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By dcstoryteller

538 11 0

๐ฉ๐ฅ๐จ๐ญ: Brian Morales is a New Yorker who moved to Stoneybroke for 7th grade and meets the Babysitters Club... More

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27 0 0
By dcstoryteller

𝟎𝟎𝟕 || 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐢𝐢
This'll probably be the last Moosehead chapter then I'll do a chapter about Brian moving in with the McGill's and then onto season 2.Like I said a lot of the episode scenes that don't have Dawn aren't gonna be in here so this'll be a shorter one.

The political climate at the camp was like a war, Brian took to comparing it to 'The Waling Dead' 's 'All Out War' arc, I don't know why.

"Attention, campers! This is a lie-in, we will continue our peaceful protest until old Meany changes the unfair pay system or let's Claudia continue her free art class for all." Dawn said through a megaphone.

"Stronger together!" Dawn yelled.

"I see you've come for negotiations." Brian said looking at Meany.

"Actually, I'm in my way to my car.But this whole protest thingy is against protocol, and I am over this mishigas.You're all remanded until further notice.Until I'm back from the dentist." Kenya said moving everyone.

"Wait! Look what happened when you remanded one kid, a revolution is coming.So, negotiations will be coming." Brian said standing up.

"Whatever, go back to your cabins." Meany ordered them to.

"Does "remanded" mean we're missing afternoon activities?" One of their team members asked.

"We won't be missing them..."

"If there aren't any." Dawn finished for Brian, the two of them got up a plan brewing.

"Thank you, sister arms." Brian said, he and Dawn the interlocked hands running off to plan some shit.


The two war generals, is what they could be described, now had a plan.

"Okay, Step One: Sneak into the camp office." Brian said circling the table with the plans while the others listened.

"Attention, fellow humans.This Dawn Schafer, your organizer but not your superior. Today, I'm asking every campers to make a sacrifice."

"Not for yourself,  not for me...for justice.I'm officially calling for a camp-wide general strike. Lay down your eggs, disarm your bows, cold glue hand crazy eights, we must abstain from activities until we are all equal." Dawns voice was heard over the P.A. as step one was completed.

"Step Two: Break out Kishi." Dawn the group.

With a distraction from Dawn and expert hiding and sneaking skills from Claudia, she was now out of Willow cabin.

"And now that's Claudia's here we can complete this with," Brian said cheerfully.

"Step Three: Protest, until we get change." Claudia said getting the group amped up.


"Hey, Stace." Brian said walking into the nurse office.

"Hi, Brian."

"So you wanna talk about it?" She asked him.

"I don't know, it's a lot to unpack, you being my sister." He told her.

"My family will be there for ya, if my parents aren't I will." Stacey said comforting the brunette boy.

"New beginnings can be a blessing." Brian said tempering some for long ago.

"Who taught you that?" Stacey asked him.

"Dawn." Brian responded.

"I knew from the start you two would make a good couple." Stacey said.

"So where Laine?" Brian asked changing the subject.

"I don't know shutting her brains out or something." Stacey joked

"I'm actually kinda looking forward to, having you as my sister.It'll be fun, I fell like we've all always had a sibling dynamic." Brian said.

"Well, your not wrong." Stacey joked.

"Alright, I'm gonna get out your hair, Laine gives you any trouble just call.It's always fun to beat some one up." Brian said on his way out.


Why are we building a fort?" One of the protesters asked

"It's a barricade." Brian corrected.

"Activism is about using whatever platform you to make change." Dawn said.

"For us, that's standing on some old ass furniture." Brian told them.

"What are you you guys doing?" One of the consulars asked

"Hey, aren't you the girl that's supposed to be in her cabin?" Another one of the consulars asked.

"We're engaging in civil disobedience." Dawn told them.

"Meany's not even here, just don't hurt yourselves." The consular asked pissed off.

"Where do you think Meany went?" David Michael asked.

"So told us the dentist." Brian answered.

"But she probably went to go get reinforcements, so anyone who isn't down for a confrontation should go! Are you with me?" Dawn asked everyone.

"I'll stay." David Michael said.

"I'm proud of you kid," Brian said he and Dane hugging him.


"Where's the justice?!" One of the protesters said.

Everyone protesting outside the theatre for change.Mary Anne then stepped out with his cast.

"What is all this, and why are you building it so close to the theater?!" Mary Anne sale kind of angrily.

"We must want people who are participating in camp activities to think about what they're doing and reflect on the injustices all around us." Dawn said.

"Look, we just want people to look at the fact that some people here are treated differently just because they don't got the money." Brian said.

"The shows really important to me, and you're both messing with it." Mary Anne said.

"We'll, it's not about your show, Mary Anne." Dawn said.

"Stop, we're her friends." Brian told her.

"Maybe it should be." Mary Anne said angrily.

"Mary Anne listen, we're not trying to hurt your feelings or your show.We both respect you too much for that." Brian told her.

"But when you're working on your play, you feel great, right? Like you're connected to what you really care about? Like your the best version of yourself?" Dawn asked.

"I feel Ike I can talk to people and not be shy, because it's not about me.It's about something way bigger." Mary Anne said.

"That's what this protest is to us." Brian told her.

"I'm not trying to shut down your show." Dawn said getting more personal.

"I'm-we're trying to make a difference.Kids are being left out because they have less. If there's we can do to change that, that's what where gonna do.Because that my best version of me." Dawn told Mary Anne.

"I guess I cms understand that." Mary Anne said.

"You're trying to make the world better your way, and we'll do it our way.And we'll still be best friends." Dawn told her.

"And this." Brian said gesturing his and Dawns intertwined hands.

The three laughed and went full swing into a group hug.

"If anybody needs a breather come inside, in the audience, while the shows going on!" Mary Anne said an idea brewing.

"Good luck." Mary Anne said.

"You, too, kid." Brian said jokingly.

"It's actually, "break a leg." But, we can't afford another cruse." Mary Anne joked.

"Do you got this?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, go watch the show." Dawn told him, they kissed each other and Brian went to her show.


The opening began and Logan started with the opening monologue.

"1815, 26 years after the start of the Revolution, a king is once again in the throne of France." He said Mary Anne stepping out.

"2019, 2 weeks after the last day of school, a 16-year-old boards a plane to Paris for the first time." Mary Anne said.

Just then the rumbling of a car is heard.

"Shit!" Burns whisper yelled running out of

"Time to take a stand!" Brian heard as he left went out the theatre.

"Long live the the Revolution!" Brian yelled everyone cheering.

Everyone inside the theater knew they had to go out.And so Meany's jeep pulled up. She used an air horn to shut everybody up.

"Enough! Counselors, collect your campers now! Now or you'll be remanded to your cabins and camp will be shit down for the rest of session." Meany said angry as fuck.

"Three weeks in those cabins, think about it. Schafer, Morales, Kishi, my office now!" Meant yelled, Dawn and Claudia and Brian stepping forward to Meany.

"Are you really gonna call our parents?" Claudia asked.

"My parents are dead." Brian said.

"No, I'm gonna send you too home and you're remanded until the end of summer." Meany said, the three of them going after Meany.


"We weren't trying to ruin anything or make trouble.We just wanted things to be fair and they are not fair." Claudia told Meany.

"This can't be the first time you're realizing that." Meany told them.

"Please, hear us out, you've run Camp Moosehead for 26 years, and we know you care abut the campers." Dawn told her.

"Everyone here just wants to feel like they belong, whether they got money or not." Brian told her.

"I would love to make everything free.I can't. We would go out of business, even though you three are driving me crazy, and I had to drive off campus today to get a root canal, finally, for the tooth that been bothering me for weeks, not that you guys noticed...I'm not oblivious to the fact you're learning about yourselves and the way you want it be in the world, and that's what this time away is supposed to be about." Meany said.

"So we can stay?" Brian asked.

"No, there are liability issues, and I have to set an example."

"Guys...I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess." Dawn said.

"As much as I love camp, being your comrade has been the best part." Claudia told Dawn.

"Agreed." Brian said grabbing holding Dawns hand.

"Alls wells that ends well." Brian said.

"Drop the phone!" Kristy said bursting through the door.

"Oh, not this one." Meany said.

"My god." Brian said.

"You can't send Claudia, Dawn, and Brian home." Kristy said.

"Oh, really? Why's that?" Meany asked.

"Because I spent the whole afternoon hunting down a missing camper." Kristy said.

"You saying I can't do my job?" Meany asked.

"With all due respect, kind of.You need more help, my stepsister Karen, she wanders off today, and none of your staff noticed." Kristy said making argument.

"Is Karen okay?" Meany asked.

"Luckily, she's firm, but she was trying to catch a bus at an out-of-service bus stop.The reason I know why is because I was the one who had to go find her. Look, I know you want camp to be great."

"But that's why you need more people, more people like us.Who pay attention and under what kids need. Don't you agree?" Kristy said, that was a long rant.


"Counselors in training, baby.Did I mention that I love this camp?" Kristy said as the group walked up a hill.

"Me too! Now that I've shaken the ivy, we're back to our daily activities, I'm sleeping like a baby, post sleep-training." Stacey said laughing.

"Long live the revolution!" One kid said.

"Long live the BSC!" Dawn said.

"Free art class after rest hour!" Brian yelled.

"I'll be there, and you guys can all attend Paris Magic, on whatever night works best for out because Meany is letting us do it three nights." Mary Anne said happily.

"Congrats, Mary Anne!" Kristy congratulated.

"I'll be there every night." Brian said walking up the hill with the girls, they all greeted Meany and continued walking.


The group decided it was time to make a stop.The decided to visit Jessie and Mallory.

"Hey guys what are you doing here?" Mallory asked.

"Well, you see Pike child, we have a surprise for you both." Brian said.

"See, I was so impressed by how you guys helped me find Karen, that we've decided..." Kristy said grabbing two pins from the bag.

"You guys are now junior CITs." Brian said happily.

"Wow, I can't believe Meany's letting 11-year-olds do this." Jessie said excited.

"It's kind of unofficial." Kristy said.

"But we were also thinking, back in Stoneybrook, maybe you could help us out with babysitting sometimes.See, we have this club..." Dawn said.

"Oh, my god, the The Babysitters Club? You guys are, like, world-famous." Jessie said earning a laugh for everyone.

"We thought, that you guys could be junior members, if you'd like." Brian said.

"Oh, my god! I never thought this day would come!" Mallory said.

"So your in?" Kristy asked.

"We're in." Jessie and Mallory said at the same time.

"Then there's only one thing left to do." Brian said grabbing Dawns hand and running.

They made their way to the sign and got someone to took a photo of them, all and all it was a pretty good summer.

And that's Camp Moosehead, hope you enjoyed it and no promises but I think I might still do that chapter about Brian moving in with the McGills(he'll still move in with them, I just might not make a chapter about it.

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐𝟎𝟗𝟗 ᴡᴏʀs

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