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Knack/an required or natural skill at doing something.

"Halig take Sihtric and Torvi, Hild, Clapa." Uhtred appeared beside the five of them early one morning, a few days after the newest companion had joined there group. "Go north, watch the road ahead."
"Yes Lord," Hailg grumbled, eyebrows furrowing before they all began to prepare their horses, tacking up swiftly and softly before taking off ahead. "We'll go to the hill again, watch from there."
"Good plan," Hild agreed, turning to look at Torvi and Sihtric, who were discussing something in a hushed tone and looking around like they were speaking of a secret. "Torvi? Come here for a moment."

"Yes, Lady." The brunette haired adult trotted forward, joining hild's side with a questioning look. "What is it?"

"What do you and he speak of?"

"The gods, Lady." Torvi replied, a smile growing on here face. "It is just nice to have someone who shares my beliefs and talks in familiar tongue. There are not many back in Guthred's army."
"I see," Hild nodded, having not seen the young adult so happy as she had in the past few days. "Just try and keep your words from reaching the abbots ears, for he will find any way to punish so called heathens."

"Yes, Lady." Torvi nodded, before riding back to Sihtric's side.

"Did your mother warn you to stay away from me?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he huffed."
"Hild is not my mother, she is a Saxon nun," Torvi snickered at the thought shaking her head.  "No, she warned me about speaking of the gods near the Abbott who most likely wishes us dead."

"Because we are heathens?" Sihtric did not look amused.

"Precisely," Torvi rolled her eyes at thought. "I thought their religion was about being inclusive, not hating others."
"Saxon minds work in bizarre ways, as does their supposed god." Sihtric hummed, as Hailg called for them to halt. He jumped down from his horse, watching her with questioning eyes. "Where do you come from then? Not the South I suppose."

"No, North." Torvi revealed as they followed the three adults up the hill. "My father is Ólaf."

"I am sorry then." Sihtric replied quitely, looking down at her with wide mismatched eyes. "I heard of what happened."

"Your half brother (Sven) burned my home to the ground and killed my parents," Torvi spat to the ground the thought of the One-eyed Sven." Just as your father ordered but I do not blame it on you. You cannot choose your blood family."
"You two, get over here Hailg hissed," as the pair hurried to catch up crawling to the place on the top of the hill as they looked down at a caravan of horses walking through the valley.
"They're are coming from the north." Sihtric pointed out as Torvi hummed in agreement. "It can only be the brothers Sigefrid and Erik."

"Not Kjartan?" Hild asked , as Torvi shock her head.

"Kjartan would not have traveled north, and Sven went south after he burned my home to the ground." "It is Sigefrid and Erik," Torvi confirmed as Sihtric nodded along.
"Would Sihtric tell us if it was Kjartan?" The Dane's both turned towards Hailg with raised eyebrows. An oath was an oath that they would keep until death, especially if you swore it to the gods. Sihtric would not betray them, not when he had sworn it on Thor's hammer.
"Two of us should remain here and watch, the others should return to Uhtred." Sihtric diplomatically suggested, not rising to the bait that Hailg left out in the open.

"It is not your place to decide what we do, Lord Uhtred put me in command, Hailg replied back."
"But it is a good plan, Torvi replied, nodding her head. There was silence before Hailg talked again."

"Hild, you will return to Uhtred," hild raised an amused eyebrow, a smirk on her face.


"No, with the children," Torvi and Sihtric shared a look of annoyance at being called children, as both were in their late teenage years. Clapa and Hild continued to laugh quitely at Hailg's words and the teenagers faces.

"The three of us?" Hild asked, before stifling her laughter and grabbing the two Danes by the back of their amour to drag them off to their horses.

The woods were quite, not a bird chirping at all, as Torvi followed Uhtred through the thick trees and dence forest. Sihtric and Hailg led the way keeping low as Torvi checked around behind them to see if there were any spies following that see should shoot down, but there was nothing. 

"Lord, there is Erik." Torvi turned slowly, her hair light brown hidden beneath a hood as she looked through the bracken at a tall blonde with a long beard, striding around the camp with a look of displeasure on his face.

Sihtric stepped back, allowing the turd king to sit in his spot as Torvi and he looked through the bracken behind Uhtred.

"And there is Sigefrid." Sigefrid was a strong looking man who seemed to be comfortable with a dagger in his hand. Neither of them looked easy to beat in a battle.

"I was right, this is not an Army." Uhtred muttered, "We could attack tonight. Surprise them in their sleep, they would never know."

"It would deal with the threat with them." Torvi whispered in response.

"Will they?" Guthred ignored Torvi's mumbling favouring Uhtred's above her's.

"Yes, that is the man I saved." Uhtred said, The man Uhtred had sat free looked like a bore Torvi wasn't impressed. "They must have been marching for days. Now is a good time."

"An attack is an option, yes." Sihtric and Torvi both turned around to look at Guthred with raised eyebrows.

"It is the only option, Lord." Uhtred reminded gently as Torvi narrowed her eyes. She wanted to feel battle once more, feel the blood dripping down her face and the hum of the gods surrounding her.

"They are waiting to be slaughtered," Sihtric murmured as Torvi nodded in agreement.

"It would be an easy enough fight to win, give the newer soldiers a taste of battle." She pointed out carefully, knowing that the Saxons did not like listening to womans opinions on matters, even if they were good opinions.

"Lord. There would be no better opportunity to attack now." Uhtred urged once more, as Guthred paled and bit his lips nervously.

"Uhtred I am thinking—" Torvi huffed below her breath, sharing an annoyed look with the Dane next to her. 

"We must attack," Guthred sighed, storming off as Uhtred pulled him back. "Lord what I am saying is good advice. We must attack tonight."

"Did you not hear me? I'm thinking!" Uhtred let Guthred go, as Sihtric and Torvi took Uhtred's nod as a sign to follow Guthred back to the camp once more, their eyes narrowed in annoyance. This king was useless. 

A/N; TYSM!!! for a 100 reads 💓💓 double update for U 😘.... let's see if we can make it to 200 reads!

Unholy Confessions ~ Sihtric Kjartansson Where stories live. Discover now