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By jackssfox

1.1M 19.6K 125K

What if Aaron Warner's sunshine daughter fell for Kenji Kishimoto's grumpy son? - This fanfic takes place alm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 5

28.1K 602 2.4K
By jackssfox


Falling asleep in a party dress and smudged makeup on my face is definitely on the top 10 most painful things. I headed straight to shower before even processing who I am and what I am doing here because I needed out of these clothes ASAP. And what's more relaxing than a morning shower, right? Wrong. So wrong.

The shower was anything but peaceful. Now that the cool water splashing against my face woke me up, everything that happened yesterday came rushing into my head. No, scratch that. Not everything, all my thoughts always ended up focusing on a certain someone. I couldn't stop thinking about him, no matter how hard I tried to clear my head or think about something else.

Thinking about getting in the car to go to the dinner? My brain ended up with the image of Kai in a suit standing in front of me. Thinking about eating dinner? Kai pulling and pinning me against the wall, talking in a voice that made my knees go weak. Talking to Naz in the ball room? Kai's hands on me as we danced together. God, I could still smell his perfume in the air as if he's still here, holding me so close to him as I buried my face in his chest when I hugged him.

Turning off the water, I wrapped myself in a towel and walked to my room to change into some comfy clothes. I went to get my brush from the dresser, but it wasn't there. I frowned and bent down searching under the dresser in case it might have fallen, but all I found were the heels I had on yesterday. How did they end up here? Wait. How did I end up here? I don't remember even walking in this room yesterday. I recalled the entire day until I got in Kai's car and then my mind went blank. Maybe I slept in the car and dad or mum helped me inside.

I sighed and continued to look for the brush, before something in my memories clicked. The last time I used it I was at Kai's. Yesterday Naz got my hair done, so I didn't touch it myself. I closed my eyes and huffed in frustration then opened my door going down the stairs. I was about to tell my mum good morning when I heard her already talking to someone, making my movements come to a halt.

"I swear I'm not making things up this time," she insisted, "you didn't see how they acted when I came in."

"J, you're not giving me any details," Kenji's voice replied, "as much as this is a topic that makes me lose my mind a little bit, I'm going to need you to calm down and explain in detail."

What in the world were they on about? At 8 am?

"Okay, look. I was looking for them because both of them disappeared after the dance—"

"Dance?!" He snapped, "girl, I'm missing chapters."

"Oh yeah, they danced. It was so pretty, I think it was better for you not to see it, I have a feeling you would've fainted. Anyway, so I went looking for them, right?"

"Okay," Kenji said calmly, waiting for her to go on. Where they talking about Kai and me? What the hell?

"And I opened one door not even expecting to find them, but there they were! And you didn't see how fast they pulled away from each other, like I caught them red handed."

"What were they doing?" Kenji said in a more exciting voice than a man in his late 30s should have when talking about two teenagers.

"I don't really know, but what I'm sure of was that your son's clothes were definitely not that messed up when we first arrived."

I felt my cheeks heat up at what my own mother was saying. What is wrong with these two? Nothing happened between me and Kai yesterday. Nothing. Not that I didn't want anything to happen, I was certainly about to lose it a few times whenever he got too close to me. Actually the amount of effort I had to put for my eyes to stay pinned to his and not look at his mouth was kind deserved an award. But that didn't mean they got to analyze it.

I stomped my foot on a step a little too loud for them to stop talking as I went down, "good morning!"

"Oh," Mum straightened her back on the kitchen stool, turning to me, "good morning, honey. How did you sleep?"

"Great," I smiled then lowered my eyebrows at Kenji, "hey, What are you doing up this early."

"Going to take your mum on a morning run," he smiled and nudged her upper arm with his fist, "she needs to grow some muscle."

"Rumor has it she can lift you up with a finger if she wanted to," I crossed my arms with a smile seeing his figure shift into a defensive posture.

"Even if that's true, it's all thanks to her own personal trainer who took it upon himself to make a better person of your mother since she was your age," he pointed at himself, "me."

"Uh huh," I nodded before shaking my head with a chuckle, "have fun. By the way, since you're here can you give me your keys real quick? I forgot something at your house when I was there."

"Forgot what?" Mum asked, and I didn't miss the quick glance she threw at Kenji.

"My hairbrush," I pointed at my wet hair.

"Your hairbrush?" Kenji raised an eyebrow, and I nodded, "yeah, sure. Here you go. Naz is still sleeping though, and she looked so tired yesterday so make sure not to wake her up."

"Don't worry," I took the keys from his hand, "I'll be in and out in no time."

I turned to go but Mum called after me, "hey, since you're up. Wanna join me and Kenji?"

"On a run?" I cocked an eyebrow turning my head to her.

"Yeah," she shrugged, "Kenji is not training at the academy today, and the other trainer doesn't let you do much anyway."

I tilted my head, considering. Kenji and Naz weren't training us today since they only mentor 3 days a week, but mum was right. Kenji is going to be the death of us one day because aside from him showing off half the time, this man takes his job very seriously, "okay. I'll join."

"While we're at it," Kenji started, "why don't you tell Kai to join too?"

"But isn't he sleep—" Kenji's elbow nudging her, cut my mum off and she frowned at him.

"Please wake him up," kenji smiled at me, ignoring my mum's glare that turned soft when his next words came out, "you're heading there anyway. Tell him I'll buy you guys tacos afterwards."

"You will?" I felt my face lightened up, "promise!"

"I promise," he chuckled, "just don't tell your dad."

"Cross my heart and hope to die," I put a hand on my chest before telling him I'll be right back and shut the door behind me. I knew what they were doing, they want Kai and me to spend time together however we can. It's like we don't already, I see this man more than I see my own mother, they were horrible matchmakers. I found myself not minding it now though. A) because Kenji is buying us tacos, he's literally the best Uncle there is. B) because I want to spend time with Kai however I can.

Once I opened Kai's room, I took a calming breath. Waking a Kishimoto man up is considered a life mission. I remember one time Kenji would not move even with Mum, Naz, Kai, and I tried to wake him up. Dad said we should call a funeral home to take his body and call it a day, it'll be less of a headache.

"Kai," I whispered and closed the door not to wake Naz up in the room across the hall. The room was dark with only faint sunlight coming from the edges of the closed curtains. He was sleeping on his stomach, his face buried in a pillow, so I could only see his messed up hair, does he fight demons in his sleep? I sighed and shook his shoulders, "kai. Kai. Kai."

I felt his body tense, but then he just swatted my hands away and grabbed the hem of the blanket that fell on his waist up to his head. I frowned and pulled it down, leaning in next to his ear, "kai!"

He jerked his head away with a groan and took a sharp breath before his forearm came to my stomach, pushing me away and turning so his front body now faced me with his eyes still shut closed.

I took a deep breath, putting my hands on my hips, trying to come up with something else that would be affective but not loud or noisy enough to wake up Naz. I pursed my lips before hitting his shoulders in a fast pace and repeatedly called his name until he tsk'd and there was suddenly a pillow slamming in my face, I had to let go of him to catch it as he sleepily murmured, "go away."

"Hey!" I hissed back and threw the pillow at him, climbing up the bed, my damp hair falling on his face making him grimace and I smirked shaking him agaian, "Kai, wake up!"

"Oh my god!" He gritted out, and I opened my mouth to talk back when the world suddenly blurred, and I was flat straight on my back. I gasped when his hands pinned my wrists next to my head, restraining me from hitting him again. He huffed out an angry breath against my face, and for the first time since I came in I actually took a look at him, even in the dark room. His messy hair now as apposed to it being neat and styled yesterday had me believing he could pull off any look, no matter how organized or sloppy it was. I looked into his eyes and knew immediately that something was definitely wrong with me because his dark eyes turned slits glaring at me with anger, his jaw clinching, but all I could think about was how much I didn't mind staying like this as long as he wanted. All I could think about was how much I liked the way he was looking at me, how he was still holding me underneath him and–

"Emmaline," his deep voice cut my thoughts off, and I blinked at him, "I asked what are you doing here?"

"Oh," I swallowed, he said something? what the hell, Emma? What's wrong with you?, "umm, I'm waking you up."

"Oh yeah? I didn't notice," he replied sarcastically, making me roll my eyes, snapping back to reality. He was pretty annoying, that did go away.

"Mum and Kenji said they wanted us to go on a run with them."

"A run?" He frowned, his hands on my wrists loosing a little, "why?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "but I said yes."

"Why the hell would you say yes to a run at— what time even is it?"

"It's 8. You should be awake by now, anyway," I smiled.

"No, I shouldn't. You're crazy."

I narrowed my eyes on him before looking to my left, focusing on the curtains with my powers, making them snap open.

"Noo," he groaned, leaning into me and nuzzling his face on my neck trying to hide from the light. Goosebumps broke all over my skin as I widened my eyes and held my breath. Keep it together.

"Stop acting like a child," I tried to make my voice strict enough even when I was about to lose my mind, "get up and get dressed."

"Nope," he let go of my wrists and rolled off of me, grabbing a pillow and slamming it to his face, "leave me alone."

"Kenji will buy us tacos afterwards," I smiled raised my eyebrows in excitement, hoping it will convince him but knowing well that it won't.

"Emmaline, I'll make you the goddamn tacos myself, but for the love of god let me get my beauty sleep."

"Beu— please," I scoffed. If tacos won't convince him, making fun of him was always my plan A to get his attention, "so you only look good if you slept like the dead?"

"I look good all the time," he said against the pillow.

"Sure, sure," I hummed and sat up straight with a small smile that widened when he took the pillow off of his face.

"I do."

"Mhm," I nodded with an unconvinced expression and stood up, "sure, okay. Anyway have you seen my hairbrush anywhere? I think I left it here."

"Don't change the subject," I heard his feet thud against the floor behind me as I looked for my brush on the dresser. Mission accomplished.

"I'm not. I already agreed with you," I went to the next drawer when I didn't find it in the first one, and murmured under my breath, "where is it?"

"Here," his voice came closer than before and I straightened up, about to turn when his front brushed against my back, causing my body to go still. He extended his hand to the top shelves of the dresser, towering over me that I felt the room actually get darker, and pulled the brush out, "I found it when you left but forgot to tell you yesterday, sorry."

I waited a moment to take a breath before turning around. He was so close, so close. Yesterday, he was focused on me being mad at him, so I prayed that he didn't notice how my breath would catch whenever he would come so close to me when we were dancing, or when I stumbled into him and almost forgot I was supposed to push him away. Now, I could feel my chest trying to make up space to let air into my lungs, why am I like this? Pull. Yourself. Together., "no, it's...it's fine, thanks."

I took the hairbrush out of his hand and looked up at him nodding at me with a smile before taking a step back. I clutched my fingers around it, looking down as the silence between us continued. Why was I here again? Was I supposed to say something now? Should I go? Wh—

"You really wanna go on that run?" Kai finally asked and I gazed up at him. I didn't want to go on the run, I wanted to spend time with him. But he didn't need to know that, so I just nodded, and he sighed, "fine. But those tacos better be worth it."

"I'm pretty sure I will follow your dad's choice in food blindly," I chucked, "by the way, he's at my house right now."

"Okay, go get ready and I'll get changed and meet you there too."

"Okay!" I jumped off the dresser and headed to the door. Once I got out, I leaned against the wall and blew a breath I didn't know I was holding. If I couldn't function when I'm in Kai's presence for two seconds straight, how will I act the rest of the day? The rest of my life? Nobody told me this is how liking someone is supposed to feel like, but I knew that even if I was warned, it wouldn't have stopped me from falling for him anyway, so my only option here was to take a deep breath and just be myself. Should be easy enough.


It was in fact not easy. Not one bit. Not only because now that I know I like Kai, so I can't normally even breath around him, but running was not helping my case. I looked up at Mum and Kenji already ahead of Kai and me and shook my head. A jog is definitely not what we needed in a sunny day like this. I only had shorts and a tank top, but I could still feel like I was melting.

"Regretting your decisions, sunshine?" Kai's voice echoed behind me and I groaned. How is he not the exhausted one out of both of us? That's not fair or logical.

"Nope," I lied, slowing my steps, "just catching my breath."

"Sure you are," I felt him match my steps, "it's the last round. Don't give up on me now, come on."

"I'm not giving up," I scowled, "I am running."

"You call this running?" He arched a brow, and I gave him a blank stare, "if that's so, then you'll have no problem racing me to the end of the street, right?"

"What—" he winked at me before taking off, running faster than he did the entire jog, "hey! That's cheating!"

I forced my legs to go faster, pushing myself to reach my full speed.I could hear my footsteps pounding against the pavement, but kept my eyes on him. Trying to focus on catching up to him, not on the way his T-shirt clung to his body against the heat, or how the waistband of his black sweatpants hugged his waist. I shook my head and was about to go even faster when I tripped and fell, catching myself on one knee, which was scuffed by the pavement. I felt the sharp pain of the scrape and even though I tried to keep it in, I couldn't help the loud grunt I let out.

I hugged my knee to my stomach, wincing at how it burned against the faint breeze of air. I looked up and saw Kai stopping in his tracks at my grunt, giving me a confused look before his eyes widened and before I could even blink he was in front of me in a flash. Right. So that's why he wasn't tired, his powers are literally running fast. According to him, what we were doing now was nothing, as if it was just going on a relaxing walk, "Emmaline, are you okay?"

"Yeah," I managed to let out, "just tripped."

Kai knelt down in front of me and lightly pulled my leg to him, checking my knee wound. He made a face, and I tried to pull my leg back, but he gripped it tightly, "does it hurt?"

"No," I shrugged, "I mean not really, it just stings a little."

"How did you even fa—" his eyes fell to my feet before snapping up to my face again, pinning me with a stare even my dad doesn't give me, "are you kidding me?"

"What?" I looked to where his eyes fell and formed my lips into a flat line, seeing the shoelaces tugged in where now out, "so maybe this is how."

"Jesus Christ woman," he murmured under his breath, "you're going to kill me one day, or I'm going to kill you, whichever comes first."

"You're so dramatic," I rolled my eyes, swatting his hand away and trying to stand up when I felt the wound sting, my knee giving out for a second. Kai's hands quickly came to my arms, holding me still, "I'm fine, Kai."

"Can we just sit down?" He nodded to the bench on the sidewalk, and I huffed but headed there anyway, "hold up I'll call Dad and—"

"Don't make it seem like a big deal to my mum."

"Okay, fine," he rolled his eyes and took out his phone, waiting a a moment before his dad picked up, "hey. Dad, Emmaline and I stopped... well, she fell— no she's fine. Just a scratch, but I think we'll stop here... okay, we're sitting on the bench near this park. Okay, bye."

"See? That was easy," I smiled, but he just shot me a look and flipped his phone shut, putting it on the bench before turning and kneeling in front of me, grabbing my foot, "what now?"

"I told you one day you'll fall and crack your head, right?" He tied one shoe.

"I didn't crack my head though," I teased as he tied the other one, "but, thanks anyway, I guess."

"Thanks anyway?" He jerked his head back, "you—"

"Emmaline," Mum's voice whipped both our heads to her, rushing towards us with Kenji next to her, "what happened?"

"Are you okay?" Kenji asked sitting next to me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine, guys," I said as mum knelt down and Kai stood up, sitting back next to me, "I swear, look, it's just a scratch."

She sighed, her expression softening and looked down, opening her bag and took out a bandage and sticking it over my wound, "here, are you okay, though? Can you walk?"

"Yes, mum. Trust me, I'm fine," I stood up and looked at Kai, showcasing my knee, "see? Problem solved."

He gave me an annoyed smile, crossing his arms. I may have showed him how he was being overdramatic and that it wasn't a big deal, but honestly? I loved how he cared about me. I loved the worried look he gave me before proceeding to threaten to kill me. I loved it, but I had to remind myself that this didn't mean anything, this was just Kai being Kai. Just him worrying or caring about his best friend, nothing more nothing less.

"So how didn't you get tired?" I asked as we walked to the 'taco shop that was worth to die for' as Kenji stated. Kai lowered his eyebrows, "you know, we've been running for an hour, and it looked like it was a piece of cake to you."

"Ahh," he chuckled, and I couldn't control my lips curving up at the sound, "I don't think normally running bothers me anymore, like, since 3 years ago when I got my powers. It's nothing compared to how fast I can run, you won't be able to imagine."

"Explain it to me," I said softly as we took a turn, I didn't really need to know, but I wanted to keep talking to him. Plus, I was also kind of curious, if I'm being honest.

"Well... you see how tired or how fast my breathing turns when I train at the academy?" I nodded and he continued, "this is because to you it's 30 seconds on a stopwatch. To me? I can see everything around me moving so slowly that it's so close to being frozen. So I technically take more time and effort, but in reality it's just 30 seconds. So in this span of 30 seconds I can run about 10 times around a massive arena."

"Really?" My eyebrows shot up in surprise, "wow, that's super cool."

"Yeah, I'm amazing," he smirked and kept the door Kenji and Mum went through open, "but your powers are freaking awesome too."

"You think so?" I went into the shop with him behind me, and Kenji motioned to us to sit on a certain table as him and Mum got us the food.

"I think so," Kai smiled sitting across from me, "if I had your powers, I would never lift a finger again."

"That's ironic," I laughed, "coming from the only one out of the four of us who didn't even have to stop a minute to take a breath."

"Oh, I'm pretty exhausted. In fact, I can't wait to go home and bury myself in bed, since someone woke me up on a Sunday. Sunday."

"Hey," Mum said coming with two tacos and putting one in front of me and the other in front of Kai, "these are yours. I'm going to go wait with Kenji for ours."

She walked away without waiting for a reply, and I couldn't see her face but I sure as hell could see Kenji's. God they were horrible. I loved them. I looked down at my plate and lightly clapped my hands, "finally!"

"You're an addict," Kai shook his head, taking out the tomatoes from his taco putting them on my plate. I once told him how I adored tomatoes filling up my taco sandwich, and he said he didn't really like its taste. When I scolded him, he just started putting them on my plate to shut me up.

"Admit, they're good," I put the tomatoes in my sandwich before taking a bite, closing my eyes to cherish this delicious moment, "plus, Dad doesn't let me eat a lot of junk food. Let me live."

He shook his head, taking a bite of his own, and I zoned out, my brain replaying our conversations since the day started until we came in here. Our last one making me remember something that was bothering me. It was a Sunday, which meant tomorrow we'll go to school, which meant he's going to see that girl again. I didn't even know who she was, but I had this strong urge to just not like her. She didn't do anything wrong, but the idea of her liking Kai made my chest fuel. Not just that, but also that she seamed nice. Other girls who liked Kai, usually treated me with disrespect, so Kai never paid attention to them, except when he was telling them to look away like he did the other day.

This girl though? She didn't invite me to the lake party, but she didn't disagree when Kai did it. She smiled at me when I walked up to them. She told me goodbye instead of just saying it to him. I hated her. Woah there. What? No, I shouldn't hate her, she didn't do anything. I'm not that kind of person. Still, I found myself asking, "hey, by the way, who was that girl at school?"

"What girl?" Kai replied after chewing.

"Uhh, the girl who invited you to that lake party?" I took a bite, distracting myself from looking at him.

"Oh, Clara is just a girl in my class," he smiled, why the hell was he smiling?, "why?"

"No reason, just wondering," I shrugged taking the last bite of the sandwich, "are you going?"

"I don't know," he opened the water bottle in front of him, "it sounds fun, maybe I will. Do you want to come with?"

"I can? Isn't this like a party people in your year are throwing?"

"Yeah, but we can invite people if we want, doesn't normally happen but whatever," when he asked the first time, I didn't even know that I could actually go. Honestly, I didn't want to go, but I also didn't want him to go. That's just selfish, Emma. This was so frustrating. Why did he have to be so likable to everyone? I know he doesn't try to be, so it wasn't fair.

"Hey," Kenji came over before I could answer with his sandwich in hand almost finished. They were sneaky, "are you guys done?"

"Yeah," I stood up with Kai following my lead, "we're done."

"Great," Kenji smiled, "you still have academy today, so you should get some rest before going."


"Hey!" Mum said once we were inside, running into Dad's arms for a hug, "you're back."

"Hey, love," he smiled, giving her a quick kiss as I took off my shoes, "how was your morning?"

"Exhausting," she leaned back, but still held into his forearms, "but overall we all had a great time. Right, Emma?"

"Yup," I smiled, walking towards them before I saw Dad's eyes drop to the bandage on my knee, "oh, no. I'm fi—"

"What happened?" He cut me off, quickly towering over me with his hands on my shoulders, "what is this?"

"I just tripped," I shrugged, "I swear it's nothing. I was racing with Kai and didn't notice—"

"Kai?" He frowned, and I felt his hands tense.

"Ye— yeah? Dad, I just fell trying to— what are you doing?" I asked when he stepped back, took his phone out of his pocket, and dialed someone.

"Hello?" Kai's voice came from Dad's phone.

"What did you do?" Dad asked in a threatening voice.


"What did I do...?" Kai trailed off.

"Emmaline is hurt. What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" Kai's voice came out defensively and I closed, my eyes taking a breath.

"Dad, please—"

"Why?" Dad simply continued.

"What?" Kai replied.

"Why didn't you do anything? She was hurt, you were supposed to do something about it."

Huh? What is he even talking about? Why was Dad still acting as if Kai is my personal bodyguard, oh my god. This family is draining.

"Okay, maybe before you threaten me again, you should teach your daughter how to tie her shoes and quit acting like a child—"

"Are you talking back to me?" Dad warned, "and did you seriously just call my daughter a child?"

"I... no?" Kai's stressed voice replied, "I'm sorry. Although, this girl should seriously consider being careful a little, I can't handle the heart attacks she causes me anymore."

"I can hear you, you know," I said loud enough for Kai to hear on the end of the line.

"I'm going to bed," he said after a moment, "is there anything else you need Uncle—"

Dad hung up on him before he could even continue the question, and I crossed my arms, "really?"

Dad shrugged, "I don't like him, but enough about him already. Are you okay? Does it hurt? Do you need to get this checked out?"

"Yes, no, and no," I sighed before giving him a reassuring hug, "I'm fine. I need to get ready for the academy though."

"Are you sure?"


"Fine," he finally gave up, "but I'll drive you there."

"But I can go with Kai—"

"I'll drive you there," he said again, "just go get ready."

"Okay," I gave him and mum a smile, knowing there was no point in arguing before heading upstairs.


Training was nice today, I made progress. Mentally though, I didn't get into the physical training today because aside from dad threatening the coach to not let me do anything that will worsen my injury, my knee actually hurt a little, so I didn't go in at all. So here I was in the lobby of the second floor, waiting for Kai to get out. He said we can just call my dad and tell him to pick me up, that I didn't have to wait up for him, but I told him I didn't mind.

The door opened and I looked up thinking training was over but only Ivan walked out, and I felt both disappointment and anger. I didn't forget what kai told me yesterday, what Ivan said about Kenji, well he didn't exactly tell me what he said, but he didn't have to, wether it was direct or indirect, it was still unacceptable to me.

I looked away and gritted my teeth when I felt him come closer, "hey."

I looked up from my seat. His dark blond hair was messy, unlike yesterday, probably from training. He was smiling at me, but I couldn't find it in myself to return it, so I just flatly said, "hi."

"What are you doing here?" He asked and nodded to the arena room, "why didn't you come in?"

"I'm just waiting for Kai," I tugged a hair behind my ear as my eyes went from the door back to Ivan. I really wanted to yell at him. I wanted him to stop talking to me because even if I didn't care about his opinion or words, Kai did. I couldn't do this to him. It wasn't my place to say I didn't care, but I wanted this day to be over so I just said to myself to continue this small talk and leave to wait for Kai outside. I lifted my leg a little from the floor, "I didn't think I'll do great today with this."

"Oh," he lowered his eyebrows, sitting on the arm of the chair I was sitting on. His chin brushing against the top of my head as he leaned in to check my leg, "what happened?"

"I fe—"

"Emmaline," my head shot up to Kai calling my name. He was in his training clothes, black trousers, black t shirt. His black curls falling on his forehead. Even when he said my name, his eyes were narrowed on Ivan, not even looking at me.

"Hey," I stood up, holding my bag, "I was waiting for you. Are you done?"

"Hey man," Ivan started, and I held my breath, "you didn't tell me she was out here."

"Why should I?" Kai sighed, running a hand through his hair, moving it out of his face.

"I just wanted to say hi," Ivan said calmly and looked at me, "I hope you're better soon."

I stared at him then looked at Kai, who was still not looking at me, before clearing my throat, "I hope so too, thank you. Kai, let's go?"

"Yeah," he took my hand, walking me towards the locker room with him and stopped in front of the door, "I'll change quickly. 2 minutes, max. Call your dad."

That was it before he got in leaving me alone again. I sighed and called my dad to pick us up, ending the call just when Kai came out in his normal clothes, "you called him?"

"Yeah, he's on his way. 5 minutes."

"Okay," he adjusted his bag and threw his arm around my shoulders, "let's go."

While we waited outside, Kai didn't say any word to me again, and I could see his jaw still clinging as he tried to play it cool, "I wasn't talking to him."

"What?" Kai jerked his head to me, he was probably zoned out.

"He came up to me," I explained, "I wasn't talking to him. I was going to leave."

"I know," he nodded, but I still felt like he was upset.

"I just don't want you to think I was fine with what he did yesterday," I looked up at him, tugging on my sleeves, "I don't want you to be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you," he shrugged and said nothing else as I stared at him before nodding and looking in front of me as a few cars passed, none of them were my dad's. I felt uneasiness creep up my chest as the seconds passed. Is that what Kai felt when I fought with him yesterday? If I felt like that when he said he isn't mad at me, how did he feel when I literally yelled at him to leave me alone at the party? He was right, fighting with him was terrible.

"Emmaline," his voice snapped me back to reality as his hands came to my shoulders, turning me to face him, "I'm not mad at you."

"Yeah, you said that," I nodded with a blank expression.

"Because I'm not," he smiled, "I was just angry he was talking to you because I remembered what happened yesterday. I'm sorry, and you don't have to stop talking to someone just because I—"

"I don't want to talk to him," I cut him off, my hands going to his as they still rested on my shoulders, "not just because of you, but because I too don't like people disrespecting my family, Kai."

Blood related or not, Kenji and Naz were my Uncle and Aunt. And anyone who had problems with them, didn't have a value to me anymore. Sure, I didn't want to talk to Ivan now because I didn't want to upset Kai, but also because I didn't want to.

"I really do love you, Emmaline," his smile softened, and I felt my chest drop. He has told me he loved me countless times before, I knew he loved me. But every time I heard him say it, my chest would hurt from my heart pounding against it.

"I love you too," I let out in a single breath. I said it like I did all the former times, like saying it to my best friend, but deep down I knew I did not by one bit want this boy in front of me like a best friend. Not anymore.


For anyone who saw my latest post, you guys would know I finished this chapters hours ago, but wattpad decided to delete half of it because it felt like it was in a goofy silly mood🤭

The struggle was real.

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