By _moon_ladies_

5.6K 114 43

"In the quiet town of Beacon Hills, surrounded by thick woods and shrouded in mystery, life flows calmly. How... More

1x01: Wolf Moon
1x02: Second Chance at the First Line
1x03: Pack Mentality
1x04: Magic Bullet
1x05: The Tell
1x06: Heart Monitor
1x07: Night School
1x08: Lunatic
1x09: Wolf's Bane
1x10: Co-Captain
1x11: Formality
1x12: Code Breaker
2x01: Omega
2x03: Ice Pick
2x04: Abomination
2x05: Venomous
2x06: Frenemy
2x07: Restraint
2x08: Raving
2x09: Party Guessed
2x10: Fury
2x11: Battlefield
2x12: Master Plan
3x01: Tattoo
3x02: Chaos Rising
3x03: Fireflies
3x04: Unleashed
3x05: Frayed
3x06: Motel California
3x07: Currents
3x08: Visionary
3x09: The Girl Who Knew Too Much
3x10: The Overlooked
3x11: Alpha Pact

2x02: Shape Shifted

94 3 0
By _moon_ladies_

That morning was strangely mild for winter, Rory had just gotten out of the car of her best friend who had gone to pick her up that morning. The boys were walking in the parking lot and Austin was focused on quickly writing a few messages on the phone; they were about to enter the school, when the girl saw Ophelia and Scott meet her

"Rory! Oh my God, I'm sorry I call you back last night..." the girl started babbling, hugging her as soon as she was close enough, but she was interrupted by a Scott quite amused "She got lost in the woods..."

Rory faded to the boy's words and immediately plugged his mouth with his hand, hoping that Austin had not heard him, she turned slowly in the direction of the newcomer with her heart racing, but to her great relief she noticed that he was still staring intently at the phone screen and that he probably hadn't heard anything about what her friend had said

The girl seeing the questioning looks of her two friends, turned to the boy behind her, shook Austin who, looking up at her friend, saw two pairs of eyes unknown to him staring at him. Instinctively blushed at the embarrassment of the situation that had arisen, he did not like to be the center of attention, he also was not listening and had no idea at all what they had said, so he smiled at them embarrassed to say the least

Ophelia's expression changed the moment her eyes rested better on the figure next to Rory, she looked at him from head to toe and recognized him: he was the boy who was at Kate's funeral and who had seen the night before in the woods, when Allison's grandfather killed that Omega

"Nice to meet you, I'm Austin," he introduced himself, first extending his hand to Scott who squeezed it, embracing his cordial smile, and then extending it to Ophelia, with the same expression on his face; the girl tried to hold back as much as possible and reciprocate his smile by shaking his hand and presenting herself in turn

At that moment behind Austin, Stiles was approaching with a confused and attentive look, watching the unknown boy next to Rory, too close to Rory for his liking. The boy was coming closer with an almost calculated step, once close enough to his friends to get noticed and both Rory and her friends turned in his direction with a smile on their faces

A 'hello' general lifted up from the group while Stiles did not take his eyes off the new guy, he stood next to Rory, wrapping her waist with his arm clumsily, holding her close to himself, making the boy frown in front of them

"He's a friend of mine from New York," Rory informed him, looking up, a little surprised by that affectionate gesture, on her boyfriend who didn't look away from her friend even for a second

"Nice to meet you, Austin, I've heard a lot about you," he was obviously sincere as he said those words and smiled at Stiles, he was happy and curious to meet him. Stiles, for his part, was not very happy to learn of his existence

"Nice to meet you, Stiles, Rory's boyfriend; ah anyway I have no idea who you are" Stiles tried not to leak his annoyance to the boy, with poor results, in fact in Austin came out a giggle a little nervous and embarrassed

"I've been a friend of Rory's since we were kids," he went on to stiffen Stile, who was not at all used to those situations, it was the first time he was in such a situation and didn't really know how to handle it, all he knew was that he didn't like Austin, and the fact that Rory never told him about him made him even more nervous

"But you know I'm Rory's boyfriend and we're together, and it's a serious thing you know..." started Stiles by turning both Rory and Austin red, the latter didn't know whether to laugh or not, he was so embarrassed by that exchange of lines

"Yes, babe, he does, he knows everything, okay?" interrupted Rory, also embarrassed by the situation that was going to create; Austin had been her best friend since they were children and they had always told each other everything, so he knew who Stiles was. The boy had spent many evenings on the phone with the girl who was talking about him fantasizing about what could happen between them, and now that it had finally happened what his best friend dreamed, he was really happy

At that moment the bell rang and Scott reminded Stiles that they had lacrosse workouts, Austin hearing them talk about the sport and asked if he needed any new players, since he would probably stay in Beacon Hills for a while, playing some sports would surely help him make more friends faster, also he had always been pretty good at sports, even though he had never played lacrosse

As Scott walked away with Austin talking about lacrosse Stiles placed himself in front of Rory and all of a sudden he became very serious, so Ophelia decided it was the right time to leave them alone and followed the other two towards the field

"Listen, I know you're angry, I've been thinking about it all night, and I realized that there's something that made you angry," the guy started the conversation after taking a deep breath of encouragement, trying to calm down, while the girl, motionless in front of him, looked at him with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised

"Ah, after you drove me to the parking lot, you went home? I thought you went to Lydia's house to hold her hand after she came out of the woods" the girl was nothing short of offended by the night before, and the boy had noticed but could not really understand what was due

"Rory... I, I really thought all night about what you told me," he tried to explain to her, how best he could, he was agitating and the serious and deep speeches were not really his strong

"At least you found time to think about me and not only about how Lydia feels" she commented, still standing in front of him, her arms held tight; she was so nervous that she was holding her arms tighter and tighter, so much so that the fingertips were getting pale

"What are you...?" Stiles didn't understand what she was referring to, she looked so upset, angry and offended, but he couldn't understand why, he tried to think about everything he'd done, what could have irritated her so much, but he didn't have time to finish the sentence because she had turned her heels and was leaving, leaving him there again with a thousand thoughts running through his head

Stiles stood a few moments in front of the school entrance, then walked to the locker room continuing to wonder what was going on with Rory, he had never seen her so annoyed, perhaps the only time had been before the winter form

Rory was nervous and sad, she didn't like the fact that Stiles was still so tied up and taken by Lydia , of course, and wondered why the boy had decided to get together with her if he still was into Lydia that much, this thing was driving her crazy. She was so scared that Stiles was still in love with Lydia and that he was. using her to move on from Lydia

She had left the boy outside without even giving him time to finish the sentence because she had felt the tears rising and did not want, she would not allow the boy to see her like that, in that state. She walked into the bathroom with great strides without looking back at Stiles, she began to see blurry, tears were about to scratch her face, but she managed to hold them back until the bathroom, where she took refuge for a moment to vent

"What did he do?" Ophelia had given her just enough time to sit, but contrary to her usual curiosity, that question was moved by concern. Her friend felt very well the rapid heartbeat of Rory and knew that he had just cried, felt it, in addition to knowing her well also had her werewolf powers

"He still has feelings for Lydia," Rory said candidly, leaving her friend a moment confused and stunned by her statement; Ophelia wanted to talk to her about Austin, but seeing her so he decided it was more important to talk about what was going on with Stiles

"Did he tell you that?" Rory looked at her frowning, sitting next to her, what kind of question was that?

"No! There was no need, have you seen him in the woods?!" She replied sour without even looking at her, she was nervous and those idiotic questions certainly were not helping

"Listen, I noticed that Stiles was weirs at the hospital when Lydia disappeared, but I can assure you that he would never have gotten together with you if he didn't really like you, much less he would have done so as a joke" Ophelia was very serious and very sure of his words, she'd grown up with Stiles, she'd known him forever, and she knew he wasn't a bad guy, he didn't make fun of people for his own pleasure

Rory remained, for a moment, in silence reflecting on the words of her friend, then both heard someone screaming Rory's name from the field and they turned in that direction: Austin waved his arms in front of them all smiling, he had joined the team; Rory smiled back at him with her thumbs up, she was glad that the guy had arrived in Beacon, she had missed him so much since she left New York

During training the argument "Stiles" was shelved, Rory no longer knew what to think, she believed Ophelia's words, but the doubt that came after the behaviour of the boy did not mention to leave; the girl was distracted by her thoughts because next to her Ophelia's head kept moving on one side and on the other fluttering her dark hair that arrived in her face

"What is it? What's going on?" Rory asked worried as her friend kept moving her head like that, the girl next to her did not understand what she was trying to do or see

"There's a werewolf here among us," Ophelia explained, whispering so as not to be heard by possible prying ears as she peered at all those who were present in the stands and then on the players on the field, where she noticed that Scott had also perceived something, he was observing himself circumspect

When the players were all on the field, Scott positioned himself on goal, which was unusual given that he usually hated that role, they began training and the girls realized that Scott had also perceived the werewolf and the idea was to find him through physical contact

"They went crazy," Ophelia remarked as she watched her brother crash into half of his teammates, while she watched the players closely, until she saw him, number eight, gasping for breath, Ophelia did not take his eyes off as he approached the camp I descended from the stands, followed by Rory

As the girl walked at a brisk pace towards the bench, the guy with the number eight looked up at her who stood still for a moment, then he started running, crashing into Scott who hadn't realized that the new werewolf was him

The situation was interrupted by the arrival of the sheriff in the lacrosse field; the boys moved him away from Scott and the boy on the ground. The sheriff began talking to the boy they had just discovered to be a werewolf, while Rory and Ophelia joined Scott and Stiles on the field

"Isaac's father died... he was murdered," Ophelia told the others what she had heard, Stiles asked if they were suspects, but the girl shook her head trying to hear what else they were saying

"If he is one of the suspects they would lock him in a cell for twenty-four hours..." Stiles informed them sighing and observing his friends while his father took the boy with him

"So even this night there is a full moon," concluded Rory, looking first at her boyfriend and then the other two friends, at that moment Austin came to her mind so she looked around to see where he was and saw him still on the bench writing something to someone

"The isolation cells are human-proof, but I doubt that they are also werewolf-proof," commented Stiles, looking back at his father, taking Isaac from the lacrosse field and then turning to his friends

"He feels the urge to kill," Ophelia told them, observing in the distance the boy leaving escorted by the sheriff to the police station

After the incident the boys were forced to go to class, but in their minds continued to follow a thousand thoughts, starting from why Derek had chosen to transform Isaac

In the classroom the group tried to speak as low as possible since next to them, not far away, there was Austin, and the friends did not want to risk that he heard and reported what they were to his family; so Rory stood next to him trying to distract him and not let him hear what her friends were saying

"Peter had said that the bite can also kill, maybe teenagers are more likely to survive" reflected Stiles turning then to watch Rory who, next to Austin, laughed and joked quietly, the boy looked away with a bitter look, he kept disliking that boy for nothing

Ophelia also often observed Austin, but not for the same reasons. She was watching him, trying to figure out what he was up to, she was sure she saw him in the woods with Allison's grandfather, so she knew there were werewolves, but why not even tell Rory?

The girl wondered if they had sent him to them pretending to be to know nothing, to check if they were werewolves or if they were human, she started to have a thousand ideas, a thousand scenarios and assumptions one worse than the other

"But can they retain a minor?" asked Scott to his friend, trying to understand how serious Isaac's situation could be, trying to find a way to help him and to prevent him from hurting someone

"Well, yes, unless there is a witness..." Stiles explained to his friend, but he  was interrupted almost immediately by the girl next to them who turned to Danny in search of Jackson, who lived in front of the boy who had been arrested for a long time, but she found that he had already been called to the principal's office for an interview with the sheriff

Ophelia wasted no time and asked the professor to go to the bathroom, while Stiles and Scott ended up at the headmaster for throwing a paper ball at the professor, in all that mess Rory didn't understand what her friends were doing and sat there with Austin, after a few minutes her phone vibrated "Rory, we are at the principal's office because they are questioning Jackson, I need to talk to you later, possibly without Austin" Ophelia had informed her of what was going on and started putting a flea in her ear about what she had to tell her

Once they arrived in front of the office, the two boys sat on the chairs in front of them, waiting to enter the office, while the girl stood a little further away. Stilinski asked Jackson if he knew that Isaac's father beat him, and why he had never said anything to anyone about his situation, but the boy replied in an arrogant way, in the end they did not discover anything important, except that Isaac's father beat him

When Jackson and the sheriff left the office the three guys were stunned to see that the principal, who invited Scott and Stiles to enter his office, was not their principal, but  he was Gerald Argent, Allison's grandfather

The girl began to think about the present from Austin, now Gerald had become principal, the girl was upset and did not like the situation at all, she had a very bad feeling. She decided to stay around the office to hear what the man said to her brother and her friend

The new principal read the files of the two students, talked about the relationship between Allison and Scott, and eventually decided to ground one of them: Stiles was the chosen

Ophelia decided that he had heard enough and that it was the right time to go, so she ran down the corridors trying to reach Isaac, but once she got out, she saw that he was already in the police car that left right in front of her eyes

The boy was sitting in the back and had his eyes turned towards her, he could see from his eyes that he was asking her for help; he snorted frustrated by that situation and when he was about to go back to school a car stopped in front of her, Derek

"Come up!" he ordered her imperative, he was obviously in a hurry, and the girl understood the reasons, but at the same time did not want to rely on him again, not after what had happened with Peter

"You messed up again," the girl commented with her arms folded and shaking her head in anger, she was still deeply angry

"I know that, but you have to help me," the boy no longer had the authoritarian tone he had used before, but the girl did not give in, he had lied and used both her and her brother

"You seem to be doing pretty well on your own, Alpha" Ophelia was pissed at how she had let herself be used by the boy in front of her, she had always defended him, even with her brother, and then? It had backfired on her

"You're right, I lied to you and Scott, for my own personal gain, but Isaac has nothing to do with any of that..." he started to say, but she stopped him "Oh, I know Isaac had nothing to do with it, but you created his own problems," Ophelia replied aggressively, was furious with him for how he had deceived them

"Ophelia, I know, you're right, but do you want to leave that boy locked in a cell alone tonight?!" the boy started to get angry too, trying to make her understand that he really needed her help

"Maybe with a lawyer..." Ophelia thought, trying to come up with a way to help the boy without having to help Derek too

"No! If the police get to his house... it's a disaster, if they see the house, Isaac will never get out of there"the concern in the voice of the bigger one made her waver, she did not want Isaac to remain locked in a cell, if he really had done nothing, and that risked getting someone killed that night; so the girl agreed to help Derek and got into his car

The two arrived at Isaac's house and, armed with torches, they began to walk around the house, initially there was a heavy silence, but the girl decided to put an end to it by asking who might have killed Isaac's father if Isaac hadn't done it

Derek had no idea but he trusted his senses, he explained to the girl that the developed senses made him understand: not only the sense of smell, everything inside the house of Isaac was making him understand

The girl seemed skeptical of her words and he noticed it so he asked her if she wanted to learn to do it too, he decided to take her to the basement door advising her to start from there. The girl looked at him a little skeptical and careful before going down to that dark place

"What's down here?" asked the girl, carefully observing all that she had introspected

"A motive" he was blunt and direct, then the guy stopped at the beginning of the stairs, he had not gone down with Ophelia in the basement, but he watched her, he didn't take his eyes off her "Let your senses guide you"

Ophelia continued at a slow pace observing everything around her, trying to concentrate as much as possible. The further she went into the room, the more she understood that something bad had happened in there; her watchful gaze was caught by a cracked mirror, reflecting on it as a feeling grew in her. She went on, saw some scratches on a wall, put her hand on it, tracing the marks with her fingers and finally she was brought in front of a freezer, the thing that left her puzzled was the fact that it was equipped with a lock, to lock it...

She wrinkled her forehead, the feeling grew in her: she was afraid, she approached it with the ever more vivid feeling in her, then she was blinded by a light, frightened and caught by surprise turned to the source: Derek

"Open it," he told her and after a moment of hesitation the girl moved her gaze from Derek's to the freezer, she slowly opened it: scratches, it was completely full of scratches, in some there was also some trace of blood

Ophelia understood, looked at Derek bitterly, it was sad to think that no one had ever done anything to help that poor boy. The girl wondered what she had to endure and endure alone...

"That's why he said yes," she said, finally coming to the truth, looked at the boy, frowned and told him expressly that he could not continue to turn people into werewolves since the Argent had just declared war on them

"Isaac knew, and he agreed," he informed her, claiming that if the transforms were consenting there was nothing wrong and he would continue to do so

"Then he's an idiot!" began the girl shocked by the words of the oldest, who pointed out to her that her brother was still hooking up with Allison

"With me you will learn to control your senses" the boy took her hand that began to let out the claws "even with the full moon"

"If I were on your side I would lose everyone" shook her head sighing, she had no intention of losing her friends

"You'll lose them anyway," he remarked, completely changing expression and then turning around to leave

"Wait! I want to help him... it's something that touches me too" she blocked it making him turn again a little confused, not fully understanding where he wanted to go the girl

"Because he's a werewolf!" Derek was angry and could see himself, but the girl didn't get upset by an inch

"No, because he is innocent," she said firmly, looking at him with conviction and determination; after a while the older man left the girl alone

Ophelia immediately called both Scott and Rory and explained the situation and everything he had discovered at Isaac's house. They had to free him as soon as possible, because if the cops had arrived they would not have believed a word of the boy

The girl's friends arranged: since there was a full moon Scott would join her at Isaac's house and stay there with her and Rory; while Allison and Stiles would try to block the Argent henchmen in every way, that Allison had heard of in her living room

Scott was the first to arrive at Isaac's house, so Ophelia showed him what she had learned to perceive, thanks to Derek. The boy explained his plan to his sister: he would be locked in the freezer, so his sister obeyed the boy's will and locked him in that cell

"Where are you guys?" the girl heard Rory's voice coming from upstairs, went up the stairs and seeing her friend explained to her what to do, then fell back in the dark basement and got locked inside by the girl

The girl approached the freezer where he had locked his brother and sat next to him clutching his knees, trying to control the transformation

Scott, for his part, did not seem to do very well, she tried to ignore her grunts in every way, when to tear that succession of verses was a scream

Ophelia's eyes widened: Rory, the girl upstairs had just screamed at the top of her lungs; the girl rushed towards the locked door of the basement trying to open it, while Scott, still in the cell, was desperately trying to get out, not understanding what was going on outside

When Ophelia finally destroyed part of the door, so as to pass there she found the Kanima in front, hanging from the ceiling, had time to make her eyes shine, roar and... a red flash crossed the room, the girl was forced to cover her eyes, but she saw that whatever that was, it came from her friend

She looked at her stunned, unable to move, her gaze fixed on her friend, a thousand questions materialized in her head, what was going on?

The Kanima left after Rory almost caught him with the red ray. The girl turned to Ophelia, her heart was in her throat, she did not know what to expect from her friend, she knew that it was something of which surely, the girl wanted to know first; and then, her friend's expression was quite exhaustive

"What was that?" Ophelia was able to say, when she found her friend's face not far from hers, she couldn't quite see what had just happened before her eyes

"Ophi... I can explain... I found out that I'm not as human as I thought," Rory tried to explain to the friend who was penetrating her with an insistent look

"What are you supposed to be? But since you found out you're not human!?" Her friend was nervous about the situation, about the full moon. Rory for her part was staying vague, she didn't know what to expect from her friend standing in front of her

"I'm not sure what I am. Let's just say I've known for a while... since the night Alpha attacked us at school"as the girl uttered the words her voice lowered, she realized that talking about it at that time and the fact that Ophelia had discovered all this in that way was not quite a nice way nor a good time; considering also the full moon

"Are you kidding me? Why didn't you fucking tell me?!" Ophelia was stunned and above all felt betrayed by her best friend, the one who despite her not being such a sunny and open girl,  had let her into her life as if nothing had happened... that girl had not trusted her enough to tell her something so important

"Because I was afraid and... and then there was the Alpha, then the Kanima, I... I panicked okay?!" began to mumble Rory, walking agitated in front of her friend

"Well, what does a friend actually do? If not to talk about their fears, their feelings, their problems... I could have helped you, at least to live it better if you had just told me about it..."Ophelia's voice was different from the usual, she was hurt, betrayed and Rory understood that immediately: maybe if she had talked about it before... she could have helped them much more with both the Alpha and the Kanima

At that moment Scott made his entrance with a roar, in the living room, making the girls turn in his direction. The freezer held the werewolf's strength quite well. Scott glanced at Rory and then his sister, both of whom had a fast heartbeat, but did not understand why

While Allison had heard about the hunters at home, they talked about killing Isaac that night before the full moon, so she decided to call Stiles, since Scott was locked in the freezer. The two agreed to go and rescue the boy at the station; along the way, Allison, armed with bow and arrows, managed to slow down, at least a little, one of her grandfather's henchmen, puncturing a wheel and injuring him in the leg

Stiles warned by the girl walked to the police station where he met with Derek, they had to retrieve the key to open the boy's cell. Stiles knew it was in his father's office, but when he got inside, thanks to Derek distracting the cop, he couldn't find any keys

The concerned boy started to walk around the station trying to figure out what was going on, in the hallway he found a man with an injured leg and with the key he was looking for. The hunter, the one Allison wounded just before she called him, dragged him to the cells, but Isaac's cell no longer had the door...

Issac immediately attacked the fake cop and after a moment of struggle, he managed to kill him, preventing him from killing him in turn. Still transformed Isaac turned slowly to Stiles who had thrown himself to the ground trying to hide from him; Stiles was afraid to die at that exact moment, but Derek entered the room, who passed a rapt gaze from the human to the ground to the rabid werewolf across the room

When the werewolf charged toward Stiles, the elder got in the way and then roared and his eyes shone from Alpha, so he immediately put Isaac in his place. The new werewolf retracted and squeezed against the wall of the room, then Derek took him away before anyone could see them

Stiles came up with a story to sell to his father, blaming it all on the fake cop, actually Gerald's hunter, who had tried to kill Isaac and him by breaking the first one out; when the sheriff's son told his side of the story, the father could hardly believe his ears


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