Vanished into the Fire

By scottystaco

1.8K 47 74

Tony Stark and Peter Parker vanishes after they're spotted rescuing people in an apartment complex that was e... More

Chapter 1: He's Out For Revenge
Chapter 2: To Make Amends
Chapter 3: The Search Had Started
Chapter 4: We'll Get Out Soon
Chapter 5: They Took Him
Chapter 6: Perhaps Two Leads
Chapter 7: It's The Middle Of The Night
Chapter 8: What If They're Not There
Chapter 9: #Save Peter And Tony
Chapter 10: Their Knight And Shining Armors
Chapter 11: The Aftermath
Chapter 12: First Day Back
Chapter 13: Concerns For The Hero
Chapter 14: Nightmares and Sensory Overload
Chapter 15: People Suck
Chapter 17: Maybe It Won't Be So Bad
Chapter 18: Happy National Spider-Man Day
Chapter 19: Everything Will Be Alright
Chapter 20: What The World Has To Say

Chapter 16: Frozen from Trauma

54 3 0
By scottystaco

"What the fuck" Abe curses out loud making everyone turn to him.

"Put your phone away and pay attention" Mj snaps at him.

"What is it?" Cindy wonders, ignoring Mj.

"Nothing, never mind" Abe waves off after taking a quick glance at Peter.

"Abe what is it?" Peter asks.

"Social media is just a bitch, you know?" Abe questions.

"Please refrain from cursing Abe, this is the tenth time today I've heard you" Mr. Harrington sighs.

"Put your phone away and focus. Competition is coming up and the school will be here before you know it. We need to be prepared and stop looking at our phones" Mj interrupts, making everyone look at her. "Now, what's the capital of Alaska?" 


"Hey does anyone know what Abe saw earlier?" Peter wonders.

"It's-" Ned tries to say.

"It's nothing" Mj interrupts.

"Was it the paparazzi or the news reporters?" Peter immediately assumes.

"No! Nothing like that. They didn't post any pictures. Your dad probably took care of them" Ned answers.

"Can you guys please tell me? Is it good or bad?" Peter asks.

"It's nothing to worry about" Mj assures.

"Ned" Peter prompts only for Mj to shove Ned in the rib cage.

"Ow! I didn't even say anything!" Ned complains.

"Guys please" Peter pleads.

"Peter, it's seriously nothing. It's just some stupid people" Mj claims.

"Hey they're releasing a new Spider-Man Lego set tomorrow! Special and limited time only!" Ned gasps.

"That's cool. What's in it?" Peter wonders.

He wants to know what Abe saw on social media and what Mj and Ned are hiding from him but he guesses it's alright if he doesn't know. Maybe it'll be best if he doesn't know.

"One thousand pieces and it looks so cool! I'll send a picture!" Ned assures.

"Peter, there's a robbery two blocks down from you" Karen informs, interrupting the conversation.

"On it!" Peter replies as he swings towards the direction.

He hears people cheering his name from down below but pays no mind as he quickly swings towards the robbery. The alarm to the store gets closer and before he knows it, he's jumping in front of the guy who has a bag full of jewelry.

"You know if you wanted some jewelry, you could've asked a friend to borrow some" Peter informs him.

The man looks up and Peter feels his heart stop.

The man is bald with brown eyes, a beard, and mustache. He has a wide built to him and is tall. He feels himself flinching because the man looks kind of like Obadiah Stane.

Peter hears a gunshot go off and is too slow to realize that the man just shot him. He comes out of his stupor and starts to web the guy up. He takes the bag of jewelry and hands it to the police who are rushing towards him and the guy.

"Spidey we got EMTS on the way. Stay put" the officer demands.

"Oh, I'm fine thank you though sir" Peter thanks.

Peter is about to swing away but the guy puts a gentle hand on Peters arm, making sure he stays put.

"That bullet hole seems like it's still stuck in you. Let an EMT check it out" the officer argues.

"Oh it is?! Thank you! I didn't notice!" Peter thanks as he releases his arm from the officer and quickly pulls the bullet out. "I would've healed around it, thanks!"

"I uhh you should still be checked out. You need it to be cleaned and-" the officer tries to say.

"In all kindness sir, I'm alright and you should be checking on the pedestrians and the people who are in the store. Make sure they're alright. I promise I'll get it looked at. Have a good day sir!" Peter waves before quickly swinging away.

He thinks back to the man and feels a shudder running down his spine. He feels like his breath had gotten taken away.

"That was gross" Mj comments.

"You read gore but you can't see me pulling a bullet out of myself?" Peter questions through troubling breathing.

"Hey, you alright?" Mj immediately asks, noticing the way he had talked.

"Yeah" Peter chokes out.

He swings down on a rooftop but still can't find it in himself to breathe.

"I'm back, god that was so gross. Dude, what's happening?" Ned asks with wide eyes.

"It seems like you are experiencing a panic attack. I suggest listening to my techniques" Karen explains right before Peter rips his mask off.

He tries to get air into his lungs but ends of coughing on nothing. He stumbles until he's sitting down with his back pressed against the rooftop's ledge.

'He's not here. He's not here. He can't hurt you or dad. He's not here. He's in the Raft. He's gone. He's not here' Peter keeps repeating in his head.

Peters eyes frantically search his surroundings, just incase until he squeezes his eyes shut. He focuses on his breathing, inhaling and holding his breath. After a few seconds, he releases and lets out a cough.

The frantic breathing starts up again so he keeps repeating the process until he can finally breathe normal again. Tears are rolling down his face but he doesn't put the mask back on yet.

He tries to wipe the tears away but more falls until he's crying. He sits there in silence with his own cries being heard. 

It's not long after that he remembers about the bullet wound only to see that it's closing up. He brings his legs up to his chest no matter how bad it hurts, and cries.

'Stupid fucking Obadiah. That man looked just like him! Stupid trauma' Peter thinks angrily in his mind. 'He killed May. He almost killed Dad. He exposed everything from those stupid cameras. I'm stupid for not noticing them.'

"God what's the point of these powers when it's useless?!" Peter practically shouts.

But he knows it's not true. He's just angry at everything he endures because of these powers.

"With great power comes with great responsibility" Uncle Ben had said the day he died.

Peter let's out a sigh, controlling his anger. He looks back down at his leg to see a flash of Obadiahs face. He looks away and wipes his tears.


"Is Peter here yet? Dinner's almost ready" Wanda asks, still not seeing Peter in the comms.

"Isn't he out patrolling?" Pepper questions.

"He should be back now" Tony states, fear crawling up his body.

"Hey, it'll be alright. He probably just lost track of time" Rhodey assures.

"Friday, where's Peter?" Steve asks.

"Peter is currently on a rooftop down in Queens" Friday answers.

"Is he hurt?" Bucky wonders.

"He had sustained a bullet wound but he had pulled the bullet out and it seems like the wound had closed" Friday notes.

"Why didn't Karen alert you?!" Tony shouts.

"Peter said he was fine and it was healing" Friday claims.

"Is he still at the rooftop?" Nat questions.

"He's not unconscious but hasn't moved for the past thirty minutes" Friday explains.

"HE'S PROBABLY BLEEDING OUT!! GET ME A SUIT!!" Tony frantically yells.

"Did he turn off Karen or something?" Clint wonders.

"It seems like this AI you all talk about has its malfunctions" Thor states right before Tony blasts out of the tower with his suit on.

"I'm sure he's not bleeding out. Something else had obviously happened" Bruce points out.

"He could be in shock from his bullet wound" Vision claims.

"Friday just said he wasn't bleeding out! Do you think he's ok?" Pepper questions now getting freaked out.

"I did not mean to worry you. I'm sure Peter is alright" Vision assures.

"That's still not reassuring. If he's in shock and he's still bleeding, he might've lost a lot of blood" Sam retorts.

"How about we wait until we get an update? If something is wrong, Cho and her team will get alerted" Steve assures the group.


Tony gets to the rooftop to see Peter without his mask on and his head in his legs. He gently lands onto the rooftop and gets out of the suit.

"Underoos?" Tony gently calls out. Peter doesn't say anything but Tony hears him sniffle. "Hey, what's going on?"

Tony swiftly makes his way over to Peter and sits down besides him, gently pulling him into a side hug.

"I messed up" Peter admits.

"Yeah, I heard you got shot. Fri said it's healed though?" Tony questions only for Peter to nod. "I know you aren't crying from getting shot at or else you would've tried to not get shot at forever ago. Tell me what's this is about."

"I froze when stopping this robbery and the man shot me. That's what happened" Peter claims.

"You didn't get shot anywhere besides one place, right? You got the bullet out? That's what Friday said but I need to make sure" Tony recalls.

"One place, got it out" Peter assures.

"I didn't hear any civilians getting hurt" Tony points out.

He had Friday pull up what had happened when he was flying over. All it said was Peter stopped a burglar at a jewelry store and webbed him up. He got shot but swung away.

"That's good" Peter mutters.

"Roo, please tell me what's going on. I can help" Tony pleads.

"I'm just going crazy" Peter huffs out a laugh.

"You're not going crazy, I can promise you that" Tony promises.

"You can't promise what you don't know" Peter shuts down.

"Then why don't you tell me why you think you're going crazy" Tony suggests making Peter let out a sigh.

"After the Homecoming fiasco, I saw a man walking the street and he looked like Toomes. I had a panic attack and missed first period. Now after this...I see a guy look like Obadiah and I get shot because I froze. What if somebody got killed? What if these...what if it gets worse? I mean its happened a few times because of the building but...I don't want them to get worse again" Peter whispers.

"You're not going crazy Pete. You're going through something traumatic. I've dealt with those too after the whole Afghanistan fiasco. I kept seeing Yinsen, remind me to tell you more about him, and I kept seeing my kidnappers. I also felt like every time I heard the microwave go off, it was a bomb. I can promise you're not going crazy" Tony promises.

"I'm sorry" Peter apologizes.

"Can I see where you got shot?" Tony asks, his heart rate picking up.

Peter nods his head and moves to show him his leg. There's only a scar that'll be gone later but it looks like there are no infections and no blood coming out so that's good. Tony feels a relief flood wash over him that the bullet wound wasn't worse.

"Get Karen to alert me if something like this happens" Tony tells him which makes Peter nod. "You know Wanda's almost done with her Paprika dish. I've heard it's pretty good. Why don't I fly you over to the tower?"

"I thought I give you heart attacks when you fly me" Peter recalls.

"Only sometimes when you scare the shit outta me and I don't want your wound to burst back open. Come on before I change my mind" Tony ushers.

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