Unholy Confessions ~ Sihtric...

By Sihtricis_myhubby

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~Even when the world caves in I'm stuck with you always until death do us apart ~ Sihtric Kjartansson Γ— Oc... More

Dos/Two bit of three
Author's note


96 5 0
By Sihtricis_myhubby

A feeling of good friendship among people.

"Come on, Torvi." The brunette haired young adult sat onto her horse, making sure that all her weapons were on the saddle, or her back, before taking off after Hild. There had been a meeting of the Lord's the day before where it was decided that they would be a holy army to march on their next target along with the body of a long dead saint.
In Torvi's opinion, she thought they'd dug a body from the ground and called it the saint instead of it being an actual supposed saint but Uhtred had warned her that words like that would get her killed.

"Torvi, come here," the girl shook herself from her thoughts, trotting over to Hild's horse with a grin on her face. She was happy to back in the saddle and on her way to a fight, she missed fighting and getting her weapons bloody. "Did you rest up?" Said Hild.
"Yes, lady." Torvi leant down, to pat Obsidian with a smile on her face. The horse was prancing, more then ready to take off and into the distance. "I slept most well, The prisoner is to come?"

"Yes, Uhtred wishes for him to travel to camp with us." Hild replied, as Torvi watched the Danish man walked past. His arms were still tightly bound together, but there some colour in his face and he had not died of blood lose so Torvi was happy with her help. She had thought that she might have accidentally killed him but luckily not. "I do believe his wants information on Kjartan's stronghold.
"We should just burn it to the ground with everyone in it," Hild didn't respond to that comment, shooting Torvi a sharp look.

"Lady. Archer woman. Shield Maiden!" Torvi paused, turning on her heels to look at the back of a cart, where the prisoner was tied on the floor.

"Yes?" He looked slightly embarrassed, as Torvi raised an eyebrow and waited for him to say something.

"I need to go in the woods there," she waited for him to say something else, wondering why he was talking to her. "I need to shit. I do not wish to full my breeches."

Torvi Snickered at that as the Dane blushed red. She shook her head again, walking away and laughing all the way. 

"Hailg. The prisoner requires attention," she replied, before stretching her muscles and going off to find Hild once more. It seemed that she had only left Hailg and the other two minutes before the other soldier came running back.

"The prisoner– holding Hailg... Uhtred," he choked out, as Torvi's eyes widened and she picked up her bow once more, sprinting towards the wood. Sure enough, the Dane held a sword to Hailg's neck and Torvi notched an arrow and drew it back to her cheek.

"I could of killed him, lord." The Dane replied, as Torvi huffed and narrowed her eyes. Maybe she should have let him die from blood loss. "Made my escape."
"I can make the shot, lord." Uhtred sent Torvi a look, as Torvi pulled her bow tighter. "Do you want me too take it?"

"Hold, Torvi, hold." The girl did, raising an eyebrow at the Dane who was slightly more fearful. "Kill him, I'll let her take the shot and you have already seen that her aim is true."

"It is, Hild stood on Torvi's other side, her sword drawn. 

"I asked your man to fetch you, lord. I do not wish murder, I wish to bargain." That caught Torvi's attention because in some way's, that was similar to how she came in Uhtred's service.

"A life for a life is it?"  

"My life for my sword," the Dane replied, as others began to join including the annoying abbot and the turd king. Torvi watched them from the corner of her eyes, not liking that they were there and hovering like persistent flies over the dead. "I wish to serve you, lord. I could have killed them both, but I wish to serve you." 
"You are Kjartan's man." Uhtred stated, sitting down and holding a placating arm out to Torvi, who was reluctantly untensed her bow arm.

"No," the Dane looked disgusted at the thought of it. "I am Kjartan's bastard son, whelped on a slave girl. And you are Uhtred Ragnarsson, and I wish to serve a warrior and a lord, a true lord."
Torvi huffed, before placing her arrow back into her quiver and slinging her bow over her shoulder. He spoke the truth, there was no lie in his voice and she doubted that she would need to shoot him after all.
"If you believe me to these things, then put down your sword." Uhtred said. The crowd gathered around them causing the Dane to falter, his eyes darting every where.

"You guarantee my life?"

"Put down your sword," Uhtred's command did not answer his question.

"Kill him," the Abbott spoke and Torvi raised an eyebrow. Was that the Christian way?

"No. Put down your sword," Uhtred said again. The Prisoner paused, before throwing the sword to the ground and stepping back from Hailg.
"I can be of use to you, Lord." He murmured, his eyes wide and every muscle in his body tense like a deer waiting to run. 
"He's nothing but a heathen, kill him!" Hild grabbed on to Torvi's arm to stop her from doing something she might regret and stopping her from moving to stand with Uhtred. She didn't need to draw attention to herself after all, she was a heathen also.

"No one is to move."

"Kill him now!" Hilds grip tightened as Torvi reached for her dagger.

"I said no one is to move and no one is to speak but me! Uhtred roared, turning to glare at the Abbott. "No one!" 

The Abbott back down, as Torvi took her hand away from her dagger and looked at the nervous Dane.

"What is your name?"

"I am called Sihtric, lord." He replied quickly, shaking his head. "Please– I'm not loyal to Kjartan and never can be.

"You swear your sword is mine?"

"On, Thors hammer, I do lord." Sihtric clutched the tailsmen around his neck, as Torvi stood up straighter, a grin forming at the thought of having a another Dane around in the camp. Sihtric knelt down quickly when Uhtred still said nothing. "I swear."
"Then you have my protection," there was audible sigh of relief, the tension leaving the crowd.

"Lord, thank you. Thank you," Torvi pulled her dagger out now, as Uhtred nodded to her.

"Sihtric is with us now. He serves in King Guthred's army," stepping forward, Torvi held the dagger up for Sihtric to see so that as she cut through the ropes that held his hand.
"No hard feelings about shooting you, yes?" She cocked an eyebrow, as Sihtric nodded before holding her hand out in greeting. "You have no idea how happy I am that there is another Dane with us. I feared that I would have to suffer with the Saxons and their talk alone."

A/N; Sihtric is finally here!!

Please lmk who is your favourite character? 😊

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