A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x...

By Just_Another_IDK

74.6K 2.5K 1.8K

A different spin on a plot we all know well Freedom is all anyone wants but can a gentle soul do what must be... More

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Sequel Release


757 29 7
By Just_Another_IDK

In which L'Manburg is destroyed... again


In the ominous glow of the Nether, the unlikely alliance of Dream, Technoblade, (Y/n), and Philza ventured through the treacherous terrain, a path fraught with danger and uncertainty. The dim light from the lava lakes cast flickering shadows on the twisted netherrack, creating an eerie atmosphere that matched the tension among the group.

Dream, clad in his signature green hoodie, led the way with a determined stride. Technoblade, adorned in his fearsome Netherite armor, walked beside him, a silent force radiating from him. (Y/n) and Philza followed, their expressions reflecting a mix of apprehension and resolution.

The air hummed with a palpable sense of foreboding as they navigated the labyrinthine pathways, the distorted cries of ghasts echoing in the distance. The distant glow of a portal signaled their destination, a portal that would transport them to the heart of L'Manburg.

Silence enveloped them, broken only by the ominous echoes of their footsteps on the crimson and warped fungi-covered ground. The weight of their collective purpose hung in the air, each step carrying them closer to the inevitable confrontation.

Philza, the seasoned warrior with wings of freedom, exchanged a solemn glance with (Y/n). They both understood the gravity of the situation, the choices that led them to this point. (Y/n)'s grip tightened on her bow, a symbol of her readiness for whatever awaited them.

As they neared the portal, Dream halted, turning to face the group. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of determination and something darker. "This is it. Once we step through that portal, there's no turning back. We're here to bring an end to L'Manburg."

Technoblade nodded, his expression unreadable beneath the mask. "The destruction of governments is what I do best."

(Y/n) shared a glance with Philza, a silent exchange of understanding. They stepped through the portal together, emerging on the other side into the heart of L'Manburg. The once-familiar landscape now carried a sense of impending doom.

The group moved forward, the tension thickening with each step. As the first explosions echoed through the air, marking the beginning of the end for L'Manburg, the alliance forged in the Nether faced the consequences of their choices. The clash of ideals and the destruction of alliances reached a crescendo, and the fate of L'Manburg hung in the balance.


In the heart of L'Manburg, beneath the looming shadows of the towering structures, a group of residents gathered in the main square. The cobbled stones beneath their feet seemed to resonate with the collective tension that hung thick in the air. Tommy, Tubbo, Ponk, Punz, Sapnap, Captain Puffy, Jack Manifold, and Eret stood in a semi-circle, eyeing each other with a mix of anxiety and determination.

Quackity, ever the impatient one, grumbled audibly, "This is ridiculous. We should've taken him down ages ago. And (Y/n)? She'll probably stay out of range, firing arrows at us."

Tubbo shot Quackity a stern look, "We need a plan. Technoblade is no pushover."

Tommy, fidgeting with the straps of his armor, couldn't help but feel the gravity of the situation. "This is it, guys. We've got to be smart about it."

Ponk, attempting to ease the tension, nervously juggled a few apples. The rhythmic thuds served as a stark contrast to the heavy silence around them.

Quackity folded his arms, "Smart? What's there to think about? We've got the numbers, don't we?"

Sapnap, brimming with confidence, leaned against a building, "Yeah, we outnumber him. He won't stand a chance."

Captain Puffy, ever the voice of reason, cautioned, "Don't underestimate Technoblade. He's skilled, and we need to be strategic."

Eret, with a thoughtful expression, suggested, "Perhaps we could find a peaceful resolution. Negotiation might—"

Jack Manifold cut them off, shaking his head, "We tried that. It didn't work then, and it won't work now."

As the group debated their approach, the echoes of uncertainty reverberated through the main square. The familiar surroundings seemed to press in on them, bearing witness to the pivotal moment that awaited. They shared glances, acknowledging the challenge before them, knowing that when Technoblade arrived, the fate of L'Manburg would hang in the balance.

Tubbo cleared his throat, garnering the attention of the group. "Guys, remember, Dream is with Techno. And there's a good chance Philza will be fighting too. This won't be a walk in the park."

Punz shifted uncomfortably, "Dream is a wild card. We can't predict what he might pull off."

Sapnap added, "And Philza, he's not someone to underestimate. We've got to be prepared for anything."

Tommy, looking around at the worried faces, tried to rally the group, "We've faced tough situations before. We just need to stick together and watch each other's backs."

Captain Puffy chimed in, "Tommy's right. Unity is our strength. We can't let them divide us."

Quackity, though visibly frustrated, nodded in agreement. "Fine, but let's not waste any more time. We need to be ready for whatever comes our way."

As they steeled themselves for the impending confrontation, the main square of L'Manburg stood as a silent witness to the clash of alliances, where friendships would be tested and loyalties would be questioned in the face of an uncertain future.

Amidst the tension, an arrow pierced the air and struck Captain Puffy in the chest. Panic erupted in the group as Quackity, fueled by rage, yelled, "It's (y/n)! Find her!"

Frantically scanning their surroundings for any sign of (y/n), they were caught off guard when a pack of hounds materialized, seemingly out of nowhere. The ferocious animals lunged at them, teeth bared, and chaos ensued.

Tubbo shouted, "Watch out! Hounds!"

Punz swiftly unsheathed his sword, attempting to fend off the relentless assault of the dogs. "Someone deal with these beasts!"

Tommy, dodging a particularly aggressive hound, yelled, "Where's (y/n)? We need to find her!"

Quackity, still seething, yelled back, "Forget her! Deal with these damn dogs!"

Amidst the commotion, the group found themselves in an unexpected battle, with arrows flying and hounds snapping at their heels. The mystery of (y/n)'s whereabouts added an unsettling layer to the unfolding chaos, leaving them on edge as they fought for survival in the heart of L'Manburg.

The chaotic scene took a darker turn as Ponk, caught off guard, was struck by an arrow in the arm. A pained yelp escaped him, and he stumbled backward, clutching his wounded limb.

Quackity, already grappling with the chaos, fell to the ground as an arrow found its mark, piercing through his leg. Grimacing in pain, he clenched his teeth and tried to crawl to safety, his frustration mounting.

Tubbo, frantically assessing the situation, shouted, "We're sitting ducks out here! Find cover!"

The group, now burdened with wounded members, scrambled for cover as arrows continued to rain down on them. In the midst of the chaos, the mystery of (y/n)'s whereabouts remained unsolved, and the ominous presence of the hounds persisted, adding an extra layer of dread to the unfolding confrontation.

Tommy, amidst the turmoil, quickly deduced the source of the unseen threat. "She's invisible! Watch your backs!" he shouted, a mix of urgency and frustration in his voice.

The L'Manburg residents, on high alert, strained their eyes to spot any subtle movements or disturbances in the air. The invisible assailant, presumably (y/n), had turned the battlefield into a disorienting and dangerous terrain.

Quackity, still nursing his injured leg, grumbled, "Great, just great. (Y/n)'s playing tricks on us again. Keep your guard up, everyone!"

As the tension escalated, the group faced the challenge of dealing with an unseen adversary, adding another layer of complexity to their already precarious situation.

From the swirling dust and chaos, Technoblade emerged like an ominous figure, his netherite armor gleaming in the dim light. He cast a stern gaze upon the group, his presence commanding attention.

Tommy, his voice edged with desperation, took a step forward, pleading with Technoblade. "Techno, please! We can talk, renegotiate. There has to be a way we can avoid all this destruction."

Technoblade's gaze bore into Tommy, unyielding. "Talk? Negotiate? Your actions have consequences, Tommy. There's no turning back now."

Undeterred, Tommy persisted, "Think about it. We can find common ground, work together. This doesn't have to end in chaos."

Technoblade's expression remained stoic, but a flicker of contemplation crossed his eyes. The tension hung thick in the air as the fate of L'Manburg swayed on the precipice of compromise or calamity.

TOMMY's voice echoed through the ruins of L'Manburg, desperate and pleading. "The thing about the discs, Technoblade, is that they were meant for me! We could have created a government, found a compromise, let us live peacefully!"

Techno's response was harsh, each word cutting through the tension like a blade. "I don't care about the discs, Tommy! The government has to go! You used me from the very beginning, Tommy. As we speak, you wear my helmet, a symbol of your betrayal."

TOMMY, his eyes locked onto Technoblade, persisted in unraveling the tangled web of accusations. "You said we betrayed you, that we are the culprits. But, Technoblade, you're the one who followed JSchlatt's orders to kill Tubbo. You're the one who betrayed us in the end."

Techno, unyielding, justified his actions with a bitter explanation. "[I was peer pressured! You betrayed me like yesterday!]"
TOMMY pressed on, his words charged with emotion. "[Your friends- Listen to me! Listen to me! Your friends- YOU-]"

Techno interrupted, exposing the harsh truth. "You used me as a weapon, Tommy! From the very start, you never saw me as a friend. I was just 'the Blade' to you, a mere instrument. Well, guess what? I'm choosing my cause now. I'm going to destroy the government, Tommy! You all die! It's gone!"

The solemn declaration lingered, sealing the fate of L'Manburg and its residents in the chilling resolve of Technoblade's words.

Sapnap, fueled by a surge of anger, lunged at Technoblade, slashing his sword with a vengeance. The blade cut through the air, finding its mark on Techno's shoulder, eliciting a grunt of pain from the once-unyielding warrior.

However, Technoblade, unfazed by the assault, retaliated with swift and decisive action. With a powerful thrust, he threw Sapnap off, creating distance between them. In the same motion, Techno aimed his rocket-loaded crossbow at Sapnap, his eyes locking onto the target.

The tension hung thick in the air as Technoblade's finger tightened around the trigger. The crossbow released a fiery projectile, hurtling towards Sapnap with deadly precision. The rocket struck Sapnap, sending him sprawling backward, the explosion echoing the chaos that had enveloped L'Manburg.

The battle-worn landscape bore witness to the clash of allies turned adversaries, as the conflict escalated with each passing moment.

Technoblade's gaze bore into Tommy, a steely glower etched across his face. The weight of betrayal hung heavy in the air as Techno processed the harsh reality that Tommy had manipulated him, exploiting their supposed friendship for personal gain.

"Tommy," Technoblade's voice cut through the tumultuous sounds of battle, carrying a mixture of disappointment and resentment. "You used me as a weapon, and you played with the lives of everyone around you. Your selfishness has led us to this point."

The once-unyielding loyalty Techno had shown was replaced by a bitter acknowledgment of the truth. Tommy's actions, the lies, and the manipulation stung, and Technoblade's words echoed with the weight of the consequences.

The rockets streaked through the chaotic sky, finding their targets with deadly precision. Technoblade, fueled by anger and a desire to dismantle L'Manburg, unleashed destruction upon Tommy, Tubbo, Punz, Ponk, and the crumbling remnants of the once-mighty nation.

As the rockets struck their marks, a red rocket soared into the heavens, signaling an ominous event. From the clouds descended an obsidian contraption, an embodiment of Technoblade's destructive intent.

With a deafening roar, TNT rained down from the sky, obliterating structures and reducing L'Manburg to a fiery chaos. The withers' mournful cries echoed through the devastation, a symphony of destruction orchestrated by Technoblade's calculated fury.

Tommy, caught in the maelstrom of destruction, watched helplessly as L'Manburg crumbled around him. The last vestiges of his once-beloved nation disintegrated into a sea of flames and debris. The looming figure of a wither hovered ominously over him, casting a shadow over the ruins.

As the flames danced around him and the wither's gaze bore down, Tommy's vision blurred, the sound of destruction fading into an eerie silence. The world slipped away, leaving him to confront the consequences of the choices that led to L'Manburg's demise.

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