Armor Trooper: Genesis

By Niko-Pagdato

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A boy who awakes from the post-war against the ruptures after humanity left the surface and is forced to live... More

Pilot Chapter
Chapter 2: Camelus
Chapter 3: Getting to know better
Chapter 4: Take off
Chapter 5: Unexpected Reinforcement

Chapter 1/Prologue: The World Without Hope

387 8 4
By Niko-Pagdato

Long ago humanity lived in peace and harmony through many centuries passed by, creating history, great discovery, and succession for every individual, and developing new technology making living bliss, until it was covered in a dark era of humanity. Everything on Earth was destroyed when the extraterrestrial mechanical beings known as Raptures unexpectedly assaulted the planet. Many attempts to create communication between humans and raptures, but it was failed miserably. The apocalypse had come without warning. As the only remaining source of hope for humanity, the people of Earth have managed to survive the apocalyptic war against the raptures is to fight back.

To regain the morale of humanity, they created the United Force of Humanity and developed the Nikke, the weapon that can fight back the raptures but with a cost. Nikke formerly consisted of human females converting into mechanical bodies via brain transplant. When the process of turning humans into "Nikkes" first began, both males and females were eligible to apply for the transformation. However, it was later discovered that men who underwent the transplant process had much lower chances of survival than their female counterparts. Many of them died from either conversion or from the hands of ruptures.

As the devastating planet seemed to offer no hope for survival, humans devised a plan to escape to space in search of temporary far from the bloodshed. However, their efforts failed, forcing them to seek shelter in an underground city known as ARK. While some were fortunate enough to enter a place in the ARK, others were left stranded beyond the Outer Rim, creating a massive wall to separate humans and Nikkes due to lies, arrogance, and greed the same as the humans. They seemed to have forgotten their purpose for fighting and ended up causing harm to each other and some are skeptical about returning to the livid surface, fearing the consequences of their past actions.

1 year later, after the Attack on the Lift
Location: Outskirts from the destroyed city.

A cloaked person walks through the dusted wind from the storm, wandering the surface without a map or compass. Aimlessly direction from his steps, hopefully, to find water for a drink. It had been struggling for weeks to find water. They had managed to stay alive by scavenging what little food they could find in the ruins of the city. But even that was beginning to run out. It was only a matter of time before they would have to take drastic measures. Broken and abandoned mechas lay scattered about like forgotten relics.

Their once-formidable frames were twisted and torn, their circuitry exposed, a haunting reminder of the devastation wrought upon the city. The twisted wreckage of tanks and armored vehicles spoke of intense urban combat, each heap of metal a silent testament to the fury of the conflict and the remains of Ruptures, Nikkes, or Humans for hours as he walked, the sounds of the city's agony gnawed at his soul. The howling wind seemed to carry the whispers of the dead, their cries lost forever in the unforgiving silence. The emptiness that hung in the air was more chilling than any physical threat. It was a void filled with shattered dreams and broken promises until he found the oasis from afar. Rejoice he feels as he reaches the water source and hurriedly fills his canteen to drink, even if it is not sure if safe. Saltiness reaches down to his throat ending his quenching thirst nonetheless it was worth that he has survived for many days.

As the winds of the storm began to dissipate, the sky slowly cleared, and the light from the sun emerged. The air was filled with the scent of fresh earth as the dust settled. The lone wanderer, who had been walking through the ruins, took the opportunity to remove his cloak, revealing himself to be a young person in their early teens, with black hair that flowed down to his neck.

He paused for a moment to catch his breath, his eyes scanning his surroundings. The ruins were desolate and abandoned, with only the sound of the wind rustling through the empty buildings. As he took a moment to rest, he reached for his necklace, a lily-shaped pendant that had been given to him by a dear friend in the past. He held the necklace tightly in his hand, feeling its weight and texture. The memory of his friend flooded his mind, and he remembered the promise he had made to her, yet he never knew about her, her face, or the memories they created; only he remembered her name and her last farewell. In a world that was often cruel, he would always look toward the future and never dwell on the past. With this promise in his heart, he took a deep breath and continued his journey through the ruins, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

???: "Erika, if you're out there, I hope that you are safe. I don't know where you are or what you're doing, I promise that I will find you."

The ruins of the world were all that remained, the colors of days gone by now but a distant memory, yet despite the world without hope, he continued his journey, his promise to never forget kept close to his heart.

5 Hours Later

The boy wandered through the desolate ruins and barren wasteland, his eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of shelter. Until he caught sight of an abandoned facility in the distance, its metallic exterior glinting in the harsh sunlight. Hope surged through him as he quickened his pace towards the abandoned facility. As he drew closer, he could see that it was a vast, sprawling complex that seemed to stretch for miles. The exterior was made of gleaming metal that reflected the sunlight and some of it started to rust the other part of the exterior. A boy approached the entrance, which was a set of large, heavy doors that were slightly ajar. With a sense of trepidation, he pushed them open and stepped inside.

The interior was dark and musty, but he could make out a series of corridors leading off into the distance whilst all of the junk scattered the floor. As he ventured further into the facility, he discovered that it was a research facility that had been abandoned long ago. He passed by rows of empty laboratories, their equipment covered in dust and debris. Everywhere he looked, there were signs of a hasty evacuation, as if the scientists had fled in a hurry, leaving everything behind even the picture frame containing a family picture.

Despite the eerie emptiness of the place, he felt a sense of relief at having found shelter. He decided to explore further, hoping to find supplies or perhaps even some clue as to what had happened here. As he made his way through the corridors, he stumbled upon a control room as he stepped the system activated and appeared to still be functional. The systems crackled to life, casting an eerie glow upon the abandoned equipment.

To his astonishment, the control panels flickered into operation. Holographic displays flared to life, revealing a wealth of lost knowledge. He scanned the screens, his eyes wide with amazement. There were schematics for advanced technologies, blueprints for weapons, and the names of squadrons and mechas. One document in particular caught his attention: 'Armor Trooper.' It described a top-secret project "Project G" that had created a new generation of combat suits capable of incredible feats of strength and maneuverability. The thought of such powerful technology filled me with a strange mixture of awe and trepidation.

As he continued exploration, he came across an unexpected discovery - a hidden chamber that appeared to have been untouched for years. Upon closer inspection, found a cache of old documents that piqued his curiosity. As he sifted through the files, he realized that they contained detailed records of the pilots who had operated the Armor Troopers - combat machines that had played a crucial role in a long-forgotten war. The names in the documents were familiar, and he soon realized that they were the heroes of that era who had risked their lives to defend their country. The documents had preserved the memories of their valiant efforts and felt a sense of awe as he read through them.

During the war, various manufacturers produced mecha units that were designed for "Automation" or mass production. These units were equipped with either a mono-eye unit or a large visor that covered the face. Despite being mass-produced, the units were customizable to suit the combat tactics of the user. This allowed for fast and reliable production during desperate times were scarce.

But his relief was short-lived as he heard the alarms blaring around the facilities as the system detected from the distance of different energy waves that it belonged to the swarm of Raptures, the fearsome predators that haunted this world for many years, glaring with their red bright mechanical eye with various weapons to the sentient robot. It may be small like a human size or huge like tall as the size of a building, but they faster to grow a huge population and destroy everything that dwells on the surface.

As the swarm reached the entrance that was locked in seal-tight, they began to bash their bodies to break the gate. The raptures create a deafening roar. Sparks flew as their claws scraped and tore at the reinforced surface. The security system sprang into action, unleashing a barrage of lasers and plasma bolts. The Raptures were undeterred. They surged forward, their bodies absorbing the energy blasts. Their relentless assault continued, each impact sending shockwaves through the facility. The gate creaked and groaned, slowly giving way under the relentless pressure.

Inside the facility, there was a sense of panic and urgency he felt as the sound of the raptures could be heard approaching. It was only a matter of time before they reached inside and began their relentless assault. He knew that he had to act fast if he were to survive this ordeal. With no escape route available, he had no choice but to hide and hope for the best. The tension in the air was palpable as he searched for a suitable hiding place, knowing that the slightest mistake could mean the difference between life and death. As the sound of the ruptures grew louder, he finally found a room to hide in, hoping that it would be enough to keep him safe from harm. He enters a gigantic room found on the basement floor and in the middle of the room, he finds the huge clothed figure lying on the trailer. As he approached, he felt connected until a light glow emitted from it created a silhouette under the clothes.

???: What are you?

'Why... Why do I already know this place? If I want to know, but I can't...'

He thought as he felt the pain in his head, attempting to understand what was happening to him. He closed his eyes in an attempt to block out the pain. He was desperately trying to recall the missing pieces of his memory, yet he found his train of thought to be blurred, he couldn't recall it no matter how hard he tried. It barely gave him a vague reminder and he wondered what it was that was clouding his mind so deeply. It was like a fog that was engulfing his entire being, but at the same time, there seemed to be a faint glimmer, giving himself the slightest hint.

"This will be my final visit... I will become a Nikke so that I can protect you."

"Goodbye Hazel, I hope we can meet again in the future. ..."

Hazel: (Groan in pain) "Erika..."

"Promise me that no matter how tough life gets, no matter how lost we may feel, we will always find each other. I will be waiting for you with open arms and a loving heart, ready to support and comfort you. I will be there for you, holding your hand and guiding you on our journey, for as long as it takes."

Hazel: "I-I promise!!!"

As Hazel says it out loud, the suit activates and stands itself. Hazel couldn't believe his eyes. In front of him stood a 18. meter tall, grey suit with a neon green panel line running down its length. Its helmet was designed to resemble a robotic being with a V-fin that jutted out from the top. Its right arm was fitted with a folded arm blade that could reach the shoulder of the suit. Then, the figure kneels with its arm reaching him before and opens its torso, silently asking him to pilot it. Hazel was speechless, not daring to believe that this powerful and mysterious figure had moved. It was an astonishing suit that Hazel felt, yet he was still scared and uncertain of what this new power might bring. But, considering everything that had led him to this point, he had no choice but to take the chance. With a deep breath, he reached for it and acknowledged the newest addition to his life.

Mounting the suit, Hazel feels suddenly weakened in his body his vision becomes blurred until half of his consciousness is in the suit. Shocked by what he did was unknown to him the holograms appeared with the text that showed the name of a suit and it said "ATG-00X: Zero" and the status was ready.

"Promise me and find me"

Hazel: I will... "Zero, Engage!"

The visor shines brighter together with the neon green as it floats, unfolding the blade and slashing to pieces through the upper floor involving the ruptures seeking him becomes a minced metal. He floats at the top of the destroyed facility granting him the rapture's attention as he emits the glowing neon green and taunts them as the stance firm. All his thoughts from his mind are to annihilate those creatures from sight. The raptures swarm towards him as Hazel slashes the blade like a hot knife through butter, killing the flying raptures that are close to him. Suddenly, the ruptures began shooting him with their beam projectile, but Hazel managed to evade it while killing the rapture that nears him.

He was determined to defeat them all and prove his strength, using his agility and strength to fight off the enemies. He moved swiftly using the flight capability of his suit to his advantage and taking out the ruptures one by one. He was able to dodge their projectiles and strike them with his sword, cutting them down in one swift motion. He had been in a fight for his life for the past few minutes. The raptures had been shooting at him relentlessly, and he had been dodging them with his thrusters. With his heart racing and adrenaline pumping, he instinctively aimed his 2-barrel submachine gun and descended from the ground. He hovered over the ground, trying to get close to the ruptures, and opened fire with a hail of bullets. He maneuvered the ruptures with his thrusters, trying to keep them away from him as he continued to fire. He was determined to survive this fight and he was not going to let the raptures take him down. Hazel slashed his blade, striking at each rupture one after the other as they attempted to shoot at him.

The bursts of energy were no match for his lightning-fast sword swings and he quickly fought his way to the center of the formation. He used every ounce of strength in his body to continue slicing through the raptures, never showing any sign of exhaustion. At last, he reached the center of them as the raptures turned towards him, they began to shoot him. Hazel was quick to react and managed to dodge the bullets hitting the rapture behind him causing friendly fire to them as Hazel quickly horizontally slashed in a circular motion, killing it that surrounded him. All of the ruptures that pursued him were killed. A wave of relief that Hazel reciprocated by falling in his back as his adrenalin was worn off.

Hazel: "I killed them... I did it."

A short celebration until the ground is rumbling to the sound of a giant rupture approaching him fast. In his exhausted state, Hazel forced himself to stand and prepare the worst for incoming rupture. From the distance, he sees a Gigantic Rupture that is several meters in length and height and equipped with a double large caliber cannon in its arm. As a Rupture came nearer, he stopped as it scanned him with its visor from top to bottom. Hazel never hesitates to shoot it to a rupture's head, denting the head and it becomes silent.


Hazel was aware of what it was doing when he interfered, upsetting it in the process. With no other option except to take up arms and fight once more, but against a first boss after killing hundreds of ruptures by himself just moments before. He held his ground, at least he had the weapon to fight with, as he checked his ammunition through his visor and displayed "No Ammo." Taking a deep breath before facing a giant rupture. This is just the beginning of his story.


In a facility where Hazel got his Zero that room unknowingly, a hologram appeared containing a picture of a man in formal military uniform, The man appeared to be an adult, with jet black hair and a chest pocket that contained a beautiful white lily flower.

End of Chapter: To Be Continue...

A/N: I do not own the pictures and Nikke, all rights of Nikke belong to SHIFT UP CO. and all music belongs to their respective owners.


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