Secret of the woods

Autorstwa GamingTiger15

586 60 57

Anthony has lived his entire life as a devoted part of the elven village. But deep down he's always felt some... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5

chapter 6

31 2 5
Autorstwa GamingTiger15

 Today was a special day... Today was a day of celebration, a ceremony that every young elf looked forward to. The day to make their elders proud. Today was the day each and every younging became the rightful age of 19. Or so I assume I do not speak elvin after all.

Angel sat amongst his fellow brethren in the woodenlen chapel. It was decorated with an open ceiling and walls. Leaving plenty of space for the leaves of their ancient trees to trickle down and cover each and every inch of the interior of the chapel in lush greenery. It meshed well with the oak. Brown and Green. There were rows of seats on the right and left of the chapple. While the middle was open and a long red rug led up to a brown archway decorated with a variety of flowers. There stood one of the five elders in his gold and white robes.

The males and females were seated and separated. The males on the right side of the chapel and the females on the left. All sitting with perfect posture. It was something Angel was used to seeing. Yet as he took a moment to look over the sea of elves it felt...unsettling in a weird way.

His parents were not here, or brother. However he knew Molly was here somewhere, since they were twins and born in the same year. He didn't know were she was but it brought some level of comfort to him. As far as he knew, none of their families were here. They were too busy. Not allowed to have a break to come and observe this ceremony. The only family that would be present is siblings that happened to be born within the same year as you. Which was rare given their society...No, this ceremony wasn't for them - the families - anyway. It was for him, for him and the other elves. The future of their pride.

Angel glanced over to Travis who sat several rows back. He was looking at the females who seemed nervous themselves. Angel's gaze trailed to that side and he found his eyes meeting Cherries amongst the other girls. He found Molly sitting beside her. She gave her brother a reassuring smile, seeming to notice him. He wondered how. Maybe it was because they were twins. Molly and Cherri, like the rest of the females, were dressed the same. Their hair was down - for once - allowed to be free and draped along their shoulders. They all wore a long white gown that reached to the floor. And lastly each woman wore a flower crown decorated with blue roses.

In comparison the mens clothing were all the same and rather simple. Each wearing a green tunic top and black bottoms and shoes. That was it. Simple.

Molly gave a small wave and then Cherri. Angel smiled, he felt himself relaxing. Cherri always felt like a big sister to him and Molly. He wanted the best for her. He continued to smile and waved back...

He knew deep down she wasn't happy here either. But happiness wasn't a choice. Not here. So at the very least, hopefully Cherri and his sister would be matched with someone good. He hoped.

Clap clap

Angel's ears twitched

Two sharp claps or what sounded like whip cracks came from the front. Everyone's attention immediately went to the front of the chapel. Under the arch. The elder, - the 3rd elder to be exact - stood under it. Yeah he was old, and wrinkly just like the others. And the hair he had was white. But for Angel, out of the five, he liked this one the most. He always seemed to have a warmer touch than the other elders. This elder had a long white beard that extended a little past his chin. He had long hair that reached the bottoms of his ears (like all the males) and although his skin was wrinkled he seemed to still glow with youth somehow. His warm dark brown eyes glanced over all of them. And he smiled.

"Good morning my children." He spoke softly.

"Good morning elder." They all replied in unison.

His smile grew, "welcome my children to a very special day. Today is the day you all become adults. Become the very future of our colony. Our family. Today you will be bonded with your other half, your mate."

Angel gulped. His nails digging into his pants. His heart was racing and he suppressed the urge to move. The air suddenly felt thicker and it felt harder to breath.


He told himself.

"Now, before we begin. Let us take a moment to pay out respects to those who have passed on, and those who were not fortunate enough to see this glarious day." The elder chanted with his arms outstretched.

All the elves bowed there heads, hands on their laps. Angel did the same naturally. The elder spouted a chant. But it was distant for Angel. He thought of it for a moment, all those who couldn't be here today...Obviously he didn't mean the elders. But that phrasing sent chills up Angel's spine.

He remembered something...something he heard as a child. One of the first things that had sprouted his whole curiosity honestly, A part of him wished he'd never heard it. Maybe he would be happy then.

It had been something his brother told him. A story to scare him into behaving when he'd started to get to that age were he was a bit too curious. It was the story of a little boy, not much older than seven and he'd been curious too. He snuck out into the forest late at night. Curious about what lay beyond those woods. It was said he'd planned for it, packed food, water and such. But when the elders found out about what he was doing...well, they silenced the kid. But when a young Angel brought this up to his mother, she'd scolded Aaron for telling 'lies' and 'scary stories'. And reassured Angel that the elders loved them all and would never do such a thing. But that he would be punished if he didn't behave. She never said what that punishment was.

Angel himself had no way of knowing if that story was true, because according to his brother. When it allegedly happened he hadn't been born much less convinced. The boy would have been two years older than him. But from what Aaron told him about this supposed child he was a darker skinned kid who was a brunette and a bookworm. He didn't recall the name though. Just that the kid disappeared and nobody acknowledged him ever existing.

To this day Angel wasn't sure if the story was true or not.

He didn't want to believe it was. wasn't.

"-Out further ado. Let us begin." He snapped out of his thoughts and looked around in a daze. He blinked and shook his head trying to settle back into reality.

Everything would be okay...

Angel held his breath for a moment, and then let it go with relief when his name was not called first. It was the name of someone he honestly did not know. "Darfin." A pale male elf rose from the seat behind him. His hair long and dark black, his eyes blue like the sky. Everyone watched him take the steps to the alter. Were he waited for his mates name to be called. To meet his mate.

Giving a glance at the scroll in his hands, the elder called the females name. "Seraphina" A female elf rose her hair black like the males. She had dark almost red eyes and she seemed stoic and mature as she met her mate at the alter. Angel had to admit, they seemed to match. In a weird way. Standing across from each other, both stoic neither showing much emotion.

The elder went on speaking, instructing the two elves to go about the ritual. First taking eachothers hands and looking into one anothers eyes. They smiled, seeming happy the first ounce of emotion to flicker on their faces. She female chuckled, squeezing the mans hands tighter. They both spoke one phrase together. Before leaning in and sharing a kiss.

The crowd did not applaud, or cheer. They only thing everyone did was bow their heads in silent respect and congratulations for the new mates. And with that they were ushered away to the back of the chapel to foresee the rest of the ceremony and pay their respects to the rest of the elves. Angel couldn't help but stare as they walked down the aisle to the back and sat together, there hands still clutched together. And though still very much stoic, they seemed happier.

He swallowed.


Angel's attention had gone back to the front. He felt Travis standing up behind him. And turned to glance in his direction. He knew he was moving his head around a little too much and should just be sitting still and looking forward but he couldn't help it.

Travis smiled, proudly and practically strutted to the front. He took his place at the alter waiting with almost child-like glee. But he hid it well. The only thing that gave him away - to Angel at least - was the shifting of his weight.

He wondered, who would be Travis's mate. Travis was a nice looking male. And although Angel was a bit envious himself of the mans good looks, he knew any woman that would be mated to him would be lucky.


Angel's jaw clenched slightly.

His eyes seemed to meet hers and for the briefest of moments they shared the same nervousness. But Molly regained her composure easily. Cherri giving her a soft pat on the hand as she rose with the grace and elegance her mother had raised her with. As he washed his sister almost glide to the alter a part of his heart ached.

It felt like a part of Molly had died. That rambunctious part of her that enjoyed the adventure enjoyed the otherwise un-ladylike activities to do. The loud and bubbly girl. While he did feel pride that his sister was such a mature lady, it also hurt. To see the Molly he knew, go.

Molly joined Travis at the alter. They exchanged looks. She didn't look nearly as pleased as Angel would have hoped. Or maybe she was happy and he was reading too much into it?

They both gave a small bow of their heads to eachother and Molly smiled warmly.

The elder gave his small speech. Angel listened, watching Travis and Molly intently. Molly looked happy...Travis looked bored. To him. Maybe he wasn't. He was smiling afterall.

They took eachothers hands and stared into one anothers eyes. They spoke together. The lines they all knew and constantly rehearsed being spoken. ".uoy yarteb reven lliw I dna ,uoy deen syawla lliw I ,uoy tsurt syawla lliw I ,uoy evol syawla lliw I."

With that, they shared a kiss.

Angel's brows knit together.

They were dismissed after that. And sent to the back like the rest. Molly managed to give up a thumbs up as she passed. And he tried to return her smile. But all he could give her was a forced smile behind somber eyes.

With each male that left his side he grew more nervous.

Finally it had wound down to only a handful of male and female elves. Angel was sitting in his seat, gripping his trousers tightly. His hands were clammy and he was beginning to sweat. He hadn't even noticed his ears pressing down against his head. He felt silly really, why was he so nervous when everyone else seemed so calm?


His heart skipped a beat, and for a moment he stared forward. Starstuck as the elder eyed him. "Well? Come on now. I'm not getting any younger." The elder chided, though it was in a joking manner.

Angel smiled nervously, and rose from his seat. His legs wobbled a little and he cleared his throat. Ignoring the heat he could feel rising to his face. He exited his row and began walking forward. His steps were slow and his heart pounded as he closed the distance.

He took in deep breaths...

Don't think.

He breathed in.

Don't think...

He breathed out.

I'm going to be okay...


I'm gonna be okay...I...


I have to be.

He smiled.

I'm happy.

Angel settled at the alter, finally. It was his time. It was his turn. This...this was what he was born for. Bred for...trained for. This was his purpose in life. To further the bloodline of his people. This was his destiny and he was happy to do it. He was proud. He should be. He was. Whatever mate he would be bonded too he would treat her with all the respect and compassion he showed his mother and sister each and everyday.

He looked at the elder and returned the smile he was given. Angel stood, his hands folded behind his back. He watched intently as the elder looked at his scroll, everything happened felt that way at least.

His old eyes scanning the names. Lower..lower...lower...He found the name. He raised his head and gave that warm and sweet smile.


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