

"Speaking of shoji, Shukichi Haneda defended his title and has 6 crowns still! Isn't that amazing?" Kazami said.

Haneda... then.... this shogi piece is the lost Kohji Haneda's shogi piece.


Kaiya POV

"We're in the office now, Conan." I told him through the detective badge.

"There's a trapdoor that leads to the basement, but its locked." Haibara said. We then tried to search for a phone in an adjacent room and came across some documents.

"It's too dark, we can't see much." Haibara said.

"I'll turn on the lights." Genta suggested.

"Wait, don't!" Conan and I warned. "It will tip off the culprit that there's someone in the office."

"First close the curtains." Conan told us. "Does anyone have water or milk with them?"

"I see what you're saying Conan!" I realized. I took a milk bottle from Genta and a water bottle from Rumi. I then poured the milk into the water.

"Ewww you're going to drink that?" Genta made a disgusted face.

I shook my head. "You can create a makeshift lamp if you put a wristwatch light underneath it!" I borrowed Genta's watch. Genta exclaimed in amazement.

"It's the Tyndall effect." Amuro explained. "Light particles are scattered in different directions when they pass through that mixture."

With better lighting, we inspected the documents on the floor, and saw a broken yellow highlighter above them. Someone had stepped on the highlighter, leaving some footprints nearby. We also found two rocks that perfectly fit each other. 

Conan suggested that we place a compass nearby, but there was no reaction to the magnet, so it probably wasn't a meteorite. It was just an ordinary rock that was colored.

"Then what's the point of all these magnets?" Genta asked, seeing some on the desk.

Kazami deduced that Gisuke found the meteorite and got it appraised by an expert, who said that it was an ordinary rock. They might have gotten into an argument and the expert decided to ignore him, and the highlighter might have been stepped on in during the argument. After realizing that he had been scammed, Gisuke killed himself.

Conan then realized that Umisuke's goal is to get revenge on the person who drove Gisuke to suicide, since Umisuke simply locked Kazami and the others in the basement and didn't kill them.

"That must be why you and Ayumi saw the explosives in the forest." Conan stated. "He's going to lure the suspects the location so that he can kill them."


"I see flashlights in the forest!" Haibara looked out the window.

Conan then had us prepare a light that would illuminate the highlighter marks on the papers stepped on since the marks would still appear on the shoe. We colored different markers on the surface of the wristwatch to create a backlight.

"I remember where the explosives were, I can take us there." I offered.


Soon we reached the place where Umisuke and the others were.

"Excuse me, we have somethng for you." Haibara approached Umisuke. 

Conan then asked him to point the backlight at their boots, to tell apart those who had stepped on the highlighter in the room. Umisuke made up an excuse that there was something in the bushes, causing the others to get in a kneeling position.

"So it was you!" Umisuke growled at Takashi Nanbu and pulled out his phone.

"Hold on, don't do that!" I grabbed his phone. The detonator for the bomb was probably on his phone.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed as he threw me backwards.

Luckily, Rumi grabbed Umisuke's arm and thrust his phone into a bucket of water, disarming his cell phone.

"You! You were the one who scammed my brother!" Umisuke grabbed Nanbu roughly.

"I'll return the meteorite!" Nanbu replied, terrified.

"Are you kidding me?!" Umisuke punched him "My brother's already commited suicide."

Shougo Kanou tried to calm him down. "Hey, hold it!"

"I was once a champion boxer." Umisuke threatened. I sighed in relief as Kanou took him down with a single blow.

"I was once a professional kickboxer as well." Kanou revealed. "You're even wearing a disguise as well." he removed Nanbu's mask. "Now you're going to the police and tell them everything."

Soon enough the police came, and freed the others from the basement.


"I lost my detective badge!" I felt around my pockets for it.

"When did you see it last?" Amuro asked as he was coming out of the basement.


"Maybe it's down there." Amuro suggested. "I'll go get it for you."


"Amuro-san? Are you alright?" I ran into the basement while Kobayashi held the door open.

"Kaiya-chan! I-I closed the trapdoor and everything became dark. And then Amuro-san lost his footing!" Rumi panicked.

"We have to bring him upstairs." I said. I walked towards them, when I stepped on a small object. A shoji piece?

"What is it, Kaiya-chan?" Rumi asked.

"O-oh nothing. I found my badge, that's all." I said, picking up the detective badge that happened to be on the floor.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rumi pick up the shoji piece again.


"Amuro-san you're awake!" the Detective Boys cheered.

"Yeah I must have tripped on a step." he rubbed his head in pain. I narrowed my eyes. Amuro wouldn't lose his footing in the dark that easily. But the only person there before me was Rumi...


"That woman had this shoji piece?" Shuichi inspected the drawing I made. "How curious. I would recognize this anywhere. It's the shoji piece Koji Haneda always carried with him for good luck."

"But how did Wakasa-sensei get her hands on it if Koji Haneda would never part with it? That case was 17 years ago, right?" I recalled. "Ah, that's right! Conan-kun believes she is a candidate for Rum, since her right eye is damaged."

"That is true, but she fits the description for another individual as well. Unless she was trained, she couldn't have knocked out a PSB agent." Shuichi reasoned.

"Then...could she be the missing bodyguard Asaka?!" I exclaimed. "But what are her intentions then?" I wondered.

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