A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x...

Just_Another_IDK द्वारा

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A different spin on a plot we all know well Freedom is all anyone wants but can a gentle soul do what must be... अधिक

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Sequel Release


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Just_Another_IDK द्वारा

In the Ruins
In which a darker plot begins to rise


Tommy stood on the remnants of what once was L'Manburg, a place he had fought for, bled for, and now witnessed crumble into chaos. The landscape was scarred by explosions, withered away by time, and haunted by the ghosts of decisions that led to this moment. He took a deep breath, the air heavy with the scent of destruction.

As he surveyed the ruins, Tommy couldn't escape the bitter truth that L'Manburg would never be the same. The very essence of the nation lay shattered and scattered, much like the dreams and alliances that had defined its existence. The towering walls, once a symbol of unity, were now fractured and broken, mirroring the fractures in the friendships that had once thrived within.

The silence of the aftermath echoed louder than any battle cry, a stark reminder that the heart of L'Manburg had been silenced. Tommy's mind replayed the moments that led to this point—the betrayals, the conflicts, and the irreversible choices that unfolded like chapters in a tragic story.

In his heart, Tommy knew that, with the weight of the past, no one within their right mind would return to these ruins. L'Manburg was not just a place; it was a memory of friendships forged and bonds broken. It was an echo of laughter and camaraderie, now drowned out by the sounds of destruction.

Tommy's gaze lingered on the desolation, a mixture of sadness and acceptance in his eyes. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows over the broken landscape. With a heavy heart, he turned away, knowing that, just like the fallen walls around him, the spirit of L'Manburg had crumbled, irreversibly changed by the currents of time and choice.

Quackity stormed toward Tommy, his frustration etched on his face like an open wound. The remnants of L'Manburg stood witness to the heated exchange that was about to unfold.

"Tommy, you absolute idiot!" Quackity's voice cut through the air, a mix of anger and betrayal. "You had Technoblade right there, and you let him go! Are you stupid or just plain insane?"

Tommy, still grappling with the aftermath, met Quackity's accusatory gaze. "I... I couldn't, Quackity. I just couldn't."

"You couldn't? You couldn't?! Tommy, do you have any idea what he's done? What he's going to do?" Quackity's frustration turned into incredulity.

Tommy bit his lip, his eyes reflecting the weight of the choices made. "I know, Quackity. But killing Technoblade, it wouldn't fix everything. It wouldn't bring back L'Manburg."

Quackity shook his head, his anger unabated. "You knew what he was capable of. You knew he was going to destroy everything we built. And what did you do? Nothing! You did absolutely nothing!"

Tommy's shoulders slumped, guilt and regret gnawing at him. "I thought... I thought we could find another way. I thought maybe, just maybe, we could change him, or he could change us."

Quackity scoffed, his frustration turning into bitter laughter. "Change him? Tommy, you're so naive! He's a force of nature, a storm that we should have stopped when we had the chance. And now look at us! Look at L'Manburg!"

The ruins of their nation cast long shadows, echoing the fractured state of their alliances. Tommy looked down, unable to meet Quackity's accusing eyes. "I messed up, Quackity. I messed up big time."

Quackity's anger softened into a weary sigh. "Yeah, you did. And now we're left with the consequences. Just remember, Tommy, sometimes mercy is just another word for stupidity."

Quackity's smirk deepened, a sly expression crossing his face as he circled Tommy like a vulture closing in on its prey. "Tommy, my friend, there's always a weakness. Even for someone like Technoblade. You just need to figure out what that weakness is."

Tommy, still reeling from the recent events, glanced up at Quackity. "Techno's weakness? I don't know, Quackity. He's a tough nut to crack."

Quackity chuckled, the sound carrying a sinister undertone. "Everyone has a weakness, Tommy. Even Technoblade. Now, let's think. What could it be?"

Tommy's brow furrowed as he struggled to come up with an answer. "I have no idea. He's all about anarchy and chaos. I don't think he cares about anything enough to have a weakness."

Quackity's eyes glinted with a calculating gleam. "Oh, but Tommy, that's where you're wrong. Everyone cares about something. For Technoblade, it might be power, control, or..." He paused, letting the implication hang in the air.

Tommy's confusion deepened. "Or what?"

Quackity leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Or someone."

The realization hit Tommy like a sudden gust of wind. "No, no way. Techno doesn't care about anyone like that."

Quackity's smirk widened. "Are you sure about that, Tommy? Think about it. Technoblade is ruthless, but even the most fearsome warriors have their Achilles' heel. And I think I know who it might be."

Tommy's eyes widened, a mixture of concern and disbelief painting his expression. "Who?"

"(Y/n)," Quackity smirked, "I say we hurt Technoblade exactly how he's hurt us, take away the one thing he cares about."

Tommy, his voice edged with urgency, protested, "Quackity, you can't touch (Y/n). If you do, Techno won't just destroy L'Manburg; he'll kill everyone. You've seen what he's capable of."

Quackity, undeterred, crossed his arms, a determined glint in his eyes. "Tommy, we can't let him get away with this. He's taken everything from us, and it's time we make him pay. (Y/n) might be the key to breaking Technoblade."

Tommy shook his head, frustration etched on his face. "Quackity, you don't understand. Techno doesn't care about governments or lands. He cares about (Y/n). If you lay a finger on her, he'll come down on us with everything he has."

Quackity's gaze hardened, but uncertainty flickered in his eyes. "Tommy, we can't live in fear of Technoblade forever. We need to take a stand."

Tommy took a step closer, his tone earnest. "Quackity, I get it. I'm angry too, but going after (Y/n) is not the solution. We need a plan, a way to take Techno down without risking everything."

Quackity's frustration boiled over as he slammed his fist against a broken pillar. "Tommy, you always think there's some magical solution where we all come out as heroes. But the reality is, Technoblade destroyed us, and we can't just let him walk away."

Tommy shot back, his voice rising, "And what do you propose, Quackity? Risking the lives of everyone here just for some revenge? This isn't about being a hero; it's about survival!"

Quackity paced, his agitation evident. "Survival? Tommy, we can't live like this, constantly looking over our shoulders, waiting for Techno to strike again. We need to take control, and if that means confronting him—"

Tommy interrupted with a bitter laugh, "Confronting him? Quackity, you saw what happened! We can't confront him. He's too powerful, and if we push him too far, he'll unleash hell on us."

Quackity pointed accusingly at Tommy, "And what about (Y/n)? Are we supposed to cower forever because Technoblade has a soft spot for her? She's not the solution; she's the problem."

Tommy's eyes flared with anger. "Don't you dare say that about her. She's been through enough, and she doesn't deserve to be a pawn in our revenge fantasies."

The tension hung thick between them, each word intensifying the rift that had formed within the shattered remnants of L'Manburg.

Quackity sneered, "You always play the hero, Tommy, defending everyone like you're some saint. But we've lost everything, and you're still clinging to false ideals. We need to make Technoblade pay, and if (Y/n) is his weakness, then she's part of that equation."

Tommy's fists clenched, his frustration boiling over. "You think hurting her is the solution? That's just sinking to Techno's level. We can't become the villains we're fighting against."

Quackity leaned in, his voice low and menacing. "Tommy, you're so blinded by your self-righteousness that you can't see the bigger picture. Technoblade will keep coming back until we make a stand, and if (Y/n) is what it takes to break him, then so be it."

Tommy shot back with defiance, "I won't let you use her like that. We need to find another way, not drag her into our mess."

As the argument escalated, the shattered ruins of L'Manburg bore witness to the internal strife among its former residents, torn between revenge and the cost it might exact on one of their own.

Quackity's tone darkened, emphasizing the severity of the situation. "Tommy, it's time to face reality. (Y/n) is entwined with Technoblade, and whether you agree or not, she'll vanish from our lives. The longer you resist, the more pain she'll endure."

Tommy's desperation flashed in his eyes. "You can't seriously consider this! (Y/n) has nothing to do with our problems. She's innocent."

Quackity's smirk remained unyielding. "Innocence doesn't matter when our world is crumbling. If you won't act, then I will. I won't let anyone, not even (Y/n), stand in the way of reclaiming what's rightfully ours."

The tension thickened, and L'Manburg's shattered remains became a battleground of conflicting principles, with Tommy torn between his ideals and the ruthless determination of those seeking revenge, even if it meant sacrificing (Y/n) in the process.

Quackity's voice cut through the air, accusatory and unyielding. "Innocent? Tommy, open your eyes! (Y/n) wasn't a bystander; she stood right alongside Technoblade as he tore L'Manburg apart. She's complicit in the destruction, and we can't afford to ignore that fact."

Tommy's frustration boiled beneath the surface. "You're twisting things, Quackity. She didn't cause this. She's just—"

Quackity interrupted with a harsh laugh. "She's just what? A victim? Tommy, it's time to face the harsh truth. She chose her side, and it wasn't ours. If we don't act now, she'll continue to be a threat."

The stark reality of their broken nation loomed over them, and Tommy grappled with the painful realization that (Y/n) had become an integral part of the conflict, caught between loyalty and destruction.

Tommy's voice cut through the tension like a warning siren. "Quackity, I'm telling you now, if you go after (Y/n), you better be ready not just for your death but for the utter destruction of everything around you. Messing with her has consequences, and I won't let you bring more ruin."

The gravity of the threat hung in the air, a final plea for restraint in the face of impending chaos.

Quackity turned on his heel, walking away from Tommy and the shattered remnants of L'Manburg. The weight of their confrontation lingered, a heavy cloud in the aftermath of destruction. The path ahead remained uncertain, the scars of betrayal etched deep into the landscape.

Tommy gazed across the desolation, memories of warmth and camaraderie flashing before him like distant echoes. The once-cozy moments with (y/n) and Technoblade now seemed like beacons of solace in a storm of chaos. He questioned the worth of the discs, weighing them against the cost of broken bonds and the chilling reality of betrayal. The decision lingered in the air, haunting the ruins of what was once L'Manburg.

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