Eclipse *Minsung*

By allisung111

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Two gods created the world. The Sun God and the Moon God. Though equal, they were so different in so many way... More

A coin has two sides
A burnt out sun and a cold moon
Words and Knives
Gravitational Pull
An agreement
Wandering eyes
My name
Clearing the air
I am here
A razor edge
The Sun Lands
Soaring Hearts
Love and war
The future
Sworn death
Whatever it takes
The challenge
Your end
To have and to Hold
True connection
Only for you
A new life

Which to rule the sky?

375 27 5
By allisung111

Minho couldn't take his eyes off the Moon Prince under him, holding his breath after asking such a question. "May I call you by your name?"

The moonlight was beginning to catch onto the silver glimmer along Jisung's cheekbones as he visibly processed the question. "You mean to call me... Jisung?"

"If you're comfortable, I would like us to drop the titles. At least around each other." Minho's heart was beating so rapidly he wondered if Jisung could hear it.

Jisung's chest heaved slightly and he pulled his wrists free, quickly getting to his feet once Minho moved out of the way. "I'm not sure we've reached that point yet," he said, grabbing his dagger and knife from where he set them off to the side. "I don't think it would be a good idea either."

Minho wiped the sweat on his brow, rocking back on his heels from where he was crouched on the floor. "Why not?"

Jisung sheathed his dagger at the base of his spine with a snap. "Because... it just isn't... a good idea."

"What's wrong with it?" Minho asked, feeling a fire ignite in his chest. He got to his feet, drawing closer to the other prince.

"It would mean we've gotten too close." Jisung's eyes widened a fraction at the slight raise in his own voice. He backed toward the doors. "I'm sorry, I-"

"Wait," Minho caught his hand, stopping him gently. Jisung's eyes were well disguised as always, but he caught a glimpse of fear in them, and it made his stomach twist with concern. "Do not apologize for your own feelings. I understand if you don't want me to refer to you informally."

Jisung pulled away, putting more distance between them. "It's not that, we just... can't. Calling one another by our first names will cross a line that isn't wise to cross."

Minho wanted nothing more than to find out the reason behind the fear in Jisung's eyes, the reason behind the uncertainty and nervousness he was feeling from such a simple request. "I don't understand why we can't do that, but I will respect whatever you wish. I would not call you by your name around anyone, I hope you realize that."

A small, sad smile colored Jisung's lips. "Thank you. I'm just... uncertain about some things and some risks are not worth taking."

Why using their names came with a risk of any kind, Minho had no idea, but he wouldn't dare cross any lines Jisung did not want him to cross. "I understand, Your Highness."

They stared at each other for a moment, silent emotions and questions swirling in the air between them. Despite some things being left unknown, an understanding filled the space between the questions.

"Maybe one day," was written in Jisung's cold eyes. "Thank you."

Minho gave a small smile in return. "Rest well, Your Highness."

"You as well." With that and a small bow, Jisung left the room, leaving Minho hearing a strange voice in his head.


"You're up fairly early, aren't you, Son?" Minho's mother commented, glancing at him over her spectacles. "I can see the gold on your cheeks, I haven't been able to see that in quite some time."

Minho suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. She always scolded him for doing that. "If you're going to have an attitude, show it respectfully like a royal should," she would say. "Well most of our schedule is filled throughout the day so this is the only time I have to speak with you," he said, still waiting to be seated.

"Your father isn't quite ready yet, but you can at least talk to me. You may have a seat." The Queen of the Sun set the book she was reading aside as her son sat on the sofa across from her. "You seem happier than I've seen you in some time. It puts my heart at ease."

Minho dipped his head, attempting to hide the small smile that crept onto his face. "A mother always knows, I guess."

"You guess correctly, my dear. Now, what is it you want to discuss?"

Minho hardly slept thanks to several doubts and questions swirling through his head, yet he still wasn't entirely sure how to phrase his concerns out loud. "I am not looking for advice or criticism right now, I only want some answers, if you have them."

His mother removed her spectacles, her full attention on him now. "Let's hear it."

"Why am I set to marry a young princess when there are more practical choices?"

"I'm afraid you've already lost me," she chuckled. "Speak more clearly, dear."

Minho felt the courage in his body dwindling, but he couldn't back down now. "The first born of the Moon, Prince Jisung, would be much better suited to take over the throne with me. Wouldn't you agree?"

The queen tilted her head in confusion. And then her eyes lit up. "Ah, the prince. His father doesn't speak of him and I've only seen him a few times. I wonder why that is."

"I wonder as well, but Mother..." how could he phrase this? "Princess Ida is barely eighteen. She's just a girl, still in her studies and just getting started on life. I do not think I am a good match for her."

Rather than being frustrated with him, the queen seemed understanding. "My dear, some choices must be made, no matter how difficult they are. I know you don't want to get married-"

"Mother, that's not my point here." Minho gathered the words tangling in his mind. "I will do whatever is needed for my kingdom, my people. It's why we're sitting here in the Moon Palace." She chuckled at that. "I'll be blunt. Prince Jisung is far more suited to the throne. He is of proper age, he is skilled, he is intelligent. Why am I marrying his younger sister instead of him?"

The queen's eyes softened considerably. "The King and Queen of the Moon are not as... open and understanding as we are. Two males uniting is improper and unheard of among royals. Even if you loved their prince with all your heart, they would not allow such a union to happen. I don't like the way they view relationships, the way they view love. But I'm afraid we must work with it. I would love for you to be joined with someone older, more mature, more level-headed."

"Would it be possible for you to speak to the king and queen about this?"

The queen shook her head. "The marriage is already arranged, Minho. There is not much we can do without complicating things and creating tension. But I will bring this up to your father, and we'll see what we can do."

Minho nearly melted with relief. He smiled. "Thank you."

She beamed. "Anything for my son. Now, off you go. The festival is coming next week, and there's lots to prepare for."

Minho got to his feet and bowed. "Thank you again. I'll see you at lunch."

He wondered if he was overstepping in approaching his parents about this topic despite Jisung shutting it down on the first night. A small amount of guilt seeped into Minho's bones as he went about his day, and he tried pushing the feeling away. Was it wrong of him to do that?

As the day progressed and the guilt grew, new questions rose to Minho's mind. Why did he approach his parents about the marriage? Was it the good of the Kingdom that he was truly concerned about? Or was it for purely selfish reasons? He could admit that he was drawn to the Prince of the Moon in a way he couldn't completely understand, but that couldn't be the sole reason. Right?

For the first time in days Jisung was at supper that evening, and Minho's guilt only rose to the surface having the prince beside him. He focused on the meal and the conversation about Ida's education as well as he could, but he was far too distracted.

Then something lightly tapped his arm, making him flinch slightly. "Are you alright?" Jisung whispered.

The Prince of the Moon was observant. "I am for the most part."

Jisung raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Then I suppose that means you're always jumpy?"

Minho ran out of responses instantly. "...No."

That small smile appeared on Jisung's lips. "Perhaps you can tell me what's troubling you tonight when we train."

The guilt grew heavier, weighing down on his chest like an anvil. "I'll do that." What an intelligent response. Idiot.

"Prince Minho, what do you think of taking your tour of the city with our daughter the day after tomorrow?" the Moon Queen suddenly spoke up. "It'll be a wonderful time to do so with the festival being so close."

Minho managed a small smile. "I would enjoy that immensely." He met Ida's eyes. "Are you alright with that, Your Highness?"

The look in her eyes clearly showed that she was in fact not alright with it, but she smiled nonetheless. "Yes, I look forward to it."

A strange frustration suddenly washed over Minho. He wanted to grab the Moon royalty by the necks and shake them, telling them to just be honest, to drop the masks they seemed to wear at all times. Wearing a fake smile was nothing new to a prince, it came with the job of running a kingdom, but it nearly felt like the Moon family was hiding more than their human selves. Like a torch blocking on's view down a dark hallway. It wasn't particularly dangerous, but it was beyond eerie.

The only one Minho felt like he would be able to trust was Prince Jisung, and he was holding onto that to keep himself sane.

The king clapped his hands together. "Good, it's settled. You will be granted time alone together from sunrise to sunset. That will give you time to become closer."

Yes, the Moon King definitely had a strange way of thinking. Minho hoped he wouldn't have to deal with that way of thinking for too long.


Jisung was cautious as he moved through the moonlit castle, his every sense on high alert. He was often awake late into the night, wandering between the library or the hot springs, so in reality anyone that saw him now wouldn't think much of it. But unlike his nightly wanderings, he was dressed in training clothes, and he couldn't risk drawing an ounce of suspicion.

Fortunately, he didn't pass anyone throughout the winding halls, and he allowed himself to finally relax a small amount once the doors of the training room were closed.

Minho was standing near the windows, absently spinning a small dagger in his hand, and he flinched at the sound of the doors closing.

Jisung crossed his arms. "Alright, what's bothering you? I've only known you a little over a week, but I don't think I've ever seen you out of your element, let alone jumpy."

The Prince of the Sun spun the blade in his hand faster, eyes shifting slightly. Then he caught the dagger and stared at the blade. "If I'm honest, I'm not entirely sure why I'm so... troubled by this."

Jisung's immediate reaction was to be suspicious, and for some reason that made him nervous. He remained rooted by the door, unconsciously ready to retreat. "What is it?"

"I... I, uh, spoke with my mother today. About my marriage. I asked her why you were not the chosen candidate, and if it were possible to change the arrangement. I'm sorry, Your Highness. I overstepped in doing so, and it's been weighing on my shoulders all day. You shut the topic down and I still carried it with me." Minho took Jisung by surprise as he bowed to him deeply. "Forgive me."

The first thing Jisung wanted to do was pull Minho upright and tell him to never bow to him again, but he refrained and instead stared at the Sun Prince.

Jisung's chest felt tight as anxiety rippled through him from the thought of what his father would do if the Sun royalty approached him with the subject. He would be kind and gracious in the face of the Southern royals, but behind closed doors he would pin everything on Jisung and beat him for it.

Jisung wanted to lash out in anger at Minho, to tell him to never approach the Moon King about the subject again. But he couldn't. Minho was bowing before him, begging to be forgiven for something so seemingly small. In truth, this wasn't a big deal, but when it came to the Moon King, the mere discussion of two males being wed was a sin, and Jisung would be the one to pay for that sin.

Minho didn't know any of that. Yet here he was, apologizing so profusely, obviously having carried something akin to guilt the entire day.

Conflicting emotions tangled in Jisung's chest, and he pushed them down. "Please raise your head, Your Highness," he said, his voice quiet yet strong. As Minho met his eyes again, Jisung felt himself soften. "You did nothing inherently wrong. If anything my father is in the wrong. But... Please do not approach the subject ever again. That is all I ask."

"May I ask... why?"

Jisung hesitated. It wasn't exactly a secret that the Moon King had no regard for his son, but the Southern royals didn't know that. His family was supposed to be perfect in the eyes of the Sun. "My father can be quite ill-tempered when things he doesn't believe in are discussed. As the eldest, he seeks to put some sort of blame on me, and I only wish to avoid that." He was being vague, knowing that he couldn't exactly lie his way around this one.

Of course, the Prince of the Sun was more in-tune than that. "Your father hates you."

Jisung's heart squeezed, and he swallowed hard. "Nothing escapes you, does it?"

Minho was quiet for a moment. "I will not ask about it further. But if you're ever comfortable, you can confide in me."

It'd been so long since Jisung heard those words, and for the first time in years he felt the urge to cry. He pushed the emotion down as far as he could. "Thank you. Now let's get training, I think we could both use it."

Minho smiled a little. "Yes, I agree."

Nearly three hours went by in the blink of an eye, and despite being exhausted, Jisung wasn't ready to retire to bed just yet. After parting ways with Prince Minho, Jisung went to the hot springs, and he dropped his clothes off to the side the moment he reached the biggest pool of water.

Jisung hissed slightly as the hot water met his back, which was still healing from his father's last lashing the day before the Sun royals arrived. Scars were nothing new to Jisung, but he was grateful that the hot springs helped them to fade and go mostly unnoticed. 

He wasn't sure what he would have done if Minho noticed them and asked about them. Unless he had noticed and just didn't say anything.

As he allowed the hot water to relax his tense body, Jisung gazed up at the moon through the mist and the trees, his mind wandering to the Prince of the Sun, oddly enough. He was a fascinating mystery.

An emotionless man that wasn't actually emotionless at all. A man with intimidating eyes that were still somehow warm and considerate. He was polite and curious, albeit a little oblivious to some things. Yet despite being oblivious to some things, he was very perceptive, which was... dangerous.

Jisung caught himself smiling slightly, and he shook himself, closing his eyes and scratching at the raw marks on the back of his shoulder. He had to remember why his father beat him. He had to remember that thinking of anyone, let alone a man, was something that was forbidden.

He was born of the Moon, above everyone else. Yet he was despised by his father, shunned by everyone in the castle. So where did that truly leave him?

"You are not my son, you are nothing but filth below my feet. If I could, I would banish you to the far corners of the earth and allow my men to hunt you for sport."

Jisung opened his eyes, watching the fireflies draw around him as they seemed to do every time he visited the springs. A smile tilted his lips subtly and he held his hands out, letting them land on his fingers and circle his head. "At least I know someone accepts me," he whispered.

-------------------------- I didn't realize how low-key devastating I made Jisung's character in this until I read it back while I'm typing it up onto here. *cries for my own character*

Anyway, we're slowly seeing Jisung's past and secrets, Minho's will come soon enough, I promise. This chapter was a tad boring, but there's lots planned for this story. Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading "v"

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